コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: haozhi88/next-project
def update(lesson_id):
    # Check for valid json
    if not request.is_json:
        return error_401("Reponse is not JSON")

    # Check if user exists and signed in
    jwt_user = get_jwt_identity()
    user = User.get_or_none(User.name == jwt_user) 

    if not user:
        return error_401("Unauthorized action")

    # Retrieve data from json
    data = request.get_json()
    title = data['title']
    description = data['description']

    # Check title and description and then create new lesson
    if title and description:
        lesson = Lesson.update(title=title, description=description).where(Lesson.id==lesson_id).execute()
        if lesson:
            return success_201("Update lesson successfully", lesson)
            return error_401("Update lesson failed")    
        return error_401("Invalid title or description")
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: haozhi88/next-project
def add_image():
    jwt_user = get_jwt_identity()
    user = User.get_or_none(User.name == jwt_user) 

    if user:
        image_file = request.files.get('image')
        request_data = request.get_json()
        if request_data:
            lesson_id = request_data.lesson_id
            query = Lesson.update(image = image_file.filename).where(Lesson.id == lesson_id)
            if query.execute() and upload_file_to_s3(image_file):
                return success_201('Image successfully saved and uploaded!')
                return error_401('Error when saving image to S3 or database!')
            return error_401('Requested data is not JSON or not found!')
        error_401('User not found!')