コード例 #1
	def runTest(self):
		# Create some Movie data-sets.
		terminator = Movie(title="Terminator 2")
		inf = get_inst_info(terminator)

		# Before an instance is saved it is put in the QuerySet's 
		# store. It has to be in either store._dirty or store._cache
		# to be kept alive.
		self.assert_(terminator is store._alive[(inf.model_info.model, inf.get_pk_as_key())].get_inst())
		# ... and marked dirty (i.e. altered, unsaved).
		self.assert_(terminator is store._dirty[inf])
		# It has not been put in the database store yet
		self.assert_(terminator not in store._cache._instances.values())
		# Now save.
		# Instance is still an alive (in-memory) object
		self.assert_(terminator is store._alive[(inf.model_info.model, inf.get_pk_as_key())].get_inst())

		self.assert_(len(store._alive) == 1)

		# Instance is not dirty anymore ...
		self.assert_(not store._dirty)

		# ... and is now in the database store. 
		self.assert_(terminator in store._cache._instances.values())
		self.assert_(terminator is store._cache._instances[inf])
		self.assert_(len(store._cache._instances) == 1)
コード例 #2
	def runTest(self):
		magnolia, created = Movie(title="Magnolia").save()
		# instance is in the db section of the store, because it was saved
		self.assert_(magnolia in store._cache._instances.values())
		# it is not in the dirty section of the store
		self.assert_(magnolia not in store._dirty.values())
		# it can be found by a query
		self.assert_(magnolia is Movie.objects.get(title="Magnolia"))
		self.assert_(magnolia not in store._dirty.values())
		# now call delete on it
		# check raw values from database
		self.assert_(Movie.objects.filter(title="Magnolia").as_dict() == {})

		# it is not in the database store anymore
		self.assert_(magnolia not in store._cache._instances.values())
		# it is also removed from the dirty store
		self.assert_(magnolia not in store._dirty.values())
		# it can't be found via query
		self.assertRaises(DoesNotExist, Movie.objects.get, **{"title": "Magnolia"})
コード例 #3
	def runTest(self):
		print "-------------------------hi-------------------"
		for i in xrange(20):
			m = Movie(title="Debug %s" %i)

		qs = Movie.objects.filter(title__startswith="Debug")
		self.assert_(len(qs) == 20 == len(list(Movie.objects)))
コード例 #4
	def runTest(self):
		# Create some Movie data-sets.
		terminator = Movie(title="Terminator 2")


		totalrecall, created, = Movie(title="Total Recall").save()
		twins, created  = Movie(title="Twins").save()

		movies = Movie.objects.all()

		# evaluate the query, hit the store/database.
		movies_list = list(movies)

		# the instances have been set as expected.
		self.assert_([terminator, totalrecall, twins] == movies_list)

		self.assert_(set(movies) == set(store._cache._instances.values()))

		# now make a QuerySet for only one instance of the above Movie instances.
		fltrqs = Movie.objects.filter(title__contains="Term")

		# now eval it.
		term_movies = list(fltrqs)

		# see if the instances have been set as expected.
		self.assert_([terminator] == term_movies)

		# misc
		inf = get_inst_info(terminator)

		self.assert_(list(fltrqs)[0] is terminator)
		self.assert_(store._cache._instances[inf] is terminator)

		# add a little confusion ...

		self.assert_(list(fltrqs)[0] is terminator is movies[0])

		# after all this experimenting, make sure there are no excess instances
		# in the store
		self.assert_(len(store._cache._instances) == 3)