コード例 #1
class PulserParameterModel(CategoryTreeModel):
    expression = Expression()
    def __init__(self, parameterList, parent=None):
        super(PulserParameterModel, self).__init__(parameterList, parent)
            (QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 0): 'Name',
            (QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 1): 'Value'
            (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 0): lambda node: node.content.name,
            (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 1): lambda node: str(node.content.value),
            (QtCore.Qt.EditRole, 1): lambda node: node.content.string,
            (QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole, 1): self.dependencyBgFunction,
            (QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole, 1): self.toolTipFunction
            (QtCore.Qt.EditRole, 1): lambda index, value: self.setValue(index, value),
            (QtCore.Qt.UserRole, 1): lambda index, value: self.setStrValue(index, value)
            0: QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable,
            1: QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable
        self.numColumns = 2

    def setValue(self, index, value):
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        node.content.value = value
        return True
    def setStrValue(self, index, strValue):
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        node.content.string = strValue
        return True
コード例 #2
class MeanEvaluation(EvaluationBase):
    name = 'Mean'
    tooltip = "Mean of observed counts" 
    errorBarTypes = ['shotnoise','statistical','min max']
    expression = Expression()
    def __init__(self, globalDict=None, settings=None):
        EvaluationBase.__init__(self, globalDict, settings)
        self.errorBarTypeLookup = {'shotnoise': self.evaluateShotnoise,
                                   'statistical': self.evaluateStatistical,
                                   'min max': self.evaluateMinMax}
    def setDefault(self):
        self.settings.setdefault('errorBarType', 'shotnoise')
        self.settings.setdefault('transformation', "")
        if type(self.settings['errorBarType']) in (int, float):
            self.settings['errorBarType'] = self.errorBarTypes[self.settings['errorBarType']]
    def evaluateShotnoise(self, countarray ):
        summe = numpy.sum( countarray )
        l = float(len(countarray))
        mean = summe/l
        stderror = math.sqrt( max(summe,1) )/l
        return mean, (stderror/2. if summe>0 else 0, stderror/2. ), summe

    def evaluateStatistical(self, countarray):
        mean = numpy.mean( countarray )
        stderr = numpy.std( countarray, ddof=1 ) / math.sqrt( max( len(countarray)-1, 1) )
        return mean, (stderr/2.,stderr/2.), numpy.sum( countarray )
    def evaluateMinMax(self, countarray):
        mean = numpy.mean( countarray )
        return mean, (mean-numpy.min(countarray), numpy.max(countarray)-mean), numpy.sum(countarray)
    def evaluate(self, data, evaluation, expected=None, ppDict=None, globalDict=None):
        countarray = evaluation.getChannelData(data)
        if not countarray:
            return 0, (0,0), 0
        mean, (minus, plus), raw =  self.errorBarTypeLookup[self.settings['errorBarType']](countarray)
        if self.settings['transformation']!="":
            mydict = { 'y': mean }
            if ppDict:
                mydict.update( ppDict )
            mean = float(self.expression.evaluate(self.settings['transformation'], mydict))
            mydict['y'] = mean+plus
            plus = float(self.expression.evaluate(self.settings['transformation'], mydict))
            mydict['y'] = mean-minus
            minus = float(self.expression.evaluate(self.settings['transformation'], mydict))
            return mean, (mean-minus, plus-mean), raw
        return mean, (minus, plus), raw

    def parameters(self):
        parameterDict = super(MeanEvaluation, self).parameters()
        if isinstance(self.settings['errorBarType'], int): #preserve backwards compatibility -- previously errorBarType was an int, now it's a string, so we map it over
            self.settings['errorBarType'] = self.errorBarTypes[self.settings['errorBarType']]
        parameterDict['errorBarType'] = Parameter(name='errorBarType', dataType='select',
                                                  choices=self.errorBarTypes, value=self.settings['errorBarType'])
        parameterDict['transformation'] = Parameter(name='transformation', dataType='str',
                                                    value=self.settings['transformation'], tooltip="use y for the result in a mathematical expression")
        return parameterDict
コード例 #3
 def evaluate(self, globalDict):
     for parameter in list(self.parameterDict.values()):
         if parameter.text is not None:
             value = Expression().evaluateAsMagnitude(
                 parameter.text, globalDict)
             parameter.value = value  # set saved value to match new parameter text
             modelIndex = self.createIndex(
             self.dataChanged.emit(modelIndex, modelIndex)
コード例 #4
class VarAsOutputChannel(object):
    """This is a class that makes the AWG parameters work as an external parameter output channel in a parameter scan.

    The AWG variables are not external parameter output channels, but the external parameter scan method needs the scan
    parameter to have several specific methods and attributes (as OutputChannel does). This class provides those attributes."""
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, awgUi, name, globalDict):
        self.awgUi = awgUi
        self.name = name
        self.useExternalValue = False
        self.savedValue = None
        self.globalDict = globalDict

    def value(self):
        return self.awgUi.settings.varDict[self.name]['value']

    def strValue(self):
        return self.awgUi.settings.varDict[self.name]['text']

    def device(self):
        return self.awgUi.device

    def saveValue(self, overwrite=True):
        """save current value"""
        if self.savedValue is None or overwrite:
            self.savedValue = self.value
        return self.savedValue

    def setValue(self, targetValue):
        """set the variable to targetValue"""
        if targetValue is not None:
            self.awgUi.settings.varDict[self.name]['value'] = targetValue
            modelIndex = self.awgUi.tableModel.createIndex(
            self.awgUi.tableModel.dataChanged.emit(modelIndex, modelIndex)
            for channelUi in self.awgUi.awgChannelUiList:
        return True

    def restoreValue(self):
        """restore the value saved previously, if any, then clear the saved value."""
        value = self.savedValue if self.strValue is None else self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
            self.strValue, self.globalDict)
        if value is not None:
            self.savedValue = None
        return True
コード例 #5
ファイル: DAC.py プロジェクト: pyIonControl/IonControl
class DACChannelSetting(object):
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, globalDict=None):
        self._globalDict = None
        self._voltage = ExpressionValue(None, self._globalDict)
        self.enabled = False
        self.name = ""
        self.resetAfterPP = False

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state
        self.__dict__.setdefault('resetAfterPP', False)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('_globalDict', dict())

    def __getstate__(self):
        dictcopy = dict(self.__dict__)
        dictcopy.pop('_globalDict', None)
        return dictcopy

    def outputVoltage(self):
        return self._voltage.value if self.enabled else Q(0, 'V')

    def globalDict(self):
        return self._globalDict

    def globalDict(self, globalDict):
        self._globalDict = globalDict
        self._voltage.globalDict = globalDict

    def voltage(self):
        return self._voltage.value

    def voltage(self, v):
        self._voltage.value = v

    def voltageText(self):
        return self._voltage.string

    def voltageText(self, s):
        self._voltage.string = s

    def onChange(self, onChange):
コード例 #6
class AWGSegment(AWGSegmentNode):
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwds):
        super(AWGSegment, self).__init__(parent)
        self.nodeType = nodeTypes.segment
        self.stack = None
        self.equation = kwds.get('equation', 'V0')
        self.duration = kwds.get('duration', 'T0')

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state
        #self.__dict__['expression'] = Expression()
        self.__dict__['stack'] = None
コード例 #7
class FreerunningGenerator:
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, scan):
        self.scan = scan

    def prepare(self, pulseProgramUi, maxUpdatesToWrite=None):
        if self.scan.gateSequenceUi.settings.enabled:
            _, data, self.gateSequenceSettings = self.scan.gateSequenceUi.gateSequenceScanData(
            data = []
        return ([], data)  # write 5 points to the fifo queue at start,
        # this prevents the Step in Place from stopping in case the computer lags behind evaluating by up to 5 points

    def restartCode(self, currentIndex):
        return []

    def dataNextCode(self, experiment):
        return None

    def xValue(self, index, data):
        return self.expression.evaluate(
            {'x': data.scanvalue if data.scanvalue else 0
             }) if self.scan.xExpression else data.scanvalue

    def xRange(self):
        return []

    def appendData(self, traceList, x, evaluated, timeinterval):
        if evaluated and traceList:
            traceList[0].x = numpy.append(traceList[0].x, x)
            for trace, (y, error, raw) in zip(traceList, evaluated):
                trace.y = numpy.append(trace.y, y)
                trace.raw = numpy.append(trace.raw, raw)
                if error is not None:
                    trace.bottom = numpy.append(trace.bottom, error[0])
                    trace.top = numpy.append(trace.top, error[1])

    def dataOnFinal(self, experiment, currentState):

    def expected(self, index):
        return None
コード例 #8
class DDSChannelSettings(object):
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self):
        self.frequency = Q(0, 'MHz')
        self.phase = Q(0)
        self.amplitude = Q(0)
        self.frequencyText = None
        self.phaseText = None
        self.amplitudeText = None
        self.enabled = False
        self.name = ""
        self.squareEnabled = False
        self.shutter = None
        self.channel = None

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__dict__ = state
        self.__dict__.setdefault('name', '')
        self.__dict__.setdefault('squareEnabled', False)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('shutter', None)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('channel', None)

    def evaluateFrequency(self, globalDict):
        if self.frequencyText:
            oldfreq = self.frequency
            self.frequency = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                self.frequencyText, globalDict)
            return self.frequency != oldfreq
        return False

    def evaluateAmplitude(self, globalDict):
        if self.amplitudeText:
            oldamp = self.amplitude
            self.amplitude = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                self.amplitudeText, globalDict)
            return oldamp != self.amplitude
        return False

    def evaluatePhase(self, globalDict):
        if self.phaseText:
            oldphase = self.phase
            self.phase = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                self.phaseText, globalDict)
            return oldphase != self.phase
        return False
コード例 #9
class GateSequenceCompiler(object):
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, pulseProgram):
        self.pulseProgram = pulseProgram
        self.compiledGates = dict()

    """Compile all gate sequences into binary representation
        returns tuple of start address list and bytearray data"""

    def gateSequencesCompile(self, gatesets):
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.info("compiling {0} gateSequences.".format(
        addresses = list()
        data = list()
        index = 0
        for gateset in list(gatesets.GateSequenceDict.values()):
            gatesetdata = self.gateSequenceCompile(gateset)
            index += len(gatesetdata) * 8
        return addresses, data

    """Compile one gateset into its binary representation"""

    def gateSequenceCompile(self, gateset):
        data = list()
        length = 0
        for gate in gateset:
            thisCompiledGate = self.compiledGates[gate]
            length += len(thisCompiledGate) // self.pulseListLength
        return [length] + data

    """Compile each gate definition into its binary representation"""

    def gateCompile(self, gateDefinition):
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        variables = self.pulseProgram.variables()
        pulseList = list(gateDefinition.PulseDefinition.values())
        self.pulseListLength = len(pulseList)
        for gatename, gate in gateDefinition.Gates.items(
        ):  # for all defined gates
            data = list()
            gateLength = 0
            for name, strvalue in gate.pulsedict:
                result = self.expression.evaluate(strvalue, variables)
                if name != pulseList[gateLength % self.pulseListLength].name:
                    raise GateSequenceCompilerException(
                        "In gate {0} entry {1} found '{2}' expected '{3}'".
                        format(gatename, gateLength, name,
                               pulseList[gateLength % self.pulseListLength]))
                encoding = gateDefinition.PulseDefinition[name].encoding
                    self.pulseProgram.convertParameter(result, encoding))
                gateLength += 1
            if gateLength % self.pulseListLength != 0:
                raise GateSequenceCompilerException(
                    "In gate {0} number of entries ({1}) is not a multiple of the pulse definition length ({2})"
                    .format(gatename, gateLength, self.pulseListLength))
            self.compiledGates[gatename] = data
            logger.info("compiled {0} to {1}".format(gatename, data))
コード例 #10
# *****************************************************************
# IonControl:  Copyright 2016 Sandia Corporation
# This Software is released under the GPL license detailed
# in the file "license.txt" in the top-level IonControl directory
# *****************************************************************
import unittest
from modules.Expression import Expression
import math
from modules.quantity import Q
ExprEval = Expression()

def e(expr, vars=dict(), useFloat=False):
    return ExprEval.evaluate(expr, vars, useFloat=useFloat)

class TestExpression(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_literals(self):
        self.assertEqual(e("9"), 9)
        self.assertEqual(e('-9'), -9)
        self.assertEqual(e('--9'), 9)
        self.assertEqual(e('-E'), -math.e)
        self.assertEqual(e('9 + 3 + 6 + 25'), 9 + 3 + 6 + 25)
        self.assertEqual(e("9 + 3 / 11"), 9 + 3 / 11)
        self.assertEqual(e('9 * (7 + 28) / 12'), 9 * (7 + 28) / 12)
        self.assertEqual(e("9 - 12 - 6"), 9 - 12 - 6)
        self.assertEqual(e("9 - (12 - 6)"), 9 - (12 - 6))
        self.assertEqual(e("2 * 3.14159"), 2 * 3.14159)
        self.assertEqual(e("3.1415926535 * 3.1415926535 / 10"),
                         3.1415926535 * 3.1415926535 / 10)
        self.assertEqual(e("PI * PI / 10"), math.pi * math.pi / 10)
コード例 #11
class CounterSumMeanEvaluation(EvaluationBase):
    """Evaluate the mean of a sum of counters"""
    name = 'Counter Sum Mean'
    tooltip = "Mean of sum of observed counts"
    hasChannel = False
    errorBarTypes = ['shotnoise', 'statistical', 'min max']
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, globalDict=None, settings=None):
        EvaluationBase.__init__(self, globalDict, settings)
        self.errorBarTypeLookup = {'shotnoise': self.evaluateShotnoise,
                                   'statistical': self.evaluateStatistical,
                                   'min max': self.evaluateMinMax}

    def setDefault(self):
        self.settings.setdefault('errorBarType', 'shotnoise')
        self.settings.setdefault('transformation', "")
        self.settings.setdefault('counters', [])
        self.settings.setdefault('id', 0)

    def evaluateShotnoise(self, countarray):
        summe = numpy.sum(countarray)
        l = float(len(countarray))
        mean = summe / l
        stderror = math.sqrt(max(summe, 1)) / l
        return mean, (stderror / 2. if summe > 0 else 0, stderror / 2.), summe

    def evaluateStatistical(self, countarray):
        mean = numpy.mean(countarray)
        stderr = numpy.std(countarray, ddof=1) / math.sqrt(max(len(countarray) - 1, 1))
        return mean, (stderr / 2., stderr / 2.), numpy.sum(countarray)

    def evaluateMinMax(self, countarray):
        mean = numpy.mean(countarray)
        return mean, (mean - numpy.min(countarray), numpy.max(countarray) - mean), numpy.sum(countarray)

    def getCountArray(self, data):
        counters = [((self.settings['id']&0xff)<<8) | (int(counter) & 0xff) for counter in self.settings['counters']]
        listOfCountArrays = [data.count[counter] for counter in counters if counter in data.count.keys()]
        countarray = [sum(sublist) for sublist in zip(*listOfCountArrays)]
        return countarray

