コード例 #1
def worker_task(ps, worker_index, batch_size=50):
    # Download MNIST.
    print("Worker " + str(worker_index))
    mnist = download_mnist_retry(seed=worker_index)

    # Initialize the model.
    net = SimpleCNN()
    keys = net.get_weights()[0]

    while True:
        # Get the current weights from the parameter server.
        weights = ray.get(ps.pull.remote(keys))
        net.set_weights(keys, weights)
        # Compute an update and push it to the parameter server.
        xs, ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)
        gradients = net.compute_update(xs, ys)
        ps.push.remote(keys, gradients)
コード例 #2
        ray_ctx = OrcaContext.get_ray_context()
    elif cluster_mode == "local":
        sc = init_orca_context(cores=args.driver_cores)
        ray_ctx = OrcaContext.get_ray_context()
    elif cluster_mode == "spark-submit":
        sc = init_orca_context(cluster_mode=cluster_mode)
        ray_ctx = OrcaContext.get_ray_context()
            "init_orca_context failed. cluster_mode should be one of 'local', 'yarn' and 'spark-submit' but got "
            + cluster_mode)

    # Create a parameter server with some random weights.
    net = SimpleCNN()
    all_keys, all_values = net.get_weights()
    ps = ParameterServer.remote(all_keys, all_values)

    # Start some training tasks.
    worker_tasks = [worker_task.remote(ps, i) for i in range(args.num_workers)]

    # Download MNIST.
    mnist = download_mnist_retry()
    print("Begin iteration")
    i = 0
    while i < args.iterations:
        # Get and evaluate the current model.
        print("-----Iteration" + str(i) + "------")
        current_weights = ray.get(ps.pull.remote(all_keys))
        net.set_weights(all_keys, current_weights)
        test_xs, test_ys = mnist.test.next_batch(1000)