コード例 #1
    def getSessionsNotOfTypeAndBeforeTime(self, request):
        """Get sessions that are NOT a given type, and that finish before the given 24H time."""

        sessions = Session.query(Session.typeOfSession != request.sessionType)
        sessionsToReturn = SessionForms()
        cutoffTime = datetime.strptime(request.endTime, "%H:%M:%S")
        for sess in sessions:
            #For each session that finishes before the cutoff time, add it to the list to return.
            if (cutoffTime > (sess.startTime + timedelta(minutes = sess.duration))):
        return sessionsToReturn
コード例 #2
    def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
        """ Return all sessions for a given type in a conference. """
        # get the conference model
        c_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey)
        conf = c_key.get()
        # check that conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                "No conference found with key: %s" %

        # create ancestor query for this conference
        query_result = Session.query(ancestor=c_key)

        # apply the filter using the speaker's id
        query_result = query_result.filter(
            Session.typeOfSession == request.typeOfSession)

        # we then do some ordering using date and time
        query_result = query_result.order(Session.date)
        query_result = query_result.order(Session.startTime)

        # return the resultant query result
        return SessionForms(items=[
            self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in query_result
コード例 #3
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """Query for conference sessions by speaker."""
     # Create ancestor query for sessions
     sessions = Session.query(Session.speaker == request.speaker)
     # Return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #4
    def _getSessions(self, request):
        """Return sessions by conference and optionally filter by typeOfSession or duartion or date. 
        Or return sessions by speaker."""

        # Get conference
        if hasattr(request, 'websafeConferenceKey') and request.websafeConferenceKey:
          urlkey = request.websafeConferenceKey
          conf_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe = urlkey)
          conf = conf_key.get()

          # create ancestor query for all key matches for this user
          sessions = Session.query(ancestor = conf_key)

          # if typeOfSession has been specified, filter by that
          if hasattr(request, 'typeOfSession') and request.typeOfSession:
            sessions = sessions.filter(Session.typeOfSession == request.typeOfSession)

          # if duration has been specified, filter by that
          if hasattr(request, 'duration') and request.duration:
            sessions = sessions.filter(Session.duration <= int(request.duration))
            sessions = sessions.filter(Session.duration > 0)

          # if date has been specified, filter by that
          if hasattr(request, 'date') and request.date:
            sessions = sessions.filter(Session.date == datetime.strptime(request.date[:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date())

        elif request.speaker:
          sessions = Session.query()
          sessions = sessions.filter(Session.speaker == request.speaker)

        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions]
コード例 #5
    def getAvailableSessions(self, request):
        """Returns a conference's sorted list of sessions yet to occur."""

        # copy ConferenceForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = {
            field.name: getattr(request, field.name)
            for field in request.all_fields()

        # fetch existing conference
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()

        # check that conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' %

        sessions = Session.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(Conference, conf.key.id()))\
                          .filter(Session.date >= datetime.now()-timedelta(1))\
                          .order(Session.date, Session.startTime)

        # return set of SessionForm objects per Session
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #6
    def getQueryProblem(self, request):
        # make sure user is Authorized
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')

        # create query all non-workshop sessions before 7pm
        # User would set Equal_to_Type = False, meaning they don't want that type
        # User would set Before_OR_After = Before(string), and set the starttime to 7pm.
        if request.Before_OR_After == "Before":
            Sessions = Session.query(Session.startTime <= request.startTime)
            Sessions = Sessions.order(Session.startTime)
            temp = []
            for sess in Sessions:
                if request.typeOfSession in sess.typeOfSession and request.matchSessionType:
                elif request.typeOfSession not in sess.typeOfSession and not request.matchSessionType:
            Sessions = temp
            Sessions = Session.query(Session.startTime >= request.startTime)
            Sessions = Sessions.order(Session.startTime)
            temp = []
            for sess in Sessions:
                if request.typeOfSession in sess.typeOfSession and request.matchSessionType:
                elif request.typeOfSession not in sess.typeOfSession and not request.matchSessionType:
            Sessions = temp

