class SentParser: def __init__(self, parser_model_file = None): if parser_model_file: self.model = ParserModel(parser_model_file) else: self.model = ParserModel() def __get_scores_for_MST(self, sent, model, map_func, feats, factor): scores = {} unigrams = make_unigram_features(sent) for d in xrange(1, len(sent)): for h in xrange(len(sent)): if h != d: vector = make_features_for_parser(sent, unigrams, h, d, map_func, feats) s = model.score(vector) if h != 0 and h == sent[d].unithead and s > 0: s *= factor scores[(h,d)] = (s, [(h,d)]) return scores def train(self, instances, model_file, epochs = 10, factor = 1.0): print 'start training ...' self.model.make_weights() q = 0 for epoch in xrange(epochs): correct = 0 total = 0 for (gold, ch, head_vectors) in iter(instances): q += 1 pred = self.model.predict(head_vectors) if gold != pred: self.model.update(head_vectors[gold], head_vectors[pred], q) else: correct += 1 total += 1 print '\nepoch %d done, %6.2f%% correct' % (epoch,100.0*correct/total) self.model.average(q) # def train(self, instances, model_file, epochs = 10): # print 'start training ...' # self.model.make_weights() # q = 0 # for epoch in xrange(epochs): # correct = 0 # total = 0 # for (gold, head_vectors) in iter(instances): # q += 1 # pred = self.model.predict(head_vectors) # if gold != pred: # self.model.update(head_vectors[gold], head_vectors[pred], q) # else: # correct += 1 # total += 1 # print '\nepoch %d done, %6.2f%% correct' % (epoch,100.0*correct/total) # self.model.average(q) # def predict(self, sent, feats, factor = 1.0): score = self.__get_scores_for_MST(sent, self.model, self.model.map_feature, feats, factor) graph = MST(score) sent.add_heads(graph.edges()) return sent
class UnitParser: def __init__(self, parser_model_file = None): if parser_model_file: self.model = ParserModel(parser_model_file) else: self.model = ParserModel() def __get_scores_for_MST(self, sent, unit, model, map_func, feats): scores = {} unigrams = make_unigram_features(sent) for d in unit: for h in unit + [0]: if h != d: vector = make_features_for_parser(sent, unigrams, h, d, map_func, feats) scores[(h,d)] = (model.score(vector), [(h,d)]) return scores def train(self, instances, model_file, epochs = 10): self.model.make_weights() print 'start training ...' q = 0 for epoch in xrange(epochs): correct = 0 total = 0 for (gold, head_vectors) in iter(instances): q += 1 pred = self.model.predict(head_vectors) if gold != pred: self.model.update(head_vectors[gold], head_vectors[pred], q) else: correct += 1 total += 1 print '\nepoch %d done, %6.2f%% correct' % (epoch,100.0*correct/total) self.model.average(q) # def train_CLE(self, instances, model_file, epoch = 10): # self.model.make_weights() # for epoch in xrange(epochs): # correct = 0 # total = 0 # for sent in instances: def train_CLE(self, instances, model_file, epochs = 10): print 'start training ...' self.model.make_weights() q = 0 for epoch in xrange(epochs): correct = 0 total = 0 for (gold_arcs, vectors) in iter(instances): q += 1 scores = {} for a in vectors: scores[a] = (self.model.score(vectors[a]), [a]) pred_arcs = MST(scores).edges() gold_heads = dict([(d, h) for (h, d) in gold_arcs]) pred_heads = dict([(d, h) for (h, d) in pred_arcs]) for d in gold_heads: if gold_heads[d] != pred_heads[d]: self.model.update(vectors[(gold_heads[d], d)], vectors[(pred_heads[d], d)], q) else: correct += 1 total += 1 print '\nepoch %d done, %6.2f%% correct' % (epoch,100.0*correct/total) self.model.average(q) def predict(self, sent, unit, feats): score = self.__get_scores_for_MST(sent, unit, self.model, self.model.map_feature, feats) graph = MST(score) sent.add_unitheads(graph.edges()) # use to check unit accuracy # sent.add_heads(graph.edges()) return sent