def state_univ(state_list): """Return A JSON Containing National University Data.""" output = [] db_operator = Database() db_operator.check_database() for state_abbr in state_list: result_list = db_operator.get_state_univ(state_abbr=state_abbr) result_list = [ dict(ID=result[0], Name=result[1], Ranking=result[2], State=result[3], City=result[4], Type=result[5], FoundYear=result[6], Endowment=result[7], TuitionAndFeesInState=result[8], TuitionAndFeesOutOfState=result[9], Enrollment=result[10], MedianStartingSalary=result[11], StudentFacultyRatio=result[12], FemalePercentage=round(result[13] * 100, 1) if result[13] is not None else None) for result in result_list ] output += result_list return json.dumps(output)
def __init__(self, app): global session session = Session() = app self.db = Database() self.db.destroy() self.db.init()
def state_gdp(state_list): """Return A JSON Containing GDP Data.""" output = [] db_operator = Database() db_operator.check_database() for state_abbr in state_list: result = db_operator.get_state_gdp(state_abbr=state_abbr) result = dict(Name=result[0], Y1997=result[1], Y1998=result[2], Y1999=result[3], Y2000=result[4], Y2001=result[5], Y2002=result[6], Y2003=result[7], Y2004=result[8], Y2005=result[9], Y2006=result[10], Y2007=result[11], Y2008=result[12], Y2009=result[13], Y2010=result[14], Y2011=result[15], Y2012=result[16], Y2013=result[17], Y2014=result[18], Y2015=result[19], Y2016=result[20]) output.append(result) return json.dumps(output)
def main(): if request.method == 'POST': ttemail = request.form.get('email') tpassword = request.form.get('password') db = Database() if db.isUserValid(ttemail, tpassword): return redirect("/dashboard") render_template('Login.html') return render_template('Login.html')
def get_project_colors(cls): cursor = Database.find_db() # returns project colors by companies cursor.execute("SELECT main_color FROM project WHERE name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name;") project_colors = [] for i in cursor.fetchall(): project_colors.append(list(i)) for i, j in enumerate(project_colors): project_colors[i][0] = Database.hex_to_rgb(j[0]) return project_colors
class DatabaseMiddleware(object): def __init__(self, app): global session session = Session() = app self.db = Database() self.db.destroy() self.db.init() def __call__(self, env, start): return, start)
def get_project_colors(cls): cursor = Database.find_db() # returns project colors by companies cursor.execute("SELECT company_name, main_color FROM project ORDER BY company_name;") colors = cursor.fetchall() client_colors = [] for i in colors: client_colors.append(list(i)) for i, j in enumerate(client_colors): client_colors[i][1] = Database.hex_to_rgb(j[1]) return client_colors
def login(): db = Database() if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form.get("username") password = request.form.get("password") if db.isUserValid(username, password): print("im okay") return redirect("/page2") else: return redirect("/") if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('index.html')
def get_database(): db_path = "{}/songs.sqlite".format(os.path.expanduser('~/.lyrical')) if os.path.isfile(db_path): db = Database(db_path) else: try: db = Database(db_path) db.create_tables() except e: dialog = ModalDialog() dialog.error('Database init error {}: {}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror)) raise return db
def register(): db = Database() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('reg.html') if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form.get("username") email = request.form.get("email") password = request.form.get("psw") password_repeat = request.form.get("psw-repeat") if password == password_repeat and password_repeat != "" and password != "": db.insertUser(username, email, password) return redirect("/login") return render_template('reg.html')
def bar_state_univ(limit=20): """Bar Plot - States with Most National Universities""" if limit not in list(range(1, 31)): print('Invalid Input') return with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.check_database() result_list = db_operator.get_university_count(limit) data = [Bar(x=[result[0] for result in result_list], y=[result[1] for result in result_list], marker=dict(line=dict(color='rgb(0,0,0)', width=1.5)))] layout = Layout(xaxis=dict(tickangle=-45, tickfont=dict(size=10)), yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15)), title='Top {} States with Most National Universities'.format(limit)) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) try: div = offplot(fig, show_link=False, output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False) return div except PlotlyRequestError: print('Account limit reached') return '<div></div>'
