def get(self, first_name=None): if not first_name: return jsonify(**{'error': 'Incorrect Author'}) authors = Author.objects().distinct('first_name') if first_name not in authors: abort(404, message=f'Not found posts with author: {first_name}') author = Author.objects(first_name=first_name).get() posts = Post.objects(author=author) return PostSchema().dump(posts, many=True)
def new_quote(): json_data = request.get_json() if not json_data: return {"message": "No input data provided"}, 400 # Validate and deserialize input try: data = quote_schema.load(json_data) except ValidationError as err: return err.messages, 422 first, last = data["author"]["first"], data["author"]["last"] author = Author.query.filter_by(first=first, last=last).first() if author is None: # Create a new author author = Author(first=first, last=last) db.session.add(author) # Create new quote quote = Quote( content=data["content"], author=author, posted_at=datetime.datetime.utcnow() ) db.session.add(quote) db.session.commit() result = quote_schema.dump( Quote.query.get( ) return {"message": "Created new quote.", "quote": result}, 201
def get(nick_name=None): try: author_id = Author.objects(nick_name=nick_name)[0].id posts = Post.objects(author=author_id) for post in posts: post.views += 1 return PostSchema(many=True).dump(posts) except IndexError: return []
from models.models import Tag, Author, Post from random import choice tag = [] author = [] for i in range(1, 6): tag_ex = Tag(**{'title': f'#tag{i}'}).save() tag.append(tag_ex) for i in range(1, 3): author_ex = Author(**{ 'first_name': f'First Name {i}', 'last_name': f'Last Name {i}' }).save() author.append(author_ex) for i in range(1, 11): post_ex = { 'title': f'title by post number {i}', 'content': f'content by post number {i}', 'author': choice(author), 'tag': [choice(tag), choice(tag)] } Post(**post_ex).save()
def delete(self, id=None): if not id: abort(404, message='ID incorrect') AuthorSchema().dump(Author.objects(id=id).delete())
def put(self, id): obj = Author.objects(id=id).get() obj.update(**request.json) return AuthorSchema().dump(obj.reload())
def post(self): validity = AuthorSchema().validate(request.json) if validity: return validity obj = Author(**request.json).save() return AuthorSchema().dump(obj)
def get(self, id=None): if not id: objects = Author.objects() return AuthorSchema().dump(objects, many=True) return AuthorSchema().dump(Author.objects(id=id).get())
def create_database(): for nick_name in NICK_NAMES: author = Author() author.nick_name = nick_name author.first_name = choice(NAMES) author.last_name = f'{choice(NAMES)}ченко' author.posts = 0 for post_text in POSTS: post_words = post_text.split(' ') post_words = list(filter(None, post_words)) post_tags = [word for word in post_words if word[0] == '#'] tags_ids = [] for tag_text in post_tags: try: tag = Tag.objects(tag=tag_text.lower())[0] except IndexError: tag = Tag() tag.tag = tag_text.lower() tags_ids.append( print(tags_ids) post = Post() = f'{post_words[0]}_{post_words[1]}' post.content = post_text author = Author.objects(nick_name=choice(NICK_NAMES))[0] author.posts += 1 = post.datetime = post.views = 0 post.tag = tags_ids