def im_detect(sess, net, im, timers, im_idx=None, nbr_gts=None): # Setup image blob blobs = {} blobs['data'], im_scales, blobs['im_shape_orig'] = get_image_blob(im) im_blob = blobs['data'] blobs['im_info'] = np.array([im_blob.shape[1], im_blob.shape[2], im_scales[0]]) # Run drl-RPN scores, pred_bboxes, timers, stats \ = run_drl_rpn(sess, net, blobs, timers, 'test', cfg.DRL_RPN_TEST.BETA, im_idx, nbr_gts) return scores, pred_bboxes, timers, stats
def train_model(self, sess, max_iters): # Build data layers for both training and validation set self.data_layer = RoIDataLayer(self.roidb, cfg.NBR_CLASSES) self.data_layer_val = RoIDataLayer(self.valroidb, cfg.NBR_CLASSES, True) # Construct the computation graph corresponding to the original Faster R-CNN # architecture first (and potentially the post-hist module of drl-RPN) lr_det_op, train_op, lr_post_op, train_op_post \ = self.construct_graph(sess) # Initialize the variables or restore them from the last snapshot rate, last_snapshot_iter, stepsizes, np_paths, ss_paths \ = self.initialize(sess) # We will handle the snapshots ourselves self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=100000) # Initialize # Setup initial learning rates lr_rl = cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE lr_det = cfg.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE, lr_det)) if cfg.DRL_RPN.USE_POST: lr_post = cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.POST_LR, lr_post)) # Sample first beta if cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.USE_POST: betas = cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.POST_BETAS else: betas = cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.BETAS beta_idx = 0 beta = betas[beta_idx] # Setup drl-RPN timers timers = { 'init': Timer(), 'fulltraj': Timer(), 'upd-obs-vol': Timer(), 'upd-seq': Timer(), 'upd-rl': Timer(), 'action-rl': Timer(), 'coll-traj': Timer(), 'run-drl-rpn': Timer(), 'train-drl-rpn': Timer() } # Create StatCollector (tracks various RL training statistics) stat_strings = [ 'reward', 'rew-done', 'traj-len', 'frac-area', 'gt >= 0.5 frac', 'gt-IoU-frac' ] sc = StatCollector(max_iters, stat_strings) timer = Timer() iter = 0 snapshot_add = 0 while iter < max_iters: # Get training data, one batch at a time (assumes batch size 1) blobs = self.data_layer.forward() # Allows the possibility to start at arbitrary image, rather # than always starting from first image in dataset. Useful if # want to load parameters and keep going from there, rather # than having those and encountering visited images again. iter, max_iters, snapshot_add, do_continue \ = self._check_if_continue(iter, max_iters, snapshot_add) if do_continue: continue if not cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.USE_POST: # Potentially update drl-RPN learning rate if (iter + 1) % cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.STEPSIZE == 0: lr_rl *= cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.GAMMA # Run drl-RPN in training mode timers['run-drl-rpn'].tic() stats = run_drl_rpn(sess,, blobs, timers, mode='train', beta=beta, im_idx=None, extra_args=lr_rl) timers['run-drl-rpn'].toc() if (iter + 1) % cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE == 0: print( "\n##### DRL-RPN BATCH GRADIENT UPDATE - START ##### \n" ) print('iter: %d / %d' % (iter + 1, max_iters)) print('lr-rl: %f' % lr_rl) timers['train-drl-rpn'].tic(), lr_rl, sc, stats) timers['train-drl-rpn'].toc() sc.print_stats() print('TIMINGS:') print('runnn-drl-rpn: %.4f' % timers['run-drl-rpn'].get_avg()) print('train-drl-rpn: %.4f' % timers['train-drl-rpn'].get_avg()) print( "\n##### DRL-RPN BATCH GRADIENT UPDATE - DONE ###### \n" ) # Also sample new beta for next batch beta_idx += 1 beta_idx %= len(betas) beta = betas[beta_idx] else: sc.update(0, stats) # At this point we assume that an RL-trajectory has been performed. # We next train detector with drl-RPN running in deterministic mode. # Potentially train detector component of network if cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.DET_START >= 0 and \ iter >= cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.DET_START: # Run drl-RPN in deterministic mode net_conv, rois_drl_rpn, gt_boxes, im_info, timers, _ \ = run_drl_rpn(sess,, blobs, timers, mode='train_det', beta=beta, im_idx=None) # Learning rate if (iter + 1) % cfg.TRAIN.STEPSIZE[0] == 0: lr_det *= cfg.TRAIN.GAMMA, lr_det)) timer.tic() # Train detector part loss_cls, loss_box, tot_loss \ =, train_op, net_conv, rois_drl_rpn, gt_boxes, im_info) timer.toc() # Display training information self._print_det_loss(iter, max_iters, tot_loss, loss_cls, loss_box, lr_det, timer) # Train post-hist module AFTER we have trained rest of drl-RPN! Specifically # once rest of drl-RPN has been trained already, copy those weights into # the folder of pretrained weights and rerun training with those as initial # weights, which will then train only the posterior-history module else: # The very first time we need to assign the ordinary detector weights # as starting point if iter == 0: # Sample beta beta = betas[beta_idx] beta_idx += 1 beta_idx %= len(betas) # Run drl-RPN in deterministic mode net_conv, rois_drl_rpn, gt_boxes, im_info, timers, cls_hist \ = run_drl_rpn(sess,, blobs, timers, mode='train_det', beta=beta, im_idx=None) # Learning rate (assume only one learning rate iter for now!) if (iter + 1) % cfg.DRL_RPN_TRAIN.POST_SS[0] == 0: lr_post *= cfg.TRAIN.GAMMA, lr_post)) # Train post-hist detector part tot_loss =, train_op_post, net_conv, rois_drl_rpn, gt_boxes, im_info, cls_hist) # Display training information self._print_det_loss(iter, max_iters, tot_loss, None, None, lr_post, timer, 'post-hist') # Snapshotting if (iter + 1) % cfg.TRAIN.SNAPSHOT_ITERS == 0: last_snapshot_iter = iter + 1 ss_path, np_path = self.snapshot(sess, iter + 1 + snapshot_add) np_paths.append(np_path) ss_paths.append(ss_path) # Remove the old snapshots if there are too many if len(np_paths) > cfg.TRAIN.SNAPSHOT_KEPT: self.remove_snapshot(np_paths, ss_paths) # Increase iteration counter iter += 1 # Potentially save one last time if last_snapshot_iter != iter: self.snapshot(sess, iter + snapshot_add)