def __init__(self, in_planes, planes, stride=1, batch_norm=True, nl="relu", no_fnl=False): super(Bottleneck, self).__init__() # normal block-layers self.block_layer1 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False if batch_norm else True), nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) if batch_norm else modules.Identity(), nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else nn.LeakyReLU()) self.block_layer2 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=1, bias=False if batch_norm else True), nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) if batch_norm else modules.Identity(), nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else nn.LeakyReLU()) self.block_layer3 = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(planes, self.expansion * planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False if batch_norm else True), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion * planes) if batch_norm else modules.Identity()) # shortcut block-layer self.shortcut = modules.Identity() if stride != 1 or in_planes != self.expansion * planes: self.shortcut = nn.Sequential( nn.Conv2d(in_planes, self.expansion * planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False if batch_norm else True), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion * planes) if batch_norm else True) # final non-linearity = (nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else nn.LeakyReLU()) if not no_fnl else modules.Identity()
def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes, block=BasicBlock, num_blocks=2, stride=1, drop=0, batch_norm=True, nl="relu", no_fnl=False): ## NOTE: should [no_fnl] be changed so that also no batch_norm is applied?? ## # Set configurations super().__init__() self.num_blocks = num_blocks self.in_planes = in_planes self.out_planes = out_planes * block.expansion # Create layer self.dropout = nn.Dropout2d(drop) for block_id in range(num_blocks): # -first block has given stride, later blocks have stride 1 new_block = block(in_planes, out_planes, stride=stride if block_id == 0 else 1, batch_norm=batch_norm, nl=nl, no_fnl=True if block_id == (num_blocks - 1) else False) setattr(self, "block{}".format(block_id + 1), new_block) in_planes = out_planes * block.expansion # = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_planes * block.expansion) if batch_norm else utils.Identity() = (nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else nn.LeakyReLU()) if not no_fnl else modules.Identity()
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, nl=nn.ReLU(), drop=0., bias=True, excitability=False, excit_buffer=False, batch_norm=False, gated=False): super().__init__() if drop > 0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop) self.linear = em.LinearExcitability(in_size, out_size, bias=False if batch_norm else bias, excitability=excitability, excit_buffer=excit_buffer) if batch_norm: = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_size) if gated: self.gate = nn.Linear(in_size, out_size) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() if isinstance(nl, nn.Module): = nl elif not nl == "none": = nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else ( nn.LeakyReLU() if nl == "leakyrelu" else modules.Identity())
def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, drop=0, batch_norm=False, nl=nn.ReLU(), bias=True, gated=False): super().__init__() if drop > 0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout2d(drop) self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, stride=stride, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias=bias) if batch_norm: = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_planes) if gated: self.gate = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, stride=stride, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias=False) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() if isinstance(nl, nn.Module): = nl elif not nl == "none": = nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else ( nn.LeakyReLU() if nl == "leakyrelu" else modules.Identity())
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, nl=nn.ReLU(), drop=0., bias=True, excitability=False, excit_buffer=False, batch_norm=False, gate_size=0, gating_prop=0.8, device='cuda'): super().__init__() if drop > 0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop) self.linear = em.LinearExcitability(in_size, out_size, bias=False if batch_norm else bias, excitability=excitability, excit_buffer=excit_buffer) if batch_norm: = nn.BatchNorm1d(out_size) if gate_size > 0: self.gate_mask = torch.tensor(np.random.choice( [0., 1.], size=(gate_size, out_size), p=[gating_prop, 1. - gating_prop]), dtype=torch.float, device=device) if isinstance(nl, nn.Module): = nl elif not nl == "none": = nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else ( nn.LeakyReLU() if nl == "leakyrelu" else modules.Identity())
def __init__(self, in_planes, planes, stride=1, batch_norm=True, nl="relu", no_fnl=False, smaller_kernel=False): super(DeconvBlock, self).__init__() # normal block-layers self.block_layer1 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d( in_planes, planes, stride=stride, bias=False if batch_norm else True, kernel_size=(2 if smaller_kernel else 4) if stride == 2 else 3, padding=0 if (stride == 2 and smaller_kernel) else 1), nn.BatchNorm2d(planes) if batch_norm else modules.Identity(), nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else nn.LeakyReLU()) self.block_layer2 = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(planes, self.expansion * planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False if batch_norm else True), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion * planes) if batch_norm else modules.Identity()) # shortcut block-layer self.shortcut = modules.Identity() if stride != 1 or in_planes != self.expansion * planes: self.shortcut = nn.Sequential( nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_planes, self.expansion * planes, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, output_padding=0 if stride == 1 else 1, bias=False if batch_norm else True), nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion * planes) if batch_norm else modules.Identity()) # final non-linearity = (nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else nn.LeakyReLU()) if not no_fnl else modules.Identity()
def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes, block=DeconvBlock, num_blocks=2, stride=1, drop=0, batch_norm=True, nl="relu", smaller_kernel=False, output="normal"): ## NOTE: should [output=="none"] be changed so that also no batch_norm is applied?? ## # Set configurations super().__init__() self.num_blocks = num_blocks self.in_planes = in_planes self.out_planes = out_planes * block.expansion # Create layer self.dropout = nn.Dropout2d(drop) for block_id in range(num_blocks): # -first block has given stride, later blocks have stride 1 new_block = block(in_planes, out_planes, stride=stride if block_id == 0 else 1, batch_norm=batch_norm, nl=nl, no_fnl=True if block_id == (num_blocks - 1) else False, smaller_kernel=smaller_kernel) setattr(self, "block{}".format(block_id + 1), new_block) in_planes = out_planes * block.expansion # = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_planes * block.expansion) if batch_norm else utils.Identity() if output == "sigmoid": = nn.Sigmoid() elif output == "normal": = nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else nn.LeakyReLU() elif output == "none": = modules.Identity() else: raise NotImplementedError( "Ouptut '{}' not implemented for deconvolutional ResNet layer." .format(output))
def __init__(self, input_channels, output_channels, stride=1, drop=0, batch_norm=True, nl="relu", bias=True, gated=False, smaller_kernel=False): super().__init__() if drop > 0: self.dropout = nn.Dropout2d(drop) self.deconv = nn.ConvTranspose2d( input_channels, output_channels, bias=bias, stride=stride, kernel_size=(2 if smaller_kernel else 4) if stride == 2 else 3, padding=0 if (stride == 2 and smaller_kernel) else 1) if batch_norm: = nn.BatchNorm2d(output_channels) if gated: self.gate = nn.ConvTranspose2d( input_channels, output_channels, bias=False, stride=stride, kernel_size=(2 if smaller_kernel else 4) if stride == 2 else 3, padding=0 if (stride == 2 and smaller_kernel) else 1) self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() if isinstance(nl, nn.Module): = nl elif nl in ("sigmoid", "hardtanh"): = nn.Sigmoid() if nl == "sigmoid" else nn.Hardtanh( min_val=-4.5, max_val=0) elif not nl == "none": = nn.ReLU() if nl == "relu" else ( nn.LeakyReLU() if nl == "leakyrelu" else modules.Identity())
