コード例 #1
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: yjobic/modepy
def test_deprecated_nodal_face_mass_matrix(dims, order=3):
    # FIXME DEPRECATED remove along with nodal_face_mass_matrix (>=2022)
    vol_shape = mp.Simplex(dims)
    vol_space = mp.space_for_shape(vol_shape, order)

    vertices = mp.unit_vertices_for_shape(vol_shape)
    volume_nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(vol_space, vol_shape)
    volume_basis = mp.basis_for_space(vol_space, vol_shape)

    from modepy.matrices import nodal_face_mass_matrix
    for face in mp.faces_for_shape(vol_shape):
        face_space = mp.space_for_shape(face, order)
        face_nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(face_space, face)
        face_vertices = vertices[:, face.volume_vertex_indices]

        fmm = nodal_face_mass_matrix(
                volume_basis.functions, volume_nodes,
                face_nodes, order, face_vertices)
        fmm2 = nodal_face_mass_matrix(
                volume_nodes, face_nodes, order+1, face_vertices)

        error = la.norm(fmm - fmm2, np.inf) / la.norm(fmm2, np.inf)
        logger.info("fmm error: %.5e", error)
        assert error < 5e-11, f"error {error:.5e} on face {face.face_index}"

        fmm[np.abs(fmm) < 1e-13] = 0
        nnz = np.sum(fmm > 0)

        logger.info("fmm: nnz %d\n%s", nnz, fmm)

        logger.info("mass matrix:\n%s", mp.mass_matrix(
            mp.basis_for_space(face_space, face).functions,
            mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(face_space, face)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: yjobic/modepy
def test_modal_mass_matrix_for_face(dims, shape_cls, order=3):
    vol_shape = shape_cls(dims)
    vol_space = mp.space_for_shape(vol_shape, order)
    vol_basis = mp.basis_for_space(vol_space, vol_shape)

    from modepy.matrices import modal_mass_matrix_for_face
    for face in mp.faces_for_shape(vol_shape):
        face_space = mp.space_for_shape(face, order)
        face_basis = mp.basis_for_space(face_space, face)
        face_quad = mp.quadrature_for_space(mp.space_for_shape(face, 2*order), face)
        face_quad2 = mp.quadrature_for_space(
                mp.space_for_shape(face, 2*order+2), face)
        fmm = modal_mass_matrix_for_face(
                face, face_quad, face_basis.functions, vol_basis.functions)
        fmm2 = modal_mass_matrix_for_face(
                face, face_quad2, face_basis.functions, vol_basis.functions)

        error = la.norm(fmm - fmm2, np.inf) / la.norm(fmm2, np.inf)
        logger.info("fmm error: %.5e", error)
        assert error < 1e-11, f"error {error:.5e} on face {face.face_index}"

        fmm[np.abs(fmm) < 1e-13] = 0
        nnz = np.sum(fmm > 0)

        logger.info("fmm: nnz %d\n%s", nnz, fmm)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: yjobic/modepy
def test_resampling_matrix(dims, shape_cls, ncoarse=5, nfine=10):
    shape = shape_cls(dims)

    coarse_space = mp.space_for_shape(shape, ncoarse)
    fine_space = mp.space_for_shape(shape, nfine)

    coarse_nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(coarse_space, shape)
    coarse_basis = mp.basis_for_space(coarse_space, shape)

    fine_nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(fine_space, shape)
    fine_basis = mp.basis_for_space(fine_space, shape)

    my_eye = np.dot(
            mp.resampling_matrix(fine_basis.functions, coarse_nodes, fine_nodes),
            mp.resampling_matrix(coarse_basis.functions, fine_nodes, coarse_nodes))

    assert la.norm(my_eye - np.eye(len(my_eye))) < 3e-13

    my_eye_least_squares = np.dot(
            mp.resampling_matrix(coarse_basis.functions, coarse_nodes, fine_nodes,
            mp.resampling_matrix(coarse_basis.functions, fine_nodes, coarse_nodes),

    assert la.norm(my_eye_least_squares - np.eye(len(my_eye_least_squares))) < 4e-13
コード例 #4
def from_mesh_interp_matrix(grp: NodalElementGroupBase) -> np.ndarray:
    meg = grp.mesh_el_group
    meg_space = type(grp.space)(meg.dim, meg.order)

    return mp.resampling_matrix(
        mp.basis_for_space(meg_space, grp.shape).functions, grp.unit_nodes,
コード例 #5
def is_affine_simplex_group(group, abs_tol=None):
    if abs_tol is None:
        abs_tol = 1.0e-13

    if not isinstance(group, SimplexElementGroup):
        raise TypeError("expected a 'SimplexElementGroup' not '%s'" %

