def _build_model(self, x_input, **kwargs): conv1 = conv_layer(x_input, self.weights[0], self.bias[0]) pool1 = maxpool_layer(conv1, poolSize=3, stride=2) conv2 = conv_layer(pool1, self.weights[1], self.bias[1]) pool2 = maxpool_layer(conv2, poolSize=3, stride=2) conv3 = conv_layer(pool2, self.weights[2], self.bias[2]) conv4 = conv_layer(conv3, self.weights[3], self.bias[3]) conv5 = conv_layer(conv4, self.weights[4], self.bias[4]) flat1 = tf.reshape(conv5, [-1, conv5.shape[1] * conv5.shape[2] * conv5.shape[3]]) fully1 = tf.nn.relu(fc_layer(flat1, self.weights[5], self.bias[5])) fully1_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(fully1, rate=self.dropout) fully2 = tf.nn.relu(fc_layer(fully1_dropout, self.weights[6], self.bias[6])) fully2_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(fully2, rate=self.dropout) y_predict = fc_layer(fully2_dropout, self.weights[7], self.bias[7]) # print(conv1.shape,pool1.shape,conv2.shape,pool2.shape,flat1.shape,fully1.shape,y_pred.shape) return y_predict
def f(self, image, reuse=False): """ image: 32 x 32 x 3 network: 1. conv2d filter size 64, maxpool, relu 2. conv2d filter size 128, maxpool, relu 3. conv2d filter size 256, maxpool, relu 4. conv2d filter size 128, maxpool, relu """ if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() conv1 = conv_layer(image, 64, scope='f_conv1') conv1 = maxpool_layer(conv1) # 8 x 8 x 64 conv2 = conv_layer(conv1, 128, scope='f_conv2') covn2 = maxpool_layer(conv2) # 4 x 4 x 128 conv3 = conv_layer(conv2, 256, scope='f_conv3') covn3 = maxpool_layer(conv3) # 2 x 2 x 256 conv4 = conv_layer(conv3, 128, scope='f_conv4') covn4 = maxpool_layer(conv4) # 1 x 1 x 128 return conv4
def discriminator(self, image, reuse=False): """ image: 32 x 32 x 3 network: 4 batch-normalization relu convolution layer """ if reuse: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() conv0 = tf.nn.relu(conv_layer(image, 64, scope='d_conv0')) conv1 = tf.nn.relu(self.d_bn1(conv_layer(conv0, 128, scope='d_conv1'))) conv2 = tf.nn.relu(self.d_bn2(conv_layer(conv1, 256, scope='d_conv2'))) conv3 = tf.nn.relu(self.d_bn3(conv_layer(conv2, 512, scope='d_conv3'))) fc4 = fc_layer(tf.reshape(conv3, [self.batch_size, -1]), 3, scope='d_fc1') return tf.nn.softmax(fc4), fc4
def _build_model(self, **kwargs): """ Build model. :param kwargs: dict, extra arguments for building AlexNet. - image_mean: np.ndarray, mean image for each input channel, shape: (C,). - dropout_prob: float, the probability of dropping out each unit in FC layer. :return d: dict, containing outputs on each layer. """ d = dict( ) # Dictionary to save intermediate values returned from each layer. x_mean = kwargs.pop('image_mean', 0.0) dropout_prob = kwargs.pop('dropout_prob', 0.0) num_classes = int(self.y.get_shape()[-1]) # The probability of keeping each unit for dropout layers keep_prob = tf.cond(pred=self.is_train, true_fn=lambda: 1. - dropout_prob, false_fn=lambda: 1.) # input x_input = self.x - x_mean # perform mean subtraction # First Convolution Layer # conv1 - relu1 - pool1 d['conv1'] = conv_layer(x_input, 3, 1, 64, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=1.0) print('conv1.shape', d['conv1'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu1'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv1']) # max_pool(x, side_l, stride, padding='SAME'): d['pool1'] = max_pool(d['relu1'], 2, 1, padding='SAME') d['drop1'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['pool1'], 1 - (keep_prob)) print('pool1.shape', d['pool1'].get_shape().as_list()) # Second Convolution Layer # conv2 - relu2 - pool2 d['conv2'] = conv_layer(d['pool1'], 3, 1, 128, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=1.0) print('conv2.shape', d['conv2'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu2'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv2']) d['pool2'] = max_pool(d['relu2'], 2, 1, padding='SAME') d['drop2'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['pool2'], 1 - (keep_prob)) print('pool2.shape', d['pool2'].get_shape().as_list()) # Third Convolution Layer # conv3 - relu3 d['conv3'] = conv_layer(d['pool2'], 3, 1, 256, padding='SAME', weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=1.0) print('conv3.shape', d['conv3'].get_shape().as_list()) d['relu3'] = tf.nn.relu(d['conv3']) d['pool3'] = max_pool(d['relu3'], 2, 1, padding='SAME') d['drop3'] = tf.nn.dropout(d['pool3'], 1 - (keep_prob)) print('pool3.shape', d['pool3'].get_shape().as_list()) # Flatten feature maps f_dim = int(['drop3'].get_shape()[1:])) f_emb = tf.reshape(d['drop3'], [-1, f_dim]) # fc4 d['fc4'] = fc_layer(f_emb, 1024, weights_stddev=0.005, biases_value=0.1) d['relu4'] = tf.nn.relu(d['fc4']) print('fc4.shape', d['relu4'].get_shape().as_list()) # fc5 d['fc5'] = fc_layer(d['relu4'], 1024, weights_stddev=0.005, biases_value=0.1) d['relu5'] = tf.nn.relu(d['fc5']) print('fc5.shape', d['relu5'].get_shape().as_list()) d['logits'] = fc_layer(d['relu5'], num_classes, weights_stddev=0.01, biases_value=0.0) print('logits.shape', d['logits'].get_shape().as_list()) # softmax d['pred'] = tf.nn.softmax(d['logits']) return d