コード例 #1
class Activity(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of an activity.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of activity, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`session_id`\
        - ID of the session activity belongs to.

        * :py:attr:`session` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Session relationship.

        * :py:attr:`project_id`\
        - ID of the project activity belongs to.

        * :py:attr:`project` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Project relationship.

        * :py:attr:`active`\
        - Boolean flag indicating that the project is active.

    :param project: Project activity belongs to.
    :type project: :py:class:`models.Project`

    :param session: Optional session activity belongs to.
    :type session: :py:class:`models.Session`

    __tablename__ = 'activity'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    session_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('session.id'), nullable=True)

    project_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('project.id'), nullable=False)

    active = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=True)

    session = relationship('Session',
                           backref=backref('activities', order_by=id))

    project = relationship('Project',
                           backref=backref('activities', order_by=id))

    def __init__(self, project, session=None):
        self.project = project
        self.project_id = project.id
        self.session = session
        self.session_id = session.id if session else 0
コード例 #2
class Event(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of Event. A simple note with timestamp during a

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of the event, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`title`\
        - Title of the event (Max 40 characters).

        * :py:attr:`desc`\
        - More in-depth description of the event (Max 500 characters).

        * :py:attr:`time`\
        - Time the event took place.

        * :py:attr:`session_id`\
        - ID of the session this event belongs to.

        * :py:attr:`session` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Session this event belongs to.

    __tablename__ = 'event'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    title = Column(String(length=40, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False)

    desc = Column(String(length=500, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    time = Column(DateTime, default=func.now())

    session_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('session.id'))

    session = relationship('Session', backref=backref('events', order_by=id))

    def __init__(self, session_id, title='', description=''):
            modelsbase.LOGGER.debug(u'EVT({0}, {1}, {2})'.\
                                    format(session_id, title, description))
            self.title = title
            self.desc = description
            self.session_id = session_id
        except Exception as excp:
            modelsbase.LOGGER.exception('EVT_EXCPT: {0!s}'.format(excp))
コード例 #3
class File(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a file.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of the file, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`path`\
        - Path of the file on DiWa (max 255 chars).

        * :py:attr:`project_id`\
        - ID of the project this file belongs to.

        * :py:attr:`project` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Project this file belongs to.

    __tablename__ = 'file'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    path = Column(String(length=255, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False)

    project_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('project.id'), nullable=True)

    project = relationship('Project', backref=backref('files', order_by=id))

    def __init__(self, path, project_id=None):
        self.path = path
        self.project_id = project_id if project_id else None
        if File.get('exists', File.path == path):
            raise ItemAlreadyExistsException('File already exists!')

    def __str__(self):
        Returns the string representation of File.

        return str(self.path)

    def __unicode__(self):
        Returns the string representation (UNICODE) of File.

        return unicode(self.path)
コード例 #4
class Company(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a company.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of the company, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`name`\
        - Name of the company (Max 50 characters).

    :param name: The name of the company.
    :type name: :py:class:`String`

    __tablename__ = 'company'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    name = Column(String(length=50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False)

    def __init__(self, name):
        Note, you should call this constructor only inside a
        try ... except ... block.

        self.name = name
        if Company.get('exists', Company.name == name):
            raise ItemAlreadyExistsException('Company already exists!')

    def __str__(self):
        Returns the string representation of Company.

        return self.name

    def __unicode__(self):
        Returns the string representation (UNICODE) of Company.

        return unicode(self.name)
コード例 #5
class Action(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a action. A file action uses this to describe
    the action.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of the action, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`name`\
        - Name of the action (Max 50 characters).

    :param name: Name of the action.
    :type name: :py:class:`String`
    __tablename__ = 'action'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    name = Column(String(length=50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name
        if Action.get('exists', Action.name == name):
            raise ItemAlreadyExistsException('Action already exists!')

    def __str__(self):
        Returns the string representation of Action.

        return self.name

    def __unicode__(self):
        Returns the string representation (UNICODE) of Action.

        return unicode(self.name)
コード例 #6
class User(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a user.

    :note: Currently not used anywhere.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of the user, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`name`\
        - Name of the user (Max 50 characters).

        * :py:attr:`email`\
        - Email address of the user (Max 100 characters).

        * :py:attr:`title`\
        - Title of the user in the company (Max 50 characters).

        * :py:attr:`department`\
        - Department of the user in the company (Max 100 characters).

        * :py:attr:`company_id`\
        - Company id of the employing company.

        * :py:attr:`company` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Company relationship.