    # get matrices
    basis = mp.basis_for_space(group._modepy_space, group._modepy_shape)
    vinv = la.inv(mp.vandermonde(basis.functions, group.unit_nodes))
    diff = mp.differentiation_matrices(
            basis.functions, basis.gradients, group.unit_nodes)
    if not isinstance(diff, tuple):
        diff = (diff,)

    # construct all second derivative matrices (including cross terms)
    from itertools import product
    mats = []
    for n in product(range(group.dim), repeat=2):
        if n[0] > n[1]:

    # check just the first element for a non-affine local-to-global mapping
    ddx_coeffs = np.einsum("aij,bj->abi", mats, group.nodes[:, 0, :])
    norm_inf = np.max(np.abs(ddx_coeffs))
    if norm_inf > abs_tol:
        return False

    # check all elements for a non-affine local-to-global mapping
    ddx_coeffs = np.einsum("aij,bcj->abci", mats, group.nodes)
    norm_inf = np.max(np.abs(ddx_coeffs))
    return norm_inf < abs_tol
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: yjobic/modepy
def test_deprecated_modal_face_mass_matrix(dims, order=3):
    # FIXME DEPRECATED remove along with modal_face_mass_matrix (>=2022)
    shape = mp.Simplex(dims)
    space = mp.space_for_shape(shape, order)

    vertices = mp.unit_vertices_for_shape(shape)
    basis = mp.basis_for_space(space, shape)

    from modepy.matrices import modal_face_mass_matrix
    for face in mp.faces_for_shape(shape):
        face_vertices = vertices[:, face.volume_vertex_indices]

        fmm = modal_face_mass_matrix(
                basis.functions, order, face_vertices)
        fmm2 = modal_face_mass_matrix(
                basis.functions, order+1, face_vertices)

        error = la.norm(fmm - fmm2, np.inf) / la.norm(fmm2, np.inf)
        logger.info("fmm error: %.5e", error)
        assert error < 1e-11, f"error {error:.5e} on face {face.face_index}"

        fmm[np.abs(fmm) < 1e-13] = 0
        nnz = np.sum(fmm > 0)

        logger.info("fmm: nnz %d\n%s", nnz, fmm)
コード例 #7
ファイル: processing.py プロジェクト: MTCam/meshmode
def get_simplex_element_flip_matrix(order, unit_nodes, permutation=None):
    Generate a resampling matrix that corresponds to a
    permutation of the barycentric coordinates being applied.
    The default permutation is to swap the
    first two barycentric coordinates.

    :param order: The order of the function space on the simplex,
                 (see second argument in
    :param unit_nodes: A np array of unit nodes with shape
                       *(dim, nunit_nodes)*
    :param permutation: Either *None*, or a tuple of shape
                        storing a permutation:
                        the *i*th barycentric coordinate gets mapped to
                        the *permutation[i]*th coordinate.

    :return: A numpy array of shape *(nunit_nodes, nunit_nodes)*
             which, when its transpose is right-applied
             to the matrix of nodes (shaped *(dim, nunit_nodes)*),
             corresponds to the permutation being applied
    from modepy.tools import barycentric_to_unit, unit_to_barycentric

    bary_unit_nodes = unit_to_barycentric(unit_nodes)

    flipped_bary_unit_nodes = bary_unit_nodes.copy()
    if permutation is None:
        flipped_bary_unit_nodes[0, :] = bary_unit_nodes[1, :]
        flipped_bary_unit_nodes[1, :] = bary_unit_nodes[0, :]
        flipped_bary_unit_nodes[permutation, :] = bary_unit_nodes
    flipped_unit_nodes = barycentric_to_unit(flipped_bary_unit_nodes)

