class World: DEBUGGING_MODE = False LOG_FILE_POINTER = None _shortest_path = dict() def __init__(self, world=None, queue=None): self._start_time = 0 self._init_message = None self._game_constants = None self._turn_updates = None self._map = None self._base_units = None self._current_turn = 0 self._players = [] self._player = None self._player_friend = None self._player_first_enemy = None self._player_second_enemy = None self._spells = [] self._cast_spells = [] if world is not None: self._init_message = world._init_message self._game_constants = world._game_constants self._turn_updates = TurnUpdates(turn_updates=world._turn_updates) self._map = world._map self._base_units = world._base_units self._spells = world._spells self._current_turn = world._current_turn self._players = world._players self._player = world._player self._player_friend = world._player_friend self._player_first_enemy = world._player_first_enemy self._player_second_enemy = world._player_second_enemy self._cast_spells = world._cast_spells self._queue = world._queue else: self._queue = queue if len(World._shortest_path) == 0: self._pre_process_shortest_path() def _pre_process_shortest_path(self): def path_count(paths_from_player, paths_from_friend, path_to_friend): shortest_path = [[None for i in range(self._map.col_num)] for j in range(self._map.row_num)] shortest_dist = [[0 for i in range(self._map.col_num)] for j in range(self._map.row_num)] for p in paths_from_player: num = 0 for c in p.cells: row = c.row col = c.col if shortest_path[row][col] is None: shortest_path[row][col] = p shortest_dist[row][col] = num elif shortest_dist[row][col] > num: shortest_dist[row][col] = num shortest_path[row][col] = p num += 1 l = len(path_to_friend.cells) for p in paths_from_friend: num = l - 1 for c in p.cells: row = c.row col = c.col if shortest_path[row][col] is None: shortest_path[row][col] = p shortest_dist[row][col] = num elif shortest_dist[row][col] > num: shortest_dist[row][col] = num shortest_path[row][col] = p num += 1 return shortest_path for player in self._players: World._shortest_path.update({ player.player_id: path_count( player.paths_from_player, self._get_friend_by_id(player.player_id).paths_from_player, player.path_to_friend) }) def _get_current_time_millis(self): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def _get_time_past(self): return self._get_current_time_millis() - self._start_time def _game_constant_init(self, game_constants_msg): self._game_constants = GameConstants( max_ap=game_constants_msg["maxAP"], max_turns=game_constants_msg["maxTurns"], turn_timeout=game_constants_msg["turnTimeout"], pick_timeout=game_constants_msg["pickTimeout"], turns_to_upgrade=game_constants_msg["turnsToUpgrade"], turns_to_spell=game_constants_msg["turnsToSpell"], damage_upgrade_addition=game_constants_msg[ "damageUpgradeAddition"], range_upgrade_addition=game_constants_msg["rangeUpgradeAddition"], hand_size=game_constants_msg["handSize"], deck_size=game_constants_msg["deckSize"], ap_addition=game_constants_msg["apAddition"]) def _find_path_starting_and_ending_with(self, first, last, paths): for path in paths: c_path = Path(path=path) if c_path.cells[0] == first and c_path.cells[-1] == last: return c_path c_path.cells.reverse() if c_path.cells[0] == first and c_path.cells[-1] == last: return c_path return None def _map_init(self, map_msg): row_num = map_msg["rows"] col_num = map_msg["cols"] input_cells = [[Cell(row=row, col=col) for col in range(col_num)] for row in range(row_num)] paths = [ Path(id=path["id"], cells=[ input_cells[cell["row"]][cell["col"]] for cell in path["cells"] ]) for path in map_msg["paths"] ] kings = [ King(player_id=king["playerId"], center=input_cells[king["center"]["row"]][king["center"] ["col"]], hp=king["hp"], attack=king["attack"], range=king["range"], target=None, target_cell=None, is_alive=True) for king in map_msg["kings"] ] self._players = [ Player(player_id=map_msg["kings"][i]["playerId"], king=kings[i], deck=[], hand=[], ap=self._game_constants.max_ap, paths_from_player=self._get_paths_starting_with( kings[i].center, paths), path_to_friend=self._find_path_starting_and_ending_with( kings[i].center, kings[i ^ 1].center, paths), units=[], cast_area_spell=None, cast_unit_spell=None, duplicate_units=[], hasted_units=[], played_units=[], died_units=[], range_upgraded_unit=None, damage_upgraded_unit=None, spells=[]) for i in range(4) ] for player in self._players: player.paths_from_player.remove(player.path_to_friend) self._player = self._players[0] self._player_friend = self._players[1] self._player_first_enemy = self._players[2] self._player_second_enemy = self._players[3] self._map = Map(row_num=row_num, col_num=col_num, paths=paths, kings=kings, cells=input_cells, units=[]) def _base_unit_init(self, msg): self._base_units = [ BaseUnit(type_id=b_unit["typeId"], max_hp=b_unit["maxHP"], base_attack=b_unit["baseAttack"], base_range=b_unit["baseRange"], target_type=UnitTarget.get_value(b_unit["target"]), is_flying=b_unit["isFlying"], is_multiple=b_unit["isMultiple"], ap=b_unit["ap"]) for