def process_candidates(input_tuple, association_dict, language, in_dir, out_dir, s3, s3_bucket, freq_threshold = 1, mode = ""): threshold = input_tuple[0] candidate_file = input_tuple[1] print("\tStarting " + str(threshold)) Load = Loader(in_dir, out_dir, language, s3, s3_bucket) C = Candidates(language = language, Loader = Load, association_dict = association_dict) if mode == "candidates": filename = str(candidate_file + ".candidates.p") else: filename = str(candidate_file) + ".delta." + str(threshold) + ".p" if filename not in Load.list_output(): candidates = C.process_file(candidate_file, threshold, freq_threshold, save = False) Load.save_file(candidates, filename) #Clean del association_dict del C return
def process_candidates(input_tuple, association_dict, language, in_dir, out_dir, s3, s3_bucket, freq_threshold=1, mode=""): threshold = input_tuple[0] candidate_file = input_tuple[1] print("\tStarting " + str(threshold)) Load = Loader(in_dir, out_dir, language, s3, s3_bucket) C = Candidates(language=language, Loader=Load, association_dict=association_dict) if mode == "candidates": filename = str(candidate_file + ".candidates.p") else: filename = str(candidate_file) + ".delta." + str(threshold) + ".p" if filename not in Load.list_output(): candidates = C.process_file(candidate_file, threshold, freq_threshold, save=False) Load.save_file(candidates, filename) #Clean del association_dict del C return
class C2xG(object): def __init__(self, data_dir, language, s3 = False, s3_bucket = "", nickname = "", model = "", zho_split = False): #Initialize in_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "IN") if nickname == "": out_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "OUT") else: out_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "OUT", nickname) self.language = language self.zho_split = zho_split self.Load = Loader(in_dir, out_dir, language = self.language, s3 = s3, s3_bucket = s3_bucket) self.Encode = Encoder(Loader = self.Load, zho_split = self.zho_split) self.Association = Association(Loader = self.Load) self.Candidates = Candidates(language = self.language, Loader = self.Load) self.Parse = Parser(self.Load, self.Encode) self.in_dir = in_dir self.out_dir = out_dir self.s3 = s3 self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket #Try to load default or specified model if model == "": model = self.language + ".Grammar.v1.p" try: modelname = os.path.join(".", "data", "models", model) with open(modelname, "rb") as handle: self.model = pickle.load(handle) except: try: modelname = os.path.join("..", "c2xg", "c2xg", "data", "models", model) with open(modelname, "rb") as handle: self.model = pickle.load(handle) except: print("No model exists, loading empty model.") self.model = None self.n_features = len(self.model) #------------------------------------------------------------------ def parse_return(self, input, mode = "files", workers = 1): #Compatbility with idNet if mode == "idNet": mode = "lines" #Make sure grammar is loaded if self.model == None: print("Unable to parse: No grammar model provided.") sys.kill() #Accepts str of filename or list of strs of filenames if isinstance(input, str): input = [input] #Text as input if mode == "lines": lines = self.Parse.parse_idNet(input, self.model, workers) return lines #Filenames as input elif mode == "files": features = self.Parse.parse_batch(input, self.model, workers) return features #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_yield(self, input, mode = "files"): #Make sure grammar is loaded if self.model == None: print("Unable to parse: No grammar model provided.") sys.kill() #Accepts str of filename or list of strs in batch/stream modes if isinstance(input, str): input = [input] #Filenames as input if mode == "files": for features in self.Parse.parse_stream(input, self.model): yield features #Texts as input elif mode == "lines": for line in input: line = self.Parse.parse_line_yield(line, self.model) yield line #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def learn(self, nickname, cycles = 1, cycle_size = (1, 5, 20), freq_threshold = 10, beam_freq_threshold = 10, turn_limit = 10, workers = 1, mdl_workers = 1, states = None ): self.nickname = nickname #Check learning state and resume self.model_state_file = self.language + "." + self.nickname + ".State.p" try: loader_files = self.Load.list_output() except: loader_files = [] if self.model_state_file in loader_files: print("Resuming learning state.") self.progress_dict, self.data_dict = self.Load.load_file(self.model_state_file) if states != None: print("Manual state change!") for state in states: self.progress_dict[state[0]][state[1]] = state[2] else: print("Initializing learning state.") self.data_dict = self.divide_data(cycles, cycle_size) self.progress_dict = self.set_progress() self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Learn each cycle for cycle in self.progress_dict.keys(): if isinstance(cycle, int): if self.progress_dict[cycle]["State"] == "Complete": print("\t Cycle " + str(cycle) + " already complete.") #This cycle is not yet finished else: #-----------------# #BACKGROUND STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] != "Complete": #Check