    dim = unit_nodes.shape[0]
    shape = mp.Simplex(dim)
    space = mp.PN(dim, order)
    basis = mp.basis_for_space(space, shape)
    flip_matrix = mp.resampling_matrix(basis.functions, flipped_unit_nodes,

    flip_matrix[np.abs(flip_matrix) < 1e-15] = 0

    # Flipping twice should be the identity
    if permutation is None:
        assert la.norm(
            np.dot(flip_matrix, flip_matrix) -
            np.eye(len(flip_matrix))) < 1e-13

    return flip_matrix
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: yjobic/modepy
def test_nodal_mass_matrix_for_face(dims, shape_cls, order=3):
    vol_shape = shape_cls(dims)
    vol_space = mp.space_for_shape(vol_shape, order)

    volume_nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(vol_space, vol_shape)
    volume_basis = mp.basis_for_space(vol_space, vol_shape)

    from modepy.matrices import (nodal_mass_matrix_for_face,
    for face in mp.faces_for_shape(vol_shape):
        face_space = mp.space_for_shape(face, order)
        face_basis = mp.basis_for_space(face_space, face)
        face_nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(face_space, face)
        face_quad = mp.quadrature_for_space(mp.space_for_shape(face, 2*order), face)
        face_quad2 = mp.quadrature_for_space(
                mp.space_for_shape(face, 2*order+2), face)
        fmm = nodal_mass_matrix_for_face(
                face, face_quad, face_basis.functions, volume_basis.functions,
                volume_nodes, face_nodes)
        fmm2 = nodal_quad_mass_matrix_for_face(
                face, face_quad2, volume_basis.functions, volume_nodes)

        for f_face in face_basis.functions:
            fval_nodal = f_face(face_nodes)
            fval_quad = f_face(face_quad2.nodes)
            assert (
                    la.norm(fmm@fval_nodal - fmm2@fval_quad, np.inf)
                    / la.norm(fval_quad)) < 3e-15

        fmm[np.abs(fmm) < 1e-13] = 0
        nnz = np.sum(fmm > 0)

        logger.info("fmm: nnz %d\n%s", nnz, fmm)

        logger.info("mass matrix:\n%s",
                mp.mass_matrix(face_basis.functions, face_nodes))
コード例 #9
ファイル: tesselate.py プロジェクト: benSepanski/meshmode
def _(meg: _ModepyElementGroup, el_tess_info, elements):
    shape = meg._modepy_shape
    space = meg._modepy_space

    # get midpoints in reference coordinates
    midpoints = -1 + np.array(
        _get_ref_midpoints(shape, el_tess_info.ref_vertices))

    # resample midpoints to ambient coordinates
    resampling_mat = mp.resampling_matrix(
        mp.basis_for_space(space, shape).functions, midpoints.T,

    resampled_midpoints = np.einsum("mu,deu->edm", resampling_mat,
                                    meg.nodes[:, elements])

    return dict(zip(elements, resampled_midpoints))
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_tools.py プロジェクト: yjobic/modepy
def test_diff_matrix(dims, shape_cls, order=5):
    shape = shape_cls(dims)
    space = mp.space_for_shape(shape, order)
    nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(space, shape)
    basis = mp.basis_for_space(space, shape)

    diff_mat = mp.differentiation_matrices(basis.functions, basis.gradients, nodes)
    if isinstance(diff_mat, tuple):
        diff_mat = diff_mat[0]

    f = np.sin(nodes[0])

    df_dx = np.cos(nodes[0])
    df_dx_num = np.dot(diff_mat, f)

    error = la.norm(df_dx - df_dx_num) / la.norm(df_dx)
    logger.info("error: %.5e", error)
    assert error < 2.0e-4, error
コード例 #11
def _test_node_vertex_consistency_resampling(mesh, mgrp, tol):
    if mesh.vertices is None:
        return True

    if mgrp.nelements == 0:
        return True

    if isinstance(mgrp, _ModepyElementGroup):
        basis = mp.basis_for_space(mgrp._modepy_space, mgrp._modepy_shape).functions
        raise TypeError(f"unsupported group type: {type(mgrp).__name__}")