b_unit in msg ] def _get_base_unit_by_id(self, type_id): for base_unit in self._base_units: if base_unit.type_id == type_id: return base_unit return None def _spells_init(self, msg): self._spells = [ Spell(type=SpellType.get_value(spell["type"]), type_id=spell["typeId"], duration=spell["duration"], priority=spell["priority"], range=spell["range"], power=spell["power"], target=SpellTarget.get_value(spell["target"]), is_damaging=spell["power"] < 0) for spell in msg ] def _handle_init_message(self, msg): self._init_message = msg self._start_time = self._get_current_time_millis() self._game_constant_init(msg['gameConstants']) self._map_init(msg["map"]) self._base_unit_init(msg["baseUnits"]) self._spells_init(msg["spells"]) self._current_turn = 0 def _handle_turn_kings(self, msg): for king_msg in msg: self.get_player_by_id( king_msg["playerId"]).king.is_alive = king_msg["isAlive"] self.get_player_by_id( king_msg["playerId"]).king.hp = king_msg["hp"] if king_msg["target"] != -1: self.get_player_by_id( king_msg["playerId"]) = self.get_unit_by_id( king_msg["target"]) self.get_player_by_id(king_msg["playerId"] ).king.target_cell = self.get_unit_by_id( king_msg["target"]).cell else: self.get_player_by_id(king_msg["playerId"]) = None self.get_player_by_id( king_msg["playerId"]).king.target_cell = None def _handle_turn_units(self, msg, is_dead_unit=False): if not is_dead_unit: self._map._clear_units() for player in self._players: player.units.clear() player.played_units.clear() player.hasted_units.clear() player.duplicate_units.clear() player.range_upgraded_unit = None player.damage_upgraded_unit = None else: for player in self._players: player.died_units.clear() unit_input_list = [] for unit_msg in msg: unit_id = unit_msg["unitId"] player = self.get_player_by_id(player_id=unit_msg["playerId"]) base_unit = self._base_units[unit_msg["typeId"]] if not unit_msg['target'] == -1: target_cell = Cell(row=unit_msg["targetCell"]["row"], col=unit_msg["targetCell"]["col"]) else: target_cell = None unit = Unit( unit_id=unit_id, base_unit=base_unit, cell=self._map.get_cell(unit_msg["cell"]["row"], unit_msg["cell"]["col"]), path=self._map.get_path_by_id(unit_msg["pathId"]), hp=unit_msg["hp"], damage_level=unit_msg["damageLevel"], range_level=unit_msg["rangeLevel"], is_duplicate=unit_msg["isDuplicate"], is_hasted=unit_msg["isHasted"], range=unit_msg["range"], attack=unit_msg["attack"], target=None, # will be set later when all units are in set target_cell=target_cell, affected_spells=[ self.get_cast_spell_by_id(cast_spell_id) for cast_spell_id in unit_msg["affectedSpells"] ], target_if_king=None if self.get_player_by_id(unit_msg["target"]) is None else self.get_player_by_id(unit_msg["target"]).king, player_id=unit_msg["playerId"]) unit_input_list.append(unit) if unit.path is not None: if self.get_player_by_id( unit.player_id ) in unit.path.cells and unit.path.cells[ 0] != self.get_player_by_id( unit.player_id) unit.path = Path(path=unit.path) unit.path.cells.reverse() if self._get_friend_by_id( unit.player_id ) in unit.path.cells and unit.path.cells[ 0] != self._get_friend_by_id( unit.player_id) unit.path = Path(path=unit.path) unit.path.cells.reverse() if not is_dead_unit: self._map._add_unit_in_cell(unit.cell.row, unit.cell.col, unit) player.units.append(unit) if unit_msg["wasDamageUpgraded"]: player.damage_upgraded_unit = unit if unit_msg["wasRangeUpgraded"]: player.range_upgraded_unit = unit if unit_msg["wasPlayedThisTurn"]: player.played_units.append(unit) if unit.is_hasted: player.hasted_units.append(unit) if unit.is_duplicate: player.duplicate_units.append(unit) else: player.died_units.append(unit) for i in range(len(unit_input_list)): unit = unit_input_list[i] if unit.target_if_king is not None: = None else: = self.get_unit_by_id(msg[i]["target"]) def _handle_turn_cast_spells(self, msg): self._cast_spells = [] for cast_spell_msg in msg: spell = self.get_spell_by_id(cast_spell_msg["typeId"]) cell = self._map.get_cell(cast_spell_msg["cell"]["row"], cast_spell_msg["cell"]["col"]) affected_units = [ self.get_unit_by_id(affected_unit_id) for affected_unit_id in cast_spell_msg["affectedUnits"] ] if spell.is_area_spell(): cast_area_spell = CastAreaSpell( spell=spell, id=cast_spell_msg["id"], caster_id=cast_spell_msg["casterId"], cell=cell, remaining_turns=cast_spell_msg["remainingTurns"], affected_units=affected_units) self._cast_spells.append(cast_area_spell) if cast_spell_msg["wasCastThisTurn"]: self.get_player_by_id(cast_spell_msg["casterId"] ).cast_area_spell = cast_area_spell elif spell.is_unit_spell(): cast_unit_spell = CastUnitSpell( spell=spell, id=cast_spell_msg["id"], caster_id=cast_spell_msg["casterId"], cell=cell, unit=self.get_unit_by_id(cast_spell_msg["unitId"]), path=self._map.get_path_by_id(cast_spell_msg["pathId"]), affected_units=affected_units) self._cast_spells.append(cast_unit_spell) if