コード例 #1
def populate_by_qs(s, output=stdout):
    encoded_s = s.encode('utf-8')
    output.write('QUERYING FOR %s\n' % encoded_s)
    body = send_req('querystation.asp', {'inpPointFr': encoded_s})
    tree = ElementTree()
    root = tree.getroot()
    points = root.getiterator(NS + 'Point')
    for point in points:
        station = Station()
        station.identifier = int(point.find(NS + 'Id').text)

            station = Station.objects.get(identifier=station.identifier)
        except Station.DoesNotExist:
            station.name = point.find(NS + 'Name').text
            station.x = int(point.find(NS + 'X').text)
            station.y = int(point.find(NS + 'Y').text)
            output.write('  STORED %s\n' % station.name.encode('utf-8'))
        except Station.MultipleObjectsReturned:
            output.write('  ERROR %d, %s\n' %
                         (station.identifier, station.name.encode('utf-8')))
            # output.write('  IGNORE %s\n' % (station.name.encode('utf-8')))
コード例 #2
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: popdevelop/resources
 def handle_result(self, tree):
     stations = []
     ns = "http://www.etis.fskab.se/v1.0/ETISws"
     for station in tree.find('.//{%s}NearestStopAreas' % ns):
         s = Station()
         s.name = station.find('.//{%s}Name' % ns).text
         s.key = station.find('.//{%s}Id' % ns).text
         X = int(station.find('.//{%s}X' % ns).text)
         Y = int(station.find('.//{%s}Y' % ns).text)
         (s.lat, s.lon) = util.RT90_to_WGS84(X, Y)
     return [model_to_dict(s) for s in stations]
コード例 #3
ファイル: actions.py プロジェクト: cescp/radiodns-plugit
def stations_edit(request, id):
    """Edit a station."""

    object = None
    errors = []

    if id != '-':
        object = Station.query.filter_by(orga=int(request.args.get('ebuio_orgapk') or request.form.get('ebuio_orgapk')), id=int(id)).first()

    if request.method == 'POST':

        if not object:
            object = Station(int(request.form.get('ebuio_orgapk')))

        object.name = request.form.get('name')
        object.ip_allowed = request.form.get('ip_allowed')

        # Check errors
        if object.name == '':
            errors.append("Please set a name")

        # If no errors, save
        if not errors:
            if not object.id:


            return PlugItRedirect('stations/?saved=yes')

    if object:
        object = object.json
    return {'object': object, 'errors': errors}
コード例 #4
def range_hourly(station_id, year_start, year_end, month_start, month_end,
                 day_start, local_tz_name):
    Calls Environment Canada endpoint and parses the returned XML into 
    StationData objects.
    Keyword arguments:
    station_id -- Integer corresponding to an Environment Canada station ID 
                  (ie. location of weather reading).
    year_start -- Integer indicating the year of the first weather history
    year_end -- Integer indicating the year of the last weather history 
                request (inclusive). In combination with month_start and 
                month_end, all weather history between start and end times 
                will be requested.
    month_start -- Integer indicating the month of the first weather history 
    month_end -- Integer indicating the month of the last weather history 
                 request (inclusive). In combination with year_start and 
                 year_end, all weather history between start and end times 
                 will be requested.
    day_start -- Integer indicating the starting day of the forecast, 
                 though multiple days of forecasted data will be returned.
    local_tz_name -- String representation of local timezone name 
                     (eg. 'America/Toronto').
    Two two-item vector [station, observations] where station is a 
    model.Station object and observations is a list of hourly 
    model.Observation objects.
    # Instantiate objects that are returned by this method
    station = None
    observations = list()

    y = year_start
    m = month_start
    d = day_start
    req_date = datetime(y, m, d)
    end_date = datetime(year_end, month_end, day_start)
    while req_date <= end_date:
        xml_response = fetch_content(station_id=station_id,
        xml_string = xml_response.read().decode('utf-8')
        weather_root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string)

