コード例 #1
def get_free_pos_limited(
    pos: GridPos,
    radius: int = 1,
    metric: EnvironmentMetric = EnvironmentMetric.EUCLIDEAN,
) -> GridPos:
    Get a free position on the grid only [radius] from the passed position.
    Autor: Benjamin Eder
    :param grid:
    :param pos:
    :param radius:
    :param metric:
    possible_positions = []

    env_size = radius * 2 + 1

    grid_size = grid.get_size()

    cur_row = int(pos.row())
    cur_col = int(pos.col())

    if metric == EnvironmentMetric.MANHATTAN:
        for r in range(0, env_size):
            offset = abs(radius - r)
            check_row = cur_row - radius + r
            for c in range(offset, env_size - offset):
                check_column = cur_col - radius + c
                possible_positions.append((check_row, check_column))
    elif metric == EnvironmentMetric.EUCLIDEAN:
        for r in range(0, env_size):
            check_row = cur_row - radius + r
            for c in range(0, env_size):
                check_column = cur_col - radius + c
                distance = np.round(np.sqrt((radius - r)**2 + (radius - c)**2))
                if 0 < distance <= radius:
                    possible_positions.append((check_row, check_column))
        raise ValueError('Metric not implemented')

    # Filter positions that are no more in the Grid or are already used
    possible_positions = list(
            lambda pos: 0 <= pos[0] < grid_size and 0 <= pos[1] < grid_size and
            (pos[0] != cur_row or pos[1] != cur_col) and not grid.is_occupied(
                GridPos(np.uint(pos[0]), np.uint(pos[1]))),

    if len(possible_positions) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No free positions available. ")

    random_choice = random.choice(possible_positions)
    return GridPos(np.uint(random_choice[0]), np.uint(random_choice[1]))
コード例 #2
ファイル: scheduler.py プロジェクト: bennyboer/py_epi_sim
 def update_gui_state(self, grid_pos: GridPos,
                      agent_state: AgentState) -> None:
         Events.AGENT_CHANGE_GUI, {
             "row": grid_pos.row(),
             "col": grid_pos.col(),
             "state": agent_state.value
         f"Agent update, at position {grid_pos.row()},{grid_pos.col()}, new state: {agent_state}"
コード例 #3
ファイル: grid.py プロジェクト: bennyboer/py_epi_sim
 def set_agent(self, agent: Agent, grid_pos: GridPos) -> None:
     self.__grid[grid_pos.row()][grid_pos.col()] = agent
コード例 #4
ファイル: grid.py プロジェクト: bennyboer/py_epi_sim
 def get_agent(self, grid_pos: GridPos) -> Agent:
     return self.__grid[grid_pos.row()][grid_pos.col()]