    :param name: Name of the user.
    :type name: :py:class:`String`

    :param company: The employer.
    :type company: :py:class:`models.Company`

    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    name = Column(String(length=50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False)

    email = Column(String(length=100, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    title = Column(String(length=50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    department = Column(String(length=100, convert_unicode=True),

    company_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('company.id'), nullable=False)

    company = relationship('Company',
                           backref=backref('employees', order_by=id))

    def __init__(self, name, company, email=None, title=None, department=None):
        self.name = name
        self.email = email
        self.title = title
        self.department = department
        self.company = company
        self.uniqueness = (User.name == name, User.company_id == company.id)
        if User.get('exists', User.name == name,
                    User.company_id == company.id):
            raise ItemAlreadyExistsException('User already exists!')
コード例 #7
class Session(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a session.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of session, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`name`\
        - Name of session (Max 50 characters).

        * :py:attr:`project_id`\
        - ID of the project the session belongs to.

        * :py:attr:`project` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - The project the session belongs to.

        * :py:attr:`starttime`\
        - Time the session began, defaults to `now()`.

        * :py:attr:`endtime`\
        - The time session ended.

        * :py:attr:`previous_session_id`\
        - ID of the previous session.

        * :py:attr:`previous_session`\
        (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`) - The previous session.

        * :py:attr:`participants` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Users that belong to this session.

        * :py:attr:`computers` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Computers that belong to this session.

    :param project: The project for the session.
    :type project: :py:class:`models.Project`

    __tablename__ = 'session'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    name = Column(String(length=50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    project_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('project.id'), nullable=False)

    starttime = Column(DateTime, default=func.now(), nullable=True)

    endtime = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)

    previous_session_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('session.id'),

    project = relationship('Project', backref=backref('sessions', order_by=id))

    previous_session = relationship('Session', uselist=False, remote_side=[id])

    participants = relationship('User', SessionParticipants,

    computers = relationship('Computer', SessionComputers,

    def __init__(self, project, previous_session=None):
        self.project = project
        self.users = []
        self.endtime = None
        self.last_checked = None
        self.previous_session = previous_session

    def Start(self):
        Start a session.
        Set the :py:attr:`last_checked` field to current DateTime.

        self.last_checked = datetime.now()

    def GetLastChecked(self):
        Fetch :py:attr:`last_checked` field.

        :returns: :py:attr:`last_checked` field (None before\
                  :py:meth:`models.Session.start` is called).
        :rtype: :py:class:`datetime.datetime` or :py:const:`None`

        return self.last_checked

    def AddUser(self, user):
        Add users to a session.

        :param user: User to be added into the session.
        :type user: :py:class:`models.User`

コード例 #8
class Project(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a project.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of project, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`name`\
        - Name of the project (Max 50 characters).

        * :py:attr:`company_id`\
        - ID of the company that owns the project.

        * :py:attr:`company` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - The company that owns the project.

        * :py:attr:`dir`\
        - Directory path for the project files (Max 255 characters).

        * :py:attr:`password`\
        - Password for the project (Max 40 characters).

        * :py:attr:`members` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - The users that work on the project.

    :param name: Name of the project.
    :type name: :py:class:`String`

    :param directory: The location of project on disc.
    :type directory: :py:class:`String`

    :param company: The owner of the project.
    :type company: :py:class:`models.Company`

    :param password: The project password.
    :type password: :py:class:`String`

    __tablename__ = 'project'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    name = Column(String(length=50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False)

    company_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('company.id'), nullable=False)

    dir = Column(String(length=255, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    password = Column(String(length=40, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    company = relationship('Company',
                           backref=backref(name='projects', order_by=id),

    members = relationship('User', ProjectMembers, backref=backref('projects'))

    def __init__(self, name, directory, company, password):
        self.name = name
        self.company_id = company.id
        self.dir = directory
        self.password = password
        if Project.get('exists', Project.name == name):
            raise ItemAlreadyExistsException('Project already exists!')

    def __str__(self):
        Returns the string representation of Project.

        return str(self.name)

    def __unicode__(self):
        Returns the string representation (UNICODE) of Project.

        return unicode(self.name)
コード例 #9
class FileAction(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a file action.


        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of the FileAction, used as primary key in the database table.

        * :py:attr:`file_id`\
        - ID of the file this FileAction affects.

        * :py:attr:`file` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship)`)\
        - The file this FileAction affects.

        * :py:attr:`action_id`\
        - ID of the action affecting the file.

        * :py:attr:`action` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship)`)\
        - Action affecting the file.

        * :py:attr:`action_time`\
        - Time the action took place on.

        * :py:attr:`user_id`\
        - ID of the user performing the action.

        * :py:attr:`user` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - User peforming the action.

        * :py:attr:`computer_id`\
        - ID of the computer user performed the action on.