        # Only populate Station once
        if station == None:
            station = Station()
            station.station_id = station_id
            station.local_tz_str = local_tz_name
            station_local_tz = pytz.timezone(local_tz_name)
            epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
            offset_delta = station_local_tz.utcoffset(epoch)
            station_std_tz = timezone(offset_delta)
            for si_elmnt in weather_root.iter('stationinformation'):
                name_txt = si_elmnt.find('name').text
                if name_txt and name_txt != ' ':
                    station.name = name_txt

                province_txt = si_elmnt.find('province').text
                if province_txt and province_txt != ' ':
                    station.province = province_txt

                latitude_txt = si_elmnt.find('latitude').text
                if latitude_txt and latitude_txt != ' ':
                    station.latitude = float(latitude_txt)

                longitude_txt = si_elmnt.find('longitude').text
                if longitude_txt and longitude_txt != ' ':
                    station.longitude = float(longitude_txt)

                elevation_txt = si_elmnt.find('elevation').text
                if elevation_txt and elevation_txt != ' ':
                    station.elevation = float(elevation_txt)

                climate_id_txt = si_elmnt.find('climate_identifier').text
                if climate_id_txt and climate_id_txt != ' ':
                    station.climate_identifier = int(climate_id_txt)

        # Iterate stationdata XML elements and append Observations to list
        for sd_elmnt in weather_root.iter('stationdata'):
            observation = Observation()

            # Get portions of date_time for observation
            year_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['year']
            month_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['month']
            day_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['day']
            hour_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['hour']
            minute_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['minute']
            if year_txt and month_txt and day_txt and hour_txt and minute_txt:
                observation.obs_datetime_std = datetime(year=int(year_txt),
                observation.obs_datetime_dst = observation.obs_datetime_std.astimezone(

            if 'quality' in sd_elmnt.attrib:
                quality_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['quality']
                quality_txt = None
            if quality_txt and quality_txt != ' ':
                observation.obs_quality = quality_txt

            # Set StationData fields based on child elements' values
            observation.station_id = station_id

            temp_txt = sd_elmnt.find('temp').text
            if temp_txt and temp_txt != ' ':
                observation.temp_c = float(temp_txt)

            dptemp_txt = sd_elmnt.find('dptemp').text
            if dptemp_txt and dptemp_txt != ' ':
                observation.dewpoint_temp_c = float(dptemp_txt)

            relhum_txt = sd_elmnt.find('relhum').text
            if relhum_txt and relhum_txt != ' ':
                observation.rel_humidity_pct = int(relhum_txt)

            winddir_txt = sd_elmnt.find('winddir').text
            if winddir_txt and winddir_txt != ' ':
                observation.wind_dir_deg = int(winddir_txt) * 10

            windspd_txt = sd_elmnt.find('windspd').text
            if windspd_txt and windspd_txt != ' ':
                observation.wind_speed_kph = int(windspd_txt)

            visibility_txt = sd_elmnt.find('visibility').text
            if visibility_txt and visibility_txt != ' ':
                observation.visibility_km = float(visibility_txt)

            stnpress_txt = sd_elmnt.find('stnpress').text
            if stnpress_txt and stnpress_txt != ' ':
                observation.station_pressure_kpa = float(stnpress_txt)

            humidex_txt = sd_elmnt.find('humidex').text
            if humidex_txt and humidex_txt != ' ':
                observation.humidex = float(humidex_txt)

            windchill_txt = sd_elmnt.find('windchill').text
            if windchill_txt and windchill_txt != ' ':
                observation.wind_chill = int(windchill_txt)

            observation.weather_desc = sd_elmnt.find('weather').text

            # Add StationData element to list

        # Increment year and month to populate date range
        if m < 12:
            m += 1
            y += 1
            m = 1
        req_date = datetime(y, m, d)

