def FeedbackControl(X, Xd, Xd_next, Kp, Ki, delta_t, current_config, error_integral): """ This function calculates the kinematic task-space feedforward plus feedback control law (written both as Equation (11.16) and (13.37) in the textbook). Input: X - The current actual end-effector configuration (Tse). Xd - The current end-effector reference configuration (Tse_d). Xd_next - The end-effector reference configuration at the next timestep in the reference trajectory (Tse_d_next). Kp - the P gain matrix. Ki - the I gain matrix. delta_t - The time step Δt between reference trajectory configurations. current_config - The current cunfiguration. Return: V - The commanded end-effector twist, expressed in the end-effector frame {e}. controls - The commanded wheel and arm joint controls. Xerr - The error. error_integral - The error integral. """ # Initialize variables: l = 0.47 / 2 # The forward-backward distance between the wheels to frame {b} [m] w = 0.3 / 2 # The side-to-side distance between the wheels to frame {b} [m] r = 0.0475 # The radius of each wheel [m] # The fixed offset from the chassis frame {b} to the base frame of the arm {0}: Tb0 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0.1662], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0.0026], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # The end-effector frame {e} relative to the arm base frame {0}, when the arm is at its home configuration: M0e = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0.033], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0.6546], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # The screw axes B for the 5 joints expressed in the end-effector frame {e}, when the arm is at its home configuration: Blist = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0.0330, 0], [0, -1, 0, -0.5076, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, -0.3526, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, -0.2176, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]).T # Get current arm joint angles: arm_joints = current_config[3:8] # Calculate the chasis configuration (according to Chapter 13.4): F = r / 4 * np.array( [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [-1 / (l + w), 1 / (l + w), 1 / (l + w), -1 / (l + w)], [1, 1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) # The fixed offset from the base frame of the arm {0} to the end-effector frame {e}: T0e = core.FKinBody(M0e, Blist, arm_joints) # The the transformation between end-effector frame {e} to the chassis frame {b}: Teb = (core.TransInv(T0e)).dot(core.TransInv(Tb0)) # Calculate the feedforward reference twist: Vd = core.se3ToVec( core.MatrixLog6((core.TransInv(Xd)).dot(Xd_next)) / delta_t) print("Vd: ", Vd) # Calculate the Adx-1xd matrix: ADx1xd = core.Adjoint((core.TransInv(X)).dot(Xd)) ADx1xdVd = print("ADx1xdVd: ", ADx1xdVd) # Calculate the error: Xerr = core.se3ToVec(core.MatrixLog6((core.TransInv(X)).dot(Xd))) print("Xerr: ", Xerr) # Calculate command end effector twist (when the numerical integral of the error is error_integral + Xerr * delta_t): error_integral += Xerr * delta_t V = ADx1xdVd + + print("V: ", V) # Calculate the arm, body and end-effector Jacobian matrices: Ja = core.JacobianBody(Blist, arm_joints) Jb = (core.Adjoint(Teb)).dot(F) Je = np.concatenate((Jb, Ja), axis=1) print("Je: ", Je) # Calculate the wheel and arm joint controls: Je_inv = np.linalg.pinv(Je) controls = print("controls: ", controls) return V, controls, Xerr, error_integral
X_d_next = np.array([[ th.ref_traj[i + 1][0], th.ref_traj[i + 1][1], th.ref_traj[i + 1][2], th.ref_traj[i + 1][9] ], [ th.ref_traj[i + 1][3], th.ref_traj[i + 1][4], th.ref_traj[i + 1][5], th.ref_traj[i + 1][10] ], [ th.ref_traj[i + 1][6], th.ref_traj[i + 1][7], th.ref_traj[i + 1][8], th.ref_traj[i + 1][11] ], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # The error twist Xerr that takes X to Xd in unit time is # extracted from the 4x4 se(3) matrix [Xerr] = log(X^(−1) Xd) X_err = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, X_d))) # Maintain an estimate of the integral of the error integral = integral + (X_err * timestep) # Compute the twist which is necessary to go from X_d to X_d_next V_d = mr.se3ToVec( mr.MatrixLog6(, X_d_next)) / timestep) # Build the contro law term1 =, X_d)), V_d) term2 =, X_err) term3 =, integral) V = term1 + term2 + term3 # Compute the Jacobian and, using the pseudoinverse, obtain the control signal
def IKinBodyIterate(Blist, M, T, thetalist0, eomg, ev): """Computes inverse kinematics in the body frame for an open chain robot :param Blist: The joint screw axes in the end-effector frame when the manipulator is at the home position, in the format of a matrix with axes as the columns :param M: The home configuration of the end-effector :param T: The desired end-effector configuration Tsd :param thetalist0: An initial guess of joint angles that are close to satisfying Tsd :param eomg: A small positive tolerance on the end-effector orientation error. The returned joint angles must give an end-effector orientation error less than eomg :param ev: A small positive tolerance on the end-effector linear position error. The returned joint angles must give an end-effector position error less than ev :return thetalist: Joint angles that achieve T within the specified tolerances, :return success: A logical value where TRUE means that the function found a solution and FALSE means that it ran through the set number of maximum iterations without finding a solution within the tolerances eomg and ev. Uses an iterative Newton-Raphson root-finding method. The maximum number of iterations before the algorithm is terminated has been hardcoded in as a variable called maxiterations. It is set to 20 at the start of the function, but can be changed if needed. Example Input: Blist = np.array([[0, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.1]]).T M = np.array([[-1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 1, 0, 6], [ 0, 0, -1, 2], [ 0, 0, 0, 1]]) T = np.array([[0, 1, 0, -5], [1, 0, 0, 4], [0, 0, -1, 1.6858], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) thetalist0 = np.array([1.5, 2.5, 3]) eomg = 0.01 ev = 0.001 Output: (np.array([1.57073819, 2.999667, 3.14153913]), True) """ thetalist = np.array(thetalist0).copy() i = 0 maxiterations = 20 Vb = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, \ thetalist)), T))) err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg \ or np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev while err and i < maxiterations: print("Iterations: ", i) print("joint vector: ", thetalist) with open("iterates.csv", "a", newline="") as file: csv.writer(file).writerow([ thetalist[0], thetalist[1], thetalist[2], thetalist[3], thetalist[4], thetalist[5] ]) Tsb = mr.FKinBody(M, Blist, thetalist) print("SE(3) end−effector config: ", Tsb) print("error twist V_b: ", Vb) print("angular error magnitude ∣∣omega_b∣∣: ", np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]])) print("linear error magnitude ∣∣v_b∣∣: ", np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]])) thetalist = thetalist \ +, \ thetalist)), Vb) i = i + 1 Vb \ = mr.se3ToVec(mr.MatrixLog6(, Blist, \ thetalist)), T))) err = np.linalg.norm([Vb[0], Vb[1], Vb[2]]) > eomg \ or np.linalg.norm([Vb[3], Vb[4], Vb[5]]) > ev return (thetalist, not err)