コード例 #1
ファイル: scheduler.py プロジェクト: bodepd/zuul
    def _parseConfig(self, config_path):
        def toList(item):
            if not item:
                return []
            if isinstance(item, list):
                return item
            return [item]

        if config_path:
            config_path = os.path.expanduser(config_path)
            if not os.path.exists(config_path):
                raise Exception("Unable to read layout config file at %s" %
        config_file = open(config_path)
        data = yaml.load(config_file)

        validator = layoutvalidator.LayoutValidator()

        self._config_env = {}
        for include in data.get('includes', []):
            if 'python-file' in include:
                fn = include['python-file']
                if not os.path.isabs(fn):
                    base = os.path.dirname(config_path)
                    fn = os.path.join(base, fn)
                fn = os.path.expanduser(fn)
                execfile(fn, self._config_env)

        for conf_pipeline in data.get('pipelines', []):
            pipeline = Pipeline(conf_pipeline['name'])
            pipeline.description = conf_pipeline.get('description')
            pipeline.failure_message = conf_pipeline.get('failure-message',
                                                         "Build failed.")
            pipeline.success_message = conf_pipeline.get('success-message',
                                                         "Build succeeded.")
            pipeline.dequeue_on_new_patchset = conf_pipeline.get(
            manager = globals()[conf_pipeline['manager']](self, pipeline)

            self.pipelines[conf_pipeline['name']] = pipeline
            manager.success_action = conf_pipeline.get('success')
            manager.failure_action = conf_pipeline.get('failure')
            manager.start_action = conf_pipeline.get('start')
            for trigger in toList(conf_pipeline['trigger']):
                approvals = {}
                for approval_dict in toList(trigger.get('approval')):
                    for k, v in approval_dict.items():
                        approvals[k] = v
                f = EventFilter(types=toList(trigger['event']),

        for config_job in data.get('jobs', []):
            job = self.getJob(config_job['name'])
            # Be careful to only set attributes explicitly present on
            # this job, to avoid squashing attributes set by a meta-job.
            m = config_job.get('failure-message', None)
            if m:
                job.failure_message = m
            m = config_job.get('success-message', None)
            if m:
                job.success_message = m
            m = config_job.get('failure-pattern', None)
            if m:
                job.failure_pattern = m
            m = config_job.get('success-pattern', None)
            if m:
                job.success_pattern = m
            m = config_job.get('hold-following-changes', False)
            if m:
                job.hold_following_changes = True
            m = config_job.get('voting', None)
            if m is not None:
                job.voting = m
            fname = config_job.get('parameter-function', None)
            if fname:
                func = self._config_env.get(fname, None)
                if not func:
                    raise Exception("Unable to find function %s" % fname)
                job.parameter_function = func
            branches = toList(config_job.get('branch'))
            if branches:
                job._branches = branches
                job.branches = [re.compile(x) for x in branches]

        def add_jobs(job_tree, config_jobs):
            for job in config_jobs:
                if isinstance(job, list):
                    for x in job:
                        add_jobs(job_tree, x)
                if isinstance(job, dict):
                    for parent, children in job.items():
                        parent_tree = job_tree.addJob(self.getJob(parent))
                        add_jobs(parent_tree, children)
                if isinstance(job, str):

        for config_project in data.get('projects', []):
            project = Project(config_project['name'])
            self.projects[config_project['name']] = project
            mode = config_project.get('merge-mode')
            if mode and mode == 'cherry-pick':
                project.merge_mode = model.CHERRY_PICK
            for pipeline in self.pipelines.values():
                if pipeline.name in config_project:
                    job_tree = pipeline.addProject(project)
                    config_jobs = config_project[pipeline.name]
                    add_jobs(job_tree, config_jobs)

        # All jobs should be defined at this point, get rid of
        # metajobs so that getJob isn't doing anything weird.
        self.metajobs = {}

        for pipeline in self.pipelines.values():