def update_event(self, event_id, interest_key): user_id = UserController().current_user_id if user_id: user_event = UserEvent.query.filter( and_(UserEvent.user_id == user_id, UserEvent.event_id == event_id)).first() if user_event: if interest_key == UserEvent.DONE: if user_event.interest_key == interest_key: user_event.interest = user_event.interest - 2 else: user_event.interest = user_event.interest + 2 elif user_event.interest_key == interest_key: user_event.interest = None else: user_event.interest = UserEvent.interest_level( interest_key) db_session.merge(user_event) else: user_event = UserEvent( user_id=user_id, event_id=event_id, interest=UserEvent.interest_level(interest_key)) db_session.add(user_event) db_session.commit() return self.get_event(event_id) return None
def _request_user_info(self): credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials( **session['credentials']) people_service = build('people', 'v1', credentials=credentials) profile = people_service.people().get( resourceName='people/me', personFields='names,emailAddresses,photos').execute() primary_email = profile['emailAddresses'][0] for cur_email in profile['emailAddresses']: if cur_email['metadata']['primary']: primary_email = cur_email primary_name = profile['names'][0] for cur_name in profile['names']: if cur_name['metadata']['primary']: primary_name = cur_name primary_photo = profile['photos'][0] for cur_photo in profile['photos']: if cur_photo['metadata']['primary']: primary_photo = cur_photo google_auth_id = profile['resourceName'].split("/")[1] user = { 'username': primary_email['value'].split("@")[0], 'email': primary_email['value'], 'display_name': primary_name['displayName'], 'first_name': primary_name['givenName'], 'last_name': primary_name['familyName'], 'image_url': primary_photo['url'], } row_user_auth = UserAuth.query.filter( and_(UserAuth.auth_key == Auth.GOOGLE, UserAuth.auth_id == google_auth_id)).first() if not row_user_auth: row_user = User(**user) db_session.add(row_user) db_session.commit() row_user_auth = UserAuth(user_id=row_user.user_id, auth_key=Auth.GOOGLE, auth_id=google_auth_id) db_session.add(row_user_auth) db_session.commit() else: row_user = row_user_auth.user for k, v in user.items(): setattr(row_user, k, v) db_session.merge(row_user) db_session.commit() session['user'] = row_user.to_json() return session['user']
def block_user(self, identifier, active): current_user = self.current_user user = self._get_user(identifier) row_block = Block(user_id=current_user.user_id, block_id=user.user_id, active=active) db_session.merge(row_block) db_session.commit() return self._get_user(identifier)
def follow_user(self, identifier, active): current_user = self.current_user user = self._get_user(identifier) row_follow = Follow(user_id=current_user.user_id, follow_id=user.user_id, active=active) db_session.merge(row_follow) db_session.commit() return self._get_user(identifier)
def get_connector(klass, read_only=False): connector = ConnectorEvent.query.filter( and_(ConnectorEvent.connector_type == klass.TYPE, ConnectorEvent.connector_event_id == klass.ID)).first() if not connector and not read_only: connector = ConnectorEvent(connector_type=klass.TYPE, connector_event_id=klass.ID) = {} db_session.merge(connector) db_session.commit() return connector
def extract(self): row_connector_event = ConnectorEvent.query.filter( and_(ConnectorEvent.connector_event_id == self.ID, ConnectorEvent.connector_type == self.TYPE)).first() if not row_connector_event: row_connector_event = ConnectorEvent(connector_event_id=self.ID, connector_type=self.TYPE) events = {self.create_key(x['name'], x['city']): x for x in} = events db_session.merge(row_connector_event) db_session.commit() for key, restaurant in yield restaurant['name'], restaurant