cast_spell_msg["wasCastThisTurn"]: self.get_player_by_id(cast_spell_msg["casterId"] ).cast_unit_spell = cast_unit_spell def get_cast_spell_by_id(self, id: int) -> Optional["CastSpell"]: for cast_spell in self._cast_spells: if == id: return cast_spell return None def _handle_turn_message(self, msg): self._start_time = self._get_current_time_millis() self._handle_init_message(self._init_message) self._current_turn = msg['currTurn'] self._player.deck = [ self._get_base_unit_by_id(deck_type_id) for deck_type_id in msg["deck"] ] self._player.hand = [ self._get_base_unit_by_id(hand_type_id) for hand_type_id in msg["hand"] ] self._handle_turn_units(msg=msg["diedUnits"], is_dead_unit=True) self._handle_turn_cast_spells(msg["castSpells"]) self._handle_turn_units(msg["units"]) self._handle_turn_kings(msg["kings"]) self._turn_updates = TurnUpdates( received_spell=msg["receivedSpell"], friend_received_spell=msg["friendReceivedSpell"], got_range_upgrade=msg["gotRangeUpgrade"], got_damage_upgrade=msg["gotDamageUpgrade"], available_range_upgrades=msg["availableRangeUpgrades"], available_damage_upgrades=msg["availableDamageUpgrades"]) self._player.set_spells( [self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) for spell_id in msg["mySpells"]]) self._player_friend.set_spells([ self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) for spell_id in msg["friendSpells"] ]) self._player.ap = msg["remainingAP"] def choose_hand_by_id(self, type_ids: List[int]) -> None: message = Message(type="pick", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info=None) if type_ids is not None: for type_id in type_ids: if type(type_id) is not int: Logs.show_log("type_ids are not int") return = {"units": type_ids} self._queue.put(message) else: Logs.show_log( "choose_hand_by_id function called with None type_eds") # in the first turn 'deck picking' give unit_ids or list of unit names to pick in that turn def choose_hand(self, base_units: List[BaseUnit]) -> None: message = Message(type="pick", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info=None) if base_units is not None: for base_unit in base_units: if type(base_unit) is not BaseUnit: Logs.show_log("base_units is not an array of BaseUnits") return = {"units": [unit.type_id for unit in base_units]} self._queue.put(message) else: Logs.show_log("choose_hand function called with None base_units") def get_me(self) -> Player: return self._player def get_friend(self) -> Player: return self._player_friend def _get_friend_by_id(self, player_id): if self._player.player_id == player_id: return self._player_friend elif self._player_friend.player_id == player_id: return self._player elif self._player_first_enemy.player_id == player_id: return self._player_second_enemy elif self._player_second_enemy.player_id == player_id: return self._player_first_enemy else: Logs.show_log( "get_friend_by_id function no player with given player_id") return None def get_first_enemy(self) -> Player: return self._player_first_enemy def get_second_enemy(self) -> Player: return self._player_second_enemy def get_map(self) -> Map: return self._map # return a list of paths crossing one cell def get_paths_crossing_cell(self, cell: Cell = None, row: int = None, col: int = None) -> List[Path]: if cell is None: if row is None or col is None: Logs.show_log( "get_paths_crossing cell function called with no valid argument" ) return [] cell = self._map.get_cell(row, col) if not isinstance(cell, Cell): Logs.show_log("Given cell is invalid!") return [] paths = [] for p in self._map.paths: if cell in p.cells: paths.append(p) return paths # return a list of units in a cell def get_cell_units(self, cell: Cell = None, row: int = None, col: int = None) -> List[Unit]: if cell is None: if row is None and col is None: Logs.show_log( "get_paths_crossing cell function called with no valid argument" ) return [] cell = self._map.get_cell(row, col) if not isinstance(cell, Cell): Logs.show_log("Given cell is invalid!") return [] return cell.units # return the shortest path from player_id fortress to cell # this path is in the available path list # path may cross from friend def get_shortest_path_to_cell(self, from_player_id: int = None, from_player: Player = None, cell: Cell = None, row: int = None, col: int = None) -> Optional["Path"]: if from_player is not None: from_player_id = from_player.player_id elif from_player_id is None: return None if self.get_player_by_id(from_player_id) is None: return None if cell is None: if row is None or col is None: return None cell = self._map.get_cell(row, col) shortest_path_from_player = World._shortest_path.get( from_player_id, None) if shortest_path_from_player is None: return None return shortest_path_from_player[cell.row][cell.col] # place unit with type_id in path_id def put_unit(self, type_id: int = None, path_id: int = None, base_unit: BaseUnit = None, path: Path = None) -> None: fail = False if type_id is not None and type(type_id) is not int: Logs.show_log( "put_unit function called with invalid type_id argument!") fail = True if path_id is not None and type(path_id) is not int: Logs.show_log( "put_unit function called with invalid path_id argument!") fail = True if base_unit is not None and type(base_unit) is not BaseUnit: Logs.show_log( "put_unit function called with invalid base_unit argument") fail = True if path is not None and type(path) is not Path: Logs.show_log( "put_unit function called with invalid path argument") fail = True if fail is True: return if base_unit is not None: type_id = base_unit.type_id if path is not None: path_id = if path_id is None or type_id is None: return None if type_id is None: Logs.show_log("type_id is None in cast_area spell function call!") return message = Message(turn=self.get_current_turn(), type="putUnit", info={ "typeId": type_id, "pathId": path_id }) self._queue.put(message) # return the number of turns passed def get_current_turn(self) -> int: return self._current_turn def get_remaining_time(self) -> int: if self.get_current_turn() > 0: return self._game_constants.turn_timeout - self._get_time_past() else: return self._game_constants.pick_timeout - self._get_time_past() # put unit_id in path_id in position 'index' all spells of one kind have the same id def cast_unit_spell(self, unit: Unit = None, unit_id: int = None, path: Path = None, path_id: int = None, cell: Cell = None, row: int = None, col: int = None, spell: Spell = None, spell_id: int = None) -> None: if spell is None and spell_id is None: Logs.show_log( "cast_unit_spell function called with no spell input!") return None if spell is None: if type(spell_id) is not int: Logs.show_log( "spell_id is not an integer in cast_unit_spell function call!" ) return spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) if row is not None and col is not None: if type(row) is not int or type(col) is not int: Logs.show_log( "row and column arguments are invalid in cast_unit_spell function call" ) return cell = Cell(row, col) if unit is not None: if type(unit) is not Unit: Logs.show_log( "unit argument is invalid in cast_unit_spell function call" ) return unit_id = unit.unit_id if path is not None: if type(path) is not Path: Logs.show_log( "path argument is invalid in cast_unit_spell function call" ) return path_id = if type(unit_id) is not int: Logs.show_log( "unit_id argument is invalid in cast_unit_spell function call") return if type(path_id) is not int: Logs.show_log( "path_id argument is invalid in cast_unit_spell function call") return message = Message(type="castSpell", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={ "typeId": spell.type_id, "cell": { "row": cell.row, "col": cell.col }, "unitId": unit_id, "pathId": path_id }) self._queue.put(message) # cast spell in the cell 'center' def cast_area_spell(self, center: Cell = None, row: int = None, col: int = None, spell: Spell = None, spell_id: int = None) -> None: if spell is None: if spell_id is None or type(spell_id) is not int: Logs.show_log("no valid spell selected in cast_area_spell!") return spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) if type(spell) is not Spell: Logs.show_log("no valid spell selected in cast_area_spell!") return if row is not None and col is not None: center = self._map.get_cell(row, col) if center is not None: message = Message(type="castSpell", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={ "typeId": spell.type_id, "cell": { "row": center.row, "col": center.col }, "unitId": -1, "pathId": -1 }) self._queue.put(message) else: Logs.show_log("invalid cell selected in cast_area_spell") # returns a list of units the spell casts effects on def get_area_spell_targets(self, center: Cell = None, row: int = None, col: int = None, spell: Spell = None, type_id: int = None) -> List["Unit"]: if spell is None: if type_id is not None: spell = self.get_cast_spell_by_id(type_id) else: return [] if type(spell) is not Spell: Logs.show_log("invalid spell chosen in get_area_spell_targets") return [] if not spell.is_area_spell(): return [] if center is None: center = Cell(row, col) ls = [] for i in range(max(0, center.row - spell.range), min(center.row + spell.range + 1, self._map.row_num)): for j in range( max(0, center.col - spell.range), min(center.col + spell.range + 1, self._map.col_num)): cell = self._map.get_cell(i, j) for u in cell.units: if self._is_unit_targeted(u, ls.append(u) return ls def _is_unit_targeted(self, unit, spell_target): if spell_target == SpellTarget.SELF: if unit in self._player.units: return True elif spell_target == SpellTarget.ALLIED: if unit in self._player_friend.units or unit in self._player.units: return True elif spell_target == SpellTarget.ENEMY: if unit in self._player_first_enemy.units or unit in self._player_second_enemy.units: return True return False # every once in a while you can upgrade, this returns the remaining