コード例 #1
ファイル: module_converge.py プロジェクト: opusg0514/AMP2
def convergence_check(target,be1,be2,ENCONV,PRCONV,FOCONV):
	path_list = [target,be1,be2]
	nion = int(pygrep('NION',target+'/OUTCAR',0,0).splitlines()[-1].split()[11])
#	nion = int(subprocess.check_output(['grep','NION',target+'/OUTCAR']).splitlines()[-1].split()[11])
	# Read energy, pressure and force
	ENERGY = []
	PRESS = []
	FORCE = []
	for path in path_list:
		if ENCONV > 0:
			ENERGY.append(float(pygrep('free  ',path+'/OUTCAR',0,0).splitlines()[-1].split()[4]))
#			ENERGY.append(float(subprocess.check_output(['grep','free  ',path+'/OUTCAR']).splitlines()[-1].split()[4]))
		if PRCONV > 0:
			line = pygrep('in kB',path+'/OUTCAR',0,0).splitlines()[-1].split()
#			line = subprocess.check_output(['grep','in kB',path+'/OUTCAR']).splitlines()[-1].split()
			if len(line) == 8:
				PRESS.append([float(x) for x in line[2:]])
		if FOCONV > 0:
			force_lines = pygrep('TOTAL-F',path+'/OUTCAR',0,nion+1).splitlines()[2:nion+2]
#			force_lines = subprocess.check_output(['grep','TOTAL-F',path+'/OUTCAR','-A',str(nion+1)]).splitlines()[2:nion+2]
			FORCE_one_sample = []
			for line in force_lines:
				if len(line.split()) == 6:
					FORCE_one_sample.append([float(x) for x in line.split()[3:6]])
	converge = 0
	# Convergence check for energy/atom
	if ENCONV > 0 and (abs(ENERGY[0]-ENERGY[1])/nion > ENCONV or abs(ENERGY[0]-ENERGY[2])/nion > ENCONV) :
		make_amp2_log(target,'Energy is not yet converged')
		return 1
	# Convergence check for pressure
	if PRCONV > 0 :
		for i in range(6) :
			if abs(PRESS[0][i]-PRESS[1][i]) > PRCONV or abs(PRESS[0][i]-PRESS[2][i]) > PRCONV :
#				if abs(PRESS[0][i]-PRESS[1][i])/abs(PRESS[0][i]) > 0.1 or abs(PRESS[0][i]-PRESS[2][i])/abs(PRESS[0][i]) > 0.1:
#					make_amp2_log(target,'Pressure is not yet converged')
#					return 1
#					sys.exit()
				make_amp2_log(target,'Pressure is not yet converged')
				return 1
	# Convergence check for force
	if FOCONV > 0 :
		for i in range(nion):
			for j in range(3) :
				if abs(FORCE[0][i][j]-FORCE[1][i][j]) > FOCONV or abs(FORCE[0][i][j]-FORCE[2][i][j]) > FOCONV :
					make_amp2_log(target,'Force is not yet converged')
					return 1
	return 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: module_converge.py プロジェクト: wangvei/AMP2
def max_force(outcar_path):
	nion = int(pygrep('NION',outcar_path,0,0).split()[-1])
	force_list = pygrep('TOTAL-FORCE',outcar_path,0,nion+1).splitlines()
	max_f = [0,[0,0,0]]
	for line in force_list[2:]:
		if len(line.split()) == 6:
			force = [float(x) for x in line.split()[3:6]]
			force = [999.,999.,999.]
		if dist_point(force,[0,0,0]) > max_f[0]:
			max_f = [dist_point(force,[0,0,0]),force]
	return max_f
コード例 #3
ファイル: module_converge.py プロジェクト: opusg0514/AMP2
def max_force(outcar_path):
	nion = int(pygrep('NION',outcar_path,0,0).split()[-1])
#	nion = int(subprocess.check_output(['grep','NION',outcar_path]).split()[-1])
	force_list = pygrep('TOTAL-FORCE',outcar_path,0,nion+1).splitlines()
#	force_list = subprocess.check_output(['grep','-A'+str(nion+1),'TOTAL-FORCE',outcar_path]).splitlines()
	max_f = [0,[0,0,0]]
	for line in force_list[2:]:
		if len(line.split()) == 6:
			force = [float(x) for x in line.split()[3:6]]
			force = [999.,999.,999.]
		if dist_point(force,[0,0,0]) > max_f[0]:
			max_f = [dist_point(force,[0,0,0]),force]
	return max_f
コード例 #4
ファイル: module_converge.py プロジェクト: wangvei/AMP2
def write_conv_result(target,logfile):
	head = target.split('/')[-1]
	energy = float(pygrep('free  ',target+'/OUTCAR',0,0).splitlines()[-1].split()[4])
	line = pygrep('in kB',target+'/OUTCAR',0,0).splitlines()[-1].split()
	if len(line) == 8:
		press = [float(x) for x in line[2:]]
		press = [99999.,99999.,99999.,99999.,99999.,99999.]
	with open(logfile,'a') as log:
		log.write(head+': '+str(energy)+' eV')
		log.write('\t/ ')
		for ll in press:
			log.write(str(ll)+' ')
コード例 #5
ファイル: module_amp2_input.py プロジェクト: opusg0514/AMP2
def make_incar(poscar, target, src_path, max_nelm):
    from module_vasprun import wincar
    pos = open(poscar, 'r').readlines()
    atom_z = pos[5].split()
    atom_cnt = pos[6].split()
    nelect = 0