def __init__(self, conv_type="standard", block_type="basic", num_blocks=2, image_channels=3, depth=5, start_channels=16, reducing_layers=None, batch_norm=True, nl="relu", output="normal", global_pooling=False, gated=False): '''Initialize stacked convolutional layers (either "standard" or "res-net" ones--1st layer is always standard). [conv_type] <str> type of conv-layers to be used: [standard|resnet] [block_type] <str> block-type to be used: [basic|bottleneck] (only relevant if [type]=resNet) [num_blocks] <int> or <list> (with len=[depth]-1) of # blocks in each layer [image_channels] <int> # channels of input image to encode [depth] <int> # layers [start_channels] <int> # channels in 1st layer, doubled in every "rl" (=reducing layer) [reducing_layers] <int> # layers in which image-size is halved & # channels doubled (default=[depth]-1) ("rl"'s are the last conv-layers; in 1st layer # channels cannot double) [batch_norm] <bool> whether to use batch-norm after each convolution-operation [nl] <str> non-linearity to be used: [relu|leakyrelu] [output] <str> if - "normal", final layer is same as all others - "none", final layer has no batchnorm or non-linearity [global_pooling] <bool> whether to include global average pooling layer at very end [gated] <bool> whether conv-layers should be gated (not implemented for ResNet-layers)''' # Process type and number of blocks conv_type = "standard" if depth < 2 else conv_type if conv_type == "resNet": num_blocks = [num_blocks] * (depth - 1) if type( num_blocks) == int else num_blocks assert len(num_blocks) == (depth - 1) block = conv_layers.Bottleneck if block_type == "bottleneck" else conv_layers.BasicBlock # Prepare label type_label = "C" if conv_type == "standard" else "R{}".format( "b" if block_type == "bottleneck" else "") channel_label = "{}-{}x{}".format(image_channels, depth, start_channels) block_label = "-{}".format(num_blocks) if conv_type == "resNet" else "" nd_label = "{bn}{nl}{gp}{gate}{out}".format( bn="b" if batch_norm else "", nl="l" if nl == "leakyrelu" else "", gp="p" if global_pooling else "", gate="g" if gated else "", out="n" if output == "none" else "") nd_label = "" if nd_label == "" else "-{}".format(nd_label) # Set configurations super().__init__() self.depth = depth self.rl = depth - 1 if (reducing_layers is None) else ( reducing_layers if (depth + 1) > reducing_layers else depth) rl_label = "" if self.rl == (self.depth - 1) else "-rl{}".format(self.rl) self.label = "{}{}{}{}{}".format(type_label, channel_label, block_label, rl_label, nd_label) self.block_expansion = block.expansion if conv_type == "resNet" else 1 # -> constant by which # of output channels of each block is multiplied (if >1, it creates "bottleneck"-effect) double_factor = self.rl if self.rl < depth else depth - 1 # -> how often # start-channels is doubled self.out_channels = ( start_channels * 2**double_factor ) * self.block_expansion if depth > 0 else image_channels # -> number channels in last layer (as seen from image) self.start_channels = start_channels # -> number channels in 1st layer (doubled in every "reducing layer") self.global_pooling = global_pooling # -> whether or not average global pooling layer should be added at end # Conv-layers output_channels = start_channels for layer_id in range(1, depth + 1): # should this layer down-sample? --> last [self.rl] layers should be down-sample layers reducing = True if (layer_id > (depth - self.rl)) else False # calculate number of this layer's input and output channels input_channels = image_channels if layer_id == 1 else output_channels * self.block_expansion output_channels = output_channels * 2 if ( reducing and not layer_id == 1) else output_channels # define and set the convolutional-layer if conv_type == "standard" or layer_id == 1: conv_layer = conv_layers.conv_layer( input_channels, output_channels, stride=2 if reducing else 1, drop=0, nl="no" if output == "none" and layer_id == depth else nl, batch_norm=False if output == "none" and layer_id == depth else batch_norm, gated=False if output == "none" and layer_id == depth else gated) else: conv_layer = conv_layers.res_layer( input_channels, output_channels, block=block, num_blocks=num_blocks[layer_id - 2], stride=2 if reducing else 1, drop=0, batch_norm=batch_norm, nl=nl, no_fnl=True if output == "none" and layer_id == depth else False) setattr(self, 'convLayer{}'.format(layer_id), conv_layer) # Perform pooling (if requested) self.pooling = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d( (1, 1)) if global_pooling else modules.Identity()