time for upgrade def get_remaining_turns_to_upgrade(self) -> int: rem_turn = (self._game_constants.turns_to_upgrade - self._current_turn) % self._game_constants.turns_to_upgrade if rem_turn == 0: return self._game_constants.turns_to_upgrade return rem_turn # every once in a while a spell is given this remains the remaining time to get new spell def get_remaining_turns_to_get_spell(self) -> int: rem_turn = (self._game_constants.turns_to_spell - self._current_turn) % self._game_constants.turns_to_spell if rem_turn == 0: return self._game_constants.turns_to_spell return rem_turn # returns a list of spells casted on a cell def get_range_upgrade_number(self) -> int: return self._turn_updates.available_range_upgrade def get_damage_upgrade_number(self) -> int: return self._turn_updates.available_damage_upgrade # returns the spell given in that turn def get_received_spell(self) -> Optional["Spell"]: spell_id = self._turn_updates.received_spell spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) return spell # returns the spell given in that turn to friend def get_friend_received_spell(self) -> Optional["Spell"]: spell_id = self._turn_updates.friend_received_spell spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) return spell def upgrade_unit_range(self, unit: Unit = None, unit_id: int = None) -> None: if unit is not None: unit_id = unit.unit_id if unit_id is not None and type(unit_id) is int: self._queue.put( Message(type="rangeUpgrade", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={"unitId": unit_id})) else: Logs.show_log("invalid unit or unit_id in upgrade_unit_range") def upgrade_unit_damage(self, unit: Unit = None, unit_id: int = None) -> None: if unit is not None: unit_id = unit.unit_id if unit_id is not None and type(unit_id) is int: self._queue.put( Message(type="damageUpgrade", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={"unitId": unit_id})) else: Logs.show_log("invalid unit or unit_id in upgrade_unit_damage") def get_all_base_units(self) -> List[BaseUnit]: return copy.deepcopy(self._base_units) def get_all_spells(self) -> List[Spell]: return copy.deepcopy(self._spells) def get_king_by_id(self, player_id: int) -> Optional["King"]: for p in self._players: if p.player_id == player_id: return p.king return None def get_base_unit_by_id(self, type_id: int) -> Optional["BaseUnit"]: for bu in self._base_units: if bu.type_id == type_id: return bu return None # returns unit in map with a unit_id def get_unit_by_id(self, unit_id: int) -> Optional["Unit"]: for unit in self._map.units: if unit.unit_id == unit_id: return unit return None def get_player_by_id(self, player_id: int) -> Optional["Player"]: for player in self._players: if player.player_id == player_id: return player return None def get_spell_by_id(self, type_id: int) -> Optional["Spell"]: for spell in self._spells: if spell.type_id == type_id: return spell return None def get_game_constants(self) -> GameConstants: return self._game_constants def _get_paths_starting_with(self, first, paths): ret = [] for path in paths: c_path = Path(path=path) if c_path.cells[-1] == first: c_path.cells.reverse() if c_path.cells[0] == first: ret.append(c_path) return ret def _handle_end_message(self, scores_list_msg): return dict([(score["playerId"], score["score"]) for score in scores_list_msg])
class World(ABC): DEBUGGING_MODE = False LOG_FILE_POINTER = None def __init__(self, world=None, queue=None): self.game_constants = None self.turn_updates = None = None self.base_units = None self.current_turn = 0 self.players = [] self.player = None self.player_friend = None self.player_first_enemy = None self.player_second_enemy = None self.spells = [] self.cast_spells = [] if world is not None: self.game_constants = world.game_constants self.turn_updates = TurnUpdates(turn_updates=world.turn_updates) = self.base_units = world.base_units self.spells = world.spells self.current_turn = world.current_turn self.players = world.players self.player = world.player self.player_friend = world.player_friend self.player_first_enemy = world.player_first_enemy self.player_second_enemy = world.player_second_enemy self.cast_spells = world.cast_spells self.queue = world.queue else: self.queue = queue def get_current_time_millis(self): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def get_time_past(self): return self.get_current_time_millis() - self.start_time def get_player_by_id(self, player_id): for player in self.players: if player.player_id == player_id: return player return None def get_spell_by_id(self, type_id): for spell in self.spells: if spell.type_id == type_id: return spell return None def _game_constant_init(self, game_constants_msg): self.game_constants = GameConstants( max_ap=game_constants_msg["maxAP"], max_turns=game_constants_msg["maxTurns"], turn_timeout=game_constants_msg["turnTimeout"], pick_timeout=game_constants_msg["pickTimeout"], turns_to_upgrade=game_constants_msg["turnsToUpgrade"], turns_to_spell=game_constants_msg["turnsToSpell"], damage_upgrade_addition=game_constants_msg[ "damageUpgradeAddition"], range_upgrade_addition=game_constants_msg["rangeUpgradeAddition"], hand_size=game_constants_msg["handSize"], deck_size=game_constants_msg["deckSize"]) def _find_path_starting_and_ending_with(self, first, last, paths): for path in paths: c_path = Path(path=path) if c_path.cells[0] == first and c_path.cells[-1] == last: return c_path c_path.cells.reverse() if c_path.cells[0] == first and c_path.cells[-1] == last: return c_path return None def _map_init(self, map_msg): row_num = map_msg["rows"] col_num = map_msg["cols"] input_cells = [[Cell(row=row, col=col) for col in range(col_num)] for row in range(row_num)] paths = [ Path(id=path["id"], cells=[ input_cells[cell["row"]][cell["col"]] for cell in path["cells"] ]) for path in map_msg["paths"] ] kings = [ King(player_id=king["playerId"], center=input_cells[king["center"]["row"]][king["center"] ["col"]], hp=king["hp"], attack=king["attack"], range=king["range"], target=None, target_cell=None, is_alive=True) for king in map_msg["kings"] ] self.players = [ Player(player_id=map_msg["kings"][i]["playerId"], king=kings[i], deck=[], hand=[], ap=self.game_constants.max_ap, paths_from_player=self._get_paths_starting_with( kings[i].center, paths), path_to_friend=self._find_path_starting_and_ending_with( kings[i].center, kings[i ^ 1].center, paths), units=[], cast_area_spell=None, cast_unit_spell=None, duplicate_units=[], hasted_units=[], played_units=[], died_units=[], range_upgraded_unit=None, damage_upgraded_unit=None, spells=[]) for i in range(4) ] for player in self.players: player.paths_from_player.remove(player.path_to_friend) self.player = self.players[0] self.player_friend = self.players[1] self.player_first_enemy = self.players[2] self.player_second_enemy = self.players[3] = Map(row_num=row_num, column_num=col_num, paths=paths, kings=kings, cells=input_cells, units=[]) # returns unit in map with a unit_id def get_unit_by_id(self, unit_id): for unit in if unit.unit_id == unit_id: return unit return None def _base_unit_init(self, msg): self.base_units = [ BaseUnit(type_id=b_unit["typeId"], max_hp=b_unit["maxHP"], base_attack=b_unit["baseAttack"], base_range=b_unit["baseRange"], target_type=UnitTarget.get_value(b_unit["target"]), is_flying=b_unit["isFlying"], is_multiple=b_unit["isMultiple"], ap=b_unit["ap"]) for b_unit in msg ] def _get_base_unit_by_id(self, type_id): for base_unit in self.base_units: if base_unit.type_id == type_id: return base_unit return None def _spells_init(self, msg): self.spells = [ Spell(type=SpellType.get_value(spell["type"]), type_id=spell["typeId"], duration=spell["duration"], priority=spell["priority"], range=spell["range"], power=spell["power"], target=SpellTarget.get_value(spell["target"]), is_damaging=False) for spell in msg ] def _handle_init_message(self, msg): self._game_constant_init(msg['gameConstants']) self._map_init(msg["map"]) self._base_unit_init(msg["baseUnits"]) self._spells_init(msg["spells"]) def _handle_turn_kings(self, msg): for king_msg in msg: hp = king_msg["hp"] if (king_msg["hp"] > 0 and king_msg["isAlive"]) else -1 self.get_player_by_id(king_msg["playerId"]).king.hp = hp self.get_player_by_id(king_msg["playerId"]) = king_msg[ "target"] if king_msg["target"] != -1 else None def _handle_turn_units(self, msg, is_dead_unit=False): if not is_dead_unit: for player in self.players: player.units.clear() player.played_units.clear() player.hasted_units.clear() player.duplicate_units.clear() player.range_upgraded_unit = None player.damage_upgraded_unit = None else: for player in self.players: player.died_units.clear() for unit_msg in msg: unit_id = unit_msg["unitId"] player = self.get_player_by_id(player_id=unit_msg["playerId"]) base_unit = self.base_units[unit_msg["typeId"]] if not unit_msg['target'] == -1: target_cell = Cell(row=unit_msg["targetCell"]["row"], col=unit_msg["targetCell"]["col"]) else: target_cell = None unit = Unit(unit_id=unit_id, base_unit=base_unit,["cell"]["row"], unit_msg["cell"]["col"]),["pathId"]), hp=unit_msg["hp"], damage_level=unit_msg["damageLevel"], range_level=unit_msg["rangeLevel"], is_duplicate=unit_msg["isDuplicate"], is_hasted=unit_msg["isHasted"], range=unit_msg["range"], attack=unit_msg["attack"], target=unit_msg["target"], target_cell=target_cell, affected_spells=[ self.get_cast_spell_by_id(cast_spell_id) for cast_spell_id in unit_msg["affectedSpells"] ], target_if_king=None if self.get_player_by_id(unit_msg["target"]) == None else self.get_player_by_id(unit_msg["target"]).king, player_id=unit_msg["playerId"]) if not is_dead_unit:, unit.cell.col, unit) player.units.append(unit) if unit_msg["wasDamageUpgraded"]: player.damage_upgraded_unit = unit if unit_msg["wasRangeUpgraded"]: player.range_upgraded_unit = unit if unit_msg["wasPlayedThisTurn"]: player.played_units.append(unit) if unit.is_hasted: player.hasted_units.append(unit) if unit.is_duplicate: player.duplicate_units.append(unit) else: player.died_units.append(unit) for unit in if == -1 or unit.target_if_king != None: = None else: = def _handle_turn_cast_spells(self, msg): self.cast_spells = [] for cast_spell_msg in msg: spell = self.get_spell_by_id(cast_spell_msg["typeId"]) cell =["cell"]["row"], cast_spell_msg["cell"]["col"]) affected_units = [ self.get_unit_by_id(affected_unit_id) for affected_unit_id in cast_spell_msg["affectedUnits"] ] if spell.is_area_spell(): self.cast_spells.append( CastAreaSpell( spell=spell, id=cast_spell_msg["id"], caster_id=cast_spell_msg["casterId"], cell=cell, remaining_turns=cast_spell_msg["remainingTurns"], affected_units=affected_units)) elif spell.is_unit_spell(): self.cast_spells.append( CastUnitSpell( spell=spell, id=cast_spell_msg["id"], caster_id=cast_spell_msg["casterId"], cell=cell, unit=self.get_unit_by_id(cast_spell_msg["unitId"]),["pathId"]), affected_units=affected_units)) def get_cast_spell_by_id(self, id): for cast_spell in self.cast_spells: if == id: return cast_spell return None def _handle_turn_message(self, msg): self.current_turn = msg['currTurn'] self.player.deck = [ self._get_base_unit_by_id(deck_type_id) for deck_type_id in msg["deck"] ] self.player.hand = [ self._get_base_unit_by_id(hand_type_id) for hand_type_id in msg["hand"] ] self._handle_turn_kings(msg["kings"]) self._handle_turn_units(msg["units"]) self._handle_turn_units(msg=msg["diedUnits"], is_dead_unit=True) self._handle_turn_cast_spells(msg["castSpells"]) self.turn_updates = TurnUpdates( received_spell=msg["receivedSpell"], friend_received_spell=msg["friendReceivedSpell"], got_range_upgrade=msg["gotRangeUpgrade"], got_damage_upgrade=msg["gotDamageUpgrade"], available_range_upgrades=msg["availableRangeUpgrades"], available_damage_upgrades=msg["availableDamageUpgrades"]) self.player.set_spells( [self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) for spell_id in msg["mySpells"]]) self.player_friend.set_spells([ self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) for spell_id in msg["friendSpells"] ]) self.player.ap = msg["remainingAP"] self.start_time = self.get_current_time_millis() # in the first turn 'deck picking' give unit_ids or list of unit names to pick in that turn def choose_deck(self, type_ids=None, base_units=None): message = Message(type="pick", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info=None) if type_ids is not None: = {"units": type_ids} elif base_units is not None: = {"units": [unit.type_id for unit in base_units]} self.queue.put(message) def get_me(self): return self.player def get_friend(self): return self.player_friend def get_friend_by_id(self, player_id): if self.player.player_id == player_id: return self.player_friend elif self.player_friend.player_id == player_id: return self.player elif self.player_first_enemy.player_id == player_id: return self.player_second_enemy elif self.player_second_enemy.player_id == player_id: return self.player_first_enemy else: return None def get_first_enemy(self): return self.player_first_enemy def get_second_enemy(self): return self.player_second_enemy def get_map(self): return # return a list of paths crossing one cell def get_paths_crossing_cell(self, cell=None, row=None, col=None): if cell is None: if row is None or col is None: return cell =, col) paths = [] for p in if cell in p.cells: paths.append(p) return paths # return a list of units in a cell def get_cell_units(self, cell=None, row=None, col=None): if cell is None: if row is None and col is None: return None cell =, col) return cell.units # return the shortest path from player_id fortress to cell # this path is in the available path list # path may cross from friend def get_shortest_path_to_cell(self, from_player_id=None, from_player=None, cell=None, row=None, col=None): def path_count(paths): shortest_path = None count = 0 for p in paths: count_num = 0 for c in p.cells: if c == cell: if shortest_path is None: count = count_num shortest_path = p elif count_num < count: count = count_num shortest_path = p count_num += 1 return shortest_path if from_player is not None: from_player_id = from_player.player_id if cell is None: if row is None or col is None: return cell =, col) p = path_count(self.get_player_by_id(from_player_id).paths_from_player) if p is None: ls = [self.get_player_by_id(from_player_id).path_to_friend] ptf = path_count(ls) if ptf is None: pff = path_count( self.get_friend_by_id(from_player_id).paths_from_player) if pff is None: return None return pff return ptf return p # place unit with type_id in path_id def put_unit(self, type_id=None, path_id=None, base_unit=None, path=None): if base_unit is not None: type_id = base_unit.type_id if path is not None: path_id = if path_id is None or type_id is None: return None message = Message(turn=self.get_current_turn(), type="putUnit", info={ "typeId": type_id, "pathId": path_id }) self.queue.put(message) # return