コード例 #1
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: wincax88/sagefy
def flush_entities(db_conn, descs):
    Given a list of kinds and entity_ids,
    return a list filled out with entities.

    output = []

    for desc in descs:
        if desc['kind'] == 'card':
            card = Card.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id=desc['id'])
            card = flip_card_into_kind(card)
            if card:
        elif desc['kind'] == 'unit':
        elif desc['kind'] == 'set':

    return output
コード例 #2
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: wincax88/sagefy
def instance_entities(data):
    Given a kind and some json, call insert on that kind
    and return the results.
    A little safer.

    fields = ('id', 'created', 'modified',
              'entity_id', 'previous_id', 'status', 'available')
    entities = []
    if 'cards' in data:
        for card_data in data['cards']:
            kind = card_data.get('kind')
            if kind in card_map:
                    card_map[kind](omit(card_data, fields))
    if 'units' in data:
        entities = entities + [
            Unit(omit(unit_data, fields))
            for unit_data in data['units']
    if 'sets' in data:
        entities = entities + [
            Set(omit(set_data, fields))
            for set_data in data['sets']
    return entities
コード例 #3
def get_unit_route(request, unit_id):
    Get a specific unit given an ID.

    db_conn = request["db_conn"]

    unit = Unit.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, unit_id)
    if not unit:
        return abort(404)

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoints for these instead
    topics = Topic.list_by_entity_id(db_conn, unit_id)
    versions = Unit.get_versions(db_conn, unit_id)
    requires = Unit.list_requires(db_conn, unit_id)
    required_by = Unit.list_required_by(db_conn, unit_id)
    sets = Set.list_by_unit_id(db_conn, unit_id)

    return (
            "unit": unit.deliver(),
            # 'unit_parameters': unit.fetch_parameters(),
            "topics": [topic.deliver() for topic in topics],
            "versions": [version.deliver() for version in versions],
            "requires": [require.deliver() for require in requires],
            "required_by": [require.deliver() for require in required_by],
            "belongs_to": [set_.deliver() for set_ in sets],
コード例 #4
ファイル: user_sets.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
    def list_sets(self, limit=10, skip=0, **params):
        Join the user's set_ids with set information.
        Return empty list when there's no matching documents.

        return Set.list_by_entity_ids(self['set_ids'])
コード例 #5
ファイル: unit.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def get_unit_route(request, unit_id):
    Get a specific unit given an ID.

    unit = Unit.get_latest_accepted(unit_id)
    if not unit:
        return abort(404)

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoints for these instead
    topics = Topic.list_by_entity_id(unit_id)
    versions = Unit.get_versions(unit_id)
    requires = Unit.list_requires(unit_id)
    required_by = Unit.list_required_by(unit_id)
    sets = Set.list_by_unit_id(unit_id)

    return 200, {
        'unit': unit.deliver(),
        # 'unit_parameters': unit.fetch_parameters(),
        'topics': [topic.deliver() for topic in topics],
        'versions': [version.deliver() for version in versions],
        'requires': [require.deliver() for require in requires],
        'required_by': [require.deliver() for require in required_by],
        'belongs_to': [set_.deliver() for set_ in sets],
コード例 #6
    def list_sets(self, db_conn, limit=10, skip=0, **params):
        Join the user's set_ids with set information.
        Return empty list when there's no matching documents.

        return Set.list_by_entity_ids(db_conn, self['set_ids'])
コード例 #7
def get_unit_route(request, unit_id):
    Get a specific unit given an ID.

    db_conn = request['db_conn']

    unit = Unit.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, unit_id)
    if not unit:
        return abort(404)

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoints for these instead
    topics = list_topics_by_entity_id(unit_id, {}, db_conn)
    versions = Unit.get_versions(db_conn, unit_id)
    requires = Unit.list_requires(db_conn, unit_id)
    required_by = Unit.list_required_by(db_conn, unit_id)
    sets = Set.list_by_unit_id(db_conn, unit_id)

    return 200, {
        'unit': unit.deliver(),
        # 'unit_parameters': unit.fetch_parameters(),
        'topics': [deliver_topic(topic) for topic in topics],
        'versions': [version.deliver() for version in versions],
        'requires': [require.deliver() for require in requires],
        'required_by': [require.deliver() for require in required_by],
        'belongs_to': [set_.deliver() for set_ in sets],
コード例 #8
def flush_entities(db_conn, descs):
    Given a list of kinds and entity_ids,
    return a list filled out with entities.