    # Return XML elements parsed into a list of StationData objects
    return [station, observations]
コード例 #5
def range_hourly(station_id, year_start, year_end, month_start, month_end,
                 day_start, local_tz_name):
    Calls Environment Canada endpoint and parses the returned XML into 
    StationData objects.
    Keyword arguments:
    station_id -- Integer corresponding to an Environment Canada station ID 
                  (ie. location of weather reading).
    year_start -- Integer indicating the year of the first weather history
    year_end -- Integer indicating the year of the last weather history 
                request (inclusive). In combination with month_start and 
                month_end, all weather history between start and end times 
                will be requested.
    month_start -- Integer indicating the month of the first weather history 
    month_end -- Integer indicating the month of the last weather history 
                 request (inclusive). In combination with year_start and 
                 year_end, all weather history between start and end times 
                 will be requested.
    day_start -- Integer indicating the starting day of the forecast, 
                 though multiple days of forecasted data will be returned.
    local_tz_name -- String representation of local timezone name 
                     (eg. 'America/Toronto').
    Two two-item vector [station, observations] where station is a 
    model.Station object and observations is a list of hourly 
    model.Observation objects.
    # Instantiate objects that are returned by this method
    station = None
    observations = list()
    y = year_start
    m = month_start
    d = day_start
    req_date = datetime(y, m, d)
    end_date = datetime(year_end, month_end, day_start)
    while req_date <= end_date:
        xml_response = fetch_content(station_id=station_id, year_num=y,
                                    month_num=m, day_num_start=d, timeframe=1,
        xml_string = xml_response.read().decode('utf-8')
        weather_root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string)
        # Only populate Station once
        if station == None:
            station = Station()
            station.station_id = station_id
            station.local_tz_str = local_tz_name
            station_local_tz = pytz.timezone(local_tz_name)
            epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
            offset_delta = station_local_tz.utcoffset(epoch)
            station_std_tz = timezone(offset_delta)
            for si_elmnt in weather_root.iter('stationinformation'):
                name_txt = si_elmnt.find('name').text
                if name_txt and name_txt != ' ':
                    station.name = name_txt
                province_txt = si_elmnt.find('province').text
                if province_txt and province_txt != ' ':
                    station.province = province_txt
                latitude_txt = si_elmnt.find('latitude').text
                if latitude_txt and latitude_txt != ' ':
                    station.latitude = float(latitude_txt)
                longitude_txt = si_elmnt.find('longitude').text
                if longitude_txt and longitude_txt != ' ':
                    station.longitude = float(longitude_txt)
                elevation_txt = si_elmnt.find('elevation').text
                if elevation_txt and elevation_txt != ' ':
                    station.elevation = float(elevation_txt)
                climate_id_txt = si_elmnt.find('climate_identifier').text
                if climate_id_txt and climate_id_txt != ' ':
                    station.climate_identifier = int(climate_id_txt)
        # Iterate stationdata XML elements and append Observations to list
        for sd_elmnt in weather_root.iter('stationdata'):
            observation = Observation()
            # Get portions of date_time for observation
            year_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['year']
            month_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['month']
            day_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['day']
            hour_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['hour']
            minute_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['minute']
            if year_txt and month_txt and day_txt and hour_txt and minute_txt:
                observation.obs_datetime_std = datetime(year=int(year_txt),
                observation.obs_datetime_dst = observation.obs_datetime_std.astimezone(station_local_tz)
            if 'quality' in sd_elmnt.attrib:
                quality_txt = sd_elmnt.attrib['quality']
                quality_txt = None
            if quality_txt and quality_txt != ' ':
                observation.obs_quality = quality_txt
            # Set StationData fields based on child elements' values
            observation.station_id = station_id
            temp_txt = sd_elmnt.find('temp').text
            if temp_txt and temp_txt != ' ':
                observation.temp_c = float(temp_txt)
            dptemp_txt = sd_elmnt.find('dptemp').text
            if dptemp_txt and dptemp_txt != ' ':
                observation.dewpoint_temp_c = float(dptemp_txt)
            relhum_txt = sd_elmnt.find('relhum').text
            if relhum_txt and relhum_txt != ' ':
                observation.rel_humidity_pct = int(relhum_txt)
            winddir_txt = sd_elmnt.find('winddir').text
            if winddir_txt and winddir_txt != ' ':
                observation.wind_dir_deg = int(winddir_txt) * 10
            windspd_txt = sd_elmnt.find('windspd').text
            if windspd_txt and windspd_txt != ' ':
                observation.wind_speed_kph = int(windspd_txt)
            visibility_txt = sd_elmnt.find('visibility').text
            if visibility_txt and visibility_txt != ' ':
                observation.visibility_km = float(visibility_txt)
            stnpress_txt = sd_elmnt.find('stnpress').text
            if stnpress_txt and stnpress_txt != ' ':
                observation.station_pressure_kpa = float(stnpress_txt)
            humidex_txt = sd_elmnt.find('humidex').text
            if humidex_txt and humidex_txt != ' ':
                observation.humidex = float(humidex_txt)
            windchill_txt = sd_elmnt.find('windchill').text
            if windchill_txt and windchill_txt != ' ':
                observation.wind_chill = int(windchill_txt)
            observation.weather_desc = sd_elmnt.find('weather').text
            # Add StationData element to list
        # Increment year and month to populate date range
        if m < 12:
            m += 1
            y += 1
            m = 1
        req_date = datetime(y, m, d)
    # Return XML elements parsed into a list of StationData objects
    return [station, observations]