def histogram_difference_tuition(): """Plot Histogram Showing Difference between In-State and Out-of-State Tuition and Fees of Public Universities""" with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.check_database() result_list = db_operator.get_tuition_difference() data = [Bar(x=['0', '0 ~ 5,000', '5,000 ~ 10,000', '10,000 ~ 15,000', '15,000 ~ 20,000', '20,000 ~ 25,000', '25,000 ~ 30,000', '> 30,000'], y=[len([result for result in result_list if result == 0]), len([result for result in result_list if 0 < result <= 5000]), len([result for result in result_list if 5000 < result <= 10000]), len([result for result in result_list if 10000 < result <= 15000]), len([result for result in result_list if 15000 < result <= 20000]), len([result for result in result_list if 20000 < result <= 25000]), len([result for result in result_list if 25000 < result <= 30000]), len([result for result in result_list if result > 30000])], marker=dict(line=dict(color='rgb(0,0,0)', width=1.5)))] layout = Layout(xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15)), yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15)), title='Difference between In-State and Out-of-State Tuition and Fees of Public Universities') fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) try: div = offplot(fig, show_link=False, output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False) return div except PlotlyRequestError: print('Account limit reached') return '<div></div>'
def register(): db = Database() if request.method == 'POST': fullname = request.form.get('fulllname') email = request.form.get('the_email') phone_number = request.form.get('the_phone_number') password = request.form.get('password') confirmpass = request.form.get('confirm_pass') if password != "" and confirmpass != "" and password == confirmpass: db.insertUser(fullname, email, password) print("done") # return render_template('Register.html',errormessage="User added successfully") return redirect('/') return render_template('Register.html', errormessage="Mismatch password") return render_template('Register.html')
def getDatabase(): if 'db' not in g: g.db = Database('bucket_list') if g.db is None: abort(400) return g.db
def run_server(): with SimpleXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 9000), allow_none=True) as server: server.register_instance(Database("contacts.db")) print("Serving XML-RPC on localhost port 9000") try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Server interrupted, exiting")
def get_budget_by_project(cls): cursor = Database.find_db() # projects witout name are removed cursor.execute("SELECT name, budget_value, budget_currency FROM project WHERE manager IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name;") budget_list = [] for i in cursor.fetchall(): budget_list.append(list(i)) for i in budget_list: i[1] = "%.0f" % (Project.currency_conversion(i[2]) * float(i[1])) i[2] = "EUR" return budget_list
def is_maintenance_requested(cls): # returns list of boolean values cursor = Database.find_db() # projects without names are removed cursor.execute("SELECT maintenance_requested FROM project WHERE name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name") maintenance_requested = [] for i in cursor.fetchall(): if i[0] == 'true': maintenance_requested.append(True) else: maintenance_requested.append(False) return maintenance_requested
def scatter_public_private(x_axis='Enrollment', y_axis='MedianStartingSalary'): """Scatter Plot - Clustering of Private & Public University""" axis_range = ['FoundYear', 'Endowment(M)', 'TuitionAndFeesInState', 'TuitionAndFeesOutOfState', 'Enrollment', 'MedianStartingSalary', 'StudentFacultyRatio', 'FemalePercentage', 'Tuition Difference'] if x_axis not in axis_range: x_axis = 'Enrollment' if y_axis not in axis_range: y_axis = 'MedianStartingSalary' with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.check_database() result_list = db_operator.get_public_private(x_axis=x_axis, y_axis=y_axis) trace1 = Scatter(x=[result[0] for result in result_list if result[2] == 'Private'], y=[result[1] for result in result_list if result[2] == 'Private'], text=[result[3] for result in result_list if result[2] == 'Private'], marker=dict(size=12, color='#258039'), mode='markers', name='Private') trace2 = Scatter(x=[result[0] for result in result_list if result[2] == 'Public'], y=[result[1] for