def __init__(self, sensor=23, initialValue="Off"): Observable.__init__(self,initialValue) self.sensor=sensor GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(self.sensor,GPIO.IN,GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.add_event_detect(self.sensor,GPIO.BOTH,self.sensorChange)"Sensor init") self.led = LED(24)
def __init__(self, device='ttyUSB0', initialValue="Off"): Observable.__init__(self, initialValue) self.ser = serial.Serial( port='/dev/' + device, baudrate=19200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=1 )"Planar OLED init")
def __init__(self, ipaddy, filepath, active, idle, initialValue="Offline"): Observable.__init__(self, initialValue) self.ipaddy = ipaddy self.port = 8900 self.filepath = filepath = active self.idle = idle self.activeplaying = False self.idleplaying = False self.parse = False self.currentList = Observable() self.allLists = Observable() self.getCurrentList()
def __init__(self,ipaddy,filepath,active,idle,initialValue="Offline"): Observable.__init__(self,initialValue) self.ipaddy=ipaddy self.port=8900 self.filepath=filepath self.idle=idle self.activeplaying=False self.idleplaying=False self.parse=False self.currentList=Observable() self.allLists=Observable() self.getCurrentList()
def __init__(self, port=1, initialValue="Off"): Observable.__init__(self, initialValue) self.port = port GPIO.setup(self.port, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(self.port, GPIO.LOW)"LED init")
class Spyeworks(Observable): def __init__(self,ipaddy,filepath,active,idle,initialValue="Offline"): Observable.__init__(self,initialValue) self.ipaddy=ipaddy self.port=8900 self.filepath=filepath self.idle=idle self.activeplaying=False self.idleplaying=False self.parse=False self.currentList=Observable() self.allLists=Observable() self.getCurrentList() def login(self,cmd=""): # initiate the socket s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) # set the socket connect timeout s.settimeout(5) # try to connect"Connecting to player at %s" , self.ipaddy) try: s.connect((self.ipaddy,self.port)) # connection error except: logger.error("Connection error: %s" , self.ipaddy) self.set("Connection Error") # socket connected else:"Connected to player at %s. Logging in..." , self.ipaddy) # send the login msg s.send(b'LOGIN\r\n') # receive the reply msg=s.recv(1024) # decode the reply msg=msg.decode('ascii') # if it's an OK, login is good if(msg[:2]=='OK'):"Connected and logged in to player at %s" , self.ipaddy) # set device to Online self.set("Online") # if there is a command if len(cmd)>0: # send the endcoded command s.send(cmd.encode()) # if the command needs to be parsed if self.parse: if self.parseType=='active': # set the active string and change the flags self.currentList.set( self.activeplaying=True self.idleplaying=False elif self.parseType=='idle': # set the idle string and change the flags self.currentList.set(self.idle) self.activeplaying=False self.idleplaying=True # reset the parse flag self.parse=False # get the strings for parsing stringsForParsing=self.recv_timeout(s).split('\r\n') # if we are pasring an all playlists response if self.parseType=='all': allListsTemp=[] # loop over strings for st in stringsForParsing: myString=st[len(self.filepath):-12] if len(myString)>0: # add response to list allListsTemp.append(myString) self.allLists.set(allListsTemp) # if we are parsing the current list elif self.parseType=='current': # loop over strings for st in stringsForParsing: # get the playlist response myString=st[len(self.filepath):-4] # if there is a response if len(myString)>0: # assign response to current list self.currentList.set(myString) # login not okay else: logger.error("Login error: %s" , self.ipaddy) # set the device to login error self.set("Login Error") # close the socket connection s.close() # routine for receiving chunks of data from a socket def recv_timeout(self,mySocket,timeout=.5): # set the socket to nonblocking mySocket.setblocking(0) # initiate the variables buffer=[] data='' begin=time.time() # start the while loop while 1: # if there is data and we've reached the timeout, end the while if buffer and time.time()-begin > timeout: break # if there is no data, wait for twice the timeout elif time.time()-begin > timeout*2: break # receive data try: data=mySocket.recv(8192) except: pass else: # if data received if data: # get the encoding type encoding=chardet.detect(data)['encoding'] # add data to buffer buffer.append(data.decode(encoding)) # reset timeout begin=time.time() # join the buffer for return return ''.join(buffer) def getCurrentList(self): self.parse=True self.parseType='current' self.login('SCP\r\n') def getAllPlaylists(self): self.parse=True self.parseType='all' self.login('DML\r\n') def playActive(self): self.parse=True self.parseType='active' self.login('SPL''.dml\r\n') def playIdle(self): self.parse=True self.parseType='idle' self.login('SPL'+self.filepath+self.idle+'.dml\r\n')
