コード例 #1
    def post(self):
        #get data from request.
        data = json.loads(self.request.body)
        lab_id = data['lab_id']
        target_function = data['target_function']
        target_instances = data['target_instances']

        #create lab key
        lab_key = ndb.Key('Lab', int(lab_id))

        #get lab entity from datastore
        lab = lab_key.get()

        gce_project = gce.GceProject(oauth_decorator.credentials, project_id=lab.project_id, zone_name=lab.lab_zone)

        if target_instances == "ALL":
            instances = Instance.query(Instance.lab == lab_key).fetch()
            instances = []
            for i in target_instances:
                    instances.append(ndb.Key('Instance', int(i)).get())
                    logging.debug("Key error?")

        if target_function == 'START':
            start_instances(gce_project, lab, instances)
        elif target_function == 'STOP':
            stop_instances(gce_project, lab, instances)
        elif target_function == "DELETE":
            delete_instances(gce_project, lab, instances)
コード例 #2
    def post(self):

        #get data from request.
        data = json.loads(self.request.body)
        lab_id = data['lab_id']

        #create lab key
        lab_key = ndb.Key('Lab', int(lab_id))

        #get lab entity from datastore
        lab = lab_key.get()
        project_id = lab.project_id
        lab_zone = lab.lab_zone

        #get expected instances from datastore
        query = Instance.query(Instance.lab == lab_key).fetch()

        #get active instances for project, add to dictionary
        gce_project = gce.GceProject(oauth_decorator.credentials, project_id=project_id, zone_name=lab_zone)
        instances = gce_appengine.GceAppEngine().run_gce_request(self,
                                                                 'Error listing instances: ',
                                                                 # filter='name eq ^%s.*' % 'test-instance',

        status_dict = {}
        ip_dict = {}
        for instance in instances:
            status_dict[instance.name] = instance.status
            if instance.status == 'RUNNING':
                ip_dict[instance.name] = instance.network_interfaces[0][u'accessConfigs'][0]['natIP']


        #compare expected instances with active instances and produce list for passing to client side js function
        instance_list = []
        for n in range(len(query)):
            instance_name = query[n].name
            pass_phrase = memcache.get(instance_name)
            if pass_phrase is not None:
                logging.debug("Did read from memcache!")

            desired_state = query[n].desired_state
            if desired_state == "RUNNING":
                if instance_name in status_dict:
                    instance_state = status_dict[query[n].name]
                elif (datetime.now() - query[n].request_timestamp) < timedelta(seconds=120):
                    instance_state = "REQUEST PENDING"
                    instance_state = "ERROR STARTING INSTANCE"
                    ## could call start function here
            elif desired_state == "TERMINATED":
                if instance_name not in status_dict:
                    instance_state = "TERMINATED"
                elif status_dict[query[n].name] == "STOPPING":
                    instance_state = "STOPPING"
                elif (datetime.now() - query[n].request_timestamp) < timedelta(seconds=120):
                    instance_state = "REQUEST PENDING"
                    instance_state = "ERROR STOPPING INSTANCE"
                    ## could call stop function here

            # if instance_name in status_dict:
            #     instance_state = status_dict[query[n].name]
            # else:
            #     instance_state = "TERMINATED"

            ip_address = 'Not assigned'
            if instance_state == 'RUNNING':
                ip_address = ip_dict[instance.name]
            instance_list.append({"address": ip_address,
                                  "id": query[n].key.id(),
                                  "state": instance_state,
                                  "name": instance_name,
                                  "pass": pass_phrase})
