def test_get_events(): """ This tests that the factory and response list works as the test framework sets it up. :return: """ engine = mock_requests.create_mock_engine() resp = engine.get_events(url='mock://github/events') assert resp is not None assert resp.status_code == 200 assert resp.headers['X-RateLimit-Limit'] == '5000' json_body = json.loads(resp.content) assert json_body is not None assert len(json_body) == 30
def test_engine_limits(): engine = mock_requests.create_mock_engine() resp = engine.get_events(url='mock://github/events') assert engine.limits is not None assert 'events' in engine.limits curr_limits = engine.limits['events'] assert curr_limits.last_op_time > 0 # we record the time get took place assert curr_limits.xrate_limit == '5000' assert curr_limits.xrate_limit_remaining == '4994' assert curr_limits.next_reset >= '1440648111' assert curr_limits.xpoll_interval == '2' assert curr_limits.cache_control == 'private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60' assert curr_limits.last_modified == 'Wed, 26 Aug 2015 20:13:37 GMT' assert curr_limits.etag == '1fa058896df286d636d0f75c69556f03'
def test_get_prep(): """ This tests that the factory and response list works as the test framework sets it up. :return: """ engine = mock_requests.create_mock_engine() resp = engine.get('mock://event-test', 'test') assert resp is not None assert (resp.status_code, resp.text) == (200, 'data1') resp = engine.get('mock://event-test', 'test') assert resp is not None assert (resp.status_code, resp.text) == (200, 'data2') assert resp.headers['x'] == 'x'
def test_poll_interval(): """ Test that the engine respects the poll interval. :return: """ engine = mock_requests.create_mock_engine() # make first call t1 = time.time() resp1 = engine.get_events(url='mock://github/events') # make second call, respecting the test's specified interval resp2 = engine.get_events(url='mock://github/events') t2 = time.time() # test specified interval is 2 seconds t3 should be > than 2. t3 = t2 - t1 assert t3 > 2
def test_engine_states(): engine = mock_requests.create_mock_engine() assert engine.get_state() == States.Idle engine._set_running() assert engine.get_state() == States.Running
def test_create(): engine = mock_requests.create_mock_engine() assert engine is not None
def test_engine_eventloop(): engine = mock_requests.create_mock_engine() engine.start() engine.join()