コード例 #1
    def post(self):
        try:                                                                    # try to create student from form values
            student            = Student()
            student.studentid  = int(self.request.get('studentid').strip())
            student.first_name = self.request.get('first_name').strip().title()    
            student.last_name  = self.request.get('last_name').strip().title()
            student.ucinetid   = self.request.get('ucinetid').strip().lower()
            student.email      = self.request.get('email').strip().lower()
            student.lab        = int(self.request.get('lab').strip())
            student.quarter    = int(self.request.get('quarter').strip())
            student.year       = int(self.request.get('year').strip())
            student.active     = True

        except Exception, e:                                                    
            return self.redirect('/admin?message=' + 'There was a problem adding that student: ' + str(e))            
コード例 #2
    def post(self):
        try:  # try to create student from form values
            student = Student()
            student.studentid = int(self.request.get('studentid').strip())
            student.first_name = self.request.get('first_name').strip().title()
            student.last_name = self.request.get('last_name').strip().title()
            student.ucinetid = self.request.get('ucinetid').strip().lower()
            student.email = self.request.get('email').strip().lower()
            student.lab = int(self.request.get('lab').strip())
            student.quarter = int(self.request.get('quarter').strip())
            student.year = int(self.request.get('year').strip())
            student.active = True

        except Exception, e:
            return self.redirect('/admin?message=' +
                                 'There was a problem adding that student: ' +
コード例 #3
    def post(self):
            file = self.request.get('the_file')
            file = file.strip().split('\n')

            quarter = int(self.request.get('quarter'))
            year = int(self.request.get('year'))
            num_labs = 0

            # students to be uploaded
            students = []
            # to check for duplicates in roster
            student_cache = set()

            # grab students in DB (active and not active)
            existing_students = StudentModel.get_students_by_active_status(
                quarter, year).fetch()
            existing_students += StudentModel.get_students_by_active_status(
                quarter, year, active=False).fetch()
            existing_students = dict(
                map(lambda x: (int(x.studentid), x), existing_students))

            for row in file:
                row = row.split(',')

                # save highest lab number found
                if int(row[5]) > num_labs:
                    num_labs = int(row[5])

                # grab student ID from current row of CSV roster
                studentid = int(row[0].strip())

                # if student w/ same studentid has already been found in roster, skip...
                if studentid in student_cache:

                # ...else, add them to 'seen' cache

                # if student in DB, skip to next student...
                if studentid in existing_students:
                    existing_student = existing_students[studentid]

                    # ...unless they're inactive; if so, activate them...
                    if not existing_student.active:
                        existing_student.active = True

                    # ...or if they've switched labs; if so, update lab num...
                    if existing_student.lab != int(row[5]):
                        existing_student.lab = int(row[5])

                    # ...to see which students have dropped the class, remove active students from existing_students
                    del existing_students[studentid]
                    # ...and continue to next student

                # create student object
                student = Student()

                student.studentid = studentid
                student.last_name = row[1].strip().title()
                student.last_name = row[1].strip('"').title()
                student.first_name = row[2].strip().title()
                student.first_name = row[2].strip('"').title()
                student.ucinetid = row[3].lower().strip()
                student.email = row[4].lower().strip()
                if not student.email.endswith("@uci.edu"):
                    student.email = student.email + "@uci.edu"
                student.lab = int(row[5])
                student.quarter = quarter
                student.year = year
                student.active = True

            # deactivate students who have dropped (students left in existing_students)
            for dropped in existing_students.values():
                dropped.active = False

            # save student objects...
            # ...save num_labs...
            setting = Setting.query().get()
            setting = setting if setting else Setting()
            setting.num_labs = num_labs
            # ...and render the response
            return self.redirect('/admin/roster/view?message=' +
                                 'Successfully uploaded new roster')

        except Exception, e:
            return self.redirect('/admin?message=' +
                                 'There was a problem uploading the roster: ' +
コード例 #4
    def post(self):
            file = self.request.get('the_file')                               
            file = file.strip().split('\n')                                    

            quarter  = int(self.request.get('quarter'))                       
            year     = int(self.request.get('year'))
            num_labs = 0
            # students to be uploaded 
            students = []
            # to check for duplicates in roster
            student_cache = set()

            # grab students in DB (active and not active) 
            existing_students  = StudentModel.get_students_by_active_status(quarter, year).fetch()    
            existing_students += StudentModel.get_students_by_active_status(quarter, year, active=False).fetch()
            existing_students  = dict(map(lambda x: (int(x.studentid), x), existing_students))

            for row in file:
                row = row.split(',')

                # save highest lab number found
                if int(row[5]) > num_labs:
                    num_labs = int(row[5])

                # grab student ID from current row of CSV roster
                studentid = int(row[0].strip())

                # if student w/ same studentid has already been found in roster, skip...
                if studentid in student_cache:

                # ...else, add them to 'seen' cache

                # if student in DB, skip to next student...
                if studentid in existing_students:
                    existing_student = existing_students[studentid]

                    # ...unless they're inactive; if so, activate them...
                    if not existing_student.active:
                        existing_student.active = True

                    # ...or if they've switched labs; if so, update lab num...
                    if existing_student.lab != int(row[5]):
                        existing_student.lab = int(row[5])

                    # ...to see which students have dropped the class, remove active students from existing_students
                    del existing_students[studentid]
                    # ...and continue to next student

                # create student object
                student = Student()

                student.studentid  = studentid
                student.last_name  = row[1].strip().title()
                student.last_name  = row[1].strip('"').title()
                student.first_name = row[2].strip().title()
                student.first_name = row[2].strip('"').title()
                student.ucinetid   = row[3].lower().strip()
                student.email      = row[4].lower().strip()
                student.lab        = int(row[5])
                student.quarter    = quarter
                student.year       = year
                student.active     = True

            # deactivate students who have dropped (students left in existing_students)
            for dropped in existing_students.values():
                dropped.active = False

            # save student objects...
            # ...save num_labs...
            setting = Setting.query().get()
            setting = setting if setting else Setting()
            setting.num_labs = num_labs
            # ...and render the response
            return self.redirect('/admin/roster/view?message=' + 'Successfully uploaded new roster')            

        except Exception, e:
            return self.redirect('/admin?message=' + 'There was a problem uploading the roster: ' + str(e))