        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in Sessions])
コード例 #7
 def getSessionsAfterTimeExcludingType(self, request):
     """ This query returns sessions for given conference starting after given time,
         and excluding the given type. """
     # Solves the problem:
     # Let's say you dont like workshops and you sont like sessions before 7pm.
     #  How would you handle a query for all non-workshop sessions before 7 pm?
     #  is the problem for implementing this query? What ways to solve it did you think of?
     # Solution:
     #  The following query is my proposal. Ancestor query for time and typeOfSession (indexed).
     #  The encountered problem is "BadRequestError: Only one inequality filter per query is supported."
     #  which can be solved by using twp separate queries for each inequality, getting the intersection
     #  of the keys, and then retrieving the entities from the intersected keys.
     conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()
     if not conf:
         raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
             'No conference found with key: %s' %
     if not request.date and request.date.time():
         raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
             'Query must include a valid date and time.')
     sessionsByTime = Session.query(Session.time >= request.date.time(),
     sessKeysByTime = sessionsByTime.fetch(None, keys_only=True)
     sessionsByType = Session.query(
         Session.typeOfSession != request.typeOfSession, ancestor=conf.key)
     sessKeysByType = sessionsByType.fetch(None, keys_only=True)
     validSessKeys = set(sessKeysByTime).intersection(set(sessKeysByType))
     sessions = ndb.get_multi(validSessKeys)
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in sessions])
コード例 #8
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """Given a speaker websafe key , return all sessions given by this particular
     speaker, across all conferences"""
     speaker_obj = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeSpeakerKey).get()
     q = Session.query().filter(Session.speaker == speaker_obj)
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in q])
コード例 #9
    def getSessionsByCity(self, request):
        """Return sessions by city."""

        # copy SessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = {
            field.name: getattr(request, field.name)
            for field in request.all_fields()
        city = data['city']

        # get conferences by city
        conferences = Conference.query()
        conferences = conferences.filter(Conference.city == city)

        # get sessions from each conference
        allSessions = []
        for conf in conferences:
            sessions = Session.query(
                ancestor=ndb.Key(Conference, conf.key.id()))
            for session in sessions:

        return SessionForms(items=[
            self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in allSessions
コード例 #10
 def getSessionsInWishlist(self, request):
     """Get wishlist for signed in user."""
     prof = self._getProfileFromUser()  # get user Profile
     session_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck) for wsck in prof.sessionWishlist]
     sessions = ndb.get_multi(session_keys)
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #11
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """Return sessions in a conference of a rewuested type."""
     # get speakerID from the request
     s_id = int(request.speaker)
     sessions = Session.query(Session.speaker == s_id)
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #12
ファイル: conference.py プロジェクト: leungchingyip/UFS_L4
    def getSessionsInWishlist(self, request):
        """Get user's wishlist's sessions in the conference. """
        # Get conference key for urlsafekey.
        c_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey)

        # Get current user key.
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        if not user:
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required')
        user_id = _getUserId()
        user_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)

        # Get wishlist of the user.
        user_wish = Wishlist.query(Wishlist.userKey==user_key).fetch()

        # Put all wishlist sessionkey into wish_s_list.
        wish_s_keys = [w.sessionKey for w in user_wish]

        # Add the sessionkeys which belong to the conference to s_list. 
        s_list = []
        for s_key in wish_s_keys:
            if s_key.parent() == c_key:

        # Get sesssion entity by session key in s_list, and copy to sessionForm. 
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(s.get()) for s in s_list])
コード例 #13
ファイル: conference.py プロジェクト: leungchingyip/UFS_L4
 def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
     """Get sessions of a conference by session type. If typeOfSession is empty,
     it will return all session of the conference.
     conf_s = self._getSessionsOfConferenceByWebsafekey(request)
     type_conf_s = conf_s.filter(Session.typeOfSession==request.typeOfSession).fetch()
     return SessionForms(items=[self._copySessionToForm(s) for s in type_conf_s])
コード例 #14
 def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
     """Get conference sessions filtered by type"""
     conference_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey)
     query = Session.query(ancestor=conference_key) \
             .filter(Session.typeOfSession == str(request.typeOfSession))
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in query])
コード例 #15
    def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
        """returns sessions given a speaker name"""
        # speaker field is a String
        sessions = Session.query().filter(Session.speaker == request.speaker)

        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #16
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """Return requested sessions given speaker."""
     # get Conference object from request; bail if not found
     sessions = Session.query(Session.speaker == request.speaker).fetch()
     # return SessionForm
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #17
    def getSessionsByDateLocationSortByTime(self, request): 
        """Returns sessions by date and location, across all conferences,
        orders the results by time.