    output = []

    for desc in descs:
        if desc['kind'] == 'card':
            card = Card.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id=desc['id'])
            card = flip_card_into_kind(card)
            if card:
        elif desc['kind'] == 'unit':
        elif desc['kind'] == 'set':

    return output
コード例 #9
def get_version(db_conn, kind, id_):
    if kind == 'card':
        card = Card.get(db_conn, id=id_)
        return flip_card_into_kind(card)
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get(db_conn, id=id_)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get(db_conn, id=id_)
コード例 #10
def get_recommended_sets(request):
    db_conn = request['db_conn']
    sets = Set.get_all(db_conn)
    if not sets:
        return abort(404)
    return 200, {
        'sets': [set_.deliver() for set_ in sets]
コード例 #11
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def get_version(kind, id_):
    if kind == 'card':
        return Card.get(id=id_)
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get(id=id_)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get(id=id_)
コード例 #12
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: m3rryqold/sagefy
def get_version(db_conn, kind, id_):
    if kind == 'card':
        card = Card.get(db_conn, id=id_)
        return flip_card_into_kind(card)
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get(db_conn, id=id_)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get(db_conn, id=id_)
コード例 #13
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def get_version(kind, id_):
    if kind == 'card':
        return Card.get(id=id_)
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get(id=id_)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get(id=id_)
コード例 #14
def get_my_recently_created_sets(current_user, db_conn):
    Get the user's most recently created sets.

    proposals = get_my_recent_proposals(current_user, db_conn)
    unit_ids = get_proposal_entities(proposals, 'set')
    sets = Set.list_by_entity_ids(db_conn, unit_ids)
    return sets
コード例 #15
ファイル: set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def get_set_versions_route(request, set_id):
    Get versions set given an ID. Paginates.

    versions = Set.get_versions(entity_id=set_id, **request['params'])
    return 200, {
        'versions': [version.deliver(access='view') for version in versions]
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: heiskr/sagefy
def test_body(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to require a body.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(db_conn, {"name": "Statistics", "members": [{"id": "A", "kind": "unit"}]})
    assert len(errors) == 1
    set_["body"] = "A beginning course focused on probability."
    set_, errors = set_.save(db_conn)
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: heiskr/sagefy
def test_members(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to record a list of members.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(db_conn, {"name": "Statistics", "body": "A beginning course focused on probability."})
    assert len(errors) == 1
    set_["members"] = [{"id": "A", "kind": "unit"}]
    set_, errors = set_.save(db_conn)
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #18
def list_user_sets_entity(user_id, params, db_conn):
    Join the user's set_ids with set information.
    Return empty list when there's no matching documents.

    # TODO-2 each set -- needs review?
    # TODO-2 order by last reviewed time
    uset = get_user_sets(user_id, db_conn)
    # TODO-3 limit = params.get('limit') or 10
    # TODO-3 skip = params.get('skip') or 0
    return Set.list_by_entity_ids(db_conn, uset['set_ids'])
コード例 #19
ファイル: set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def get_set_route(request, set_id):
    Get a specific set given an ID.

    set_ = Set.get_latest_accepted(set_id)
    if not set_:
        return abort(404)

    # TODO-2 SPLITUP create new endpoints for these instead
    topics = Topic.list_by_entity_id(entity_id=set_id)
    versions = Set.get_versions(entity_id=set_id)
    units = set_.list_units()

    return 200, {
        'set': set_.deliver(),
        # 'set_parameters': set_.fetch_parameters(),
        'topics': [topic.deliver() for topic in topics],
        'versions': [version.deliver() for version in versions],
        'units': [unit.deliver() for unit in units],
コード例 #20
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: giovegaq86/YugiPriceFinder
    def get_card_info_from_name(self, name):
            print(f'Getting card info from name: {name}')
            name = name.replace(' ', '%20')
            url = f'https://db.ygoprodeck.com/api/v6/cardinfo.php?fname={name}'
            results = requests.get(url=url)
            card_info = json.loads(results.content)

            card_sets = []

            if not 'No card matching your query was found in the database' in str(card_info):
                for card_set in card_info:
                    sets = []
                    if 'card_sets' in str(card_set):
                        cs = card_set['card_sets']
                        for s in cs:
                            if len(sets) == 0:
                                item_found = False
                                for ss in sets:
                                    if s['set_code'] == ss['set_code']:
                                        item_found = True

