def setUpClass(cls): while True: try: es = test_jx.global_settings.elasticsearch http.get_json(URL(, port=es.port)) break except Exception as e: e = Except.wrap(e) if "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" in e or "Connection refused" in e: Log.alert("Problem connecting") else: Log.error("Server raised exception", e) # REMOVE OLD INDEXES cluster = elasticsearch.Cluster(test_jx.global_settings.elasticsearch) aliases = cluster.get_aliases() for a in aliases: try: if a.index.startswith("testing_"): create_time = Date( a.index[-15:], "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" ) # EXAMPLE testing_0ef53e45b320160118_180420 if create_time < - 10 * MINUTE: cluster.delete_index(a.index) except Exception as e: Log.warning("Problem removing {{index|quote}}", index=a.index, cause=e)
def verify_jwt_token(self, token): jwks = http.get_json("https://" + self.auth0.domain + "/.well-known/jwks.json") unverified_header = jwt.get_unverified_header(token) algorithm = unverified_header["alg"] if algorithm != "RS256": Log.error("Expecting a RS256 signed JWT Access Token") key_id = unverified_header["kid"] key = unwrap(first(key for key in jwks["keys"] if key["kid"] == key_id)) if not key: Log.error("could not find {{key}}", key=key_id) try: return jwt.decode( token, key, algorithms=algorithm, audience=self.auth0.api.identifier, issuer="https://" + self.auth0.domain + "/", ) except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError as e: Log.error("Token has expired", code=403, cause=e) except jwt.JWTClaimsError as e: Log.error( "Incorrect claims, please check the audience and issuer", code=403, cause=e, ) except Exception as e: Log.error("Problem parsing", cause=e)
def new_instance( host, index, type=None, name=None, port=9200, read_only=True, timeout=None, # NUMBER OF SECONDS TO WAIT FOR RESPONSE, OR SECONDS TO WAIT FOR DOWNLOAD (PASSED TO requests) wait_for_active_shards=1, # ES WRITE CONSISTENCY ( typed=None, kwargs=None): try: known = known_hosts.get((host, port)) if known: return known(kwargs=kwargs) url = URL(host) url.port = port status = http.get_json(url, stream=False) version = status.version.number if version.startswith(("5.", "6.")): from jx_elasticsearch.es52 import ES52 type2container.setdefault("elasticsearch", ES52) known_hosts[(host, port)] = ES52 output = ES52(kwargs=kwargs) return output else: Log.error("No jx interpreter for Elasticsearch {{version}}", version=version) except Exception as e: Log.error("Can not make an interpreter for Elasticsearch", cause=e)
def get_content(): content = http.get_json(result.url) self.assertEqual(content.header, ["a"]) self.assertEqual(content.meta.format, "table") sorted_content = jx.sort(, 0) sorted_expected = [(row.a, ) for row in expected] self.assertEqual(sorted_content, sorted_expected)
def verify_opaque_token(self, token): # Opaque Access Token url = "https://" + self.auth0.domain + "/userinfo" response = http.get_json(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}) DEBUG and Log.note("content: {{body|json}}", body=response) return response
def _get_clog(self, clog_url): try: Log.note("Searching through changelog {{url}}", url=clog_url) clog_obj = http.get_json(clog_url, retry=RETRY) return clog_obj except Exception as e: Log.error( "Unexpected error getting changset-log for {{url}}: {{error}}", url=clog_url, error=e)
def setUpClass(self): while True: try: es = test_jx.global_settings.backend_es http.get_json(URL(, port=es.port)) break except Exception as e: e = Except.wrap(e) if "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" in e or "Connection refused" in e: Log.alert("Problem connecting") Till(seconds=WAIT_AFTER_PROBLEM).wait() else: Log.error("Server raised exception", e) # REMOVE OLD INDEXES cluster = elasticsearch.Cluster(test_jx.global_settings.backend_es) aliases = cluster.get_aliases() for a in aliases: try: if a.index.startswith("testing_"): cluster.delete_index(a.index) except Exception as e: Log.warning("Problem removing {{index|quote}}", index=a.index, cause=e)
def _get_and_retry(self, url): try: data = http.get_json(**set_default({"url": url}, self.hg)) if data.error.startswith("unknown revision"): Log.error(UNKNOWN_PUSH, revision=strings.between(data.error, "'", "'")) if is_text(data) and data.startswith("unknown revision"): Log.error(UNKNOWN_PUSH, revision=strings.between(data, "'", "'")) # branch.url = _trim(url) # RECORD THIS SUCCESS IN THE BRANCH return data except Exception as e: path = url.split("/") if path[3] == "l10n-central": # FROM # TO path = path[0:3] + ["mozilla-central"] + path[5:] return self._get_and_retry("/".join(path)) elif len(path) > 5 and path[5] == "mozilla-aurora": # FROM # TO path = path[0:4] + ["mozilla-aurora"] + path[7:] return self._get_and_retry("/".join(path)) elif len(path) > 5 and path[5] == "mozilla-beta": # FROM # TO path = path[0:4] + ["mozilla-beta"] + path[7:] return self._get_and_retry("/".join(path)) elif len(path) > 7 and path[5] == "mozilla-release": # FROM # TO path = path[0:4] + ["mozilla-release"] + path[7:] return self._get_and_retry("/".join(path)) elif len(path) > 5 and path[4] == "autoland": # FROM # TO path = path[0:3] + ["try"] + path[5:] return self._get_and_retry("/".join(path)) raise e
def get_content(): content = http.get_json(result.url) self.assertEqual(content.meta.format, "list") sorted_content = jx.sort(, "a") sorted_expected = jx.sort(expected, "a") self.assertEqual(sorted_content, sorted_expected)
def backend_check(): http.get_json( + ":" + text(config.elasticsearch.port))