        # Fetch session data by copying SessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = {field.name: getattr(request, field.name) \
            for field in request.all_fields()}
        location = data['location']
        date = data['date']
        startTime = data['startTime']
        if data['date']:
            udate = data['date']
            date = datetime.strptime(udate, '%Y-%m-%d')

        # Perform the query for all key matches for location
        s = Session.query()
        s = s.filter(Session.location == location)

        # Add date and start time filter if included in query        
        if data['date']:
            s = s.filter(Session.date == date)

        # Order by date then start time
        s = s.order(Session.date)
        s = s.order(Session.startTime)

        # Return set of SessionForm objects
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(sess) \
                for sess in s])
コード例 #18
    def getSessionsByHighlights(self, request):
        """Returns all sessions with any of the highlights provided"""
        q = Session.query()
        q = q.filter(Session.highlights.IN(request.highlights))

        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in q])
コード例 #19
    def getConferenceSessionsByQuery(self, request):
        """ Given a conference, return all non-workshop sessions before 7 pm (by websafeConferenceKey) """
        # get Conference object from request
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()

        if not conf:
            raise endpointNotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)

        # make a Query object for a kind, filter by ancester
        sessions = Session.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(
            Conference, request.websafeConferenceKey))

        # query for all non-workshop sessions
        sessions = sessions.filter(Session.typeOfSession != 'workshop')

        filter_time = datetime.strptime('19:00', "%H:%M").time()

        # query for all sessions before 7 pm
        session_filter = []
        for session in sessions:
            if session.startTime <= filter_time:

        # return set of SessionForms objects per session
        return SessionForms(
                   for session in session_filter]
コード例 #20
    def getSessionsByPopularity(self, request):
        """Return sessions by wishlist popularity"""

        #fetch conference from key
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()

        #Check that conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with this key: %s' %

        #Create ancestor query for all key matches for this conference
        sessions = Session.query(ancestor=conf.key).fetch()

        session_list = []
        #for every session inside a conference count how many times each session
        #is added to someone's wishlist. Append to list of dictionaries.
        for sess in sessions:
            count = Profile.query().filter(
                Profile.sessionsKeysToAttend == sess.key.urlsafe()).count()
            session_list.append({'session': sess, 'count': count})
        #sort list in descending order using 'count' key
        session_list = sorted(session_list,
                              key=lambda sess: sess['count'],

        return SessionForms(items=[
            self._copySessionToForm(s['session']) for s in session_list
コード例 #21
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: voutilad/udacity-project4
    def get_by_speaker(self, request):
        Given a speaker, return all sessions given by this particular speaker,
        across all conferences
        :param request:

        if request.name and not request.title:
            speakers = Speaker.query(Speaker.name == request.name)
        elif not request.name and request.title:
            speakers = Speaker.query(Speaker.title == request.title)
            speakers = Speaker.query(Speaker.name == request.name) \
                .filter(Speaker.title == request.title)


        all_sessions = []
        if speakers:
            for speaker in speakers:
                sessions = Session.query(
                    Session.speakerKeys == speaker.key).fetch()
                if sessions:
                    all_sessions += sessions

        return SessionForms(items=self.populate_forms(all_sessions))
コード例 #22
    def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
        """Given a conference, return all sessions of a specified type"""

        # copy ConferenceForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = {
            field.name: getattr(request, field.name)
            for field in request.all_fields()
        typeOfSession = data['typeOfSession']

        # fetch existing conference
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()

        # check that conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException('No conference found with\
                 key: %s' % request.websafeConferenceKey)