    def evaluate(self, data, evaluation, expected=None, ppDict=None, globalDict=None):
        countarray = self.getCountArray(data)
        if not countarray:
            return 0, (0, 0), 0
        mean, (minus, plus), raw = self.errorBarTypeLookup[self.settings['errorBarType']](countarray)
        if self.settings['transformation'] != "":
            mydict = {'y': mean}
            if ppDict:
            mean = float(self.expression.evaluate(self.settings['transformation'], mydict))
            mydict['y'] = mean + plus
            plus = float(self.expression.evaluate(self.settings['transformation'], mydict))
            mydict['y'] = mean - minus
            minus = float(self.expression.evaluate(self.settings['transformation'], mydict))
            return mean, (mean - minus, plus - mean), raw
        return mean, (minus, plus), raw

    def histogram(self, data, evaluation, histogramBins=50 ):
        countarray = self.getCountArray(data)
        y, x = numpy.histogram( countarray, range=(0, histogramBins), bins=histogramBins)
        return y, x, None   # third parameter is optional function

    def parameters(self):
        parameterDict = super(CounterSumMeanEvaluation, self).parameters()
        parameterDict['id'] = Parameter(name='id', dataType='magnitude', value=self.settings['id'],
                                        text=self.settings.get( ('id', 'text') ), tooltip='id of counters to sum')
        parameterDict['counters'] = Parameter(name='counters', dataType='multiselect',
                                              value=self.settings['counters'], choices=list(map(str, range(16))),
                                              tooltip='counters to sum')
        parameterDict['errorBarType'] = Parameter(name='errorBarType', dataType='select',
                                                  choices=self.errorBarTypes, value=self.settings['errorBarType'])
        parameterDict['transformation'] = Parameter(name='transformation', dataType='str',
                                                    tooltip="use y for the result in a mathematical expression")
        return parameterDict
コード例 #12
class Adjust(object):
    expression = Expression()
    dataChangedObject = DataChangedS()
    dataChanged = dataChangedObject.dataChanged

    def __init__(self, globalDict=dict()):
        self._globalDict = globalDict
        self._line = ExpressionValue(name="line",
        self._lineValue = self._line.value
        self._lineGain = ExpressionValue(name="lineGain",
        self._globalGain = ExpressionValue(name="globalGain",

    def globalDict(self):
        return self._globalDict

    def globalDict(self, globalDict):
        self._globalDict = globalDict
        self._lineGain.globalDict = globalDict
        self._globalGain.globalDict = globalDict
        self._line.globalDict = globalDict

    def line(self):
        return self._lineValue

    def line(self, value):
        self._lineValue = value

    def lineGain(self):
        return self._lineGain.value

    def lineGain(self, value):
        self._lineGain.value = value

    def globalGain(self):
        return self._globalGain.value

    def globalGain(self, value):
        self._globalGain.value = value

    def lineString(self):
        return self._line.string

    def lineString(self, s):
        self._line.string = s

    def lineGainString(self):
        return self._lineGain.string

    def lineGainString(self, s):
        self._lineGain.string = s

    def globalGainString(self):
        return self._globalGain.value

    def globalGainString(self, s):
        self._globalGain.string = s

    def __getstate__(self):
        dictcopy = dict(self.__dict__)
        dictcopy.pop('_globalDict', None)
        return dictcopy

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        state.setdefault('_globalDict', dict())
        state.pop('line', None)
        self.__dict__ = state
        if not isinstance(self._line, ExpressionValue):
            self._line = ExpressionValue(name="line",
        if not isinstance(self._lineGain, ExpressionValue):
            self._lineGain = ExpressionValue(name='lineGain',
        if not isinstance(self._globalGain, ExpressionValue):
            self._globalGain = ExpressionValue(name='globalGain',
        self._lineValue = self._line.value

    def onLineExpressionChanged(self, name, value, string, origin):
        if name == 'line':
            self._lineValue = value
コード例 #13
class ParameterScanGenerator:
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, scan):
        self.scan = scan
        self.nextIndexToWrite = 0
        self.numUpdatedVariables = 1

    def prepare(self, pulseProgramUi, maxUpdatesToWrite=None):
        self.maxUpdatesToWrite = maxUpdatesToWrite
        if self.scan.gateSequenceUi.settings.enabled:
            _, data, self.gateSequenceSettings = self.scan.gateSequenceUi.gateSequenceScanData(
            data = []
        parameterName = self.scan.scanParameter if self.scan.scanTarget == 'Internal' else self.scan.parallelInternalScanParameter
        if parameterName == "None":
            self.scan.code, self.numVariablesPerUpdate = NoneScanCode * len(
                self.scan.list), 1
            self.scan.code, self.numVariablesPerUpdate = pulseProgramUi.variableScanCode(
                parameterName, self.scan.list, extendedReturn=True)
        self.numUpdatedVariables = len(self.scan.code) // 2 // len(
        maxWordsToWrite = MaxWordsInFifo if maxUpdatesToWrite is None else 2 * self.numUpdatedVariables * maxUpdatesToWrite
        if len(self.scan.code) > maxWordsToWrite:
            self.nextIndexToWrite = maxWordsToWrite
            return self.scan.code[:maxWordsToWrite], data
        self.nextIndexToWrite = len(self.scan.code)
        return self.scan.code, data

    def restartCode(self, currentIndex):
        maxWordsToWrite = MaxWordsInFifo if self.maxUpdatesToWrite is None else 2 * self.numUpdatedVariables * self.maxUpdatesToWrite
        currentWordCount = 2 * self.numUpdatedVariables * currentIndex
        if len(self.scan.code) - currentWordCount > maxWordsToWrite:
            self.nextIndexToWrite = maxWordsToWrite + currentWordCount
            return (self.scan.code[currentWordCount:self.nextIndexToWrite])
        self.nextIndexToWrite = len(self.scan.code)
        return self.scan.code[currentWordCount:]

    def xValue(self, index, data):
        value = self.scan.list[index]
        if self.scan.xExpression:
            value = self.expression.evaluate(self.scan.xExpression,
                                             {"x": value})
        if not is_Q(value):
            return value
        if (not self.scan.xUnit
                and not value.dimensionless) or not value.dimensionality == Q(
                    1, self.scan.xUnit).dimensionality:
            self.scan.xUnit = value.to_compact()
        return value.m_as(self.scan.xUnit)

    def dataNextCode(self, experiment):
        if self.nextIndexToWrite < len(self.scan.code):
            start = self.nextIndexToWrite
            self.nextIndexToWrite = min(
                len(self.scan.code) + 1,
                self.nextIndexToWrite + 2 * self.numUpdatedVariables)
            return self.scan.code[start:self.nextIndexToWrite]
        return []

    def dataOnFinal(self, experiment, currentState):

    def xRange(self):
        return self.scan.start.m_as(self.scan.xUnit), self.scan.stop.m_as(

    def appendData(self, traceList, x, evaluated, timeinterval):
        if evaluated and traceList:
            traceList[0].x = numpy.append(traceList[0].x, x)
        for trace, (y, error, raw) in zip(traceList, evaluated):
            trace.y = numpy.append(trace.y, y)
            trace.raw = numpy.append(trace.raw, raw)
            if error is not None:
                trace.bottom = numpy.append(trace.bottom, error[0])
                trace.top = numpy.append(trace.top, error[1])

    def expected(self, index):
        return None
コード例 #14
class PushVariable(object):
    expression = Expression()
    XMLTagName = "PushVariable"

    def __init__(self):
        self.push = False
        self.destinationName = None
        self.variableName = None
        self.definition = ""
        self.value = None
        self.minimum = ""
        self.maximum = ""
        self.strMinimum = None
        self.strMaximum = None
        self.valueValid = True
        self.minValid = True
        self.maxValid = True

    def __setstate__(self, s):
        self.__dict__ = s
        self.__dict__.setdefault('destinationName', None)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('variableName', None)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('strMinimum', None)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('strMaximum', None)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('valueValid', True)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('minValid', True)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('maxValid', True)

    stateFields = [
        'push', 'definition', 'destinationName', 'variableName', 'value',
        'minimum', 'maximum', 'strMinimum', 'strMaximum', 'valueValid',
        'minValid', 'maxValid'

    def exportXml(self, element):
        myElement = ElementTree.SubElement(element, self.XMLTagName)
        xmlEncodeAttributes(self.__dict__, myElement)
        return myElement

    def fromXmlElement(element, flat=False):
        myElement = element if flat else element.find(PushVariable.XMLTagName)
        v = PushVariable()
        return v