                                if not item_found:

                        sets = sorted(sets, key=lambda k:(len(k['set_code']), k['set_code']))

            print(f'Card sets: {card_sets}')
            return card_sets
        except Exception as e:
            print(f'TCGP - Occurred the following error trying to get card sets from name: {e}')
            raise Exception(e)
コード例 #21
def choose_unit_route(request, set_id, unit_id):
    Updates the learner's information based on the unit they have chosen.

    POST Chosen Unit
        -> GET Learn Card

    # TODO-3 simplify this method. should it be broken up or moved to model?
    db_conn = request['db_conn']

    current_user = get_current_user(request)
    if not current_user:
        return abort(401)

    unit = Unit.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, unit_id)
    if not unit:
        return abort(404)

    # If the unit isn't in the set...
    context = get_learning_context(current_user)
    set_ids = [set_['entity_id']
               for set_ in Set.list_by_unit_id(db_conn, unit_id)]
    if context.get('set', {}).get('entity_id') not in set_ids:
        return abort(400)

    status = judge(db_conn, unit, current_user)
    # Or, the unit doesn't need to be learned...
    if status == "done":
        return abort(400)

    # Choose a card for the learner to learn
    card = choose_card(db_conn, current_user, unit)

    if card:
        next_ = {
            'method': 'GET',
            'path': '/s/cards/{card_id}/learn'
        next_ = {}

        card=card.data if card else None,

    return 200, {'next': next_}
コード例 #22
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: m3rryqold/sagefy
def get_latest_accepted(db_conn, kind, entity_id):
    Given a kind and an entity_id, pull the latest accepted
    version out of the database.

    if kind == 'card':
        card = Card.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id)
        return flip_card_into_kind(card)
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id)
コード例 #23
def get_latest_accepted(db_conn, kind, entity_id):
    Given a kind and an entity_id, pull the latest accepted
    version out of the database.

    if kind == 'card':
        card = Card.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id)
        return flip_card_into_kind(card)
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, entity_id)
コード例 #24
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def get_latest_accepted(kind, entity_id):
    Given a kind and an entity_id, pull the latest accepted
    version out of the database.

    if kind == 'card':
        return Card.get_latest_accepted(entity_id)
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get_latest_accepted(entity_id)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get_latest_accepted(entity_id)
コード例 #25
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def instance(data):
    Given a kind and some json, call insert on that kind
    and return the results.

    if 'card' in data:
        return Card(data['card'])
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif 'unit' in data:
        return Unit(data['unit'])
    elif 'set' in data:
        return Set(data['set'])
コード例 #26
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def get_latest_accepted(kind, entity_id):
    Given a kind and an entity_id, pull the latest accepted
    version out of the database.

    if kind == 'card':
        return Card.get_latest_accepted(entity_id)
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif kind == 'unit':
        return Unit.get_latest_accepted(entity_id)
    elif kind == 'set':
        return Set.get_latest_accepted(entity_id)
コード例 #27
ファイル: set.py プロジェクト: m3rryqold/sagefy
def choose_unit_route(request, set_id, unit_id):
    Updates the learner's information based on the unit they have chosen.

