def get(self): sections = self.parseIndex() for file in sections: if Section.gql("where file = :1", file).count() == 0: section = Section(file=file, name=sections[file]) section.put() memcache.set(key=file, value=sections[file], time=192*3600) taskqueue.add(queue_name="download", url="/download/%s" % file, method='GET')
def parse_section(self, chapter): for file_name in os.listdir(chapter.folder_url): abs_file_path = os.path.join(chapter.folder_url, file_name) if not os.path.isdir(abs_file_path): if file_name.startswith("."): continue section = Section(abs_file_path) section.url = chapter.url + "/" + section.filename chapter.add_section(section)
def _create_structure(): category = Category('test category', 'category test', 'test_category') category.meta = {'id': 1, 'webtranslateit_ids': {'content': 1}} section = Section(category, 'test section', 'section test', 'test_section') section.meta = {'id': 2, 'webtranslateit_ids': {'content': 2}} category.sections.append(section) article = Article(section, 'test article', 'article body', 'test_article') article.meta = {'id': 3, 'webtranslateit_ids': {'content': 3, 'body': 4}} section.articles.append(article) return category, section, article
def lesson(lesson_id, section_id): user_db = auth.current_user_db() if user_db.progress < lesson_id: return redirect(url_for('lesson', lesson_id=user_db.progress, section_id=1)) if lesson_id > 0 and not user_db.registered: flash(u'Please register with your email below to access additional Lessons.') return redirect(url_for('welcome')) if request.method == 'POST': if answers.check(request.form, lesson_id): user_db.progress = lesson_id + 1 try: user_db.put() flash(u'Congratulations! Welcome to Lesson %s.' % user_db.progress, 'success') return redirect(url_for('lesson', lesson_id=user_db.progress, section_id=1)) except: flash(u'Something went wrong.', 'info') return redirect(url_for('lesson', lesson_id=lesson_id,section_id=section_id)) lesson_db = Lesson.query(Lesson.number == lesson_id).get() section_dbs = Section.query(Section.lesson == lesson_id).order(Section.number) piece_dbs = Piece.query(Piece.lesson == lesson_id, Piece.section == section_id).order(Piece.number) graph_string = 'graphs/graph_' + str(lesson_id) + '_' + str(section_id) return render_template( 'lesson.html', html_class='lesson', lesson=lesson_db, sections=section_dbs, pieces=piece_dbs, graph=graph_string + '.html', graph_head=graph_string + '_head.html', lesson_id=lesson_id, section_id=section_id, progress=user_db.progress )
def fix_sections_legislation(docpath, sourcename): source = session.query(Source).filter( == sourcename).first() if source is None: source = Source(name=sourcename, type='legislation') session.add(source) session.commit() # conjoin the subitems of clauses to their parent # create sections from the parents to_fix = session.query(Section).filter( nc = None ns = None for s in to_fix: if != 'blp': for c in s.clauses: if '-' not in # new section if ns is not None: ns.clauses.append(nc) session.add(ns) nc = None ns = Section(name=c.content_html, docpath=s.docpath, elif'-') == 1: # new clause if nc is not None: ns.clauses.append(nc) text = c.content_html nc = RawClause(header=c.header, content_html=text, cleaned=text) else: # continuation clause text = '\n#{}#'.format(c.header) + c.content_html nc.content_html += text nc.cleaned += text session.commit()
def create_section_in_program(program_name): """ Make request to section endpoint """ program = Program.query.filter_by(program_name=program_name).first() # print(f'\n\n\n\t\t{program} \n\n\n') if program is not None: request_data = request.get_json() section_name = request_data['section_name'] description = request_data['description'] overview_Image_url = request_data['overview_Image_url'] new_section = Section(program_id=program.program_id, section_name=section_name, description=description, overview_Image_url=overview_Image_url) db.session.add(new_section) db.session.commit() return jsonify(serialize_section(new_section)) else: return 'Cannot find the program', 404
status_module = "blinky_adapter" status_class = "BlinkyAdapter" led_count = 60 request_interval = 60 startup_time = time(hour=07, minute=30) shutdown_time = time(hour=18, minute=30) jenkins_url = "" jenkins_username = "******" jenkins_password = "******" sections = [ Section("development", 0, 9, [Job("dev", True), Job("dev-test")]), Section("sonar", 10, 19, [Job("sonar")]), Section("regression-tests", 20, 29, [Job("regression-test")]) ] blue = [0, 0, 255] red = [255, 0, 0] orange = [255, 92, 0] green = [0, 255, 0] pink = [255, 0, 255] color_mapping = { None: Led(blue), 'ABORTED': Led(pink), 'SUCCESS': Led(green), 'UNSTABLE': Led(orange),
def example_data(): """ Create some sample data. """ #Programs first_program = Program( name="Leadership Development Program", description="Leadership Development Program Description") second_program = Program( name="Cognitive Behavioral Therapy", description="Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Description") third_program = Program(name="New Parenting", description="New Parenting Description") fourth_program = Program(name="Mindful Communication", description="Mindful Communication Description") #First program's sections section_1 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 1 Program 1'", description="Section 1 Program 1 Description", order_index=1, image_link="", is_last=False) section_2 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 2 Program 1'", description="Section 2 Program 1 Description", order_index=2, image_link="", is_last=False) section_3 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 3 Program 1'", description="Section 3 Program 1 Description", order_index=3, image_link="", is_last=False) section_4 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 4 Program 1'", description="Section 4 Program 1 Description", order_index=4, image_link="", is_last=False) section_5 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 5 Program 1'", description="Section 5 Program 1 Description", order_index=5, image_link="", is_last=False) section_6 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 6 Program 1'", description="Section 6 Program 1 Description", order_index=6, image_link="", is_last=False) section_7 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 7 Program 1'", description="Section 7 Program 1 Description", order_index=7, image_link="", is_last=False) section_8 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 8 Program 1'", description="Section 8 Program 1 Description", order_index=8, image_link="", is_last=False) section_9 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 9 Program 1'", description="Section 9 Program 1 Description", order_index=9, image_link="", is_last=False) section_10 = Section(program_id=1, name="Section 10 Program 1'", description="Section 10 Program 1 Description", order_index=10, image_link="", is_last=False) activity_1 = Activity(section_id=1, html_content="", question="Question Activity 1") activity_2 = Activity(section_id=2, html_content="<html></html>", question="") answer_1 = Answer(activity_id=1, answer_text="Activity 1 Answer Text") db.session.add_all([ first_program, second_program, third_program, fourth_program, section_1, section_2, section_3, section_4, section_5, section_6, section_7, section_8, section_9, section_10, activity_1, activity_2, answer_1 ]) db.session.commit()
def create_section(name, start, end=None, g_id=None): section = Section(name=name, start_date=start, end_date=end, g_id=g_id) db.session.add(section) db.session.commit() return section