    resampling_mat = mp.resampling_matrix(

    # dim, nelments, nnvertices
    map_vertices = np.einsum(
            "ij,dej->dei", resampling_mat, mgrp.nodes)

    grp_vertices = mesh.vertices[:, mgrp.vertex_indices]

    per_element_vertex_errors = np.sqrt(np.sum(
            np.sum((map_vertices - grp_vertices)**2, axis=0),

    if tol is None:
        tol = 1e3 * np.finfo(per_element_vertex_errors.dtype).eps

    from meshmode.mesh.processing import find_bounding_box

    bbox_min, bbox_max = find_bounding_box(mesh)
    size = la.norm(bbox_max-bbox_min)

    max_el_vertex_error = np.max(per_element_vertex_errors)
    assert max_el_vertex_error < tol*size, max_el_vertex_error

    return True
コード例 #12
ファイル: tesselate.py プロジェクト: benSepanski/meshmode
def _(meg: _ModepyElementGroup, el_tess_info, elements):
    shape = meg._modepy_shape
    space = meg._modepy_space

    # get child unit node coordinates.
    from meshmode.mesh.refinement.utils import map_unit_nodes_to_children
    child_unit_nodes = np.hstack(
        list(map_unit_nodes_to_children(meg, meg.unit_nodes, el_tess_info)))

    # resample child nodes to ambient coordinates
    resampling_mat = mp.resampling_matrix(
        mp.basis_for_space(space, shape).functions, child_unit_nodes,

    resampled_unit_nodes = np.einsum("cu,deu->edc", resampling_mat,
                                     meg.nodes[:, elements])

    ambient_dim = len(meg.nodes)
    nunit_nodes = len(meg.unit_nodes[0])

    return {
        el: resampled_unit_nodes[iel].reshape((ambient_dim, -1, nunit_nodes))
        for iel, el in enumerate(elements)
コード例 #13
 def basis_obj(self):
     return mp.basis_for_space(self.space, self.shape)
コード例 #14
def make_face_restriction(actx, discr, group_factory, boundary_tag,
    """Create a mesh, a discretization and a connection to restrict
    a function on *discr* to its values on the edges of element faces
    denoted by *boundary_tag*.

    :arg boundary_tag: The boundary tag for which to create a face
        restriction. May be
        to indicate interior faces, or
        to make a discretization consisting of all (interior and
        boundary) faces.

    :arg per_face_groups: If *True*, the resulting discretization is
        guaranteed to have groups organized as::

            (grp0, face0), (grp0, face1), ... (grp0, faceN),
            (grp1, face0), (grp1, face1), ... (grp1, faceN), ...

        each with the elements in the same order as the originating
        group. If *False*, volume and boundary groups correspond with
        each other one-to-one, and an interpolation batch is created
        per face.

    :return: a
        representing the new connection. The new boundary discretization can be
        obtained from the
        attribute of the return value, and the corresponding new boundary mesh
        from that.


    if boundary_tag is None:
        boundary_tag = FACE_RESTR_INTERIOR
        from warnings import warn
        warn("passing *None* for boundary_tag is deprecated--pass "
                "FACE_RESTR_INTERIOR instead",
                DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    logger.info("building face restriction: start")

    # {{{ gather boundary vertices

    bdry_vertex_vol_nrs = _get_face_vertices(discr.mesh, boundary_tag)

    vol_to_bdry_vertices = np.empty(
    vol_to_bdry_vertices[bdry_vertex_vol_nrs] = np.arange(
            len(bdry_vertex_vol_nrs), dtype=np.intp)

    bdry_vertices = discr.mesh.vertices[:, bdry_vertex_vol_nrs]

    # }}}

    from meshmode.mesh import Mesh, _ModepyElementGroup
    bdry_mesh_groups = []
    connection_data = {}

    if boundary_tag not in [FACE_RESTR_ALL, FACE_RESTR_INTERIOR]:
        btag_bit = discr.mesh.boundary_tag_bit(boundary_tag)

    for igrp, (grp, fagrp_map) in enumerate(
            zip(discr.groups, discr.mesh.facial_adjacency_groups)):

        mgrp = grp.mesh_el_group

        if not isinstance(mgrp, _ModepyElementGroup):
            raise NotImplementedError("can only take boundary of "
                    "meshes based on SimplexElementGroup and "

