コード例 #1
def addingPoints(P, Q, p, a):
    if P == 0 and Q == 0:
        return 0
    if P == 0 or Q == 0:
        if P == 0:
            return Q
        if Q == 0:
            return P
    if P == Q:
        return doublingPoint(P, p, a)
    xP, yP = P
    xQ, yQ = Q
    if xP == xQ and yQ == (p - yP):
        return 0
    numerator = yP - yQ
    denominator = xP - xQ
#    gcd = extendedGCD(numerator, denominator)
#    numerator /= gcd
#    denominator /= gcd
    m = (numerator * modularInverse(denominator, p)) % p
    xR = (m**2 - xP - xQ) % p
    yR = (m * (xP - xR) - yP) % p
    return (xR, yR)
コード例 #2
def doublingPoint(P, p, a):
    if P == 0:
        return 0
#    print(f'P = {P}')
    xP, yP = P
    m = ((3 * xP**2 + a) * modularInverse(2 * yP, p)) % p
    xR = (m**2 - 2 * xP) % p
    yR = (m * (xP - xR) - yP) % p
    return (xR, yR)
コード例 #3
def generateSignature(p, a, b, G, n, d, message):
    k = random.randint(1, n - 1)
    kG = doubleAndAdd(k, G, p, a)
    r = kG[0] % n
    if r == 0:
        generateSignature(p, a, b, G, n, d, message)
        return None
    hx = digitizeString(message)
    s = (modularInverse(k, n) * (hx + d * r)) % n
    if s == 0:
        generateSignature(p, a, b, G, n, d, message)
        return None

    print(f'k = {k}')
    print(f'kG = {kG}')
    print(f'r = x1 mod n = {kG[0]} mod {n}')
    print(f'hx = so hoa "{message}" = {hx}')
        f's = (k^(-1) * (hx + dr)) mod n = ({k}^(-1) * ({hx} + {d}*{r})) mod {n}'

    return (r, s)
コード例 #4
def testSignature(key, signature, n, message):
    public_key, d = key
    Ep, G, _, Q = public_key
    p, a, b = Ep
    r, s = signature

    if r not in range(1, n):
        print('r = {r} not in [1, n-1={n-1}]')
        return False
    print(f'r = {r} in [1, n-1={n-1}]')

    if s not in range(1, n):
        print(f's = {s} not in [1, n-1={n-1}]')
        return False
    print(f's = {s} in [1, n-1={n-1}]')

    w = modularInverse(s, n)
    hx = digitizeString(message)

    u1 = hx * w % n
    u2 = r * w % n
    x0, y0 = addingPoints(doubleAndAdd(u1, G, p, a), doubleAndAdd(u2, Q, p, a),
                          p, a)
    v = x0 % n

    print(f'w = s^(-1) mod n = {s}^(-1) mod {n} = {w}')
    print(f'hx = so hoa "{message}" = {hx}')
    print(f'u1 = hx*w mod n = {hx}*{w} mod {n} = {u1}')
    print(f'u2 = r*w mod n = {r}*{w} mod {n} = {u2}')
    print(f'(x0, y0) = u1G + u2Q = {u1}{G} + {u2}{Q} = ({x0}, {y0})')
    print(f'v = x0 mod n = {x0} mod {n} = {v}')

    if v != r:
        print(f'v={v} not equal r={r} => False')
        return False

    print(f'v = r = {v} => True')
    return True
コード例 #5
def rsaSolver(pq_digits, e_digits, text):
    p = generatePrime(pq_digits)[0]
    q = generatePrime(pq_digits)[0]
    n = p * q
    r = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    e = generatePrime(e_digits)[0]
    d = modularInverse(e, r)

    x = digitizeString(text)

    c = pow(x, e, n)
    m = pow(c, d, n)