    POST Chosen Unit
        -> GET Learn Card

    # TODO-3 simplify this method. should it be broken up or moved to model?
    db_conn = request['db_conn']

    current_user = get_current_user(request)
    if not current_user:
        return abort(401)

    unit = Unit.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, unit_id)
    if not unit:
        return abort(404)

    # If the unit isn't in the set...
    context = get_learning_context(current_user)
    set_ids = [
        set_['entity_id'] for set_ in Set.list_by_unit_id(db_conn, unit_id)
    if context.get('set', {}).get('entity_id') not in set_ids:
        return abort(400)

    status = judge(db_conn, unit, current_user)
    # Or, the unit doesn't need to be learned...
    if status == "done":
        return abort(400)

    # Choose a card for the learner to learn
    card = choose_card(db_conn, current_user, unit)

    if card:
        next_ = {
            'method': 'GET',
        next_ = {}

                         card=card.data if card else None,

    return 200, {'next': next_}
コード例 #28
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def instance_new_entity(data):
    Save as above, but a little safer.

    fields = ('id', 'created', 'modified', 'entity_id', 'previous_id',
              'status', 'available')
    if 'card' in data:
        return Card(omit(data['card'], fields))
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif 'unit' in data:
        return Unit(omit(data['unit'], fields))
    elif 'set' in data:
        return Set(omit(data['set'], fields))
コード例 #29
def test_traverse(db_conn, units_table, users_table, responses_table, sets_table):
    Expect to take a list of units and traverse them correctly.
    Basic test.

    add_test_set(db_conn, users_table, units_table, responses_table, sets_table)

    set_ = Set.get(db_conn, entity_id="set")
    user = get_user({"id": "user"}, db_conn)
    buckets = traverse(db_conn, user, set_)
    assert buckets["diagnose"][0]["entity_id"] == "divide"
    assert buckets["learn"][0]["entity_id"] == "multiply"
    assert buckets["review"][0]["entity_id"] == "subtract"
コード例 #30
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_entity(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to require an entity_id.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 0
    assert set_['entity_id']
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_tags(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to allow tags.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
        'tags': ['A', 'B', 'C']
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #32
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_previous(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to allow a previous version id.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
        'previous_id': 'fdsjKO',
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #33
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_entity(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to require an entity_id.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 0
    assert set_['entity_id']
コード例 #34
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_previous(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to allow a previous version id.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
        'previous_id': 'fdsjKO',
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #35
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def create_entity(data):
    Given a kind and some json, call insert on that kind
    and return the results.

    if 'card' in data:
        return Card.insert(data['card'])
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif 'unit' in data:
        return Unit.insert(data['unit'])
    elif 'set' in data:
        return Set.insert(data['set'])

    return None, []
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_tags(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to allow tags.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
        'tags': ['A', 'B', 'C']
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #37
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def create_entity(data):
    Given a kind and some json, call insert on that kind
    and return the results.

    if 'card' in data:
        return Card.insert(data['card'])
        # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
    elif 'unit' in data:
        return Unit.insert(data['unit'])
    elif 'set' in data:
        return Set.insert(data['set'])

    return None, []
コード例 #38
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_body(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to require a body.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 1
    set_['body'] = 'A beginning course focused on probability.'
    set_, errors = set_.save()
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #39
def test_traverse(db_conn, units_table, users_table, responses_table,
    Expect to take a list of units and traverse them correctly.
    Basic test.

    add_test_set(db_conn, users_table, units_table, responses_table,

    set_ = Set.get(db_conn, entity_id='set')
    user = get_user({'id': 'user'}, db_conn)
    buckets = traverse(db_conn, user, set_)
    assert buckets['diagnose'][0]['entity_id'] == 'divide'
    assert buckets['learn'][0]['entity_id'] == 'multiply'
    assert buckets['review'][0]['entity_id'] == 'subtract'
コード例 #40
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: heiskr/sagefy
def test_tags(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to allow tags.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(
            "name": "Statistics",
            "body": "A beginning course focused on probability.",
            "members": [{"id": "A", "kind": "unit"}],
            "tags": ["A", "B", "C"],
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #41
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: heiskr/sagefy
def test_previous(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to allow a previous version id.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(
            "name": "Statistics",
            "body": "A beginning course focused on probability.",
            "members": [{"id": "A", "kind": "unit"}],
            "previous_id": "fdsjKO",
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #42
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: heiskr/sagefy
def test_language(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to require a language.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(
            "name": "Statistics",
            "body": "A beginning course focused on probability.",
            "members": [{"id": "A", "kind": "unit"}],
    assert len(errors) == 0
    assert set_["language"] == "en"
コード例 #43
def test_traverse(db_conn, units_table, users_table, responses_table,
    Expect to take a list of units and traverse them correctly.
    Basic test.