        # create ancestor query for all key matches for this conference
        sessions = Session.query(Session.typeOfSession == typeOfSession,
                                 ancestor=ndb.Key(Conference, conf.key.id()))

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #23
    def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
        """Given a conference, return all sessions of the specified type"""

        # copy ConferenceForm into dict
        data = {
            field.name: getattr(request, field.name)
            for field in request.all_fields()
        typeOfSession = data['typeOfSession']

        # get existing conference
        conf = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey).get()

        # check that this conference exists
        if not conf:
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                'No conference found with key: %s' %

        # create a query that returns all sessions(of the specified type) descended from this ancestor conference
        sessions = Session.query(Session.typeOfSession == typeOfSession,
                                 ancestor=ndb.Key(Conference, conf.key.id()))

        # return the set of SessionForm objects per Session
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #24
    def dislikedSessions(self, request):
        """Filter out disliked sessions (those of a specified type and after
        a specidied time. So, return sessions that are not of specified type
        and earlier than the start time. **** NOTE: This will only work when
        deployed to App Engine online, will not workwith local development
        server. ****
            filterTime = datetime.strptime(urllib2.unquote(request.startTime),
            filterTime = datetime.strptime("23:59", "%H:%M").time()

        # query sessions for those that DO NOT match the type of session
        sessions = Session.query()
        # order session query by inequality filter (type of session)
        sessions = sessions.order(Session.typeOfSession)
        filteredSessions = sessions.filter(
            Session.typeOfSession != request.typeOfSession)

        # manually query for sessions that are earlier than the latest desired
        # start time
        filteredSessions2 = []
        for sess in filteredSessions:
            if sess.startTime != None and sess.startTime <= filterTime:

        # return set of Sessionform objects per Session
        return SessionForms(items=[
            self._copySessionToForm(sess) for sess in filteredSessions2
コード例 #25
    def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
        """Get all sessions by the given speaker all conferences"""
        speaker = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeSpeakerKey).get()
        sessions = [sessionKey.get() for sessionKey in speaker.sessionKeys]

        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
    def getSessionsInWishlist(self, request):
        """ Get sessions that the user is interested in
        sessions = self._getSessionsInWishlist()

        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #27
 def getConferenceSessionsByType(self, request):
     """Get all sessions of the given type from the selected conference"""
     sessions = Session.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(
             Session.typeOfSession == request.typeOfSession)
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #28
    def getConferenceSessions(self, request):
        """Given a conference, return all sessions."""
        # Getting and Verifying current user
        user = getUser()
        # Retrieve the Conference key
            c_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.websafeConferenceKey)
        except Exception:
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
                'The websafeConferenceKey given is invalid.')
        # Verify that the Conference exists
        conf = c_key.get()
        checkObj(conf, 'Conference')

        # Store Sessions that are ancestors
        sessions = Session.query(ancestor=c_key)
        # Return a SessionForm for each Session
        return SessionForms(
            items = [self._copyConferenceSessionToForm(
                sess) for sess in sessions])
コード例 #29
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """Return requested sessions (by speaker)"""
     # query for sessions with this speaker as a match
     sessions = Session.query(Session.speaker == request.speaker)
     # return set of SessionForm objects for conference
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #30
    def getSessionsInWishlist(self, request):
        """ Query for all the sessions in a conference that the user 
        is interested in.
        # get user Profile
        prof = self._getProfileFromUser()

        # get Conference object from request; bail if not found
        wsck = request.websafeConferenceKey
        c_key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=wsck)
        if not c_key.get():
            raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
                "No conference found with key: %s" %

        # get the list of keys for sessions in the wishlist
        s_keys = [ndb.Key(urlsafe=wssk) for wssk in prof.wishlist]

        # we choose only those whose ancestor is the specified conference
        s_keys = [cur_key for cur_key in s_keys if cur_key.parent() == c_key]

        # get the resultant session from the key list
        sessions = ndb.get_multi(s_keys)

        # return the SessionForms
        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
コード例 #31
    def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
        """Get sessions by speaker across all conferences"""
        sessions = Session.query(Session.speaker == request.speaker)

        return SessionForms(
            items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions]