コード例 #1
ファイル: ldom_report.py プロジェクト: deezeesms/dd-git
    def build(self, domain):
        if domain is None: raise ValueError("domain is None")
        if not domain._hostKey: raise ValueError("host key is empty")

        hostOsh = modeling.createCompleteHostOSH('node', domain._hostKey)
        if domain._hostname:
            hostOsh.setAttribute('name', domain._hostname)
        if domain.memorySize.value() is not None:
            memorySizeMegabytes = int(domain.memorySize.value() / (1024*1024)) 
            modeling.setHostMemorySizeAttribute(hostOsh, memorySizeMegabytes)    
        return hostOsh
コード例 #2
ファイル: ldom_report.py プロジェクト: ddonnelly19/dd-git
    def build(self, domain):
        if domain is None:
            raise ValueError("domain is None")
        if not domain._hostKey:
            raise ValueError("host key is empty")

        hostOsh = modeling.createCompleteHostOSH("node", domain._hostKey)
        if domain._hostname:
            hostOsh.setAttribute("name", domain._hostname)

        if domain.memorySize.value() is not None:
            memorySizeMegabytes = int(domain.memorySize.value() / (1024 * 1024))
            modeling.setHostMemorySizeAttribute(hostOsh, memorySizeMegabytes)

        return hostOsh
コード例 #3
    def build(self, device):
        if device is None:
            raise ValueError("device is None")

        deviceClass = self.getDeviceClass(device)
        deviceOsh = ObjectStateHolder(deviceClass)
        deviceOsh.setBoolAttribute('host_iscomplete', True)

        deviceOsh = self.setDeviceRoles(device, deviceOsh)

        hostName = device.hostName
        domainName = None

        if hostName and not ip_addr.isValidIpAddress(hostName):
            hostName, domainName = self.getHostNameAndDomain(hostName)

        if hostName:
            deviceOsh.setStringAttribute('name', hostName)
        if domainName:
            deviceOsh.setStringAttribute('host_osdomain', domainName)

        if device.serialNumber:

        if device.model:
            modeling.setHostModelAttribute(deviceOsh, device.model)

        if device.vendor:
            deviceOsh.setStringAttribute('discovered_vendor', device.vendor)

        if device.softwareVersion:

        if device.memory:
            memoryMb = int(device.memory / (1024 * 1024))
            modeling.setHostMemorySizeAttribute(deviceOsh, memoryMb)

        return deviceOsh
コード例 #4
    def build(self, device):
        if device is None:
            raise ValueError("device is None")

        deviceClass = self.getDeviceClass(device)
        deviceOsh = ObjectStateHolder(deviceClass)
        deviceOsh.setBoolAttribute("host_iscomplete", True)

        deviceOsh = self.setDeviceRoles(device, deviceOsh)

        hostName = device.hostName
        domainName = None

        if hostName and not ip_addr.isValidIpAddress(hostName):
            hostName, domainName = self.getHostNameAndDomain(hostName)

        if hostName:
            deviceOsh.setStringAttribute("name", hostName)
        if domainName:
            deviceOsh.setStringAttribute("host_osdomain", domainName)

        if device.serialNumber:
            modeling.setHostSerialNumberAttribute(deviceOsh, device.serialNumber)

        if device.model:
            modeling.setHostModelAttribute(deviceOsh, device.model)

        if device.vendor:
            deviceOsh.setStringAttribute("discovered_vendor", device.vendor)

        if device.softwareVersion:
            deviceOsh.setStringAttribute("discovered_os_version", device.softwareVersion)

        if device.memory:
            memoryMb = int(device.memory / (1024 * 1024))
            modeling.setHostMemorySizeAttribute(deviceOsh, memoryMb)

