def __init__(self, rng, rstream, index, x, params, globalParams, useRglrz, bnPhase, filterShape, inFilters, outFilters, stride, W=None, b=None, a=None, rglrzParam=None, normParam=None, normWindow=None): ''' Class defining a convolutional layer. (bc01) # imageShape :: (0 batch size, 1 # in feature maps, 2 in image height, 3 in image width) # filterShape :: (0 # out feature maps, 1 # in feature maps, 2 filter height, 3 filter width) # Arguments: ''' # defining filter dimensions filterDim = (filterShape[0], filterShape[1]) filterShape = (outFilters, inFilters, filterShape[0], filterShape[1]) nIn = inFilters*filterDim[0]*filterDim[1] nOut = outFilters*filterDim[0]*filterDim[1] updateBN = [] convNonLin = params.cnnNonlin ''' Defining shared variables: T1, T2, BN ''' # defining shared T1 params if W is None: W, b, a = t1_shared(params=params, rng=rng, index=index, nIn=nIn, nOut=nOut, outFilters=outFilters, filterShape=filterShape) self.W = W; self.b = b; self.a = a if params.batchNorm and not params.aFix: self.paramsT1 = [W, b, a] else: self.paramsT1 = [W, b] # defining shared T2 params self.paramsT2 = [] if rglrzParam is None: rglrzParam = t2_shared(params, globalParams, index, inFilters, outFilters, filterShape) self.rglrzParam = rglrzParam if params.useT2: for rglrz in params.rglrzTrain: if (rglrz not in params.rglrzPerNetwork) and (rglrz not in params.rglrzPerNetwork1): if (rglrz not in ['inputNoise', 'addNoise']) or params.convLayers[index].noise: self.paramsT2 += [rglrzParam[rglrz]] # if trained, put param here # defining shared BN params if params.batchNorm and params.convLayers[index].bn: if normParam is None: normParam, paramsBN = bn_shared(params, outFilters, index) self.normParam = normParam self.paramsBN = paramsBN # noise if (index == 0 and 'inputNoise' in rglrzParam.keys()): noiz = self.rglrzParam['inputNoise'] elif 'addNoise' in rglrzParam.keys(): noiz = self.rglrzParam['addNoise'] if ('dropOut' in rglrzParam.keys()): drop = self.rglrzParam['dropOut'] elif 'dropOutB' in rglrzParam.keys(): drop = self.rglrzParam['dropOutB'] ''' x transformations: convolution, BN, noise, nonlinearity ''' # add gauss noise before affine transform if noise_conditions(params, index, 'type0'): x = noiseup(x, useRglrz, noiz, params.noiseT1, params, index, rstream) if dropout_conditions(params, index, 'type0'): x = dropout(x, useRglrz, drop, params, inFilters, rstream) # convolution if cudasConv: convOut = cudnn.dnn_conv(x, self.W, border_mode = params.convLayers[index].border, subsample = stride) else: convOut = nnconv.conv2d(x, self.W, subsample = stride, border_mode = params.convLayers[index].border) # batch normalization & scale+shift if params.batchNorm and params.convLayers[index].bn: convOut, updateBN = bn_layer(convOut, self.a, self.b, self.normParam, params, bnPhase) self.updateBN = updateBN else: convOut += self.b.dimshuffle('x', 0, 'x', 'x') # add gauss noise before nonlinearity if noise_conditions(params, index, 'type1'): convOut = noiseup(convOut, useRglrz, noiz, params.noiseT1, params, index, rstream) # nonlinearity self.output = activation(convOut, convNonLin)
def __init__(self, rng, rstream, index, x, params, globalParams, useRglrz, bnPhase, W=None, b=None, a=None, rglrzParam=None, normParam=None, normWindow=None): ''' Class defining a fully connected layer. ''' if params.model == 'convnet': nonLin = 'softmax' nIn = 10 nOut = 10 else: nonLin = params.activation[index] nIn = params.nHidden[index] nOut = params.nHidden[index + 1] ''' Initializing shared variables. ''' # defining shared T1 params if W is None: W, b, a = t1_shared(params, rng, index, nIn, nOut, nOut) self.W = W self.b = b self.a = a if params.batchNorm and (not params.aFix) and (nonLin != 'softmax'): self.paramsT1 = [W, b, a] else: self.paramsT1 = [W, b] # defining shared T2 params self.paramsT2 = [] if rglrzParam is None: rglrzParam = t2_shared(params, globalParams, index, nIn, nOut) self.rglrzParam = rglrzParam