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and tuple(
            getattr(self, field) for field in self.stateFields) == tuple(
                getattr(other, field) for field in self.stateFields)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(tuple(getattr(self, field) for field in self.stateFields))

    def evaluate(self, variables=dict(), useFloat=False):
        if self.definition:
                self.value = self.expression.evaluate(self.definition,
                self.valueValid = True
            except Exception as e:
                self.valueValid = False
        if self.strMinimum:
                self.minimum = self.expression.evaluate(self.strMinimum,
                self.minValid = True
            except Exception as e:
                self.minValid = False
        if self.strMaximum:
                self.maximum = self.expression.evaluate(self.strMaximum,
                self.maxValid = True
            except Exception as e:
                self.maxValid = False

    def pushRecord(self, variables=None):
        if variables is not None:
        if (self.push and self.destinationName is not None
                and self.destinationName != 'None'
                and self.variableName is not None
                and self.variableName != 'None' and self.value is not None):
            if ((not self.minimum or self.value >= self.minimum)
                    and (not self.maximum or self.value <= self.maximum)):
                return [(self.destinationName, self.variableName, self.value)
                        ], []
                    "Result out of range, Not pushing {0} to {1}: {2} <= {3} <= {4}"
                    .format(self.variableName, self.destinationName,
                            self.minimum, self.value, self.maximum))
                return [], [(self.destinationName, self.variableName)]
            if (self.push):
                    "Not pushing {0} to {1}: {2} <= {3} <= {4}, push not fully specified"
                    .format(self.variableName, self.destinationName,
                            self.minimum, self.value, self.maximum))
        return [], []

    def key(self):
        return (self.destinationName, self.variableName)

    def hasStrMinimum(self):
        return (
            1 if self.minValid else -1) if self.strMinimum is not None else 0

    def hasStrMaximum(self):
        return (
            1 if self.maxValid else -1) if self.strMaximum is not None else 0

    def valueStatus(self):
        return 1 if self.valueValid else -1
コード例 #15
class ExternalParameterControlModel(CategoryTreeModel):
    valueChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, object)
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, controlUi, parameterList=[], parent=None):
              self).__init__(parameterList, parent, nodeNameAttr='displayName')
        self.parameterList = parameterList
        self.controlUi = controlUi
        for parameter in parameterList:
            parameter.categories = parameter.device.name
            (QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 0):
            (QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 1):
            (QtCore.Qt.Horizontal, QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 2):
            (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 0):
            lambda node: node.content.displayName,
            (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 1):
            lambda node: str(node.content.targetValue),
            (QtCore.Qt.EditRole, 1):
            lambda node: firstNotNone(node.content.string,
            (QtCore.Qt.UserRole, 1):
            lambda node: node.content.dimension,
            (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, 2):
            lambda node: str(node.content.value),
            (QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole, 1):
            (QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole, 1):
            (QtCore.Qt.EditRole, 1):
            lambda index, value: self.setValue(index, value),
            (QtCore.Qt.UserRole, 1):
            lambda index, value: self.setStrValue(index, value),
        self.flagsLookup = {
            QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable
            | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable
        self.numColumns = 3
        self.allowReordering = True
        self.signalConnections = list()

    def setParameterList(self, outputChannelDict):
        self.parameterList = list(outputChannelDict.values())
        # first disconnect all old signals, they may point to the wrong index
        for inst, valueSlot, targetValueSlot in self.signalConnections:
        del self.signalConnections[:]  # clear the list
        # now we can add new connections
        for listIndex, inst in enumerate(self.parameterList):
            inst.multipleChannels = len(inst.device._outputChannels) > 1
            inst.categories = inst.device.name if inst.multipleChannels else None
            inst.displayName = inst.channelName if inst.multipleChannels else inst.device.name
            inst.toolTip = None
            valueSlot = functools.partial(self.showValue, listIndex)
            targetValueSlot = functools.partial(self.onTargetChanged,
            self.signalConnections.append((inst, valueSlot, targetValueSlot))

    def showValue(self, listIndex, value, tooltip=None):
        inst = self.parameterList[listIndex]
        inst.toolTip = tooltip
        id = inst.name if inst.multipleChannels else inst.device.name
        node = self.nodeDict[id]
        modelIndex = self.indexFromNode(node, 2)
        self.dataChanged.emit(modelIndex, modelIndex)

    def onTargetChanged(self, listIndex, value):
        inst = self.parameterList[listIndex]
        id = inst.name if inst.multipleChannels else inst.device.name
        node = self.nodeDict[id]
        modelIndex = self.indexFromNode(node, 1)
        self.dataChanged.emit(modelIndex, modelIndex)

    def setValue(self, index, value):
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        self._setValue(node.content, value)

    def _setValue(self, inst, value):
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logger.debug("setValue {0}".format(value))
        inst.targetValue = value
        return True

    def setStrValue(self, index, strValue):
        node = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
        node.content.string = strValue
        return True

    def setValueFollowup(self, inst):
            logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            logger.debug("setValueFollowup {0}".format(inst.value))
            if not inst.setValue(inst.targetValue):
                delay = int(inst.settings.delay.m_as('ms'))
                    delay, functools.partial(self.setValueFollowup, inst))
        except Exception as e:
                "Exception during setValueFollowup, number of adjusting devices likely to be faulty"

    def update(self, iterable):
        for destination, name, value in iterable:
            if destination == 'External':
                for inst in self.parameterList:
                    if inst.name == name:
                inst.savedValue = value  # set saved value to make this new value the default
                node = self.nodeFromContent(inst)
                self.setValue(self.indexFromNode(node, 1), value)
                inst.strValue = None
                    "Pushed to external parameter {0} value {1}".format(
                        name, value))

    def evaluate(self, name):
        for inst in self.parameterList:
            if inst.hasDependency:
                value = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                    inst.string, self.controlUi.globalDict)
                self._setValue(inst, value)
                inst.savedValue = value  # set saved value to make this new value the default
                node = self.nodeFromContent(inst)
                index = self.indexFromNode(node, 1)
                self.dataChanged.emit(index, index)
コード例 #16
class FitFunctionBase(object, metaclass=FitFunctionMeta):
    expression = Expression()
    name = 'None'
    parameterNames = list()

    def __init__(self):
        numParameters = len(self.parameterNames)
        self.epsfcn = 0.0
        self.parameters = [0] * numParameters
        self.startParameters = [1] * numParameters
        self.startParameterExpressions = None  # will be initialized by FitUiTableModel if values are available
        self.parameterEnabled = [True] * numParameters
        self.parametersConfidence = [None] * numParameters
        self.units = None
        self.results = SequenceDict({'RMSres': ResultRecord(name='RMSres')})
        self.useSmartStartValues = False
        self.hasSmartStart = not hasattr(self.smartStartValues, 'isNative')
        self.parametersUpdated = Observable()
        self.parameterBounds = [[None, None] for _ in range(numParameters)]
        self.parameterBoundsExpressions = None
        self.useErrorBars = True