result in result_list if result[2] == 'Public'], text=[result[3] for result in result_list if result[2] == 'Public'], marker=dict(size=12, color='#F5BE41'), mode='markers', name='Public') data = [trace1, trace2] layout = Layout(xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15), title=x_axis, titlefont=dict(size=20)), yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15), title=y_axis, titlefont=dict(size=20), showline=True), title='Clustering of Private & Public University', titlefont=dict(size=25), legend=dict(font=dict(size=20), x=0.88, y=0.97)) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) try: div = offplot(fig, show_link=False, output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False) return div except PlotlyRequestError: print('Account limit reached') return '<div></div>'
def scatter_university_gdp(input_phrase='Total Endowment (Million)'): """Scatter Plot - Relationship between GDP & National University Amount""" input_range = ['Total Endowment (Million)', 'Average Endowment (Million)', 'Total Enrollment', 'Average Enrollment', 'Average Tuition in State', 'Average Tuition out of State', 'Average Median Starting Salary', 'Average Student Faculty Ratio', 'Average Female Percentage'] if input_phrase not in input_range: input_phrase = 'Total Endowment (Million)' with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.check_database() result_list = db_operator.get_university_gdp(additional_variable=input_phrase) if input_phrase == 'Average Student Faculty Ratio': text_format = '{0} ({1})<br>{2}: {3}:1' elif input_phrase == 'Average Female Percentage': text_format = '{0} ({1})<br>{2}: {3: 3.0%}' else: text_format = '{0} ({1})<br>{2}: {3}' text = [text_format.format(result[1], result[0], input_phrase, result[3]) for result in result_list] data = [Scatter(x=[result[2] for result in result_list], y=[result[3] for result in result_list], text=text, marker=dict(sizeref=2. * max([result[4] for result in result_list]) / (100 ** 2), size=[result[4] for result in result_list], color=[result[4] for result in result_list], colorscale='Viridis', sizemode='area', showscale=True, colorbar=dict(title=input_phrase.replace(' (', '</br>(').replace(' ', '</br></br>'), titlefont=dict(size=15), tickfont=dict(size=15))), mode='markers')] layout = Layout(xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15), title='National University', titlefont=dict(size=20)), yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15), title='GDP of State (Million $)', titlefont=dict(size=20)), title='Relationship between GDP & National University', titlefont=dict(size=25)) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) try: div = offplot(fig, show_link=False, output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False) return div except PlotlyRequestError: print('Account limit reached') return '<div></div>'
def state_abbr_table(): """Initialize State Abbreviation Table""" t_name = 'State_Abbr' data_dict = get_state_abbr_data() data_dict['DC'] = 'District of Columbia' table_dict = dict(name=t_name, column=[('Id', 'INTEGER'), ('StateAbbr', 'TEXT'), ('StateName', 'TEXT')], key='Id') statement = 'INSERT INTO {} VALUES (NULL, ?, ?)'.format(t_name) with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.create_table(table_dict) db_operator.insert_data(list(data_dict.items()), statement)
def gdp_state_table(): """Initialize GDP State Table""" t_name = 'GDP_State' column_name, column_data = get_gdp_data() column_list = ['INT'] * (len(column_name) - 1) table_dict = dict(name=t_name, column=[('StateId', 'INTEGER')] + list(zip(column_name[1:], column_list))) statement = 'INSERT INTO {} VALUES ('.format(t_name) statement += '(SELECT Id FROM State_Abbr WHERE StateName = ?)' statement += ', ?' * (len(column_name) - 1) statement += ')' with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.create_table(table_dict) db_operator.insert_data([tuple(row) for row in column_data[1:]], statement)
def mapbox_univ(state_abbr): """Plot National Universities on Map through Mapbox""" with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.check_database() result_list = db_operator.get_gps_data(state_abbr=state_abbr) lat_list = [] lon_list = [] name_list = [] for result in result_list: if (result[1] is not None) and (result[2] is not None): lat_list.append(result[1]) lon_list.append(result[2]) name_list.append(result[0]) axis_dict = get_axis_info(lat_list, lon_list) data = Data([Scattermapbox(name="National Universities", lat=lat_list, lon=lon_list, text=name_list, mode="markers", marker=Marker(size=10))]) layout = Layout(title="National Universities in " + state_abbr, autosize=True, hovermode="closest", mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=axis_dict["center_lat"], lon=axis_dict["center_lon"]), zoom=5, pitch=0)) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) try: div = offplot(fig, show_link=False, output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False) return div except PlotlyRequestError: print('Account limit reached') return '<div></div>'
