def scan_print(vul_info): try: delay = globals.get_value("DELAY") # 获取全局变量DELAY debug = globals.get_value("DEBUG") # 获取全局变量DEBUG result = vul_info["prt_resu"] prt_name = vul_info["prt_name"] vul_name = vul_info["vul_name"] vul_type = vul_info["vul_type"] vul_numb = vul_info["vul_numb"] info = vul_info["prt_info"] if result == "PoCSuCCeSS": # 存在漏洞时候输出以下内容 print(now.timed(de=delay) +"[+] The target is " + prt_name + " " + info)) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 output("json", vul_info) output("text", "--> [名称:" + vul_name + "] [编号:" + vul_numb + "] [类型:" + vul_type + "] " + info) elif result == "PoC_MaYbE": print(now.timed(de=delay) +"[?] The target maybe " + prt_name + " " + info)) # 丢给output模块判断是否输出文件 output("json", vul_info) output("text", "--> [名称:" + vul_name + "] [编号:" + vul_numb + "] [类型:" + vul_type + "] " + info) else: # 否则就是没有洞 if debug == "debug": print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.magenta("[-] The target no " + color.magenta(prt_name))) else: print("\r{0}{1}{2}".format(now.timed(de=delay), color.magenta("[-] The target no "), color.magenta(prt_name)), end=" \r", flush=True) except IndexError as error: print(now.timed(de=0) +"[ERROR] " + error.__traceback__.tb_frame.f_globals['__file__'] + " " + str(error.__traceback__.tb_lineno)))
def error_print(prt_name): delay = globals.get_value("DELAY") # 获取全局变量DELAY debug = globals.get_value("DEBUG") # 获取全局变量DEBUG if debug == "debug": print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.magenta("[-] The target no " + color.magenta(prt_name))) else: print("\r{0}{1}{2}".format(now.timed(de=delay), color.magenta("[-] The target no "), color.magenta(prt_name)), end=" \r", flush=True)
def exploit_print(request, raw_data): delay = globals.get_value("DELAY") # 获取全局变量DELAY debug = globals.get_value("DEBUG") # 获取全局变量DEBUG if debug == "debug": print(raw_data) elif r"PoC_WaTinG" in request: print(now.timed(de=delay) + color.red_warn() + color.magenta(" Command Executed Failed... ...")) else: print(request)
def identify_prt(name): print("\r{0}{1}{2}".format( now.timed(de=0), color.yel_info(), color.cyan(" Identify whether the target is: " + color.magenta(name))), end=" ")