        # {{{ pull together per-group face lists

        group_boundary_faces = []

        if boundary_tag is FACE_RESTR_INTERIOR:
            for fagrp in fagrp_map.values():
                if fagrp.ineighbor_group is None:
                    # boundary faces -> not looking for those

                        zip(fagrp.elements, fagrp.element_faces))

        elif boundary_tag is FACE_RESTR_ALL:
                    (iel, iface)
                    for iface in range(grp.mesh_el_group.nfaces)
                    for iel in range(grp.nelements)

            bdry_grp = fagrp_map.get(None)
            if bdry_grp is not None:
                nb_el_bits = -bdry_grp.neighbors
                face_relevant_flags = (nb_el_bits & btag_bit) != 0


        # }}}

        batch_base = 0

        # group by face_index

        for face in mgrp._modepy_faces:
            batch_boundary_el_numbers_in_grp = np.array([
                for ibface_el, ibface_face in group_boundary_faces
                if ibface_face == face.face_index
                ], dtype=np.intp)

            # {{{ preallocate arrays for mesh group

            nbatch_elements = len(batch_boundary_el_numbers_in_grp)

            if per_face_groups or face.face_index == 0:
                if per_face_groups:
                    ngroup_bdry_elements = nbatch_elements
                    ngroup_bdry_elements = len(group_boundary_faces)

                # make up some not-terrible nodes for the boundary Mesh
                space = mp.space_for_shape(face, mgrp.order)
                bdry_unit_nodes = mp.edge_clustered_nodes_for_space(space, face)

                vol_basis = mp.basis_for_space(
                        mgrp._modepy_space, mgrp._modepy_shape).functions

                vertex_indices = np.empty(
                        (ngroup_bdry_elements, face.nvertices),

                nbdry_unit_nodes = bdry_unit_nodes.shape[-1]
                nodes = np.empty(
                        (discr.ambient_dim, ngroup_bdry_elements, nbdry_unit_nodes),
            # }}}

            new_el_numbers = batch_base + np.arange(nbatch_elements)
            if not per_face_groups:
                batch_base += nbatch_elements

            # {{{ no per-element axes in these computations

            face_unit_nodes = face.map_to_volume(bdry_unit_nodes)
            resampling_mat = mp.resampling_matrix(
                    face_unit_nodes, mgrp.unit_nodes)

            # }}}

            # {{{ build information for mesh element group

            # Find vertex_indices
            glob_face_vertices = mgrp.vertex_indices[
                    batch_boundary_el_numbers_in_grp][:, face.volume_vertex_indices]
            vertex_indices[new_el_numbers] = \

            # Find nodes
            nodes[:, new_el_numbers, :] = np.einsum(
                    mgrp.nodes[:, batch_boundary_el_numbers_in_grp, :])

            # }}}

            connection_data[igrp, face.face_index] = _ConnectionBatchData(

            is_last_face = face.face_index + 1 == mgrp.nfaces

            if per_face_groups or is_last_face:
                bdry_mesh_group = type(mgrp)(
                        mgrp.order, vertex_indices, nodes,

    bdry_mesh = Mesh(bdry_vertices, bdry_mesh_groups)

    from meshmode.discretization import Discretization
    bdry_discr = Discretization(
            actx, bdry_mesh, group_factory)

    connection = _build_boundary_connection(
            actx, discr, bdry_discr, connection_data,

    logger.info("building face restriction: done")

    return connection
コード例 #15
ファイル: poly_element.py プロジェクト: benSepanski/meshmode
 def from_mesh_interp_matrix(self):
     meg = self.mesh_el_group
     meg_space = mp.QN(meg.dim, meg.order)
     return mp.resampling_matrix(
         mp.basis_for_space(meg_space, self._shape).functions,
         self.unit_nodes, meg.unit_nodes)
コード例 #16
ファイル: poly_element.py プロジェクト: benSepanski/meshmode
 def _basis(self):
     return mp.basis_for_space(self._space, self._shape)