                 users_table, units_table, responses_table, sets_table)

    set_ = Set.get(entity_id='set')
    user = User.get(id='user')
    buckets = traverse(user, set_)
    assert buckets['diagnose'][0]['entity_id'] == 'divide'
    assert buckets['learn'][0]['entity_id'] == 'multiply'
    assert buckets['review'][0]['entity_id'] == 'subtract'
コード例 #44
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: wincax88/sagefy
def test_language(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to require a language.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(db_conn, {
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 0
    assert set_['language'] == 'en'
コード例 #45
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_body(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to require a body.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 1
    set_['body'] = 'A beginning course focused on probability.'
    set_, errors = set_.save()
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #46
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_members(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set to record a list of members.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
    assert len(errors) == 1
    set_['members'] = [{
        'id': 'A',
        'kind': 'unit',
    set_, errors = set_.save()
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #47
 def create_or_get_set(self, next=True):
     """return current set, create next set automatically if next=True"""
     if self.current_set_number:
         # current set is on going
         return self.sets[self.current_set_number]
     elif next:
         # get next set number
         self.current_set_number = max(
             self.sets.keys()) + 1 if self.sets else 1
         is_deciding_set = self.current_set_number == self._best_of
         self.sets[self.current_set_number] = Set(self,
         return self.sets[self.current_set_number]
         return None
コード例 #48
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: wincax88/sagefy
def test_name(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to require a name.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(db_conn, {
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 1
    set_['name'] = 'Statistics'
    set_, errors = set_.save(db_conn)
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #49
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: wincax88/sagefy
def test_members(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set to record a list of members.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(db_conn, {
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
    assert len(errors) == 1
    set_['members'] = [{
        'id': 'A',
        'kind': 'unit',
    set_, errors = set_.save(db_conn)
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #50
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: m3rryqold/sagefy
def instance_new_entity(data):
    Given a kind and some json, call insert on that kind
    and return the results.
    A little safer.

    fields = ('id', 'created', 'modified', 'entity_id', 'previous_id',
              'status', 'available')
    if 'card' in data:
        kind = data['card'].get('kind')
        if kind in card_map:
            return card_map[kind](omit(data['card'], fields))
    elif 'unit' in data:
        return Unit(omit(data['unit'], fields))
    elif 'set' in data:
        return Set(omit(data['set'], fields))
コード例 #51
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_status(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set status to be a string.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 0
    assert set_['status'] == 'pending'
    set_['status'] = 'accepted'
    set_, errors = set_.save()
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #52
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def test_status(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect a set status to be a string.

    set_, errors = Set.insert({
        'name': 'Statistics',
        'body': 'A beginning course focused on probability.',
        'members': [{
            'id': 'A',
            'kind': 'unit',
    assert len(errors) == 0
    assert set_['status'] == 'pending'
    set_['status'] = 'accepted'
    set_, errors = set_.save()
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #53
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: heiskr/sagefy
def test_list_by_entity_ids(db_conn, sets_table):
    Expect to list sets by given entity IDs.

                "entity_id": "A1",
                "name": "A",
                "body": "Apple",
                "created": r.now(),
                "modified": r.now(),
                "status": "accepted",
                "entity_id": "B2",
                "name": "B",
                "body": "Banana",
                "created": r.now(),
                "modified": r.now(),
                "status": "accepted",
                "entity_id": "C3",
                "name": "C",
                "body": "Coconut",
                "created": r.now(),
                "modified": r.now(),
                "status": "accepted",
                "entity_id": "D4",
                "name": "D",
                "body": "Date",
                "created": r.now(),
                "modified": r.now(),
                "status": "accepted",
    sets = Set.list_by_entity_ids(db_conn, ["A1", "C3"])
    assert sets[0]["body"] in ("Apple", "Coconut")
    assert sets[0]["body"] in ("Apple", "Coconut")
コード例 #54
def add_set_route(request, user_id, set_id):
    Add a set to the learner's list of sets.