    for j in range(len(atom_z)):
        pot_line = pygrep('ZVAL', target + '/INPUT0/POTCAR_GGA', 0,
        #		pot_line = subprocess.check_output(['grep','ZVAL',target+'/INPUT0/POTCAR_GGA']).splitlines()[j].split()[5]
        nelect = nelect + int(atom_cnt[j]) * int(float(pot_line))

    # Set maximum number of electronic steps
    nelm = max_nelm
    #	if nelect > int(max_nelm/3) :
    #		nelm = max_nelm
    #	else :
    #		nelm = nelect*3
    #	if nelm < 30:
    #		nelm = 30
    wincar(src_path + '/INCAR0', target + '/INPUT0/INCAR0',
           [['SYSTEM', target.split('/')[-1]], ['NELM', str(nelm)]], [])
    with open(target + '/INPUT0/INCAR', 'w') as out_inc:
        with open(target + '/INPUT0/INCAR0', 'r') as f:
        with open(target + '/INPUT0/U_note', 'r') as f:
        with open(target + '/INPUT0/spin_note', 'r') as f:
コード例 #6
def check_half_metal(target):
    spin = pygrep('ISPIN', target + '/OUTCAR', 0, 0).split()[2]
    ncl = pygrep('NONCOL', target + '/OUTCAR', 0, 0).split()[2]
    if not (spin == '2' and ncl == 'F'):
        half_metal = 0
        [KPT, Band, nelect] = EIGEN_to_array(target + '/EIGENVAL', spin)
        fermi = get_fermi_level(Band, nelect, ncl)
        half_metal = 0
        for i in range(int(spin)):
            metal = 0
            for n in range(len(Band)):
                single_band = [Band[n][x][i] for x in range(len(KPT))]
                band_max = max(single_band)
                band_min = min(single_band)
                if band_max > fermi and band_min < fermi:
                    metal = 1
            if metal == 0:
                half_metal = 1
    return half_metal
コード例 #7
def plot_band_structure(spin, Band, fermi, xtic_file, xlabel_file, plot_range,
    # make band.dat
    make_band_dat(xtic_file, Band, spin, target)

    # make band.in
    nband = len(Band)
    if pyhead(target + '/Band_gap.log', 1).split()[2] == 'is':
        gap = 0
        fermi = str(fermi)
        gap = round(float(pyhead(target + '/Band_gap.log', 1).split()[2]))
        fermi = pygrep('VBM', target + '/Band_gap.log', 0,

    title = target.split('/')[-2]
    make_band_in(title, xlabel_file, fermi, gap, nband, spin, plot_range,
コード例 #8
ファイル: module_amp2_input.py プロジェクト: opusg0514/AMP2
def make_incar_note(poscar, target, soc_target, u_value, magmom_def, src_path):
    # U-J values for LDA+U method
    TMU = yaml.safe_load(open(src_path + '/U_table.yaml', 'r'))
    if not u_value is None:
        if 'All' in u_value.keys():
            for u_key in TMU.keys():
                TMU[u_key] = u_value['All']
        elif 'all' in u_value.keys():
            for u_key in TMU.keys():
                TMU[u_key] = u_value['all']
        for u_key in u_value.keys():
            TMU[u_key] = u_value[u_key]
        for u_key in TMU.keys():
            if TMU[u_key] == 0:

    if soc_target is None:
        SOC = []
        SOC = soc_target

    TMd = [
        'Sc', 'Ti', 'V', 'Cr', 'Mn', 'Fe', 'Co', 'Ni', 'Cu', 'Zn', 'Y', 'Zr',
        'Nb', 'Mo', 'Tc', 'Ru', 'Rh', 'Pd', 'Ag', 'Cd', 'Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re',
        'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au', 'Hg'
    TMf = [
        'La', 'Ce', 'Pr', 'Nd', 'Pm', 'Sm', 'Eu', 'Gd', 'Tb', 'Dy', 'Ho', 'Er',
        'Tm', 'Yb', 'Lu'

    NVAL = {
        'H': 1,
        'He': 0,
        'Li': 1,
        'Be': 2,
        'B': 3,
        'C': 4,
        'N': 5,
        'O': 6,
        'F': 7,
        'Ne': 0,
        'Na': 1,
        'Mg': 2,
        'Al': 3,
        'Si': 4,
        'P': 5,
        'S': 6,
        'Cl': 7,
        'Ar': 0,
        'K': 1,
        'Ca': 2,
        'Sc': 3,
        'Ti': 4,
        'V': 5,
        'Cr': 6,
        'Mn': 7,
        'Fe': 8,
        'Co': 9,
        'Ni': 10,
        'Cu': 11,
        'Zn': 2,
        'Ga': 3,
        'Ge': 4,
        'As': 5,
        'Se': 6,
        'Br': 7,
        'Kr': 0,
        'Rb': 1,
        'Sr': 2,
        'Y': 3,
        'Zr': 4,
        'Nb': 5,
        'Mo': 6,
        'Tc': 7,
        'Ru': 8,
        'Rh': 9,
        'Pd': 10,
        'Ag': 11,
        'Cd': 2,
        'In': 3,
        'Sn': 4,
        'Sb': 5,
        'Te': 6,
        'I': 7,
        'Xe': 0,
        'Cs': 1,
        'Ba': 2,
        'La': 3,
        'Ce': 4,
        'Pr': 5,
        'Nd': 6,
        'Pm': 7,
        'Sm': 8,
        'Eu': 9,
        'Gd': 10,
        'Tb': 11,
        'Dy': 12,
        'Ho': 13,
        'Er': 14,
        'Tm': 15,
        'Yb': 16,
        'Lu': 17,
        'Hf': 4,
        'Ta': 5,
        'W': 6,
        'Re': 7,
        'Os': 8,
        'Ir': 9,
        'Pt': 10,
        'Au': 11,
        'Hg': 12,
        'Tl': 3,
        'Pb': 4,
        'Bi': 5,
        'Po': 6,
        'At': 7,
        'Rn': 0,
        'Ac': 3,
        'Th': 4,
        'Pa': 5,
        'U': 6,
        'Pu': 8,
        'No': 16

    pos = open(poscar, 'r').readlines()
    atom_z = pos[5].split()
    atom_cnt = pos[6].split()

    # Check U_note for 3d transition metals
    u_note = ""
    u_val1 = ""
    u_val2 = ""
    u_on = 0
    mag_on = 0
    soc_on = 0
    nelect = 0

    for j in range(len(atom_z)):
        pot_line = pygrep('ZVAL', target + '/INPUT0/POTCAR_GGA', 0,
        #		pot_line = subprocess.check_output(['grep','ZVAL',target+'/INPUT0/POTCAR_GGA']).splitlines()[j].split()[5]
        nelect = nelect + int(atom_cnt[j]) * int(float(pot_line))
        if atom_z[j] in TMd:
            if atom_z[j] in TMU:
                if u_on == 0:
                    u_on = 1
                u_note = u_note + ' 2'
                u_val1 = u_val1 + ' ' + str(TMU[atom_z[j]] + 1.0)
                u_val2 = u_val2 + ' 1.0'
                u_note = u_note + ' -1'
                u_val1 = u_val1 + ' 0.0'
                u_val2 = u_val2 + ' 0.0'
            mag_on = 1
        elif atom_z[j] in TMf:
            if atom_z[j] in TMU:
                u_on = 2
                u_note = u_note + ' 3'
                u_val1 = u_val1 + ' ' + str(TMU[atom_z[j]] + 1.0)
                u_val2 = u_val2 + ' 1.0'
                u_note = u_note + ' -1'
                u_val1 = u_val1 + ' 0.0'
                u_val2 = u_val2 + ' 0.0'
            mag_on = 1
            u_note = u_note + ' -1'
            u_val1 = u_val1 + ' 0.0'
            u_val2 = u_val2 + ' 0.0'
        if atom_z[j] in SOC:
            soc_on = 1

    # Checking metallic compounds (If all components are metallic elements, we do not impose +U.)
    non_metal = [
        'H', 'He', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Ne', 'Si', 'P', 'S', 'Cl', 'Ar',
        'Ge', 'As', 'Se', 'Br', 'Kr', 'Sb', 'Te', 'I', 'Xe', 'At', 'Rn'
    if not any([x in non_metal for x in atom_z]):
        u_on = 0

    maxmix = str(2 + 2 * u_on)
    with open(target + '/INPUT0/U_note', 'w') as out:
        if not u_on == 0:
                '\n LDA+U calculation:\n   LDAU      = .TRUE. !Treat L(S)DA+U\n   LDAUTYPE  = 2\n'
            out.write('   LDAUL   =' + u_note + '\n')
            out.write('   LDAUU   =' + u_val1 + '\n')
            out.write('   LDAUJ   =' + u_val2 + '\n')
            out.write('   LDAUPRINT = 0\n   LMAXMIX = ' + maxmix + '\n\n')

    oxi_check = 0  # 0: no spin-polarizaton, 1: use MAGMOM, 2: no MAGMOM
    tot_atom = sum([int(x) for x in atom_cnt])

    if mag_on == 1 and os.path.isfile(target + '/INPUT0/final.dat'):
        make_amp2_log(target + '/INPUT0', 'MAGMOM is set by cif file\n')
        with open(target + '/INPUT0/final.dat', 'r') as fin_file:
            final = []
            for line in fin_file.readlines():
        if len(final[0]) == 3:
            mag = []  # [atom_oxi, atom, mag, n_mag]
            fin_idx = 0
            for pos_idx in range(9, tot_atom + 9):
                if pos_idx != 9 and pos[pos_idx].split()[-1] == mag[-1][0]:
                    mag[-1][3] = mag[-1][3] + 1
                    #					if len(final[fin_idx][2]) < 2 :
                    if len(final[fin_idx][2]) < 2 or float(
                            final[fin_idx][2][:-1]) == 0.0:
                        oxi_check = 2  # No oxi information
                        final[fin_idx][1], final[fin_idx][0],
                        float(final[fin_idx][2][-1] + final[fin_idx][2][:-1]),
                    ])  # float part: number sign --> sign number
                    fin_idx = fin_idx + 1

            if oxi_check != 2:
                for j in range(len(mag)):
                    if mag[j][2] > 0:
                        mag[j][2] = NVAL[mag[j][1]] - mag[j][2]
                        if mag[j][1] in TMd and mag[j][2] > 5 and mag[j][
                                2] <= 10:
                            mag[j][2] = 10 - mag[j][2]
                        elif mag[j][1] in TMf and mag[j][2] > 7 and mag[j][
                                2] <= 14:
                            mag[j][2] = 14 - mag[j][2]
                        elif (not mag[j][1] in TMd) and (not mag[j][1] in TMf):
                            if mag[j][2] == 2:
                                mag[j][2] = 0.0
                        if mag[j][2] > 0:
                            mag[j][2] = mag[j][2] + 0.5
                            oxi_check = 1
                        mag[j][2] = 0.0

    # write spin note for unpaired spin electrons
    if mag_on == 1:
        if not os.path.isfile(target + '/INPUT0/final.dat') or not len(
                final[0]) == 3 or oxi_check == 2:
            make_amp2_log(target + '/INPUT0',
                          'MAGMOM is set by magmom default value\n')
            oxi_check = 1
            mag = []
            for j in range(len(atom_z)):
                mag.append([atom_z[j], '', 0, atom_cnt[j]])
                if atom_z[j] in TMd:
                    mag[-1][2] = magmom_def
                elif atom_z[j] in TMf:
                    mag[-1][2] = magmom_def

    with open(target + '/INPUT0/spin_note', 'w') as out2:
        if oxi_check == 1:
                " Spin polarized caculation w/ initial magnetic moment:\n")
            out2.write("   ISPIN = 2\n   MAGMOM = ")
            for j in range(len(mag)):
                    str(mag[j][3]) + "*" + str(round(mag[j][2], 2)) + " ")
        elif oxi_check == 2:  # Manual setting part
            out2.write("   ISPIN = 2\n ")
            with open(target + '/valence_notice!', 'w') as out3:
                    "Unpaired spin atoms can not be clearly identified!\n")
        elif nelect % 2 != 0:
            out2.write(" Spin polarized caculation:\n")
            out2.write("   ISPIN = 2\n ")
        if soc_on == 1:
            out2.write("#   LSORBIT = .True.\n")
            if u_on == 1:
                out2.write("#   LMAXMIX = " + maxmix + "\n")