コード例 #1
def prediction(text):
    params = Params('config/params.json')

    # load tokenizer and torchtext Fields
    pickle_tokenizer = open('pickles/tokenizer.pickle', 'rb')
    cohesion_scores = pickle.load(pickle_tokenizer)
    tokenizer = LTokenizer(scores=cohesion_scores)

    pickle_kor = open('pickles/kor.pickle', 'rb')
    kor = pickle.load(pickle_kor)
    pickle_eng = open('pickles/eng.pickle', 'rb')
    eng = pickle.load(pickle_eng)
    eos_idx = eng.vocab.stoi['<eos>']

    # select model and load trained model
    model = Transformer(params)

    # convert input into tensor and forward it through selected model
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(text)
    indexed = [kor.vocab.stoi[token] for token in tokenized]

    source = torch.LongTensor(indexed).unsqueeze(0).to(params.device)  # [1, source_len]: unsqueeze to add batch size
    target = torch.zeros(1, params.max_len).type_as(source.data)       # [1, max_len]

    encoder_output = model.encoder(source)
    next_symbol = eng.vocab.stoi['<sos>']

    for i in range(0, params.max_len):
        if next_symbol == eos_idx:
        target[0][i] = next_symbol
        decoder_output, _ = model.decoder(target, source, encoder_output)  # [1, target length, output dim]
        prob = decoder_output.squeeze(0).max(dim=-1, keepdim=False)[1]
        next_word = prob.data[i]
        next_symbol = next_word.item()

    #eos_idx = torch.where(target[0] == eos_idx)[0][0]
    #eos_idx = eos_idx.item()
    eos_index = 34
    target = target[0][:eos_idx].unsqueeze(0)

    # translation_tensor = [target length] filed with word indices
    target, attention_map = model(source, target)
    target = target.squeeze(0).max(dim=-1)[1]

    reply_token = [eng.vocab.itos[token] for token in target if token != 3]
    #translation = translated_token[:translated_token.index('<eos>')]
    #translation = ''.join(translation)
    reply = ' '.join(reply_token)

    #display_attention(tokenized, reply_token, attention_map[4].squeeze(0)[:-1])
    return reply 
コード例 #2
ファイル: predict.py プロジェクト: lih0905/NLP_Study
def predict(config):
    params = Params('config/params.json')

    # load tokenizer and torchtext Fields
    pickle_tokenizer = open('pickles/tokenizer.pickle', 'rb')
    cohesion_scores = pickle.load(pickle_tokenizer)
    tokenizer = LTokenizer(scores=cohesion_scores)

    pickle_kor = open('pickles/kor.pickle', 'rb')
    kor = pickle.load(pickle_kor)

    pickle_eng = open('pickles/eng.pickle', 'rb')
    eng = pickle.load(pickle_eng)

    # select model and load trained model
    model = Transformer(params)


    input = clean_text(config.input)

    # convert input into tensor and forward it through selected model
    tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(input)
    indexed = [kor.vocab.stoi[token] for token in tokenized]

    source = torch.LongTensor(indexed).unsqueeze(0).to(
        params.device)  # [1, source length]: unsqueeze to add batch size
    target = torch.zeros(1, params.max_len).type_as(source.data)

    encoder_output = model.encoder(source)
    next_symbol = eng.vocab.stoi['<sos>']

    for i in range(0, params.max_len):
        target[0][i] = next_symbol
        dec_output = model.decoder(target, source, encoder_output)
        # dec_output = [1, target length, output dim]
        prob = dec_output.squeeze(0).max(dim=-1, keepdim=False)[1]
        next_word = prob.data[i]
        next_symbol = next_word.item()

    # translation_tensor = [target length] filed with word indices
    target = model(source, target)
    target = torch.argmax(target.squeeze(0), -1)
    # target = target.squeeze(0).max(dim=-1, keepdim=False)
    translation = [eng.vocab.itos[token] for token in target][1:]

    translation = ' '.join(translation)
    print(f'kor> {config.input}')
    print(f'eng> {translation.capitalize()}')