the number of turns passed def get_current_turn(self): return self.current_turn # put unit_id in path_id in position 'index' all spells of one kind have the same id def cast_unit_spell(self, unit=None, unit_id=None, path=None, path_id=None, cell=None, row=None, col=None, spell=None, spell_id=None): if spell is None and spell_id is None: return None if spell is None: spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) if row is not None and col is not None: cell = Cell(row, col) if unit is not None: unit_id = unit.unit_id if path is not None: path_id = message = Message(type="castSpell", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={ "typeId": spell.type_id, "cell": { "row": cell.row, "col": cell.col }, "unitId": unit_id, "pathId": path_id }) self.queue.put(message) # cast spell in the cell 'center' def cast_area_spell(self, center=None, row=None, col=None, spell=None, spell_id=None): if spell is None: spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) if row is not None and col is not None: center =, col) if center is not None: message = Message(type="castSpell", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={ "typeId": spell.type_id, "cell": { "row": center.row, "col": center.col }, "unitId": -1, "pathId": -1 }) self.queue.put(message) # returns a list of units the spell casts effects on # NOT CORRECT!!! # def get_area_spell_targets(self, center, row=None, col=None, spell=None, type_id=None): if spell is None: if type_id is not None: spell = self.get_cast_spell_by_id(type_id) else: return [] if not spell.is_area_spell(): return [] if center is None: center = Cell(row, col) ls = [] for i in range(max(0, center.row - spell.range), min(center.row + spell.range, for j in range(max(0, center.col - spell.range), min(center.col + spell.range, cell =, j) for u in cell.units: if self._is_unit_targeted(u, ls.append(u) def _is_unit_targeted(self, unit, spell_target): if spell_target == 1: if unit in self.player.units: return True elif spell_target == 2: if unit in self.player_friend or unit in self.player.units: return True elif spell_target == 3: if unit in self.player_first_enemy or unit in self.player_second_enemy: return True return False # every once in a while you can upgrade, this returns the remaining time for upgrade def get_remaining_turns_to_upgrade(self): rem_turn = (self.game_constants.turns_to_upgrade - self.current_turn) % self.game_constants.turns_to_upgrade if rem_turn == 0: return self.game_constants.turns_to_upgrade return rem_turn # every once in a while a spell is given this remains the remaining time to get new spell def get_remaining_turns_to_get_spell(self): rem_turn = (self.game_constants.turns_to_spell - self.current_turn) % self.game_constants.turns_to_spell if rem_turn == 0: return self.game_constants.turns_to_spell return rem_turn # returns a list of spells casted on a cell def get_range_upgrade_number(self): return self.turn_updates.available_range_upgrade def get_damage_upgrade_number(self): return self.turn_updates.available_damage_upgrade # returns the spell given in that turn def get_received_spell(self): spell_id = self.turn_updates.received_spell spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) return spell # returns the spell given in that turn to friend def get_friend_received_spell(self): spell_id = self.turn_updates.friend_received_spell spell = self.get_spell_by_id(spell_id) return spell def upgrade_unit_range(self, unit=None, unit_id=None): if unit is not None: unit_id = unit.unit_id if unit_id is not None: self.queue.put( Message(type="rangeUpgrade", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={"unitId": unit_id})) def upgrade_unit_damage(self, unit=None, unit_id=None): if unit is not None: unit_id = unit.unit_id if unit_id is not None: self.queue.put( Message(type="damageUpgrade", turn=self.get_current_turn(), info={"unitId": unit_id})) def get_player_hasted_units(self, player_id): return [ unit for unit in self.get_player_by_id(player_id=player_id).units if unit.is_hasted > 0 ] def get_player_played_units(self, player_id): return [ unit for unit in self.get_player_by_id(player_id=player_id).units if unit.was_played_this_turn ] def get_all_base_unit(self): return copy.deepcopy(self.base_units) def get_all_spells(self): return copy.deepcopy(self.spells) def get_king_by_id(self, player_id): for p in self.players: if p.player_id == player_id: return p.king return None def get_base_unit_by_id(self, type_id): for bu in self.base_units: if bu.type_id == type_id: return bu return None def get_game_constants(self): return self.game_constants def _get_paths_starting_with(self, first, paths): ret = [] for path in paths: c_path = Path(path=path) if c_path.cells[-1] == first: c_path.cells.reverse() if c_path.cells[0] == first: ret.append(c_path) return ret def _handle_end_message(self, scores_list_msg): return dict([(score["playerId"], score["score"]) for score in scores_list_msg])