        return deviceOsh
コード例 #5
def _report90(vector, hostOsh, sizeInKb):
    'ObjectStateHolderVector, ObjectStateHolder, int'
    modeling.setHostMemorySizeAttribute(hostOsh, _kbToMb(sizeInKb))
コード例 #6
ファイル: memory.py プロジェクト: ddonnelly19/dd-git
def _report90(vector, hostOsh, sizeInKb):
    'ObjectStateHolderVector, ObjectStateHolder, int'
    modeling.setHostMemorySizeAttribute(hostOsh, _kbToMb(sizeInKb))
コード例 #7
ファイル: ECC_Discovery.py プロジェクト: deezeesms/dd-git
def _build_host(host, hostName):
    '@types: Host, str -> osh'

    hostOS = host.os or ''
    # Get OS information and build appropriate CI Type
    if hostOS:
        debugPrint(4, '[discoverServers] Got Server <%s> with OS <%s>' % (hostName, hostOS))
        if hostOS.lower().find('windows') >= 0:
            hostClass = 'nt'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('netapp') >= 0:
            hostClass = 'netapp_filer'
        elif (hostOS.lower().find('unix') >= 0
              or hostOS.lower().find('solaris') >= 0
              or hostOS.lower().find('hp') >= 0
              or hostOS.lower().find('linux') >= 0
              or hostOS.lower().find('aix') >= 0):
            hostClass = 'unix'
        if hostClass:
            debugPrint(4, '[discoverServers] Using HOST class <%s>' % hostClass)

    # Check for a valid IP before creating CIs
    if ip_addr.isValidIpAddress(host.ip):
        hostOSH = modeling.createHostOSH(str(host.ip), hostClass)
        logger.debug('[discoverServers] IP address not available for Server <%s> with ID <%s>!! Creating Host with ID as primary key...' % (hostName, host.id))
        hostKey = host.id + ' (ECC ID)'
        hostOSH = modeling.createCompleteHostOSH(hostClass, hostKey)
        hostOSH.setAttribute('data_note', 'IP address unavailable in ECC - Duplication of this CI is possible')

    # # Set node role in UCMDB 9 and above for compatibility with SM integration
    if hostOS and (hostOS.lower().find('xp') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('vista') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('professional') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('windows 7') > -1):
        hostOSH.setListAttribute('node_role', ['desktop'])
        hostOSH.setListAttribute('node_role', ['server'])
    hostModel = host.model
    if (hostModel
        and (hostModel.lower().find('vmware') > -1
             or hostModel.lower().find('zone') > -1
             or hostModel.lower().find('virtual') > -1)):
        hostOSH.setListAttribute('node_role', ['virtualized_system'])

    # # Set Host OS install Type to match HC jobs
    osInstallType = ''
    if hostOS:
        if hostOS.lower().find('hp-ux') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('hpux') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'HPUX'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('linux') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('redhat') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('suse') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Linux'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('solaris') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('sun') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Solaris'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('aix') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'AIX'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('enterprise x64 edition') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Server Enterprise x64 Edition'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('enterprise edition') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Server Enterprise Edition'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('server enterprise') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Server Enterprise'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('enterprise') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Enterprise'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('professional') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Professional'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('standard edition') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Server Standard Edition'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('standard') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Server Standard'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('server') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Server'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('business') > -1:
            osInstallType = 'Business'

    # # Set Host OS to match HC jobs
    if hostOS:
        if hostOS.lower().find('2003') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Windows 2003'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('2008') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Windows 2008'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('2008 R2') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Windows 2008 R2'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('2000') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Windows 2000'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('windows 7') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Windows 7'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('vista') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Windows Vista'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('xp') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Windows XP'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('aix') > -1:
            hostOS = 'AIX'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('solaris') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('sun') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Solaris'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('linux') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('redhat') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('suse') > -1:
            hostOS = 'Linux'
        elif hostOS.lower().find('hp-ux') > -1 or hostOS.lower().find('hpux') > -1:
            hostOS = 'HP-UX'
            hostOS = ''

    memorySizeInKb = host.installedmemory
    if memorySizeInKb:
        memorySizeInMb = memorySizeInKb / 1024
        modeling.setHostMemorySizeAttribute(hostOSH, memorySizeInMb)

    populateOSH(hostOSH, {'data_name': hostName,
                          'host_vendor': host.vendorname,
                          'host_osversion': host.osversion,
    return hostOSH