class Spyeworks(Observable): def __init__(self, ipaddy, filepath, active, idle, initialValue="Offline"): Observable.__init__(self, initialValue) self.ipaddy = ipaddy self.port = 8900 self.filepath = filepath = active self.idle = idle self.activeplaying = False self.idleplaying = False self.parse = False self.currentList = Observable() self.allLists = Observable() self.getCurrentList() def login(self, cmd=""): # initiate the socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # set the socket connect timeout s.settimeout(5) # try to connect"Connecting to player at %s", self.ipaddy) try: s.connect((self.ipaddy, self.port)) # connection error except: logger.error("Connection error: %s", self.ipaddy) self.set("Connection Error") # socket connected else:"Connected to player at %s. Logging in...", self.ipaddy) # send the login msg s.send(b"LOGIN\r\n") # receive the reply msg = s.recv(1024) # decode the reply msg = msg.decode("ascii") # if it's an OK, login is good if msg[:2] == "OK":"Connected and logged in to player at %s", self.ipaddy) # set device to Online self.set("Online") # if there is a command if len(cmd) > 0: # send the endcoded command s.send(cmd.encode()) # if the command needs to be parsed if self.parse: if self.parseType == "active": # set the active string and change the flags self.currentList.set( self.activeplaying = True self.idleplaying = False elif self.parseType == "idle": # set the idle string and change the flags self.currentList.set(self.idle) self.activeplaying = False self.idleplaying = True # reset the parse flag self.parse = False # get the strings for parsing stringsForParsing = self.recv_timeout(s).split("\r\n") # if we are pasring an all playlists response if self.parseType == "all": allListsTemp = [] # loop over strings for st in stringsForParsing: myString = st[len(self.filepath) : -12] if len(myString) > 0: # add response to list allListsTemp.append(myString) self.allLists.set(allListsTemp) # if we are parsing the current list elif self.parseType == "current": # loop over strings for st in stringsForParsing: # get the playlist response myString = st[len(self.filepath) : -4] # if there is a response if len(myString) > 0: # assign response to current list self.currentList.set(myString) # login not okay else: logger.error("Login error: %s", self.ipaddy) # set the device to login error self.set("Login Error") # close the socket connection s.close() # routine for receiving chunks of data from a socket def recv_timeout(self, mySocket, timeout=0.5): # set the socket to nonblocking mySocket.setblocking(0) # initiate the variables buffer = [] data = "" begin = time.time() # start the while loop while 1: # if there is data and we've reached the timeout, end the while if buffer and time.time() - begin > timeout: break # if there is no data, wait for twice the timeout elif time.time() - begin > timeout * 2: break # receive data try: data = mySocket.recv(8192) except: pass else: # if data received if data: # get the encoding type encoding = chardet.detect(data)["encoding"] # add data to buffer buffer.append(data.decode(encoding)) # reset timeout begin = time.time() # join the buffer for return return "".join(buffer) def getCurrentList(self): self.parse = True self.parseType = "current" self.login("SCP\r\n") def getAllPlaylists(self): self.parse = True self.parseType = "all" self.login("DML\r\n") def playActive(self): self.parse = True self.parseType = "active" self.login("SPL" + self.filepath + + ".dml\r\n") def playIdle(self): self.parse = True self.parseType = "idle" self.login("SPL" + self.filepath + self.idle + ".dml\r\n")
def printMenu(self): print( """ Spyeworks Motion Sensor Configuration Main Menu 1. Change Spyeworks MAC 2. Change Active List 3. Change Active Delay 4. Change Display Turn On/Off Days 5. Change Display Turn On Time 6. Change Display Turn Off Time 7. Get On-Off Times 8. Quit/Exit """ ) # get the selection self.main_selection = input("Please select: ") print("\n") if self.main_selection == "1": # self.printSecondMenu('Spyeworks MAC', self.mac.get()) print("Current Spyeworks MAC:", self.mac.get()) self.newMac = input("Enter new Spyeworks MAC: ") if len(self.newMac) == 17: # set new mac self.mac.set(self.newMac) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print("New Spyeworks MAC is", self.mac.get()) # get ip address for mac self.getIP = find_mac_on_network(self.mac.get()) if len(self.getIP) > 0: # ip address found # assign ip to model self.ipaddy = Observable(self.getIP) # print results print("Spyeworks Player", self.mac.get(), "found at IP", self.ipaddy.get()) else: print("Spyeworks Player", self.mac.get(), "not found") else: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "2": # self.printSecondMenu('Active List', print("Current Active List:", self.newActive = input("Enter new Active List name: ") if len(self.newActive) > 0: # set new active list # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print("New Active List name is", else: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "3": # self.printSecondMenu('Active Delay', self.activedelay.get()) print("Current Active List Delay:", self.activedelay.get()) self.newActiveDelay = input("Enter new Active List Delay: ") try: if len(self.newActiveDelay) > 0 and