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        state.pop('parameterNames', None)
        state.pop('cov_x', None)
        state.pop('infodict', None)
        state.pop('laguerreCacheEta', None)
        state.pop('laguerreTable', None)
        state.pop('pnCacheBeta', None)
        state.pop('pnTable', None)
        self.__dict__ = state
        self.__dict__.setdefault('useSmartStartValues', False)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('startParameterExpressions', None)
                                 [[None, None]
                                  for _ in range(len(self.parameterNames))])
        self.__dict__.setdefault('parameterBoundsExpressions', None)
        self.__dict__.setdefault('useErrorBars', True)
        self.hasSmartStart = not hasattr(self.smartStartValues, 'isNative')

    def allFitParameters(self, p):
        """return a list where the disabled parameters are added to the enabled parameters given in p"""
        pindex = 0
        params = list()
        for index, enabled in enumerate(self.parameterEnabled):
            if enabled:
                pindex += 1
        return params

    def coercedValue(val, bounds):
        if bounds[1] is not None and val >= bounds[1]:
            val = float(0.95 * bounds[1] + 0.05 *
                        bounds[0] if bounds[0] is not None else bounds[1] -
        if bounds[0] is not None and val <= bounds[0]:
            val = float(0.95 * bounds[0] + 0.05 *
                        bounds[1] if bounds[1] is not None else bounds[0] +
        return val

    def enabledStartParameters(self, parameters=None, bounded=False):
        """return a list of only the enabled start parameters"""
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = self.startParameters
        params = list()
        if bounded:
            for enabled, param, bounds in zip(self.parameterEnabled,
                if enabled:
                    params.append(self.coercedValue(float(param), bounds))
            for enabled, param in zip(self.parameterEnabled, parameters):
                if enabled:
        return params

    def enabledFitParameters(self, parameters=None):
        """return a list of only the enabled fit parameters"""
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = self.parameters
        params = list()
        for enabled, param in zip(self.parameterEnabled, parameters):
            if enabled:
        return params

    def enabledParameterNames(self):
        """return a list of only the enabled fit parameters"""
        params = list()
        for enabled, param in zip(self.parameterEnabled, self.parameterNames):
            if enabled:
        return params

    def setEnabledFitParameters(self, parameters):
        """set the fitted parameters if enabled"""
        pindex = 0
        for index, enabled in enumerate(self.parameterEnabled):
            if enabled:
                self.parameters[index] = parameters[pindex]
                pindex += 1
                self.parameters[index] = float(self.startParameters[index])

    def setEnabledConfidenceParameters(self, confidence):
        """set the parameter confidence values for the enabled parameters"""
        pindex = 0
        for index, enabled in enumerate(self.parameterEnabled):
            if enabled:
                self.parametersConfidence[index] = confidence[pindex]
                pindex += 1
                self.parametersConfidence[index] = None

    def smartStartValues(self, x, y, parameters, enabled):
        return None

    def enabledSmartStartValues(self, x, y, parameters):
        smartParameters = self.smartStartValues(x, y, parameters,
        return [
            smartparam if enabled else param for enabled, param, smartparam in
            zip(self.parameterEnabled, parameters, smartParameters)
        ] if smartParameters is not None else None

    def evaluate(self, globalDict):
        myReplacementDict = self.replacementDict()
        if globalDict is not None:
        if self.startParameterExpressions is not None:
            self.startParameters = [
                param if expr is None else self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                    expr, myReplacementDict) for param, expr in zip(
                        self.startParameters, self.startParameterExpressions)
        if self.parameterBoundsExpressions is not None:
            self.parameterBounds = [[
                if expr[0] is None else self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                    expr[0], myReplacementDict),
                bound[1] if expr[1] is None else
                self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(expr[0], myReplacementDict)
            ] for bound, expr in zip(self.parameterBounds,

    def enabledBounds(self):
        result = [[
            float(bounds[0]) if bounds[0] is not None else None,
            float(bounds[1]) if bounds[1] is not None else None
        ] for enabled, bounds in zip(self.parameterEnabled,
                                     self.parameterBounds) if enabled]
        enabled = any((any(bounds) for bounds in result))
        return result if enabled else None

    def leastsq(self, x, y, parameters=None, sigma=None):
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        # Ensure all values of sigma or non zero by replacing with the minimum nonzero value
        if sigma is not None and self.useErrorBars:
            nonzerosigma = sigma[sigma > 0]
            sigma[sigma == 0] = numpy.min(
                nonzerosigma) if len(nonzerosigma) > 0 else 1.0
            sigma = None
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = [float(param) for param in self.startParameters]
        if self.useSmartStartValues:
            smartParameters = self.smartStartValues(x, y, parameters,
            if smartParameters is not None:
                parameters = [
                    smartparam if enabled else param
                    for enabled, param, smartparam in zip(
                        self.parameterEnabled, parameters, smartParameters)

        myEnabledBounds = self.enabledBounds()
        if myEnabledBounds:
            enabledOnlyParameters, cov_x, infodict, self.mesg, self.ier = leastsqbound(
                self.enabledStartParameters(parameters, bounded=True),
                args=(y, x, sigma),
            enabledOnlyParameters, cov_x, infodict, self.mesg, self.ier = leastsq(
                args=(y, x, sigma),
        logger.info("chisq {0}".format(sum(infodict["fvec"] *

        # calculate final chi square
        self.chisq = sum(infodict["fvec"] * infodict["fvec"])

        self.dof = max(len(x) - len(parameters), 1)
        RMSres = Q(sqrt(self.chisq / self.dof))
        RMSres.significantDigits = 3
        self.results['RMSres'].value = RMSres
        # chisq, sqrt(chisq/dof) agrees with gnuplot
        logger.info("success {0} {1}".format(self.ier, self.mesg))
        logger.info("Converged with chi squared {0}".format(self.chisq))
        logger.info("degrees of freedom, dof {0}".format(self.dof))
            "RMS of residuals (i.e. sqrt(chisq/dof)) {0}".format(RMSres))
        logger.info("Reduced chisq (i.e. variance of residuals) {0}".format(
            self.chisq / self.dof))