def line_gdp(abbr_list): """Scatter Plot - GDP""" # if len(abbr_list) > 10: # print('Too Many States') # return with Database() as db_operator: db_operator.check_database() data = [] for state_abbr in abbr_list: result = db_operator.get_state_gdp(state_abbr=state_abbr) if result is None: print('No Result') continue data.append(Scatter(x=list(range(1996, 2017)), y=result[1:], mode='lines+markers', name=state_abbr)) layout = Layout(xaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15), title='Year', titlefont=dict(size=20)), yaxis=dict(tickfont=dict(size=15), title='GDP', titlefont=dict(size=20)), title='GDP') fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) try: div = offplot(fig, show_link=False, output_type="div", include_plotlyjs=False) return div except PlotlyRequestError: print('Account limit reached') return '<div></div>'
def national_university_table(): """Initialize National University Table""" t_name = 'National_University' db_operator = Database() table_dict = dict(name=t_name, column=[('Id', 'INTEGER'), ('Name', 'TEXT'), ('Ranking', 'TEXT'), ('StateId', 'INT'), ('City', 'TEXT'), ('Type', 'TEXT'), ('FoundYear', 'TEXT'), ('Endowment(M)', 'REAL'), ('TuitionAndFeesInState', 'INT'), ('TuitionAndFeesOutOfState', 'INT'), ('Enrollment', 'INT'), ('MedianStartingSalary', 'INT'), ('StudentFacultyRatio', 'INT'), ('FemalePercentage', 'REAL'), ('Latitude', 'INT'), ('Longitude', 'INT')], key='Id') db_operator.create_table(table_dict) statement = 'INSERT INTO {} VALUES (NULL'.format(t_name) statement += ', ?' * 2 statement += ', (SELECT Id FROM State_Abbr WHERE StateAbbr = ?)' statement += ', ?' * 12 statement += ')' data_list = [] for nu_obj in get_all_national_university(): data_list.append((, nu_obj.ranking, nu_obj.state,, nu_obj.type, nu_obj.found_year, nu_obj.endowment, nu_obj.tuition_in_state, nu_obj.tuition_out_state, nu_obj.enrollment, nu_obj.median_salary, nu_obj.student_faculty, nu_obj.female,, nu_obj.lng)) db_operator.insert_data(data_list, statement)
class Processor(object): def __init__(self): self.filer = FileHandler() self.validator = Validator() self.database = Database() self.editor = Editor() self.plotter = Plotter() def add_data(self, fileloc): self.database.empty_database() self.filer.set_filepath(fileloc) self.filer.load_file() self.filer.strip_tags() self.validator.set_raw_data(self.filer.export()) self.validator.parse_data() self.database.add_people(self.validator.export_good_data()) def process_bad(self): if self.validator.has_bad_data(): bad_data = self.validator.export_bad_data() self.editor.set_raw(bad_data) for data_string in bad_data: (print("Bad data: \n" + data_string)) action = self.prompt_recursively_for_input() self.editor.edit_or_delete(data_string, action) print ("All bad data has been handled") self.database.add_people(self.editor.export_good_data()) def prompt_recursively_for_input(self): action = input("Press 'E' to edit the data, press 'D' to delete it.\n") action = action.upper() if action == 'E' or'D': return action else: return self.prompt_recursively_for_input() def set_file_path(self, new_path): self.database.set_directory(new_path) def get_file_path(self): return self.database.get_directory() def serialize(self, option): self.database.serialize(option) def deserialize(self, option): self.database.empty_database() self.database.deserialize(option) def pie_bmi(self): dist = self.database.get_bmi_distribution() self.plotter.pie_bmi(dist["normal"], dist["overweight"], dist["obese"], dist["underweight"]) def pie_gender(self): dist = self.database.get_gender_distribution() self.plotter.pie_gender(dist["males"], dist["females"]) def scatter_sales(self): sales_list = self.database.get_sales_ordered() self.plotter.scatter_sales(sales_list) def bar_bmi_vs_gender(self): self.plotter.bar_bmi_vs_gender(self.database.get_male_bmi(),self.database.get_female_bmi() )
""" Execute script """ from model import Database # sys.path.append('/Users/admin/Developer/Python/Playground/Visual') config = { 'user': '******', 'password': '******', 'host': 'localhost', 'database': 'MV' } db = Database(**config) db.show_weeks_short_information() print(db.show_week_full_information(28)) db.close()