    if x != m:
        rsaSolver(pq_digits, e_digits, text)
        return None

    print(f'p = {p:d}\nq = {q:d}\n')
    print('n = p * q')
    print(f'= {p:d} * {q:d}')
    print(f'= {n:d}')
    print('r = (p - 1) * (q - 1)')
    print(f'= {p-1:d} * {q-1:d}')
    print(f'= {r:d}\n')
    print(f'e = {e:d}')
    print('d = e^(-1) mod r')
    print(f'= {d:d}\n')
    print(f'x = {x:d}\n')
    print('c = x^e mod n')
    print(f'= {c:d}\n')
    print('m = c^d mod n')
    print(f'= {m:d}\n= x')
コード例 #6
def Chaum_vanAntverpenSignatureSolver(p_range, alpha_range, message):
    p_left, p_right = p_range
    alpha_left, alpha_right = alpha_range

    p = generateSophieGermainPrime(p_left, p_right)[0]
    q = (p - 1) // 2

    primitive = getPrimitiveRootList(p)[1]
    primitive = random.choice(
        list(filter(lambda x: alpha_left < x and x < alpha_right, primitive)))
    alpha = primitive**2 % p

    a = random.randint(1, q - 1)
    beta = pow(alpha, a, p)

    x = digitizeString(message)
    y = signature = pow(x, a, p)

    e_range = list(range((q - 1) // 2, q))
    e1 = random.choice(e_range)
    e2 = random.choice(e_range)

    c = pow(y, e1, p) * pow(beta, e2, p) % p

    d = pow(c, modularInverse(a, q), p)

    verify = pow(x, e1, p) * pow(alpha, e2, p) % p
    if verify != d:
        Chaum_vanAntverpenSignatureSolver(p_range, alpha_range, message)
        return None

# =============================================================================
#     f1 = random.choice(e_range)
#     e_range.remove(f1)
#     f2 = random.choice(e_range)
#     C = pow(y, f1, p) * pow(beta, f2, p) % p
#     D = pow(C, modularInverse(a, q), p)
#     temp = pow(x, f1, p) * pow(alpha, f2, p) % p
#     verify2 = (D != temp)
# =============================================================================

    print('a) Confirmation protocol:')
    print('Generate Sophie Germain prime p = 2q + 1:')
    print(f'p = {p} = 2*{q} + 1; {p} is prime and {q} is prime')
        f'Since {primitive} is a primitive root of p={p}, hence {primitive}^2 mod {p} = {alpha} is a generator of group of quadratic residues modulo p={p} and of order of q={q}'
        f'Generate a in range [1, q-1={q-1}]. Suppose a={a}, then beta = alpha^a mod p = {alpha}^{a} mod {p} = {beta}'
    print(f'Public key: (p, alpha, beta) = ({p}, {alpha}, {beta})')
    print(f'Private key: a = {a}')
    print(f'message = {message} => x = digitize("{message}") mod {p} = {x}')
        f'Bob sign the message with the signature y = x^a mod p = {x}^{a} mod {p} = {y} and send the pairs (x, signature) = ({x}, {y}) to Alice'
        f'When receiving the message x, Alice wants to verify the signature y. Suppose Alice generated e1={e1} and e2={e2} in range [1, q-1={q-1}], then she will compute:'
        f'c = y^e1 * beta^e2 mod p = {y}^{e1} * {beta}^{e2} mod {p} = {c} and send it to Bob'
    print('Bob will then compute:')
        f'd = c^(a^(-1) mod q) mod p = {c}^({a}^(-1) mod {q}) mod {p} = {d} and send it back to Alice'
    print('Alice then check Bob\'s response by verifying that:')
        f'x^e1 * alpha^e2 mod p = {x}^{e1} * {alpha}^{e2} mod {p} = {verify} = d'
        f'Hence, Alice accepted that the signature y={y} is valid for the message x={x}'
    # =============================================================================
    #     print()
    #     print('b) Disavowal protocol:')
    #     print('In case when d =/= x^e1 * alpha^e2 mod p, Alice has to consider whether y is a forgery or Bob denies his signature. To evaluate this, Alice continues the verification using the following disavowal protocol:')
    # =============================================================================