        # uncertainties are calculated as per gnuplot, "fixing" the result
        # for non unit values of the reduced chisq.
        # values at min match gnuplot
        enabledParameterNames = self.enabledParameterNames()
        if cov_x is not None:
            enabledOnlyParametersConfidence = numpy.sqrt(
                numpy.diagonal(cov_x)) * sqrt(self.chisq / self.dof)
            logger.info("Fitted parameters at minimum, with 68% C.I.:")
            for i, pmin in enumerate(enabledOnlyParameters):
                    "%2i %-10s %12f +/- %10f" %
                    (i, enabledParameterNames[i], pmin,
                     sqrt(max(cov_x[i, i], 0)) * sqrt(self.chisq / self.dof)))

            logger.info("Correlation matrix")
            # correlation matrix close to gnuplot
            messagelist = ["               "]
            for i in range(len(enabledOnlyParameters)):
                messagelist.append("%-10s" % (enabledParameterNames[i], ))
            logger.info(" ".join(messagelist))
            messagelist = []
            for i in range(len(enabledOnlyParameters)):
                messagelist.append("%10s" % enabledParameterNames[i])
                for j in range(i + 1):
                        "%10f" %
                        (cov_x[i, j] / sqrt(abs(cov_x[i, i] * cov_x[j, j])), ))
                logger.info(" ".join(messagelist))

            self.parametersConfidence = [None] * len(self.parametersConfidence)

        return self.parameters

    def __str__(self):
        return "; ".join([
            ", ".join([self.name, self.functionString] + [
                "{0}={1}".format(name, value)
                for name, value in zip(self.parameterNames, self.parameters)

    def setConstant(self, name, value):
        setattr(self, name, value)

    def update(self, parameters=None):

    def toXmlElement(self, parent):
        myroot = ElementTree.SubElement(parent, 'FitFunction', {
            'name': self.name,
            'functionString': self.functionString
        for name, value, confidence, enabled, startExpression, bounds, boundsexpression in zip_longest(
                self.parameterNames, self.parameters,
                self.parametersConfidence, self.parameterEnabled,
                self.startParameterExpressions, self.parameterBounds,
            e = ElementTree.SubElement(
                myroot, 'Parameter', {
                    'name': name,
                    'confidence': repr(confidence),
                    'enabled': str(enabled),
                    'startExpression': str(startExpression),
                    'bounds': ",".join(map(str, bounds)),
                    'boundsExpression': ",".join(map(str, boundsexpression))
            e.text = str(value)
        for result in list(self.results.values()):
            e = ElementTree.SubElement(myroot, 'Result', {
                'name': result.name,
                'definition': str(result.definition)
            e.text = str(result.value)
        return myroot

    def toHdf5(self, group):
        fitfunction_group = group.require_group('fitfunction')
        fitfunction_group.attrs['name'] = self.name
        fitfunction_group.attrs['functionString'] = self.functionString
        parameter_group = fitfunction_group.require_group('parameters')
        for index, (name, value, confidence, enabled, startExpression, bounds,
                    boundsexpression) in enumerate(
                        zip_longest(self.parameterNames, self.parameters,
            g = parameter_group.require_group(name)
            g.attrs['confidence'] = confidence
            g.attrs['enabled'] = enabled
            g.attrs['startExpression'] = str(startExpression)
            g.attrs['bounds'] = bounds
            g.attrs['boundsExpression'] = ",".join(map(str, boundsexpression))
            g.attrs['value'] = value
            g.attrs['index'] = index
        results_group = fitfunction_group.require_group('results')
        for result in list(self.results.values()):
            g = results_group.requie_group(result.name)
            g.attrs['definition'] = str(result.definition)
            g.attrs['value'] = repr(result.value)

    def residuals(self, p, y, x, sigma):
        p = self.allFitParameters(p)
        if sigma is not None:
            return (y - self.functionEval(x, *p)) / sigma
            return y - self.functionEval(x, *p)

    def value(self, x, p=None):
        p = self.parameters if p is None else p
        return self.functionEval(x, *p)

    def replacementDict(self):
        replacement = dict(list(zip(self.parameterNames, self.parameters)))
            dict(((v.name, v.value) for v in list(self.results.values()))))
        return replacement
コード例 #17
class AWGWaveform(object):
    """waveform object for AWG channels. Responsible for parsing and evaluating waveforms.

       settings (Settings): main settings
       channel (int): which channel this waveform belongs to
       dependencies (set): The variable names that this waveform depends on
       waveformCache (OrderedDict): cache of evaluated waveforms. The key in the waveform cache is a waveform, with all
       variables evaluated except 't' (e.g. 7*sin(3*t)+4). The value is a dict. The key to that dict is a range (min, max), and the
       value is a numpy array of samples, e.g. {(0, 2): numpay.array([1,2,31]), (12, 15): numpy.array([6,16,23,5])}
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, channel, settings, waveformCache):
        self.settings = settings
        self.channel = channel
        self.waveformCache = waveformCache
        self.dependencies = set()

    def sampleRate(self):
        return self.settings.deviceProperties['sampleRate']

    def minSamples(self):
        return self.settings.deviceProperties['minSamples']

    def maxSamples(self):
        return self.settings.deviceProperties['maxSamples']

    def sampleChunkSize(self):
        return self.settings.deviceProperties['sampleChunkSize']

    def padValue(self):
        return self.calibrateInvIfNecessary(

    def minAmplitude(self):
        return self.calibrateInvIfNecessary(

    def maxAmplitude(self):
        return self.calibrateInvIfNecessary(

    def stepsize(self):
        return 1 / self.sampleRate

    def segmentDataRoot(self):
        return self.settings.channelSettingsList[

    def calibrateInvIfNecessary(self, p):
        """Converts raw to volts if useCalibration is True"""
        if not self.settings.deviceSettings.get('useCalibration'):
            return p
            return self.settings.deviceProperties['calibrationInv'](p)

    def updateDependencies(self):
        """Determine the set of variables that the waveform depends on"""
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.dependencies = set()

    def updateSegmentDependencies(self, nodeList):
        for node in nodeList:
            if node.nodeType == nodeTypes.segment:
                node.stack = node.expression._parse_expression(node.equation)
                nodeDependencies = node.expression.findDependencies(node.stack)
                if isIdentifier(node.duration):
            elif node.nodeType == nodeTypes.segmentSet:
                if isIdentifier(node.repetitions):
                self.updateSegmentDependencies(node.children)  #recursive

    def evaluate(self):
        """evaluate the waveform"""
        _, sampleList = self.evaluateSegments(self.segmentDataRoot.children)
        return self.compliantSampleList(sampleList)

    def evaluateSegments(self, nodeList, startStep=0):
        """Evaluate the list of nodes in nodeList.
            nodeList: list of nodes to evaluate
            startStep: the step number at which evaluation starts
            startStep, sampleList: The step at which the next waveform begins, together with a list of samples
        sampleList = numpy.array([])
        for node in nodeList:
            if node.enabled:
                if node.nodeType == nodeTypes.segment:
                    duration = self.settings.varDict[
                        node.duration]['value'] if isIdentifier(
                        ) else self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                    startStep, newSamples = self.evaluateEquation(
                        node, duration, startStep)
                    sampleList = numpy.append(sampleList, newSamples)
                elif node.nodeType == nodeTypes.segmentSet:
                    repMag = self.settings.varDict[
                        node.repetitions]['value'] if isIdentifier(
                        ) else self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(
                    repetitions = int(repMag.to_base_units().val
                                      )  #convert to float, then to integer
                    for n in range(repetitions):
                        startStep, newSamples = self.evaluateSegments(
                            node.children, startStep)  #recursive
                        sampleList = numpy.append(sampleList, newSamples)
        return startStep, sampleList

    def evaluateEquation(self, node, duration, startStep):
        """Evaluate the waveform of the specified node's equation.

        The waveform caching works as follows: if self.settings.cacheDepth is greater than zero, waveform values are saved
        to self.waveformCache as they are calculated, to speed up future waveform computations. self.waveformCache is an OrderedDict,
        and the length is constrained to self.settings.cacheDepth. A key to the OrderedDict is an equation string, i.e. "7*sin(5*t)+3".
        The value is a dict. A key to that dict is a sample range (start, stop), and the value is the values that equation takes over
        that range.

        When a waveform is requested, this function first looks to see if that waveform has a cache entry. If it does, it iterates
        through the dict associated with that waveform, looking for a (start, stop) range that overlaps with the requested range.
        If it finds an overlap, it computes only the non-overlapping part, and uses the cache for the remainder. It then updates
        the cache entry. If it does not find an overlap, it calculates the entire waveform, and then adds an entry to the waveform's
        dict of saved values.