int(self.newActiveDelay) >= 0: # set new active list delay self.activedelay.set(self.newActiveDelay) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print("New Active List Delay is", self.activedelay.get(), "seconds") else: print("Invalid entry") except: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "4": print("Current Turn On/Off days:", self.daysLabel.get()) print("1. Daily") print("2. WeekDays") self.newDays = input("Select which days to use: ") # validate entry if int(self.newDays) == 1 or int(self.newDays) == 2: self.daysLabel.set(dayLabels[int(self.newDays) - 1]) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() print("New Turn On/Off days:", self.daysLabel.get()) else: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "5": print("Current Turn On time ", str(self.onHour.get()), ":", str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") self.newOnHour = input("Enter new turn on hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOnHour) < 24 and int(self.newOnHour) >= 0: self.newOnMin = input("Enter new turn on minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOnMin) < 60 and int(self.newOnMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.onHour.set(int(self.newOnHour)) # assign new minute self.onMin.set(int(self.newOnMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn on time print("New Turn On time ", str(self.onHour.get()), ":", str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") else: print("Invalid Turn On Min") else: print("Invalid Turn On Hour") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "6": print("Current Turn Off time ", str(self.offHour.get()), ":", str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") self.newOffHour = input("Enter new turn off hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOffHour) < 24 and int(self.newOffHour) >= 0: self.newOffMin = input("Enter new turn off minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOffMin) < 60 and int(self.newOffMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.offHour.set(int(self.newOffHour)) # assign new minute self.offMin.set(int(self.newOffMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn off time print("New Turn Off time ", str(self.offHour.get()), ":", str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") else: print("Invalid Turn Off Min") else: print("Invalid Turn Off Hour") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "7": print( "Turn On ", self.daysLabel.get(), " at ", str(self.onHour.get()), ":", str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="", ) print( "Turn Off ", self.daysLabel.get(), " at ", str(self.offHour.get()), ":", str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="", ) self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "8": sys.exit() else: print("Invalid selection.\n") self.printMenu()
def __init__(self): # check to see if values are in text file, otherwise load defaults try: f = open("spyeconfig.txt", "r") # problem opening the file, load the default values except: logger.warn("Could not open spyeconfig.txt") self.filepath = Observable("c:/users/public/documents/spyeworks/content/") self.mac = Observable("00:00:00:00:00:00") # self.ipaddy = Observable("") = Observable("active") self.activedelay = Observable("10") self.idle = Observable("idle") self.idledelay = Observable("10") self.daysLabel = Observable("Daily") self.onHour = Observable(7) self.onMin = Observable(0) self.offHour = Observable(19) self.offMin = Observable(0) self.UpdateTextFile() logger.warn("spyeconfig.txt created with default values.") else:"Parsing spyeconfig.txt...") self.filepath = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) # self.ipaddy = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.mac = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.activedelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idle = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idledelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.daysLabel = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.onHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.onMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1]))"Parsing complete.") # close the file f.close() # create the title/value dictionary self.settingsDict = { "Spyeworks MAC": self.mac, "Active List":, "Active Delay": self.activedelay, "Idle List": self.idle, "Idle Delay": self.idledelay, } # print the menu self.printMenu()