def __init__(self, input_size=1000, output_size=10, layers=2, hid_size=1000, hid_smooth=None, size_per_layer=None, drop=0, batch_norm=True, nl="relu", bias=True, excitability=False, excit_buffer=False, gate_size=0, gating_prop=0., final_gate=False, output='normal', device='cuda'): '''sizes: 0th=[input], 1st=[hid_size], ..., 1st-to-last=[hid_smooth], last=[output]. [input_size] # of inputs [output_size] # of units in final layer [layers] # of layers [hid_size] # of units in each hidden layer [hid_smooth] if None, all hidden layers have [hid_size] units, else # of units linearly in-/decreases s.t. final hidden layer has [hid_smooth] units (if only 1 hidden layer, it has [hid_size] units) [size_per_layer] None or <list> with for each layer number of units (1st element = number of inputs) --> overwrites [input_size], [output_size], [layers], [hid_size] and [hid_smooth] [drop] % of each layer's inputs that is randomly set to zero during training [batch_norm] <bool>; if True, batch-normalization is applied to each layer [nl] <str>; type of non-linearity to be used (options: "relu", "leakyrelu", "none") [gate_size] <int>; if>0, each linear layer has gate controlled by separate inputs of size [gate_size] [gating_prop] <float>; probability for each unit to be gated [final_gate] <bool>; whether final layer is allowed to have a gate [output] <str>; if - "normal", final layer is same as all others - "none", final layer has no non-linearity - "sigmoid", final layer has sigmoid non-linearity''' super().__init__() self.output = output # get sizes of all layers if size_per_layer is None: hidden_sizes = [] if layers > 1: if (hid_smooth is not None): hidden_sizes = [ int(x) for x in np.linspace( hid_size, hid_smooth, num=layers - 1) ] else: hidden_sizes = [ int(x) for x in np.repeat(hid_size, layers - 1) ] size_per_layer = [input_size] + hidden_sizes + [ output_size ] if layers > 0 else [input_size] self.layers = len(size_per_layer) - 1 # set label for this module # -determine "non-default options"-label nd_label = "{drop}{bias}{exc}{bn}{nl}{gate}".format( drop="" if drop == 0 else "d{}".format(drop), bias="" if bias else "n", exc="e" if excitability else "", bn="b" if batch_norm else "", nl="l" if nl == "leakyrelu" else "", gate="g{}m{}".format(gate_size, gating_prop) if (gate_size > 0 and gating_prop > 0.) else "", ) nd_label = "{}{}".format( "" if nd_label == "" else "-{}".format(nd_label), "" if output == "normal" else "-{}".format(output)) # -set label size_statement = "" for i in size_per_layer: size_statement += "{}{}".format( "-" if size_statement == "" else "x", i) self.label = "F{}{}".format(size_statement, nd_label) if self.layers > 0 else "" # set layers for lay_id in range(1, self.layers + 1): # number of units of this layer's input and output in_size = size_per_layer[lay_id - 1] out_size = size_per_layer[lay_id] # define and set the fully connected layer if (not gate_size > 0.) or (not gating_prop > 0.) or ( lay_id == self.layers and not final_gate): layer = fc_layer( in_size, out_size, bias=bias, excitability=excitability, excit_buffer=excit_buffer, batch_norm=False if (lay_id == self.layers and not output == "normal") else batch_norm, nl=("none" if output == "none" else nn.Sigmoid()) if (lay_id == self.layers and not output == "normal") else nl, drop=drop if lay_id > 1 else 0., ) else: layer = fc_layer_fixed_gates( in_size, out_size, bias=bias, excitability=excitability, excit_buffer=excit_buffer, batch_norm=False if (lay_id == self.layers and not output == "normal") else batch_norm, gate_size=gate_size, gating_prop=gating_prop, device=device, nl=("none" if output == "none" else nn.Sigmoid()) if (lay_id == self.layers and not output == "normal") else nl, drop=drop if lay_id > 1 else 0., ) setattr(self, 'fcLayer{}'.format(lay_id), layer) # if no layers, add "identity"-module to indicate in this module's representation nothing happens if self.layers < 1: self.noLayers = modules.Identity()
def __init__( self, image_size, image_channels, classes, target_name, only_active=False, # -conv-layers conv_type="standard", depth=5, start_channels=16, reducing_layers=4, conv_bn=True, conv_nl="relu", num_blocks=2, global_pooling=False, no_fnl=True, conv_gated=False, # -fc-layers fc_layers=3, fc_units=2000, h_dim=2000, fc_drop=0, fc_bn=False, fc_nl="relu", excit_buffer=False, fc_gated=False, # -prior prior="GMM", z_dim=100, per_class=True, n_modes=1, # -decoder recon_loss='MSEnorm', dg_gates=True, dg_prop=0.5, device='cpu', # -training-specific settings (can be changed after setting up model) lamda_pl=1., lamda_rcl=1., lamda_vl=1., **kwargs): # Set configurations for setting up the model super().