        A cacheDepth value less than zero indicates an unbounded cache.

            node: The node whose equation is to be evaluated
            duration: the length of time for which to evaluate the equation
            startStep: the step at which to start evaluation

            sampleList: list of values to program to the AWG.
        #calculate number of samples
        numSamples = duration * self.sampleRate
        numSamples = int(round(numSamples))  #convert to float, then to integer
        numSamples = max(
            0, min(numSamples, self.maxSamples - startStep)
        )  #cap at maxSamples-startStep, so that the last sample does not exceed maxSamples
        stopStep = numSamples + startStep - 1
        nextSegmentStartStep = stopStep + 1
        # first test expression with dummy variable to see if units match up, so user is warned otherwise
            node.expression.variabledict = {
                varName: varValueTextDict['value']
                for varName, varValueTextDict in self.settings.varDict.items()
            node.expression.variabledict.update({'t': Q(1, 'us')})
                node.stack[:])  # TODO: does not exist anymore
            error = False
        except ValueError:
            logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Must be dimensionless!")
            error = True
            nextSegmentStartStep = startStep
            sampleList = numpy.array([])
        if not error:
            varValueDict = {
                varName: varValueTextDict['value'].to_base_units().val
                for varName, varValueTextDict in self.settings.varDict.items()
            varValueDict['t'] = sympy.Symbol('t')
            sympyExpr = parse_expr(node.equation,
                                   varValueDict)  #parse the equation
            key = str(sympyExpr)

            if self.settings.cacheDepth != 0:  #meaning, use the cache
                if key in self.waveformCache:
                    self.waveformCache[key] = self.waveformCache.pop(
                        key)  #move key to the most recent position in cache
                    for (sampleStartStep, sampleStopStep
                         ), samples in self.waveformCache[key].items():
                        if startStep >= sampleStartStep and stopStep <= sampleStopStep:  #this means the required waveform is contained within the cached waveform
                            sliceStart = startStep - sampleStartStep
                            sliceStop = stopStep - sampleStartStep + 1
                            sampleList = samples[sliceStart:sliceStop]
                        elif max(startStep, sampleStartStep) > min(
                                stopStep, sampleStopStep
                        ):  #this means there is no overlap
                        else:  #This means there is some overlap, but not an exact match
                            if startStep < sampleStartStep:  #compute the first part of the sampleList
                                sampleListStart = self.computeFunction(
                                    sympyExpr, varValueDict['t'], startStep,
                                    sampleStartStep - 1)
                                if stopStep <= sampleStopStep:  #use the cached part for the rest
                                    sliceStop = stopStep - sampleStartStep + 1
                                    sampleList = numpy.append(
                                        sampleListStart, samples[:sliceStop])
                                        (sampleStartStep, sampleStopStep)
                                    )  #update cache entry with new samples
                                        sampleStopStep)] = numpy.append(
                                            sampleListStart, samples)
                                else:  #compute the end of the sampleList, then use the cached part for the middle
                                    sampleListEnd = self.computeFunction(
                                        sympyExpr, varValueDict['t'],
                                        sampleStopStep + 1, stopStep)
                                    sampleList = numpy.append(
                                        numpy.append(sampleListStart, samples),
                                        (sampleStartStep, sampleStopStep))
                                        startStep, stopStep)] = sampleList
                            else:  #compute the end of the sampleList, and use the cached part for the beginning
                                sampleListEnd = self.computeFunction(
                                    sympyExpr, varValueDict['t'],
                                    sampleStopStep + 1, stopStep)
                                sliceStart = startStep - sampleStartStep
                                sampleList = numpy.append(
                                    samples[sliceStart:], sampleListEnd)
                                    (sampleStartStep, sampleStopStep))
                                    sampleStartStep, stopStep)] = numpy.append(
                                        samples, sampleListEnd)
                    else:  #This is an else on the for loop, it executes if there is no break (i.e. if there are no computed samples with overlap)
                        sampleList = self.computeFunction(
                            sympyExpr, varValueDict['t'], startStep, stopStep)
                                                 stopStep)] = sampleList
                else:  #if the waveform is not in the cache
                    sampleList = self.computeFunction(sympyExpr,
                                                      startStep, stopStep)
                    self.waveformCache[key] = {
                        (startStep, stopStep): sampleList
                    if self.settings.cacheDepth > 0 and len(
                            self.waveformCache) > self.settings.cacheDepth:
                        )  #remove the least recently used cache item
            else:  #if we're not using the cache at all
                sampleList = self.computeFunction(sympyExpr, varValueDict['t'],
                                                  startStep, stopStep)
        return nextSegmentStartStep, sampleList

    def computeFunction(self, sympyExpr, tVar, startStep, stopStep):
        """Compute the value of a function over a specified range.
            sympyExpr (str): A string containing a function of 't' (e.g. '7*sin(3*t)')
            tVar (Symbol): sympy symbol for 't'
            startStep (int): where to start computation
            stopStep (int): the last sample to compute
            sampleList (numpy.array): list of function values
        numSamples = stopStep - startStep + 1
        if numSamples <= 0:
            sampleList = numpy.array([])
            func = sympy.lambdify(tVar, sympyExpr,
                                  "numpy")  #turn string into a python function
            clippedFunc = lambda t: max(self.minAmplitude,
                                        min(self.maxAmplitude, func(t))
                                        )  #clip at min and max amplitude
            vectorFunc = numpy.vectorize(clippedFunc,
                                                 ])  #vectorize the function
            step = self.stepsize.m_as('s')
            sampleList = vectorFunc(
                (numpy.arange(numSamples) + startStep) *
                step)  #apply the function to each time step value
        return sampleList

    def compliantSampleList(self, sampleList):
        """Make the sample list compliant with the capabilities of the AWG
            sampleList (numpy array): calculated list of samples, might be impossible for AWG to output
            sampleList (numpy array): output list of samples, within AWG capabilities
        numSamples = len(sampleList)
        if numSamples > self.maxSamples:
            sampleList = sampleList[:self.maxSamples]
        if numSamples < self.minSamples:
            extraNumSamples = self.minSamples - numSamples  #make sure there are at least minSamples
            if self.minSamples % self.sampleChunkSize != 0:  #This should always be False if minSamples and sampleChunkSize are internally consistent
                extraNumSamples += self.sampleChunkSize - (
                    self.minSamples % self.sampleChunkSize)
        elif numSamples % self.sampleChunkSize != 0:
            extraNumSamples = self.sampleChunkSize - (numSamples %
            extraNumSamples = 0
        sampleList = numpy.append(sampleList,
                                  [self.padValue] * extraNumSamples)
        return sampleList
コード例 #18
class ExpressionValue(QtCore.QObject):
    expression = Expression()
    valueChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object, object, object, object)

    def __init__(self, name=None, globalDict=None, value=Q(0)):
        super(ExpressionValue, self).__init__()
        self._globalDict = globalDict
        self.name = name
        self._string = None
        self._value = value
        self.registrations = list()        # subscriptions to global variable values

    def _updateFloatValue(self):
           self.floatValue = float(self._value)  # cached value as float
        except (DimensionalityError, TypeError):
            self.floatValue = None

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self.name, self._string, self._value
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        self.__init__( state[0] )
        self._string = state[1]
        self._value = state[2]