self.paramsT2 = [] if params.useT2: for rglrz in params.rglrzTrain: if (rglrz not in params.rglrzPerNetwork) and ( rglrz not in params.rglrzPerNetwork1): if rglrz != 'addNoise' or nonLin != 'softmax': self.paramsT2 += [rglrzParam[rglrz] ] # if trained, put param here # defining shared BN params if normParam is None and params.batchNorm and nonLin != 'softmax': if normParam is None: normParam, paramsBN = bn_shared(params, nOut, index) self.normParam = normParam self.paramsBN = paramsBN # noise if (index == 0 and 'inputNoise' in rglrzParam.keys()): noiz = self.rglrzParam['inputNoise'] elif 'addNoise' in rglrzParam.keys(): noiz = self.rglrzParam['addNoise'] if ('dropOut' in rglrzParam.keys()): drop = self.rglrzParam['dropOut'] elif 'dropOutB' in rglrzParam.keys(): drop = self.rglrzParam['dropOutB'] ''' Input transformations: convolution, BN, noise, nonlinearity ''' # add normal noise to x self.x = x if noise_conditions(params, index, 'type0'): x = noiseup(x, useRglrz, noiz, params.noiseT1, params, index, rstream) if dropout_conditions(params, index, 'type0'): x = dropout(x, useRglrz, drop, params, nIn, rstream) # affine transform xLin =, self.W) # batchnorm transform if params.batchNorm and nonLin != 'softmax': xLin, updateBN = bn_layer(xLin, self.a, self.b, self.normParam, params, bnPhase) self.updateBN = updateBN else: xLin += self.b # noise before nonlinearity if noise_conditions(params, index, 'type1'): xLin = noiseup(xLin, useRglrz, noiz, params.noiseT1, params, index, rstream) # nonlinearity self.output = activation(xLin, nonLin)
def __init__( self, rng, rstream, index, x, params, globalParams, useRglrz, bnPhase, W=None, b=None, a=None, rglrzParam=None, normParam=None, normWindow=None, ): """ Class defining a fully connected layer. """ if params.model == "convnet": nonLin = "softmax" nIn = 10 nOut = 10 else: nonLin = params.activation[index] nIn = params.nHidden[index] nOut = params.nHidden[index + 1] """ Initializing shared variables. """ # defining shared T1 params if W is None: W, b, a = t1_shared(params, rng, index, nIn, nOut, nOut) self.W = W self.b = b self.a = a if params.batchNorm and (not params.aFix) and (nonLin != "softmax"): self.paramsT1 = [W, b, a] else: self.paramsT1 = [W, b] # defining shared T2 params self.paramsT2 = [] if rglrzParam is None: rglrzParam = t2_shared(params, globalParams, index, nIn, nOut) self.rglrzParam = rglrzParam self.paramsT2 = [] if params.useT2: for rglrz in params.rglrzTrain: if (rglrz not in params.rglrzPerNetwork) and (rglrz not in params.rglrzPerNetwork1): if rglrz != "addNoise" or nonLin != "softmax": self.paramsT2 += [rglrzParam[rglrz]] # if trained, put param here # defining shared BN params if normParam is None and params.batchNorm and nonLin != "softmax": if normParam is None: normParam, paramsBN = bn_shared(params, nOut, index) self.normParam = normParam self.paramsBN = paramsBN # noise if index == 0 and "inputNoise" in rglrzParam.keys(): noiz = self.rglrzParam["inputNoise"] elif "addNoise" in rglrzParam.keys(): noiz = self.rglrzParam["addNoise"] if "dropOut" in rglrzParam.keys(): drop = self.rglrzParam["dropOut"] elif "dropOutB" in rglrzParam.keys(): drop = self.rglrzParam["dropOutB"] """ Input transformations: convolution, BN, noise, nonlinearity """ # add normal noise to x self.x = x if noise_conditions(params, index, "type0"): x = noiseup(x, useRglrz, noiz, params.noiseT1, params, index, rstream) if dropout_conditions(params, index, "type0"): x = dropout(x, useRglrz, drop, params, nIn, rstream) # affine transform xLin =, self.W) # batchnorm transform if params.batchNorm and nonLin != "softmax": xLin, updateBN = bn_layer(xLin, self.a, self.b, self.normParam, params, bnPhase) self.updateBN = updateBN else: xLin += self.b # noise before nonlinearity if noise_conditions(params, index, "type1"): xLin = noiseup(xLin, useRglrz, noiz, params.noiseT1, params, index, rstream) # nonlinearity self.output = activation(xLin, nonLin)