def post(self): for name in unique(self.request.params.getall('name')): if name: modifier = GroupModifier(title=name) modifier.sequence_number = GroupModifier.generate_sequence_number() modifier.put() self.redirect_to('modifiers_list')
def menu_parse(file_excel): wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=file_excel) sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) categories = {} products = {} group_modifiers = {} group_choices = {} for row_number in range(sh.nrows): if row_number > 0: current_category = MenuCategory() current_item = MenuItem() current_modifier = GroupModifier() current_choice = GroupModifierChoice() item_add = True for index, cell in enumerate(sh.row_values(row_number)): if index == 0: current_category.sequence_number = int(cell) current_item.sequence_number = int(cell) elif index == 1: if categories.get(cell): current_category = categories[cell] else: current_category.title = cell categories[cell] = current_category elif index == 2: if products.get(cell): current_item = products[cell] item_add = False else: current_item.title = cell products[cell] = current_item elif index == 3: if item_add: current_item.description = cell elif index == 4 and cell: if item_add: current_item.price = int(float(cell) * 100) elif index == 5: if item_add and cell: current_item.volume = float(cell) elif index == 6: if item_add and cell: current_item.weight = float(cell) elif index == 7: if item_add and cell: current_item.kal = int(cell) elif index == 8: if cell: if group_modifiers.get(cell): current_modifier = group_modifiers[cell] else: current_modifier.title = cell group_modifiers[cell] = current_modifier elif index == 9: if cell: current_choice.title = cell elif index == 10: if cell or cell == 0: current_choice.price = int(float(cell) * 100) key = '%s_%s' % (current_choice.title, current_choice.price) if group_choices.get(key): current_choice = group_choices[key] else: current_choice.choice_id = GroupModifierChoice.generate_id( ) group_choices[key] = current_choice if current_choice not in current_modifier.choices: current_modifier.choices.append(current_choice) current_choice.put() if current_modifier.title: current_modifier.put() if current_modifier.key not in current_item.group_modifiers: current_item.group_modifiers.append(current_modifier.key) current_item.put() if item_add: current_item.category = current_category.key current_category.put()