class Controller: def __init__(self): # check to see if values are in text file, otherwise load defaults try: f = open("spyeconfig.txt", "r") # problem opening the file, load the default values except: logger.warn("Could not open spyeconfig.txt") self.filepath = Observable("c:/users/public/documents/spyeworks/content/") self.mac = Observable("00:00:00:00:00:00") # self.ipaddy = Observable("") = Observable("active") self.activedelay = Observable("10") self.idle = Observable("idle") self.idledelay = Observable("10") self.daysLabel = Observable("Daily") self.onHour = Observable(7) self.onMin = Observable(0) self.offHour = Observable(19) self.offMin = Observable(0) self.UpdateTextFile() logger.warn("spyeconfig.txt created with default values.") else:"Parsing spyeconfig.txt...") self.filepath = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) # self.ipaddy = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.mac = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.activedelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idle = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idledelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.daysLabel = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.onHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.onMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1]))"Parsing complete.") # close the file f.close() # create the title/value dictionary self.settingsDict = { "Spyeworks MAC": self.mac, "Active List":, "Active Delay": self.activedelay, "Idle List": self.idle, "Idle Delay": self.idledelay, } # print the menu self.printMenu() def printMenu(self): print( """ Spyeworks Motion Sensor Configuration Main Menu 1. Change Spyeworks MAC 2. Change Active List 3. Change Active Delay 4. Change Display Turn On/Off Days 5. Change Display Turn On Time 6. Change Display Turn Off Time 7. Get On-Off Times 8. Quit/Exit """ ) # get the selection self.main_selection = input("Please select: ") print("\n") if self.main_selection == "1": # self.printSecondMenu('Spyeworks MAC', self.mac.get()) print("Current Spyeworks MAC:", self.mac.get()) self.newMac = input("Enter new Spyeworks MAC: ") if len(self.newMac) == 17: # set new mac self.mac.set(self.newMac) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print("New Spyeworks MAC is", self.mac.get()) # get ip address for mac self.getIP = find_mac_on_network(self.mac.get()) if len(self.getIP) > 0: # ip address found # assign ip to model self.ipaddy = Observable(self.getIP) # print results print("Spyeworks Player", self.mac.get(), "found at IP", self.ipaddy.get()) else: print("Spyeworks Player", self.mac.get(), "not found") else: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "2": # self.printSecondMenu('Active List', print("Current Active List:", self.newActive = input("Enter new Active List name: ") if len(self.newActive) > 0: # set new active list # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print("New Active List name is", else: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "3": # self.printSecondMenu('Active Delay', self.activedelay.get()) print("Current Active List Delay:", self.activedelay.get()) self.newActiveDelay = input("Enter new Active List Delay: ") try: if len(self.newActiveDelay) > 0 and int(self.newActiveDelay) >= 0: # set new active list delay self.activedelay.set(self.newActiveDelay) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print("New Active List Delay is", self.activedelay.get(), "seconds") else: print("Invalid entry") except: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "4": print("Current Turn On/Off days:", self.daysLabel.get()) print("1. Daily") print("2. WeekDays") self.newDays = input("Select which days to use: ") # validate entry if int(self.newDays) == 1 or int(self.newDays) == 2: self.daysLabel.set(dayLabels[int(self.newDays) - 1]) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() print("New Turn On/Off days:", self.daysLabel.get()) else: print("Invalid entry") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "5": print("Current Turn On time ", str(self.onHour.get()), ":", str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") self.newOnHour = input("Enter new turn on hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOnHour) < 24 and int(self.newOnHour) >= 0: self.newOnMin = input("Enter new turn on minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOnMin) < 60 and int(self.newOnMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.onHour.set(int(self.newOnHour)) # assign new minute self.onMin.set(int(self.newOnMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn on time print("New Turn On time ", str(self.onHour.get()), ":", str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") else: print("Invalid Turn On Min") else: print("Invalid Turn On Hour") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "6": print("Current Turn Off time ", str(self.offHour.get()), ":", str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") self.newOffHour = input("Enter new turn off hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOffHour) < 24 and int(self.newOffHour) >= 0: self.newOffMin = input("Enter new turn off minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOffMin) < 60 and int(self.newOffMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.offHour.set(int(self.newOffHour)) # assign new minute self.offMin.set(int(self.newOffMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn off time print("New Turn Off time ", str(self.offHour.get()), ":", str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="") else: print("Invalid Turn Off Min") else: print("Invalid Turn Off Hour") self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "7": print( "Turn On ", self.daysLabel.get(), " at ", str(self.onHour.get()), ":", str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="", ) print( "Turn Off ", self.daysLabel.get(), " at ", str(self.offHour.get()), ":", str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep="", ) self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == "8": sys.exit() else: print("Invalid selection.