    db_conn = request['db_conn']

    current_user = get_current_user(request)
    if not current_user:
        return abort(401)

    if user_id != current_user['id']:
        return abort(403)

    set_ = Set.get(db_conn, entity_id=set_id)
    if not set_:
        return abort(404)

    uset = UserSets.get(db_conn, user_id=user_id)
    if uset and set_id in uset['set_ids']:
        return 400, {
            'errors': [{
                'name': 'set_id',
                'message': 'Set is already added.',
            'ref': 'kPZ95zM3oxFDGGl8vBdR3J3o',

    if uset:
        uset, errors = uset.save(db_conn)
        uset, errors = UserSets.insert(db_conn, {
            'user_id': user_id,
            'set_ids': [set_id],

    if errors:
        return 400, {
            'errors': errors,
            'ref': 'zCFUbLBTg9n2DnTkQYbqO4X9'

    return 200, {'sets': uset['set_ids']}
コード例 #55
ファイル: test_models_set.py プロジェクト: heiskr/sagefy
def test_status(db_conn, sets_table, units_table):
    Expect a set status to be a string.

    create_unit_a(db_conn, units_table)
    set_, errors = Set.insert(
            "name": "Statistics",
            "body": "A beginning course focused on probability.",
            "members": [{"id": "A", "kind": "unit"}],
    assert len(errors) == 0
    assert set_["status"] == "pending"
    set_["status"] = "accepted"
    set_, errors = set_.save(db_conn)
    assert len(errors) == 0
コード例 #56
ファイル: set.py プロジェクト: m3rryqold/sagefy
def get_set_units_route(request, set_id):
    Present a small number of units the learner can choose from.

    GET Choose Unit
        -> POST Choose Unit

    db_conn = request['db_conn']

    # TODO-3 simplify this method. should it be part of the models?

    current_user = get_current_user(request)
    if not current_user:
        return abort(401)

    context = get_learning_context(current_user)
    next_ = {
            'set', {}).get('entity_id'),
    set_learning_context(current_user, next=next_)

    set_ = Set.get_latest_accepted(db_conn, set_id)

    # Pull a list of up to 5 units to choose from based on priority.
    buckets = traverse(db_conn, current_user, set_)
    units = buckets['learn'][:5]
    # TODO-3 Time estimates per unit for mastery.

    return 200, {
        'next': next_,
        'units': [unit.deliver() for unit in units],
        # For the menu, it must return the name and ID of the set
        'set': set_.deliver(),
        'current_unit_id': context.get('unit', {}).get('entity_id'),
コード例 #57
ファイル: user_sets.py プロジェクト: wincax88/sagefy
def add_set_route(request, user_id, set_id):
    Add a set to the learner's list of sets.

    db_conn = request['db_conn']

    current_user = get_current_user(request)
    if not current_user:
        return abort(401)

    if user_id != current_user['id']:
        return abort(403)

    set_ = Set.get(db_conn, entity_id=set_id)
    if not set_:
        return abort(404)

    uset = get_user_sets(user_id, db_conn)
    if uset and set_id in uset['set_ids']:
        return 400, {
            'errors': [{
                'name': 'set_id',
                'message': 'Set is already added.',
            'ref': 'kPZ95zM3oxFDGGl8vBdR3J3o',

    # TODO-2 move some of this logic to the database file
    if uset:
        uset, errors = append_user_sets(user_id, set_id, db_conn)
        uset, errors = insert_user_sets(
                'user_id': user_id,
                'set_ids': [set_id],
            }, db_conn)

    if errors:
        return 400, {'errors': errors, 'ref': 'zCFUbLBTg9n2DnTkQYbqO4X9'}

    return 200, {'sets': uset['set_ids']}
コード例 #58
ファイル: entity.py プロジェクト: Folashade/sagefy
def flush_entities(descs):
    Given a list of kinds and entity_ids,
    return a list filled out with entities.

    output = []

    for desc in descs:
        if desc['kind'] == 'card':
            # TODO-1 This needs to also get the right card kind...
        elif desc['kind'] == 'unit':
        elif desc['kind'] == 'set':

    return output