        * :py:attr:`computer` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Computer user performed the action on.

        * :py:attr:`session_id`\
        - ID of the session user performed the action in.

        * :py:attr:`session` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - Session user performed the action in.

    :param file_: The file which is subjected to the action.
    :type file_: :py:class:`models.File`

    :param action: The action which is applied to the file.
    :type action: :py:class:`models.Action`

    :param session: The session in which the FileAction took place on.
    :type session: :py:class:`models.Session`

    :param computer: The computer from which the user performed the action.
    :type computer: :py:class:`models.Computer`

    :param user: The user performing the action.
    :type user: :py:class:`models.User`

    __tablename__ = 'fileaction'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    file_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('file.id'), nullable=False)

    action_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('action.id'), nullable=False)

    action_time = Column(DateTime, default=func.now())

    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.id'), nullable=True)

    computer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('computer.id'), nullable=True)

    session_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('session.id'), nullable=True)

    file = relationship('File', backref=backref('actions', order_by=id))

    action = relationship('Action', backref=backref('actions', order_by=id))

    user = relationship('User', backref=backref('fileactions', order_by=id))

    computer = relationship('Computer',
                            backref=backref('fileactions', order_by=id))

    session = relationship('Session',
                           backref=backref('fileactions', order_by=id))

    def __init__(self, file_, action, session=None, computer=None,
        self.file = file_
        self.action = action
        self.session_id = session.id if session is not None else None
        self.computer = computer
        self.user = user
コード例 #10
class Computer(MethodMixin, Base):
    A class representation of a computer.

        * :py:attr:`id`\
        - ID of computer, used as primary key in database table.

        * :py:attr:`name`\
        - Name of the computer.

        * :py:attr:`ip`\
        - Internet Protocol address of the computer (Defined as unsigned).

        * :py:attr:`mac`\
        - Media Access Control address of the computer.

        * :py:attr:`time`\
        - Time of the last network activity from the computer.

        * :py:attr:`screens`\
        - Number of screens on the computer.

        * :py:attr:`responsive`\
        - The responsive value of the computer.

        * :py:attr:`user_id`\
        - ID of the user currently using the computer.

        * :py:attr:`user` (:py:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.relationship`)\
        - The current user.

        * :py:attr:`wos_id`\
        - Network node ID, usually the last part of IP address (X.X.X.Y).

    __tablename__ = 'computer'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False, autoincrement=True,

    name = Column(String(length=50, convert_unicode=True), nullable=False)

    ip = Column(Integer(unsigned=True), nullable=False)

    mac = Column(String(length=12, convert_unicode=True), nullable=True)

    time = Column(DateTime, nullable=True)

    screens = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True, default=0)

    responsive = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True)

    pgm_group = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=0)

    wos_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True)

    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.id'))

    user = relationship('User', backref=backref('computers', order_by=id))

    def __init__(self, name, ip, mac, screens, responsive, pgm_group, wos_id):
        self.name = name
        self.ip = ip
        self.mac = mac
        self.screens = screens
        self.responsive = responsive
        self.pgm_group = pgm_group
        self.wos_id = wos_id
        if Action.get('exists', Computer.mac == mac):
            raise ItemAlreadyExistsException('Computer already exists!')

    def time_ordering(cls, computer):
        Key function for time ordering.

        return computer.time

    def get_most_recent_by_mac(cls, mac_address):
        Retrieve a computer by it's hardware identifier.

        computers = Computer.get('all', Computer.mac == mac_address)

        # If we got no computers.
        if not computers:
            return None

        # If we got only one, just return it.
        if len(computers) == 1:
            return computers.pop()

        # Filter out computers without time stamp.
        temp = [computer for computer in computers if computer.time]

        # If there were none with a timestamp, return the last id wise.
        if not temp:
            return sorted(computers, key=Computer.id_ordering).pop()

        # If there was only one computer with a timestamp, use that one.
        computers = temp
        if len(computers) == 1:
            return computers.pop()

        # Return the most recent timestamp wise.
        return sorted(computers, key=Computer.time_ordering).pop()

    def __str__(self):
        Returns the string representation of Computer.

        str_msg = '<{wos_id}: name={name} screens={screens}{iftime}>'
        my_time = (' time=' + self.time.isoformat()) if self.time else ''
        return str_msg.format(iftime=my_time, **self.__dict__)

    def __unicode__(self):
        Returns the string representation (UNICODE) of Computer.

        str_msg = u'<{wos_id}: name={name} screens={screens}{iftime}>'
        my_time = (u' time=' + unicode(self.time.isoformat()) if self.time
                   else u'')
        return str_msg.format(iftime=my_time, **self.__dict__)