def stylize(**kwargs): opt = Config() for k_, v_ in kwargs.items(): setattr(opt, k_, v_) device = t.device('cuda' if t.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # 图片处理 content_image = content_transform = tv.transforms.Compose( [tv.transforms.ToTensor(), tv.transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * 255)]) content_image = content_transform(content_image) content_image = content_image.unsqueeze(0).to(device).detach() # 模型 style_model = TransformerNet().eval() style_model.load_state_dict( t.load(opt.model_path, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) # 风格迁移和保存 output = style_model(content_image) output_data = output.cpu().data[0] tv.utils.save_image((output_data / 255).clamp(min=0, max=1), opt.result_path)
def prepare_model(inference_config, device): stylization_model = TransformerNet().to(device) training_state = torch.load(os.path.join(inference_config['model_binaries_path'], inference_config['model_name']), map_location=torch.device('cpu')) state_dict = training_state['state_dict'] stylization_model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) stylization_model.eval() return stylization_model
def stylize(args): device = torch.device("cuda" if args.cuda else "cpu") content_image = utils.load_image(args.content_image, scale=args.content_scale) content_transform = transforms.Compose( [transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.mul(255))]) content_image = content_transform(content_image) content_image = content_image.unsqueeze(0).to(device) if args.model.endswith(".onnx"): output = stylize_onnx_caffe2(content_image, args) else: with torch.no_grad(): style_model = TransformerNet().eval() state_dict = torch.load(args.model) # remove saved deprecated running_* keys in InstanceNorm from the checkpoint for k in list(state_dict.keys()): if'in\d+\.running_(mean|var)$', k): del state_dict[k] style_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) if args.export_onnx: assert args.export_onnx.endswith( ".onnx"), "Export model file should end with .onnx" output = torch.onnx._export(style_model, content_image, args.export_onnx).cpu() else: output = style_model(content_image).cpu() utils.save_image(args.output_image, output[0])
def stylize(imgname): transformer_name = './models/model_exp_{}.pt'.format(exp_num) content_image = load_image(imgname) content_image = style_transform(content_image) content_image = content_image.unsqueeze(0) content_image = Variable(content_image) transformer = TransformerNet() model_dict = torch.load(transformer_name) transformer.load_state_dict(model_dict) if use_cuda: transformer.cuda() content_image = content_image.cuda() o = transformer(content_image) y =[0] name, backend = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imgname)) save_style_name = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(imgname), '{}_stylized_{}{}'.format(name, exp_num, backend)) save_image(save_style_name, y)
def test(): pretrain, code_id, word_id = source_prepare() print('%d different words, %d different codes' % (len(word_id), len(code_id)), flush=True) Acc = 0. for fold in range(5): Net = TransformerNet(Pretrain_type, pretrain, Max_seq_len, Embedding_size, Inner_hid_size, len(code_id), D_k, D_v, dropout_ratio=Dropout, num_layers=Num_layers, num_head=Num_head, Freeze=Freeze_emb).cuda() Net.load_state_dict(torch.load(SAVE_DIR + 'data1_false_biobert_' + str(fold) + '_599')) Net.eval() # test_file = DATA_path + 'AskAPatient/AskAPatient.fold-' + str(fold) + '.test.txt' test_file = DATA_path + 'test_' + str(fold) + '.csv' test_data = tokenizer(word_id, code_id, test_file, pretrain_type=Pretrain_type) print('Fold %d: %d test data' % (fold, len( print('max length: %d' % test_data.max_length, flush=True) test_data.reset_epoch() test_correct = 0 i = 0 while not test_data.epoch_finish: seq, label, seq_length, mask, seq_pos, standard_emb = test_data.get_batch(1) results = Net(seq, seq_pos, standard_emb) _, idx = results.max(1) test_correct += len((idx == label).nonzero()) i += 1 assert i == len( test_accuracy = float(test_correct) / float(i) print('[fold %d] test: %d correct, %.4f accuracy' % (fold, test_correct, test_accuracy), flush=True) Acc += test_accuracy del test_data gc.collect() print('finial validation accuracy: %.4f' % (Acc / 5), flush=True)
def stylize(args): device = torch.device("cpu") content_image = utils.load_image(args.content_image, scale=args.content_scale) content_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.mul(255)) ]) content_image = content_transform(content_image) content_image = content_image.unsqueeze(0).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): style_model = TransformerNet() state_dict = torch.load(args.model) # remove saved deprecated running_* keys in InstanceNorm from the checkpoint for k in list(state_dict.keys()): if'in\d+\.running_(mean|var)$', k): del state_dict[k] style_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) output = style_model(content_image) utils.save_image(args.output_image, output[0])
def train(**kwargs): opt = Config() for _k, _v in kwargs.items(): setattr(opt, _k, _v) device = t.device("cuda" if t.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") vis = utils.Visualizer(opt.env) # 数据加载 transforms = tv.transforms.Compose([ tv.transforms.Resize(opt.image_size), tv.transforms.CenterCrop(opt.image_size), tv.transforms.ToTensor(), tv.transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x * 255) ]) dataset = tv.datasets.ImageFolder(opt.data_root, transforms) dataloader = data.DataLoader(dataset, opt.batch_size) # 风格转换网络 transformer = TransformerNet() if opt.model_path: transformer.load_state_dict( t.load(opt.model_path, map_location=t.device('cpu'))) # 损失网络 Vgg16 vgg = Vgg16().eval() for param in vgg.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False # 优化器 optimizer = t.optim.Adam(transformer.parameters(), # 获取风格图片的数据 style = utils.get_style_data(opt.style_path) vis.img('style', ([0] * 0.225 + 0.45).clamp(min=0, max=1)) style = # 风格图片的gramj矩阵 with t.no_grad(): features_style = vgg(style) gram_style = [utils.gram_matrix(y) for y in features_style] # 损失统计 style_loss_avg = 0 content_loss_avg = 0 for epoch in range(opt.epoches): for ii, (x, _) in tqdm(enumerate(dataloader)): # 训练 optimizer.zero_grad() x = y = transformer(x) # print(y.size()) y = utils.normalize_batch(y) x = utils.normalize_batch(x) features_x = vgg(x) features_y = vgg(y) # content loss content_loss = opt.content_weight * F.mse_loss( features_y.relu3_3, features_x.relu3_3) # style loss style_loss = 0 for ft_y, gm_s in zip(features_y, gram_style): with t.no_grad(): gram_y = utils.gram_matrix(ft_y) style_loss += F.mse_loss(gram_y, gm_s.expand_as(gram_y)) style_loss *= opt.style_weight total_loss = content_loss + style_loss total_loss.backward() optimizer.step() content_loss_avg += content_loss.item() style_loss_avg += style_loss.item() if (ii + 1) % opt.plot_every == 0: vis.plot('content_loss', content_loss_avg / opt.plot_every) vis.plot('style_loss', style_loss_avg / opt.plot_every) content_loss_avg = 0 style_loss_avg = 0 vis.img('output', ([0] * 0.225 + 0.45).clamp(min=0, max=1)) vis.img('input', ([0] * 0.225 + 0.45).clamp(min=0, max=1)) if (ii + 1) % opt.save_every == 0:[opt.env]), 'checkpoints/%s_style.pth' % (ii + 1))