def seed(klass, purge=None): u = User.query.filter( == "*****@*****.**").first() if not u: u = User(email="*****@*****.**") u.username = "******", u.first_name = "Michael" u.last_name = "Lin" u.image_url = "" db_session.merge(u) db_session.commit() u = User.query.filter( == "*****@*****.**").first() events = Event.query.filter(and_(Event.primary_type == Tag.FOOD_DRINK)) if purge: UserEvent.query.filter(UserEvent.user_id == u.user_id).delete() tier_to_interest = { '♡': UserEvent.interest_level(UserEvent.GO), '☆': UserEvent.interest_level(UserEvent.MAYBE) } for i, e in enumerate(events): print(i, e.event_id, tier = get_from(e.meta, [ExtractMMV.TYPE, 'tier']) if tier in ['♡', '☆']: print("\tAdded {}".format(tier)) interest = tier_to_interest[tier] ue = UserEvent.query.filter( UserEvent.user_id == u.user_id, UserEvent.event_id == e.event_id).first() if ue: ue.interest = interest else: ue = UserEvent(user_id=u.user_id, event_id=e.event_id, interest=interest) db_session.merge(ue) db_session.commit()
def extract(self, start_date=None, end_date=None): discover = tmdb.Discover() event_params = { 'include_adult': False, 'include_video': False, 'sort_by': 'release_date.asc', 'with_original_language': 'en', 'vote_average.gte': 7, 'vote_count.gte': 1000 } event_params.update( self.parse_time_args(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)) print(json.dumps(event_params, indent=4)) sentinel = True while sentinel: raw_events =**event_params) for i, event in enumerate(raw_events['results']): connector_event_id = str(event['id']) row_connector_event = ConnectorEvent.query.filter( and_( ConnectorEvent.connector_event_id == connector_event_id, ConnectorEvent.connector_type == self.TYPE)).first() if not row_connector_event: row_connector_event = ConnectorEvent( connector_event_id=connector_event_id, connector_type=self.TYPE, data=event) db_session.merge(row_connector_event) db_session.commit() event_name =['title'] event_description =['overview'] event_short_name =['title'] event_img_url = '{}'.format(['poster_path']) event_backdrop_url = '{}'.format(['backdrop_path']) event_start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(['release_date'], "%Y-%m-%d") event_end_time = event_start_time + datetime.timedelta( days=180) genres = self.genres_by_ids(['genre_ids']) if row_connector_event.event_id: row_event = Event.query.filter( Event.event_id == row_connector_event.event_id).first() = event_name row_event.description = event_description row_event.short_name = event_name row_event.img_url = event_img_url row_event.backdrop_url = event_backdrop_url row_event.start_time = event_start_time row_event.end_time = event_end_time db_session.merge(row_event) db_session.commit() row_event.remove_all_tags() else: row_event = Event(name=event_name, description=event_description, short_name=event_short_name, img_url=event_img_url, backdrop_url=event_backdrop_url, start_time=event_start_time, end_time=event_end_time) row_event.primary_type = Tag.TVM db_session.add(row_event) db_session.commit() row_connector_event.event_id = row_event.event_id db_session.merge(row_connector_event) db_session.commit() for genre in genres: row_event.add_tag(genre, Tag.TVM) row_event.update_meta(self.TYPE, event) db_session.merge(row_event) db_session.commit() yield row_event, "{} {}".format(, genres) del raw_events['results'] sentinel = raw_events['page'] < raw_events['total_pages'] if sentinel: event_params['page'] = raw_events['page'] + 1
def extract(self, name=None, bad_city=None): # Call the Sheets API sheet = self.service.spreadsheets() result = sheet.values().get(spreadsheetId=self.MM_VILLAGE_TRIX_ID, range=self.MM_VILLAGE_SHEET_ID).execute() rows = result.get('values', []) = [] headers = None for row in rows: if headers is None: headers = [col.lower() for col in row] continue obj = { val: get_from(row, [i], None) for i, val in enumerate(headers) } alias = re.sub(r'-+', '-', re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9]', "-", obj['address'].lower())) obj['alias'] = alias place_id = obj['place id'] if not (place_id and alias): print( "Missing Alias or Place ID: {} | place_id: {} | alias: {}". format(obj['name'], place_id, alias)) print("\t{}".format(obj)) continue connector_event_id = place_id location_name = obj['name'] location_short_name = location_name location_description = obj['notes'] location_categories = set( [x.strip() for x in re.split(r'[/;]', obj['categories'])]) location_rating = obj['tier'] addr_components = [x.strip() for x in obj['address'].split(",")] addr_street = " ".join(addr_components[:-3]) addr_city = addr_components[-3] addr_state = addr_components[-2].split(" ")[0] addr_country = addr_components[-1] obj_city = obj['city'] city_sub = { "SF": "San Francisco", "South SF": "South San Francisco", "San Jose - Local": "San Jose" } obj_city = get_from(city_sub, [obj_city], obj_city) if obj_city != addr_city: print("{} => \n\ttarget: {} | actual: {}\n".format( location_name, obj_city, addr_city)) continue elif addr_state not in ("CA", "California"): print("{} => \n\tactual: {}\n".format(location_name, addr_state)) continue if bad_city: continue if name is not None and location_name != name: continue location_tags = set([x.strip() for x in obj['tags'].split(',')]) filter_location_tags = { "aquarium", "bakery", "bar", "cafe", "campground", "car_repair", "grocery_or_supermarket", "library", "movie_theater", "museum", "natural_feature", "park", "spa", "stadium", "supermarket", "tourist_attraction", "zoo", } location_tags = location_tags & filter_location_tags # location_categories = location_categories | location_tags if location_rating not in ['♡', '☆', '◎']: continue obj['name'] = location_name obj['short_name'] = location_short_name obj['description'] = location_description obj['address'] = addr_street obj['city'] = addr_city obj['state'] = addr_state primary_tag_type = Tag.FOOD_DRINK if ('Culture' in location_categories or 'Entertainment' in location_categories or 'Fitness' in location_categories or 'Nature' in location_categories or 'aquarium' in location_categories or 'campground' in location_categories or 'library' in location_categories or 'movie_theater' in location_categories or 'museum' in location_categories or 'natural_feature' in location_categories or 'park' in location_categories or 'spa' in location_categories or 'stadium' in location_categories or 'tourist_attraction' in location_categories or 'zoo' in location_categories): primary_tag_type = Tag.ACTIVITY if ('Utilities' in location_categories or 'car_repair' in location_categories): primary_tag_type = Tag.SERVICES category_remappings = { 'Entertainment': None, 'Western': ['European'], 'SEA': ['Southeast'], 'PMT': ['Asian', 'Boba'], 'Fine Dining': ['Dinner', 'Fine Dining'], 'Mochi': ['Asian', 'Mochi'], "car_repair": ["Repair"], "grocery_or_supermarket": ["Market"], "movie_theater": ["Theatre"], "natural_feature": ["Nature"], "park": ["Nature"], 'tourist_attraction': None } if primary_tag_type != Tag.FOOD_DRINK: continue for cats in location_categories: if cats: cats = get_from(category_remappings, [cats], [cats]) if cats: cats = [x for x in cats if x is not None] obj['tags'] = [cat.lower() for cat in cats] obj['primary_type'] = primary_tag_type print(json.dumps(obj, indent=2)) yield obj, (obj['name'], obj['city'], obj['tags']) row_connector_event = ConnectorEvent.query.filter( and_(ConnectorEvent.connector_event_id == self.ID, ConnectorEvent.connector_type == self.TYPE)).first() if not row_connector_event: row_connector_event = ConnectorEvent(connector_event_id=self.ID, connector_type=self.TYPE) events = {self.create_key(x['name'], x['city']): x for x in} = events db_session.merge(row_connector_event) db_session.commit() for key, restaurant in yield restaurant['name'], restaurant
