def post(self, completed, planned, tags, isedit=False, **kwargs): loginid = cherrypy.request.loginid assert cherrypy.request.method.upper() == 'POST' cur = model.get_cursor() cur.execute( '''SELECT IFNULL(email, userid) FROM users WHERE userid = ?''', (loginid, )) email, = cur.fetchone() completed = completed or None planned = planned or None tags = tags or None today = now = bugs = kwargs_to_buglist(kwargs) if isedit: cur.execute( '''UPDATE posts SET completed = ?, planned = ?, tags = ?, posttime = ? WHERE userid = ? AND postdate = ( SELECT lastpostdate FROM ( SELECT MAX(postdate) AS lastpostdate FROM posts AS p2 WHERE p2.userid = ? ) AS maxq )''', (completed, planned, tags, now, loginid, loginid)) else: cur.execute( '''INSERT INTO posts (userid, postdate, posttime, completed, planned, tags) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (loginid, today, now, completed, planned, tags)) for bug in bugs: model.save_bugstatus(cur, loginid, bug, today) allteam, sendnow = model.get_userteam_emails(loginid) if isinstance(completed, str): completed = completed.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(planned, str): planned = planned.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(tags, str): tags = tags.decode("utf-8") if len(sendnow): mail.sendpost( email, sendnow, model.create_post_with_bugs( (loginid, today, now, completed, planned, tags), None, bugs)) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(cherrypy.url('/'))
def post(self, completed, planned, tags, isedit=False, **kwargs): loginid = cherrypy.request.loginid assert cherrypy.request.method.upper() == 'POST' cur = model.get_cursor() cur.execute('''SELECT IFNULL(email, userid) FROM users WHERE userid = ?''', (loginid,)) email, = cur.fetchone() completed = completed or None planned = planned or None tags = tags or None today = now = bugs = kwargs_to_buglist(kwargs) if isedit: cur.execute('''UPDATE posts SET completed = ?, planned = ?, tags = ?, posttime = ? WHERE userid = ? AND postdate = ( SELECT lastpostdate FROM ( SELECT MAX(postdate) AS lastpostdate FROM posts AS p2 WHERE p2.userid = ? ) AS maxq )''', (completed, planned, tags, now, loginid, loginid)) else: cur.execute('''INSERT INTO posts (userid, postdate, posttime, completed, planned, tags) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (loginid, today, now, completed, planned, tags)) for bug in bugs: model.save_bugstatus(cur, loginid, bug, today) allteam, sendnow = model.get_userteam_emails(loginid) if isinstance(completed, str): completed = completed.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(planned, str): planned = planned.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(tags, str): tags = tags.decode("utf-8") if len(sendnow): mail.sendpost(email, sendnow, model.create_post_with_bugs((loginid, today, now, completed, planned, tags), None, bugs)) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(cherrypy.url('/'))
def preview(self, completed, planned, tags, **kwargs): assert cherrypy.request.method.upper() == 'POST' today = now = bugs = kwargs_to_buglist(kwargs) if isinstance(completed, str): completed = completed.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(planned, str): planned = planned.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(tags, str): tags = tags.decode("utf-8") post = model.create_post_with_bugs(('<preview>', today, now, completed, planned, tags), None, bugs) return render('preview.xhtml', post=post)
def preview(self, completed, planned, tags, **kwargs): assert cherrypy.request.method.upper() == 'POST' today = now = bugs = kwargs_to_buglist(kwargs) if isinstance(completed, str): completed = completed.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(planned, str): planned = planned.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(tags, str): tags = tags.decode("utf-8") post = model.create_post_with_bugs( ('<preview>', today, now, completed, planned, tags), None, bugs) return render('preview.xhtml', post=post)