\n") self.printMenu() def printSecondMenu(self, title, value): print(title, "-", value) print("1. Change", title) print("2. Back to Main") # get the selection self.second_selection = input("Please select: ") print("\n") if self.second_selection == "1": # new input self.new_value = input("Enter a new value: ") print("\n") # validate new value self.settingsDict[title].set(self.new_value) self.UpdateTextFile() # print new value print("New Value entered:", self.settingsDict[title].get()) print("\n") # print menu again self.printSecondMenu(title, self.new_value) elif self.second_selection == "2": # back to main menu self.printMenu() else: print("Invalid selection.\n") self.printSecondMenu(title, value) ########################################################## ### Method for writing current model values to a text file ########################################################## def UpdateTextFile(self):"Writing to spyeconfig.txt...") # write the model to a text file for tracking variable changes f = open("spyeconfig.txt", "w+") f.write( self.filepath.get() + "\n" + self.mac.get() + "\n" + + "\n" + self.activedelay.get() + "\n" + self.idle.get() + "\n" + self.idledelay.get() + "\n" + self.daysLabel.get() + "\n" + str(self.onHour.get()) + "\n" + str(self.onMin.get()) + "\n" + str(self.offHour.get()) + "\n" + str(self.offMin.get()) + "\n" ) f.close()"Writing complete.")
def printMenu(self): print(""" Spyeworks Motion Sensor Configuration Main Menu 1. Change Spyeworks MAC 2. Change Active List 3. Change Active Delay 4. Change Display Turn On/Off Days 5. Change Display Turn On Time 6. Change Display Turn Off Time 7. Get On-Off Times 8. Quit/Exit """) # get the selection self.main_selection = input("Please select: ") print("\n") if self.main_selection == '1': #self.printSecondMenu('Spyeworks MAC', self.mac.get()) print('Current Spyeworks MAC:', self.mac.get()) self.newMac = input("Enter new Spyeworks MAC: ") if len(self.newMac) == 17: # set new mac self.mac.set(self.newMac) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print('New Spyeworks MAC is', self.mac.get()) # get ip address for mac self.getIP = find_mac_on_network(self.mac.get()) if len(self.getIP) > 0: # ip address found # assign ip to model self.ipaddy = Observable(self.getIP) # print results print('Spyeworks Player', self.mac.get(), 'found at IP', self.ipaddy.get()) else: print('Spyeworks Player', self.mac.get(), 'not found') else: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '2': #self.printSecondMenu('Active List', print('Current Active List:', self.newActive = input("Enter new Active List name: ") if len(self.newActive) > 0: # set new active list # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print('New Active List name is', else: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '3': #self.printSecondMenu('Active Delay', self.activedelay.get()) print('Current Active List Delay:', self.activedelay.get()) self.newActiveDelay = input("Enter new Active List Delay: ") try: if len(self.newActiveDelay) > 0 and int( self.newActiveDelay) >= 0: # set new active list delay self.activedelay.set(self.newActiveDelay) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print('New Active List Delay is', self.activedelay.get(), 'seconds') else: print('Invalid entry') except: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '4': print('Current Turn On/Off days:', self.daysLabel.get()) print('1. Daily') print('2. WeekDays') self.newDays = input("Select which days to use: ") # validate entry if int(self.newDays) == 1 or int(self.newDays) == 2: self.daysLabel.set(dayLabels[int(self.newDays) - 1]) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() print('New Turn On/Off days:', self.daysLabel.get()) else: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '5': print('Current Turn On time ', str(self.onHour.get()), ':', str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') self.newOnHour = input( "Enter new turn on hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOnHour) < 24 and int(self.newOnHour) >= 0: self.newOnMin = input("Enter new turn on minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOnMin) < 60 and int(self.newOnMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.onHour.set(int(self.newOnHour)) # assign new minute self.onMin.set(int(self.newOnMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn on time print('New Turn On time ', str(self.onHour.get()), ':', str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') else: print('Invalid Turn On Min') else: print('Invalid Turn On Hour') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '6': print('Current Turn Off time ', str(self.offHour.get()), ':', str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') self.newOffHour = input( "Enter new turn off hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOffHour) < 24 and int(self.newOffHour) >= 0: self.newOffMin = input("Enter new turn off minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOffMin) < 60 and int(self.newOffMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.offHour.set(int(self.newOffHour)) # assign new minute self.offMin.set(int(self.newOffMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn off time print('New Turn Off time ', str(self.offHour.get()), ':', str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') else: print('Invalid Turn Off Min') else: print('Invalid Turn Off Hour') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '7': print('Turn On ', self.daysLabel.get(), ' at ', str(self.onHour.get()), ':', str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') print('Turn Off ', self.daysLabel.get(), ' at ', str(self.offHour.get()), ':', str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '8': sys.exit() else: print("Invalid selection.\n") self.printMenu()
def __init__(self): # check to see if values are in text file, otherwise load defaults try: f = open('spyeconfig.txt', 'r') # problem opening the file, load the default values except: logger.warn("Could not open spyeconfig.txt") self.filepath = Observable( "c:/users/public/documents/spyeworks/content/") self.mac = Observable("00:00:00:00:00:00") #self.ipaddy = Observable("") = Observable("active") self.activedelay = Observable("10") self.idle = Observable("idle") self.idledelay = Observable("10") self.daysLabel = Observable("Daily") self.onHour = Observable(7) self.onMin = Observable(0) self.offHour = Observable(19) self.offMin = Observable(0) self.UpdateTextFile() logger.warn("spyeconfig.txt created with default values.") else:"Parsing spyeconfig.txt...") self.filepath = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) #self.ipaddy = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.mac = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.activedelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idle = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idledelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.daysLabel = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.onHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.onMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1]))"Parsing complete.") # close the file f.close() # create the title/value dictionary self.settingsDict = { 'Spyeworks MAC': self.mac, 'Active List':, 'Active Delay': self.activedelay, 'Idle List': self.idle, 'Idle Delay': self.idledelay } # print the menu self.printMenu()
class Controller: def __init__(self): # check to see if values are in text file, otherwise load defaults try: f = open('spyeconfig.txt', 'r') # problem opening the file, load the default values except: logger.warn("Could not open spyeconfig.txt") self.filepath = Observable( "c:/users/public/documents/spyeworks/content/") self.mac = Observable("00:00:00:00:00:00") #self.ipaddy = Observable("") = Observable("active") self.activedelay = Observable("10") self.idle = Observable("idle") self.idledelay = Observable("10") self.daysLabel = Observable("Daily") self.onHour = Observable(7) self.onMin = Observable(0) self.offHour = Observable(19) self.offMin = Observable(0) self.UpdateTextFile() logger.warn("spyeconfig.txt created with default values.") else:"Parsing spyeconfig.txt...") self.filepath = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) #self.ipaddy = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.mac = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.activedelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idle = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.idledelay = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.daysLabel = Observable(f.readline()[:-1]) self.onHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.onMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offHour = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1])) self.offMin = Observable(int(f.readline()[:-1]))"Parsing complete.") # close the file f.close() # create the title/value dictionary self.settingsDict = { 'Spyeworks MAC': self.mac, 'Active List':, 'Active Delay': self.activedelay, 'Idle List': self.idle, 'Idle Delay': self.idledelay } # print the menu self.printMenu() def printMenu(self): print(""" Spyeworks Motion Sensor Configuration Main Menu 1. Change Spyeworks MAC 2. Change Active List 3. Change Active Delay 4. Change Display Turn On/Off Days 5. Change Display Turn On Time 6. Change Display Turn Off Time 7. Get On-Off Times 8. Quit/Exit """) # get the selection self.main_selection = input("Please select: ") print("\n") if self.main_selection == '1': #self.printSecondMenu('Spyeworks MAC', self.mac.get()) print('Current Spyeworks MAC:', self.mac.get()) self.newMac = input("Enter new Spyeworks MAC: ") if len(self.newMac) == 17: # set new mac self.mac.set(self.newMac) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print('New Spyeworks MAC is', self.mac.get()) # get ip address for mac self.getIP = find_mac_on_network(self.mac.get()) if len(self.getIP) > 0: # ip address found # assign ip to model self.ipaddy = Observable(self.getIP) # print results print('Spyeworks Player', self.mac.get(), 'found at IP', self.ipaddy.get()) else: print('Spyeworks Player', self.mac.get(), 'not found') else: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '2': #self.printSecondMenu('Active List', print('Current Active List:', self.newActive = input("Enter new Active List name: ") if len(self.newActive) > 0: # set new active list # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print('New Active List name is', else: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '3': #self.printSecondMenu('Active Delay', self.activedelay.get()) print('Current Active List Delay:', self.activedelay.get()) self.newActiveDelay = input("Enter new Active List Delay: ") try: if len(self.newActiveDelay) > 0 and int( self.newActiveDelay) >= 0: # set new active list delay self.activedelay.set(self.newActiveDelay) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new active list name print('New Active List Delay is', self.activedelay.get(), 'seconds') else: print('Invalid entry') except: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '4': print('Current Turn On/Off days:', self.daysLabel.get()) print('1. Daily') print('2. WeekDays') self.newDays = input("Select which days to use: ") # validate entry if int(self.newDays) == 1 or int(self.newDays) == 2: self.daysLabel.set(dayLabels[int(self.newDays) - 1]) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() print('New Turn On/Off days:', self.daysLabel.get()) else: print('Invalid entry') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '5': print('Current Turn On time ', str(self.onHour.get()), ':', str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') self.newOnHour = input( "Enter new turn on hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOnHour) < 24 and int(self.newOnHour) >= 0: self.newOnMin = input("Enter new turn on minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOnMin) < 60 and int(self.newOnMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.onHour.set(int(self.newOnHour)) # assign new minute self.onMin.set(int(self.newOnMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn on time print('New Turn On time ', str(self.onHour.get()), ':', str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') else: print('Invalid Turn On Min') else: print('Invalid Turn On Hour') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '6': print('Current Turn Off time ', str(self.offHour.get()), ':', str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') self.newOffHour = input( "Enter new turn off hour (in 24 hour clock): ") # validate hour entry if int(self.newOffHour) < 24 and int(self.newOffHour) >= 0: self.newOffMin = input("Enter new turn off minute: ") # validate min entry if int(self.newOffMin) < 60 and int(self.newOffMin) >= 0: # assign new hour self.offHour.set(int(self.newOffHour)) # assign new minute self.offMin.set(int(self.newOffMin)) # update the text file self.UpdateTextFile() # print new turn off time print('New Turn Off time ', str(self.offHour.get()), ':', str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') else: print('Invalid Turn Off Min') else: print('Invalid Turn Off Hour') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '7': print('Turn On ', self.daysLabel.get(), ' at ', str(self.onHour.get()), ':', str(self.onMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') print('Turn Off ', self.daysLabel.get(), ' at ', str(self.offHour.get()), ':', str(self.offMin.get()).zfill(2), sep='') self.printMenu() elif self.main_selection == '8': sys.exit() else: print("Invalid selection.\n") self.printMenu() def printSecondMenu(self, title, value): print(title, '-', value) print("1. Change", title) print("2. Back to Main") # get the selection self.second_selection = input("Please select: ") print("\n") if self.second_selection == '1': # new input self.new_value = input("Enter a new value: ") print("\n") # validate new value self.settingsDict[title].set(self.new_value) self.UpdateTextFile() # print new value print("New Value entered:", self.settingsDict[title].get()) print("\n") # print menu again self.printSecondMenu(title, self.new_value) elif self.second_selection == '2': # back to main menu self.printMenu() else: print("Invalid selection.\n") self.printSecondMenu(title, value) ########################################################## ### Method for writing current model values to a text file ########################################################## def UpdateTextFile(self):"Writing to spyeconfig.txt...") # write the model to a text file for tracking variable changes f = open('spyeconfig.txt', 'w+') f.write(self.filepath.get() + '\n' + self.mac.get() + '\n' + + '\n' + self.activedelay.get() + '\n' + self.idle.get() + '\n' + self.idledelay.get() + '\n' + self.daysLabel.get() + '\n' + str(self.onHour.get()) + '\n' + str(self.onMin.get()) + '\n' + str(self.offHour.get()) + '\n' + str(self.offMin.get()) + '\n') f.close()"Writing complete.")