@web.middleware async def user_middleware(request: web.Request, handler: Callable) -> web.Response: session = await get_session(request) if not session.empty: session['last_visited'] = if session.get('user', None): request["user"] = session['user'] request['last_visited'] = session['last_visited'] return await handler(request) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() pg_pool = loop.run_until_complete(create_pool()) db = Database(pg_pool) redis = loop.run_until_complete(get_redis_pool()) storage = RedisStorage(redis) session_middleware = aiohttp_session.session_middleware(storage) dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) router = SwaggerRouter(search_dirs=[dir_path], swagger_ui='/api/', default_validate=True) app = web.Application(router=router, middlewares=[ session_middleware, error_middleware, user_middleware, jsonify ])
def get_manager_names_and_companies(cls): cursor = Database.find_db() cursor.execute("SELECT manager, company_name FROM project WHERE manager IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name;") managers = cursor.fetchall() return managers
from view import View from model import Database #Open connection to database with the Database class from models my_database = Database() #Initialize View class from view my_view = View() running = True #Run menu until the exit choice is selected while running == True: #output menu and take user input user_input = #Insert item into shoppinglist if user_input == "1": #Get item name list_item = my_view.takeInput("Enter the name of the item: ") #Get amount of item choosing = True amount_of_item = "" while choosing == True: amount_of_item = my_view.takeInput( "Enter how many of that item you want: ") #CHeck if input is integer and convert to interger if amount_of_item.isdigit() == True: amount_of_item = int(amount_of_item) choosing = False
def get_project_duedates(cls): cursor = Database.find_db() cursor.execute("SELECT duedate FROM project WHERE name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name;") project_duedates = [] return cursor.fetchall()
def __init__(self): self.filer = FileHandler() self.validator = Validator() self.database = Database() self.editor = Editor() self.plotter = Plotter()
def get_client_and_number_of_projects(cls): cursor = Database.find_db() cursor.execute("""SELECT company_name, COUNT(company_name) FROM project GROUP BY company_name ORDER BY company_name;""") rows = cursor.fetchall() return rows
def setUp(self): """Generate Database Operator""" from model import Database self.db = Database()
from flask import Flask,request, session, g, redirect, url_for from model import Database import os from config import CONFIG app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(CONFIG) x = Database(app) x.init_db() @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello World!' @app.route("/api",methods=["POST","GET"]) def api(): pass if __name__ == '__main__':
from flask import Flask, request from flask_cors import CORS from model import Database app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app, origins='*', supports_credentials=True) db = Database() @app.route("/databases") def get_data_bases(): database_list = db.select_rows('SELECT datname FROM pg_database;') print('database_list', database_list) return database_list @app.route("/databases/<dbname>/tables") def get_table_list(dbname): tables_list = db.select_rows( "SELECT table_schema, table_name, table_type FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_catalog = '" + dbname + "' ORDER BY table_schema, table_name;", dbname=dbname) return tables_list @app.route("/databases/<dbname>/schema/<schemaname>") def get_schema(dbname, schemaname): schema_table_list = db.select_rows( "SELECT c.table_name, t.table_type, json_agg(json_build_object('column_name', c.column_name, 'data_type', c.data_type)) AS columns FROM information_schema.columns c JOIN information_schema.tables t ON c.table_name = t.table_name WHERE c.table_schema = '" + schemaname + "' GROUP BY c.table_name, t.table_type;",
from flask import Flask, request, session, g, redirect, url_for from model import Database import os from config import CONFIG app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(CONFIG) x = Database(app) x.init_db() @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello World!' @app.route("/api", methods=["POST", "GET"]) def api(): pass if __name__ == '__main__':