__init__() self.target_name = target_name self.label = "BIR" self.image_size = image_size self.image_channels = image_channels self.classes = classes self.fc_layers = fc_layers self.z_dim = z_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.fc_units = fc_units self.fc_drop = fc_drop self.depth = depth # whether always all classes can be predicted or only those seen so far self.only_active = only_active self.active_classes = [] # -type of loss to be used for reconstruction self.recon_loss = recon_loss # options: BCE|MSE|MSEnorm self.network_output = "sigmoid" if self.recon_loss in ( "MSE", "BCE") else "none" # -settings for class-specific gates in fully-connected hidden layers of decoder self.dg_prop = dg_prop self.dg_gates = dg_gates if dg_prop > 0. else False self.gate_size = classes if self.dg_gates else 0 # Prior-related parameters self.prior = prior self.per_class = per_class self.n_modes = n_modes * classes if self.per_class else n_modes self.modes_per_class = n_modes if self.per_class else None # Components deciding how to train / run the model (i.e., these can be changed after setting up the model) # -options for prediction loss self.lamda_pl = lamda_pl # weight of classification-loss # -how to compute the loss function? self.lamda_rcl = lamda_rcl # weight of reconstruction-loss self.lamda_vl = lamda_vl # weight of variational loss # Check whether there is at least 1 fc-layer if fc_layers < 1: raise ValueError("VAE cannot have 0 fully-connected layers!") ######------SPECIFY MODEL------###### ##>----Encoder (= q[z|x])----<## self.convE = ConvLayers(conv_type=conv_type, block_type="basic", num_blocks=num_blocks, image_channels=image_channels, depth=self.depth, start_channels=start_channels, reducing_layers=reducing_layers, batch_norm=conv_bn, nl=conv_nl, output="none" if no_fnl else "normal", global_pooling=global_pooling, gated=conv_gated) self.flatten = modules.Flatten() #------------------------------calculate input/output-sizes--------------------------------# self.conv_out_units = self.convE.out_units(image_size) self.conv_out_size = self.convE.out_size(image_size) self.conv_out_channels = self.convE.out_channels if fc_layers < 2: self.fc_layer_sizes = [ self.conv_out_units ] #--> this results in self.fcE = modules.Identity() elif fc_layers == 2: self.fc_layer_sizes = [self.conv_out_units, h_dim] else: self.fc_layer_sizes = [self.conv_out_units] + [ int(x) for x in np.linspace(fc_units, h_dim, num=fc_layers - 1) ] real_h_dim = h_dim if fc_layers > 1 else self.conv_out_units #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# self.fcE = MLP(size_per_layer=self.fc_layer_sizes, drop=fc_drop, batch_norm=fc_bn, nl=fc_nl, excit_buffer=excit_buffer, gated=fc_gated) # to z self.toZ = fc_layer_split(real_h_dim, z_dim, nl_mean='none', nl_logvar='none') #, drop=fc_drop) ##>----Classifier----<## self.units_before_classifier = real_h_dim self.classifier = fc_layer(self.units_before_classifier, classes, excit_buffer=True, nl='none') ##>----Decoder (= p[x|z])----<## out_nl = True if fc_layers > 1 else (True if ( self.depth > 0 and not no_fnl) else False) real_h_dim_down = h_dim if fc_layers > 1 else self.convE.out_units( image_size, ignore_gp=True) if self.dg_gates: self.fromZ = fc_layer_fixed_gates( z_dim, real_h_dim_down, batch_norm=(out_nl and fc_bn), nl=fc_nl if out_nl else "none", gate_size=self.gate_size, gating_prop=dg_prop, ) else: self.fromZ = fc_layer(z_dim, real_h_dim_down, batch_norm=(out_nl and fc_bn), nl=fc_nl if out_nl else "none") fc_layer_sizes_down = self.fc_layer_sizes fc_layer_sizes_down[0] = self.convE.out_units(image_size, ignore_gp=True) # -> if 'gp' is used in forward pass, size of first/final hidden layer differs between forward and backward pass if self.dg_gates: self.fcD = MLP_gates( size_per_layer=[x for x in reversed(fc_layer_sizes_down)], drop=fc_drop, batch_norm=fc_bn, nl=fc_nl, gate_size=self.gate_size, gating_prop=dg_prop, device=device, output=self.network_output, ) else: self.fcD = MLP( size_per_layer=[x for x in reversed(fc_layer_sizes_down)], drop=fc_drop, batch_norm=fc_bn, nl=fc_nl, gated=fc_gated, output=self.network_output, ) # to image-shape self.to_image = modules.Reshape(image_channels=self.convE.out_channels if self.depth > 0 else image_channels) # through deconv-layers self.convD = modules.Identity() ##>----Prior----<## # -if using the GMM-prior, add its parameters if self.prior == "GMM": # -create self.z_class_means = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor(self.n_modes, self.z_dim)) self.z_class_logvars = nn.Parameter( torch.Tensor(self.n_modes, self.z_dim)) # -initialize