コード例 #1
    def put(self):
        data = request.form

        user_data = UserData.get_from_username(data['username'])
        if not user_data:
            raise Exception("I don't know that person")

        event = Event.get_from_name(data['event_name'])
        if not event:
            raise Exception("I don't know that event")

        point_record = PointRecord.query(PointRecord.event_name == event.name,
                                         PointRecord.username == user_data.username).get()
        # TODO (phillip): this might allow me to not create new records every time a
        # new event or user is created because a record will be created when
        # the client tries to modify a record that should exist
        # Create a point record if one does not exist
        if not point_record:
            # TODO (phillip): does this work with the user key as the ancestor?
            point_record = PointRecord(parent=user_data.key)

        point_record.event_name = event.name
        point_record.username = user_data.username
        point_record.points_earned = float(data['points-earned'])

        # TODO (phillip): A put request (and really any other request that creates or
        # updates an object) should return the new representation of that
        # object so clients don't need to make more API calls

        response = jsonify()
        response.status_code = 204
        return response