def transform_event(self, event, skip_write=None): ev_meta = self.get_event_metadata(event) tags = get_from(ev_meta, [ExtractMMV.TYPE, 'tags'], []) event.remove_all_tags() for tag in tags: if tag: event.add_tag(tag, Tag.FOOD_DRINK) yelp_tags = get_from(ev_meta, [ConnectYelp.TYPE, 'categories'], []) for tag in yelp_tags: tag_title = get_from(tag, ['title']) if tag_title: event.add_tag(tag_title, Tag.FOOD_DRINK) accolades = [] for conn_type in self.connector_types: if conn_type is ExtractMMV: continue tier = get_from(ev_meta, [conn_type.TYPE, 'tier']) if tier: accolades.append(tier) if accolades and len(accolades) > 0: accolades = sorted(accolades) else: accolades = None event.accolades = accolades self.transform_event_details(event, ev_meta=ev_meta) descriptions = [ ( x.TYPE, get_from(ev_meta, [x.TYPE, 'url']), get_from(ev_meta, [x.TYPE, 'description']) ) for x in self.connector_types ] descriptions = [x for x in descriptions if x[2]] if descriptions: event.description = descriptions specialty_connectors = self.connector_types specialties = [ [ x.TYPE, get_from(ev_meta, [x.TYPE, 'order']) ] for x in specialty_connectors ] specialties = [x for x in specialties if x[1]] if specialties: for i, x in enumerate(specialties): if x[1].__class__ is not str: specialties[i][1] = ", ".join(x[1]) event.details[Event.DETAILS_SPECIALTIES] = specialties img_url = get_from(ev_meta, [ConnectYelp.TYPE, 'image_url']) if img_url: event.img_url = re.sub(r'/o.jpg', '/348s.jpg', img_url) # '/l.jpg' backdrop_url = get_from(ev_meta, [ConnectYelp.TYPE, 'photos', 1]) if backdrop_url: event.backdrop_url = backdrop_url latitude = get_from(event.details, [ConnectGoogle.TYPE, 'latitude']) if latitude: event.latitude = latitude longitude = get_from(event.details, [ConnectGoogle.TYPE, 'longitude']) if longitude: event.longitude = longitude address = get_from(event.details, [ConnectGoogle.TYPE, 'address']) if address: state_match ='(.*), +[A-Z]{2} +[0-9]+', address) if state_match: event.address = ", ".join(",")[:-1]) else: event.address = "" city = get_from(event.details, [ConnectGoogle.TYPE, 'city']) if city: = city state = get_from(event.details, [ConnectGoogle.TYPE, 'state']) if state: event.state = state cost = get_from(event.details, [ConnectGoogle.TYPE, 'cost']) if not cost: cost = get_from(event.details, [ConnectYelp.TYPE, 'cost']) if cost: event.cost = cost event.add_tag("$"*event.cost, Tag.FOOD_DRINK) urls = [ ( conn.TYPE, get_from(event.details, [conn.TYPE, Event.DETAILS_URL]) ) for conn in [ConnectGoogle, ConnectYelp] if get_from(event.details, [conn.TYPE, Event.DETAILS_URL]) ] event.urls = urls statuses = set( get_from(event.details, [conn.TYPE, Event.DETAILS_STATUS]) for conn in [ConnectGoogle, ConnectYelp] ) status = Event.STATUS_OPEN if Event.STATUS_CLOSED_PERM in statuses: status = Event.STATUS_CLOSED_PERM elif Event.STATUS_CLOSED_TEMP in statuses: status = Event.STATUS_CLOSED_TEMP event.status = status hours = {} # for conn in [ConnectGoogle, ConnectYelp]: # h = get_from(event.details, [conn.TYPE, Event.DETAILS_HOURS]) # if h: # for d, r in h.items(): # if d not in hours: # hours[d] = r # continue # else: # op = get_from(r, ["open"]) # cl = get_from(r, ["close"]) # cur = hours[d] # cur_op = get_from(cur, ["open"]) # cur_cl = get_from(cur, ["closes"]) # if op < cur_op: hours[d]["open"] = op # if cl > cur_op: hours[d]["close"] = cl # event.details[Event.DETAILS_HOURS] = days event.meta = ev_meta if not skip_write: db_session.merge(event) db_session.commit() return event
def extract(self, name=None, event_id=None, backfill=None): connector = self.get_connector() for key, event in place_id = get_from(event, ['place_id']) place_name = get_from(event, ['name']) if not place_id: continue if event_id is not None and place_id != event_id: continue if name is not None and name != place_name: continue if backfill and place_id in print("Found Place ID {} => {}".format( place_id,[place_id]['name'])) continue search_results = None b_details = None event_name = event['name'] event_addr = get_from(event, ['address']) event_city = event['city'] event_state = get_from(event, ['state'], 'CA') if not search_results: kwargs = { 'name': event_name, 'address1': event_addr, 'city': event_city, 'state': event_state } print(" | ".join( ["{}: \"{}\"".format(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()])) try: search_results = self.api.business_match_query( country="US", **kwargs) except Exception as e: print("business_match_query: {}".format(e)) if not search_results or len(search_results['businesses']) == 0: try: term = " ".join([event_name, event_city, event_state]) location = " ".join([event_city, event_state]) kwargs = {'term': term, 'location': location} print(" | ".join([ "{}: \"{}\"".format(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() ])) search_results = self.api.search_query(limit=1, **kwargs) except Exception as e: print("search_query: {}".format(e)) if search_results: for r in search_results['businesses']: b_details = None try: b_details = self.api.business_query(id=r['id']) except Exception as e: print("business_query: {}".format(e)) print(r['id']) if b_details: # row_event.update_meta(self.TYPE, {**r, **b_details}) # db_session.merge(row_event) # db_session.commit()[place_id] = b_details db_session.merge(connector) db_session.commit() # yield b_details['name'], b_details else: print("Unable to find {}".format(place_id))
def extract(self): connector = self.get_connector() i = 0 for key, res in res_key = self.create_key(res['name'], res['city']) connector_res = get_from(, [res_key], {}) res.update(connector_res) place_id = get_from(res, ['place_id']) if place_id: print("Found {} | {} => {}".format(i, place_id, res_key)) if res_key not in or res !=[ res_key]: "\tUpdate"[res_key] = res db_session.merge(connector) db_session.commit() pass else: place_q = ", ".join([ res['name'] or "", get_from(res, ['address'], ""), res['city'] or "" ]) print("!!!GEOCODE!!! {} | {} => {}".format( i, res_key, place_q)) try: results = self.client.find_place( input=place_q, input_type='textquery', fields=["place_id", "name", "formatted_address"]) res_data = get_from(results, ['candidates', 0], {}) res_addr = get_from(res_data, ['formatted_address']) if 'formatted_address' in res_data: del res_data["formatted_address"] if res_addr: res_data["address"] = res_addr res.update(res_data)[res_key] = res db_session.merge(connector) db_session.commit() except Exception as e: print("\t!!!ERROR!!! => {}".format(e)) print("\t{}".format(res)) i += 1 i = 0 for key, res in place_id = get_from(res, ['place_id']) if not place_id: continue ev = Event.query.filter( or_( == res['name'], Event.alias == place_id)).first() if ev: print("Found Event({}) => {}".format(place_id, res['name'])) else: print("Create Event({}) => {}".format(place_id, res['name'])) print("\t{}".format(res)) ev = Event(name=res['name'], alias=res['place_id']) # print(i, json.dumps(res, indent=2)) i += 1 ev.primary_type = Tag.FOOD_DRINK ev.address = get_from(res, ['address']) = res['city'] ev.state = get_from(res, ['state']) if not ev.meta: ev.meta = {} ev.meta[self.TYPE] = res db_session.merge(ev) db_session.commit()
def extract(self, name=None, event_id=None, backfill=None, index=None): connector = self.get_connector() detail_fields = [ # Basic "address_component", "adr_address", "business_status", "formatted_address", "geometry", "icon", "name", "photo", "place_id", "plus_code", "type", "url", "utc_offset", "vicinity", # Contact "formatted_phone_number", "international_phone_number", "opening_hours", "website", #Atmosphere "price_level", "rating", "review", "user_ratings_total" ] i = 0 for key, event in i += 1 if index and i <= int(index): print("Skip {}".format(i)) continue place_id = get_from(event, ['place_id']) place_name = get_from(event, ['name']) if not place_id: continue if event_id is not None and place_id != event_id: continue if name is not None and name != place_name: continue if backfill and place_id in print("Found Place ID {} => {} | {}".format( place_id, key,[place_id]['name'])) continue results = None try: print("Getting details for ({})".format(place_id)) results =, fields=detail_fields) except Exception as e: print("place: {}".format(e)) results = get_from(results, ["result"]) if results: # print(json.dumps(, indent=2)) print("**********") # print(json.dumps(results, indent=2))[place_id] = results db_session.merge(connector) db_session.commit() yield results['name'], (results['place_id'], results['name'])