コード例 #1
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: vsamtuc/netsim
def generate_simulation(fileloc=None, loglevel=logging.DEBUG, raises=True, validate=False):
    This function is called by the executor to bootstrap code generation.
    from models.validation import inform, warn

    with GenProcess(loglevel) as genproc:
        # Get the root object
            context.validate = validate
            dstore = context.datastore
            sim = context.datastore.get_root_object()
        except Exception as e:
            logger.exception("In creating datastore", exc_info=1)
        inform("Created root object", sim)

        # From the root object, select the proper Generator class
        GenCls = GENERATOR_REGISTRY[sim['generator']]

        # run the generator
        generator = GenCls()

    result = {
        'success': genproc.success,
        'messages': genproc.messages,
        'nsd_id': sim['nsdid']

    if not genproc.success and raises:
        raise GenError(result)
        return result
コード例 #2
def validate_output():
    Validate the NSD and create the plot models
    context.validate = True
    inform("NSD data analysis validated.")
コード例 #3
 def gen_plots(self, rel, d_plot_list):
     generate PlotModels from d_plot_list which is a list of dictionaries representing the plots
     then add the generated PlotModels to plot_models (a list of PlotModels)
     rel is the relation these plots are connected with
     for p in d_plot_list:
         with Context(plot=p["title"]):
             pm = self.gen_plotmodel(rel, p)
             inform("plot validated.")
コード例 #4
def create_plot_for_model(pm, ds, jo):
    Create a plot/parameter(statistic) for given PlotModel and StatsDatabase ds
    add generated values to JsonOutput jo
    assert isinstance(pm, PlotModel)
    terminal = PNG()
    output = "DEFAULT"
    plot = make_plot(ds.relations[pm.rel.name], pm.x, pm.y, pm.axes, pm.select,
                     pm.title, pm.style, pm.legend, pm.xlabel, pm.ylabel,
                     pm.x_range, pm.y_range, terminal, pm.logscale, pm.grid,
                     pm.key, output)

    if pm.title == "DEFAULT":
        if pm.model_type == "plot":
            pm.title = default_title(
                pm.x, pm.y, pm.axes if pm.axes else [],
                {axis: set([])
                 for axis in pm.axes} if pm.axes else None).lstrip().rstrip()
        elif pm.model_type == "parameter":
            # no default title for parameters

    if pm.model_type == "plot":
        # generate the plot to the current working directory
        if plot.make_plot():
            # add plot to JsonOutput jo
            plot2json(jo, pm, plot.output + ".png")
            inform("generated successfully")
    elif pm.model_type == "parameter":
        # generate the parameter (statistic)
        res = plot.make_parameter()
        if len(res) != 0 and res[0] != (None, ):
            # add the parameter to JsonOutput jo
            parameter2json(jo, pm, res)
            inform("generated sucessfully")
            warn("no data found")

        logging.error("invalid model type: \"%s\"" % pm.model_type)
        fail("invalid model type: \"%s\"" % pm.model_type)
コード例 #5
    def decode(self, views):
        Decodes views and plots in json format to DerivedTable and PlotModel respectively
        returns a tuple of lists (list_DerivedTable, list_plotModel)
        for v in views:
            if "name" not in v:
                fail("Malformed View, is missing name")

            if "columns" not in v:
                fail("Malformed View \"%s\", is missing columns" % v["name"])

            with Context(view=v["name"]):
                allowed_chars = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$")
                if not allowed_chars.match(v["name"]):
                        "View name can contain only upper/lower case letters, numbers and underscores"

                # For backward compatibility
                if v["name"] == "dataTable":
                    v.setdefault("filename", "simout.txt")
                    v.setdefault("format", "dataTable")
                    v.setdefault("node_mapping", ["node", "n_index"])

                    for c in v["columns"]:
                        if "type" not in c:
                            if c["name"] == "data":
                                c["type"] = "real"
                                c["type"] = "varchar"

                if "filename" in v and v["filename"] != "":
                    rel = self.gen_table(v)
                    rel = self.gen_derived_table(v)

                if "plots" in v:
                    self.gen_plots(rel, v["plots"])
                inform("View validated.")

        return self.derived_tables, self.plot_models
コード例 #6
    def get_model(self, name):
        Return a model by the given name from this factory.
        model = self.lookup(name)
        if model is None:

            with self.process_factory(name=name) as c:
                # May throw
                src = self.get_model_source(name)

                # insert a dummy entry into the symtab, (used to check for cycles)
                self.bind(name, 'forward')
                model = self.__compile(name, src)
                if not c.success or model is None:
                    warn("Compilation failed for model %s", name)
                    inform("Model %s is compiled successfully", model.name)
                    self.add_model(model, force=True)
        elif model == 'forward':
            fatal("cyclical reference for module %s", name)
        return model
コード例 #7
def transform_nsd_plots():

    filename = "nsd.json"

    vpd = ViewsPlotsDecoder()
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        json_str = f.read()

    nsd = json.loads(json_str)

    if "views" not in nsd:
        inform("There are no output definitions in the NSD")
        nsd["views"] = []

    #  DerivedTable, PlotModel creation from nsd
    #  if this fails we abort result generation
    #  this is what happens when we validate the nsd
    derived_tables, plot_models = vpd.decode(nsd["views"])

    return plot_models
コード例 #8
ファイル: repofactory.py プロジェクト: vsamtuc/netsim
def process_vectorl(project_id, model_name, run=False, until=None, steps=None):
	Compile and return results.

    output_list = []
    pf = ProcProcess.new_factory(output_list)
    factory = ProjectModelFactory(project_id, pf)
    varlist = []

    with pf(name='top process', logger=None) as top:
        if top.success:
            varlist = [
                v.full_name for v in factory.all_variables() if v.toplevel
        inform("Got model")

    logging.info("Output list: %s", output_list)

    comp_output = {
        'type': 'vectorl_compiler_output',
        'project_id': project_id,
        'vectorl_model_name': model_name,
        'id_map': factory.id_map,
        'vectorl_object_map': factory.object_map,
        'success': top.success,
        'compiler_output': list(output_list),  # make a copy!
        "variables": varlist

    if not run:
        return comp_output

    # we are also asked to run the model
    result = {'compiler': comp_output}
    if not top.success:
        return result

    # ok, we compiled correctly, now we need to run!
    # first, we empty the output list
    del output_list[:]

    assert top.success
    runner = None
    with top:
        runner = Runner(factory)
        runner.start(until, steps)

        'type': 'vectorl_run_output',
        'success': top.success,
        'run_output': output_list

    if runner is not None:
            'maximum_steps': str(steps),
            'maximum_time': str(until),
            'run_steps': runner.step,
            'end_time': runner.now

    return result