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return other is not None and isinstance(other, ExpressionValue) and (self.name, self._string, self._value) == (other.name, other._string, other._value)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)
    def globalDict(self):
        return self._globalDict
    def globalDict(self, d):
        self._globalDict = d
        self.string = self._string 
    def value(self):
        return self._value
    def value(self, v):
        if isinstance(v, ExpressionValue):
            self._value = v._value
            self.string = v._string
            #raise ExpressionValueException('cannot assign ExpressionValue value to ExpressionValue')
            #logging.getLogger(__name__).error('cannot assign ExpressionValue value to ExpressionValue')
            #v = mg(0)
            self._value = v
        self.valueChanged.emit(self.name, self._value, self._string, 'value')
    def string(self):
        return self._string if self._string is not None else str(self._value)
    def string(self, s):
        if self._globalDict is None:
            raise ExpressionValueException("Global dictionary is not set in {0}".format(self.name))
        self._string = s
        for name, reference in self.registrations:
        self.registrations[:] = []
        if self._string:
            self._value, dependencies = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(self._string, self._globalDict, listDependencies=True)
            for dep in dependencies:
                reference = WeakMethod.ref(self.recalculate)
                self.registrations.append((dep, reference))
    def hasDependency(self):
        #return self._string is not None
        return len(self.registrations)>0
    def data(self):
        return (self.name, self._value, self._string )
    def data(self, val):
        self.name, self.value, self.string = val
    def recalculate(self, name=None, value=None, origin=None):
        if self._globalDict is None:
            raise ExpressionValueException("Global dictionary is not set in {0}".format(self.name))
        if self._string:
            newValue = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(self._string, self._globalDict)
        if newValue != self._value:
            self._value = newValue
            self.valueChanged.emit(self.name, self._value, self._string, 'recalculate')

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self._value)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self._value)

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        result = ExpressionValue(globalDict=self.globalDict)
        memo[id(self)] = result
        result.name = deepcopy(self.name)
        result._string = deepcopy(self._string)
        result._value = deepcopy(self._value)
        return result
コード例 #19
class AWGTableModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel):
    """Table model for displaying AWG variables"""
    headerDataLookup = ["Variable", "Value"]
    valueChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal( object, object )
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, settings, globalDict, parent=None, *args):
        QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent, *args)
        self.settings = settings
        self.globalDict = globalDict
        self.defaultBG = QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.white)
        self.textBG = QtGui.QColor(QtCore.Qt.green).lighter(175)
        self.column = enum('variable', 'value')
        self.defaultFontName = "Segoe UI"
        self.defaultFontSize = 9
        self.normalFont = QtGui.QFont(self.defaultFontName, self.defaultFontSize, QtGui.QFont.Normal)
        self.boldFont = QtGui.QFont(self.defaultFontName, self.defaultFontSize, QtGui.QFont.Bold)

        self.dataLookup = {
            (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, self.column.variable): lambda row: self.settings.varDict.keyAt(row),
            (QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, self.column.value): lambda row: str(self.settings.varDict.at(row)['value']),
            (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, self.column.variable): lambda row: self.boldFont if self.settings.varDict.keyAt(row).startswith('Duration') else self.normalFont,
            (QtCore.Qt.FontRole, self.column.value): lambda row: self.boldFont if self.settings.varDict.keyAt(row).startswith('Duration') else self.normalFont,
            (QtCore.Qt.EditRole, self.column.value): lambda row: firstNotNone( self.settings.varDict.at(row)['text'], str(self.settings.varDict.at(row)['value'])),
            (QtCore.Qt.BackgroundColorRole, self.column.value): lambda row: self.defaultBG if self.settings.varDict.at(row)['text'] is None else self.textBG,
            (QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole, self.column.value): lambda row: self.settings.varDict.at(row)['text'] if self.settings.varDict.at(row)['text'] else None
        self.setDataLookup =  { 
            (QtCore.Qt.EditRole, self.column.value): self.setValue,
            (QtCore.Qt.UserRole, self.column.value): self.setText
    def setValue(self, index, value):
        row = index.row()
        name = self.settings.varDict.keyAt(row)
        var = self.settings.varDict.at(row)
        var['value'] = value
        self.valueChanged.emit(name, value)
        return True
    def setText(self, index, value):
        row = index.row()
        self.settings.varDict.at(row)['text'] = value
        return True
    def rowCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): 
        return len(self.settings.varDict)
    def columnCount(self, parent=QtCore.QModelIndex()): 
        return 2
    def data(self, index, role): 
        if index.isValid():
            return self.dataLookup.get((role, index.column()), lambda row: None)(index.row())
        return None

    def setData(self, index, value, role):
        return self.setDataLookup.get((role, index.column()), lambda index, value: False )(index, value)
    def flags(self, index):
        return QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable |  QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled if index.column()==self.column.variable else QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable |  QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if (role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
            if (orientation == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal): 
                return self.headerDataLookup[section]
            elif (orientation == QtCore.Qt.Vertical):
                return str(section)
        return None  # QtCore.QVariant()
    def evaluate(self, name):
        for (varName, varValueTextDict) in list(self.settings.varDict.items()):
            expr = varValueTextDict['text']
            if expr is not None:
                value = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(expr, self.globalDict)
                self.settings.varDict[varName]['value'] = value   # set saved value to make this new value the default
                modelIndex = self.createIndex(self.settings.varDict.index(varName), self.column.value)
                self.dataChanged.emit(modelIndex, modelIndex)
                self.valueChanged.emit(varName, value)
コード例 #20
class AWGDeviceBase(object):
    """base class for AWG Devices"""
    expression = Expression()

    def __init__(self, settings):
        self.settings = settings
        self.settings.deviceSettings.setdefault('programOnScanStart', False)
        self.settings.deviceSettings.setdefault('useCalibration', False)
        self.waveforms = []
        for channel in range(self.deviceProperties['numChannels']):
            if channel >= len(self.settings.channelSettingsList
                              ):  #create new channels if it's necessary
                    AWGSegmentNode(None, ''),
        self.project = getProject()
        awgConfigDict = list(
        sampleRateText = awgConfigDict['sampleRate']
        sampleRate = self.expression.evaluateAsMagnitude(sampleRateText)
        self.deviceProperties['sampleRate'] = sampleRate
        sample = 1 / self.deviceProperties['sampleRate']
        #new_mag('sample', sample)  # TODO: check whether the added samples = count / second in modules/quantity_units.txt
        #new_mag('samples', sample)  # replaces this
        if not self.project.isEnabled('hardware', self.displayName):
            self.enabled = False

    def parameters(self):
        """return the parameter definitions used by the parameterTable to show the gui"""
        return SequenceDict([
            ('Use Calibration',
             Parameter(name='Use Calibration',
            ('Program on scan start',
                 name='Program on scan start',
            ('Program now',
             Parameter(name='Program now', dataType='action',
            ('Trigger now',
             Parameter(name='Trigger now', dataType='action', value='trigger'))

    def update(self, parameter):
        """update the parameter, called by the parameterTable"""
        if parameter.dataType != 'action':
            self.settings.deviceSettings[parameter.key] = parameter.value
            if parameter.key == 'useCalibration':
            getattr(self, parameter.value)()

    #functions and attributes that must be defined by inheritors
    def open(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "'open' method must be implemented by specific AWG device class")

    def program(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "'program' method must be implemented by specific AWG device class"

    def trigger(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "'trigger' method must be implemented by specific AWG device class"

    def close(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "'close' method must be implemented by specific AWG device class")

    def deviceProperties(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "'deviceProperties' must be set by specific AWG device class")

    def displayName(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "'displayName' must be set by specific AWG device class")