def handle(self, *args, **options): mongodb.MongoDbConnect() self.stdout.write("::::Fill Country And City in DB") for file_name in os.listdir(CLIST_DIR): f = open(CLIST_DIR + file_name) country_obj = eval( f.close() country_name = file_name.replace(".clist", "") self.stdout.write("::::Creating " + country_name) # # Create country mongodb object # country = models.Country(name=country_name, code=country_obj['code']) for c in country_obj['city_list']: self.stdout.write("::::Creating for " + country_name + " city " + c['name']) city = models.City(name=c['name'], location=c['coordinates']) country.city_list.append(city) self.stdout.write("::::END")
def handle(self, *args, **options): mongodb.MongoDbConnect() models.Translation.objects().delete() def collect_from_dir(d): listdir = os.listdir(d) for path in listdir: filepath = os.path.join(d, path) ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[-1] if ext in FILE_TYPES.keys() and path not in SKIP_FILE: tr = FILE_TYPES[ext](filepath) tr.find_tr() self.add_tr(, filepath) if path in FILE_TYPES.keys(): tr = FILE_TYPES[path](filepath) tr.find_tr() self.add_tr(, filepath) if os.path.isdir( filepath) and path[0] != '.' and path not in SKIP_DIR: collect_from_dir(filepath) collect_from_dir(settings.BASE_DIR) for t in STRING_TO_TRANSLATE.keys(): tr = models.Translation.objects(line=t) if not tr: tr = models.Translation(line=t, occurance=STRING_TO_TRANSLATE[t]) self.stdout.write("}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}" + repr(t)) self.stdout.write(repr(STRING_TO_TRANSLATE[t])) self.stdout.write("::::END")
def handle(self, *args, **options): mongodb.MongoDbConnect() self.stdout.write("::::Create Moderator queue...") mq = mongoapp_models.ModeratorQueue.objects(name="main") if not mq: mq = mongoapp_models.ModeratorQueue(name="main") self.stdout.write("::::Create Site preferences...") sp = models.SitePreferences.objects.all() if not sp: models.SitePreferences.objects.create() self.stdout.write("::::END")
def handle(self, *args, **options): mongodb.MongoDbConnect() self.stdout.write( "::::Regenerate Country And City list files in /static/gen/L18n/country-city/" ) locales = models.Locales.objects() locale_suffixes = [] for locale in locales: locale_suffixes.append(locale.alias) # # Get all countries and save them to files # countries_locales = {} for s in locale_suffixes: countries_locales[s] = { # '3489284jdsjII293jJ': 'France', # ... } for country in models.Country.objects(): pk = str( for locale in locale_suffixes: names = country.name_locale name = names.get(locale, None) if name: countries_locales[locale][pk] = name else: countries_locales[locale][pk] = for locale in locale_suffixes: file_path = AUTO_GEN_DIR + "L18n/country-city/country-list."\ + locale + ".json" f = open(file_path, "w") data = repr(countries_locales[locale]) data = rm_spaces(data) f.write(data) f.close() gz_compress_file(file_path) self.stdout.write("::::County list [DONE]") # # Get all City from country and save them # in folder with Country.oid # for country in models.Country.objects(): pk = str( country_dir = AUTO_GEN_DIR + "L18n/country-city/" + pk + "/" if not os.path.isdir(country_dir): os.mkdir(country_dir) for locale in locale_suffixes: city_dict = {} for city in country.city_list: city_pk = str( names = city.name_locale name = names.get(locale, None) if name: city_dict[city_pk] = name else: city_dict[city_pk] = file_path = country_dir + "city-list." + locale + ".json" f = open(file_path, "w") data = rm_spaces(repr(city_dict)) f.write(data) f.close() gz_compress_file(file_path) self.stdout.write("::::City list for " + + " [DONE]") self.stdout.write("::::END")
def handle(self, *args, **options): mongodb.MongoDbConnect() self.stdout.write( "::::Regenerate Country And City list files in /static/gen/L18n/country-city/" ) locales = models.Locales.objects() locale_suffixes = [] for locale in locales: locale_suffixes.append(locale.alias) # # Get all countries and save them to files # countries_locales = {} for s in locale_suffixes: countries_locales[s] = { # 1: 'France', # ... } for country in models.DjCountry.objects.all(): pk = str( for locale in locale_suffixes: names = country.name_locale name = names.get(locale, None) if name: countries_locales[locale][pk] = { 'n': name, 'c': country.code } else: countries_locales[locale][pk] = { 'n':, 'c': country.code } for locale in locale_suffixes: file_path = AUTO_GEN_DIR + "L18n/country-city/country-list."\ + locale + ".json" f = open(file_path, "w") data = json.dumps(countries_locales[locale]) data = rm_spaces(data) f.write(data) f.close() gz_compress_file(file_path) self.stdout.write("::::County list [DONE]") # # Get all City from country and save them # in folder with # for country in models.DjCountry.objects.all(): pk = str( country_dir = AUTO_GEN_DIR + "L18n/country-city/" + pk + "/" if not os.path.isdir(country_dir): os.mkdir(country_dir) for locale in locale_suffixes: city_list_export = [] city_list = models.DjCity.objects.filter(country=country) for city in city_list: city_pk = names = city.name_locale name = names.get(locale, None) if name: city_list_export.append({"p": city_pk, "n": name}) else: city_list_export.append({"p": city_pk, "n":}) self.stdout.write(repr(city_list_export)) file_path = country_dir + "city-list." + locale + ".json" f = open(file_path, "w") data = rm_spaces(json.dumps(city_list_export)) f.write(data) f.close() gz_compress_file(file_path) self.stdout.write("::::City list for " + + " [DONE]") timestamp = helpers.timestamp() f = open(AUTO_GEN_DIR + "L18n/country-city/autogen.timestamp", "w") f.write(str(timestamp)) f.close() self.stdout.write("::::END")