if ngram extraction is finished if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] == "None": check_files = self.Load.list_output(type = "ngrams") pop_list = [] for i in range(len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"])): if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"][i] + ".ngrams.p" in check_files: pop_list.append(i) #Pop items separately in reverse order if len(pop_list) > 0: for i in sorted(pop_list, reverse = True): self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"].pop(i) #If remaining background files, process them if len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"]) > 0: print("\tNow processing remaining files: " + str(len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"]))) self.Association.find_ngrams(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"], workers) #Change state self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] = "Ngrams" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Check if ngram merging is finished if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] == "Ngrams": files = [filename + ".ngrams.p" for filename in self.data_dict[cycle]["Background"]] print("\tNow merging ngrams for files: " + str(len(files))) ngrams = self.Association.merge_ngrams(files, freq_threshold) #Save data and state self.Load.save_file(ngrams, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Merged-Grams.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] = "Merged" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Check if association_dict has been made if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] == "Merged": ngrams = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Merged-Grams.p") association_dict = self.Association.calculate_association(ngrams = ngrams, save = False) del ngrams self.Load.save_file(association_dict, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Association_Dict.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] = "Complete" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) self.association_dict = association_dict else: print("\tLoading association_dict.") self.association_dict = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Association_Dict.p") #-----------------# #CANDIDATE STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] != "Complete": print("Initializing Candidates module") C = Candidates(self.language, self.Load, workers, self.association_dict) #Find beam search threshold if self.progress_dict["BeamSearch"] == "None" or self.progress_dict["BeamSearch"] == {}: print("Finding Beam Search settings.") delta_threshold = delta_grid_search(candidate_file = self.data_dict["BeamCandidates"], test_file = self.data_dict["BeamTest"], workers = workers, mdl_workers = mdl_workers, association_dict = self.association_dict, freq_threshold = beam_freq_threshold, language = self.language, in_dir = self.in_dir, out_dir = self.out_dir, s3 = self.s3, s3_bucket = self.s3_bucket ) self.progress_dict["BeamSearch"] = delta_threshold self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] = "Threshold" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #If saved, load beam search threshold else: print("Loading Beam Search settings.") delta_threshold = self.progress_dict["BeamSearch"] self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] = "Threshold" #Check which files have been completed if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] == "Threshold": check_files = self.Load.list_output(type = "candidates") pop_list = [] for i in range(len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"])): if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"][i] + ".candidates.p" in check_files: pop_list.append(i) #Pop items separately in reverse order if len(pop_list) > 0: for i in sorted(pop_list, reverse = True): self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"].pop(i) #If remaining candidate files, process them if len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]) > 0: print("\n\tNow processing remaining files: " + str(len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]))) #Multi-process# if workers > len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]): candidate_workers = len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]) else: candidate_workers = workers pool_instance = mp.Pool(processes = candidate_workers, maxtasksperchild = 1) distribute_list = [(delta_threshold, x) for x in self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]], association_dict = self.association_dict.copy(), language = self.language, in_dir = self.in_dir, out_dir = self.out_dir, s3 = self.s3, s3_bucket = self.s3_bucket, mode = "candidates" ), distribute_list, chunksize = 1) pool_instance.close() pool_instance.join() self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] = "Merge" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Merge and Save candidates if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] == "Merge": output_files = [filename + ".candidates.p" for filename in self.data_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]] candidates = self.Candidates.merge_candidates(output_files, freq_threshold) self.Load.save_file(candidates, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidates.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] = "Dict" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Make association vectors if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] == "Dict": candidates = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidates.p") candidate_dict = self.Candidates.get_association(candidates, self.association_dict) self.Load.save_file(candidate_dict, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidate_Dict.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] == "Complete" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) else: print("\tLoading candidate_dict.") candidate_dict = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidate_Dict.p") candidates = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidates.p") del self.association_dict #-----------------# #MDL STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] != "Complete": #Prep test data for MDL if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] == "None": MDL = MDL_Learner(self.Load, self.Encode, self.Parse, freq_threshold = 1, vectors = candidate_dict, candidates = candidates) MDL.get_mdl_data(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Test"], workers = mdl_workers) self.Load.save_file(MDL, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "EM" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Run EM-based Tabu Search if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] == "EM": try: MDL.search_em(turn_limit, mdl_workers) except: MDL = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") MDL.search_em(turn_limit, mdl_workers) self.Load.save_file(MDL, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "Direct" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Run direct Tabu Search if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] == "Direct": try: MDL.search_direct(turn_limit*3, mdl_workers) except: MDL = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") MDL.search_direct(turn_limit*3, mdl_workers) #Get grammar to save grammar_dict = defaultdict(dict) for i in range(len(MDL.candidates)): grammar_dict[i]["Constructions"] = MDL.candidates[i] grammar_dict[i]["Matches"] = MDL.matches[i] #Save grammar self.Load.save_file(grammar_dict, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Final_Grammar.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "Complete" self.progress_dict[cycle]["State"] = "Complete" self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) del MDL #-----------------# #MERGING STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle]["State"] == "Complete": print("Starting to merge fold grammars.") grammar_files = [nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(i) + ".Final_Grammar.p" for i in range(cycles)] final_grammar = self.merge_grammars(grammar_files) self.Load.save_file(final_grammar, self.language + ".Grammar.p") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def merge_grammars(self, grammar_files): all_grammars = {} #Load all grammar files for file in grammar_files: current_dict = self.Load.load_file(file) #Iterate over constructions in current fold grammar for key in current_dict.keys(): current_construction = current_dict[key]["Constructions"] current_construction = current_construction.tolist() current_matches = current_dict[key]["Matches"] #Reformat new_construction = [] for unit in current_construction: new_type = unit[0] new_index = unit[1] if new_type != 0: new_construction.append(tuple((new_type, new_index))) #Make hashable new_construction = tuple(new_construction) #Add to dictionary if new_construction not in all_grammars: all_grammars[new_construction] = {} all_grammars[new_construction]["Matches"] = current_matches all_grammars[new_construction]["Selected"] = 1 else: all_grammars[new_construction]["Matches"] += current_matches all_grammars[new_construction]["Selected"] += 1 #Done loading grammars print("Final grammar for " + self.language + " contains " + str(len(list(all_grammars.keys())))) final_grammar = list(all_grammars.keys()) final_grammar = self.Parse.format_grammar(final_grammar) return final_grammar #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def divide_data(self, cycles, cycle_size): input_files = self.Load.list_input() #Get number of files to use for each purpose num_test_files = cycle_size[0] num_candidate_files = cycle_size[1] num_background_files = cycle_size[2] num_cycle_files = cycle_size[0] + cycle_size[1] + cycle_size[2] #Get Beam Search tuning files candidate_i = random.randint(0, len(input_files)) candidate_file = input_files.pop(candidate_i) test_i = random.randint(0, len(input_files)) test_file = input_files.pop(test_i) #Get and divide input data data_dict = defaultdict(dict) data_dict["BeamCandidates"] = candidate_file data_dict["BeamTest"] = test_file #Get unique data for each cycle for cycle in range(cycles): #Randomize remaining files random.shuffle(input_files) cycle_files = [] #Gather as many files as required for segment in range(num_cycle_files): current_file = input_files.pop() cycle_files.append(current_file) #Assign files as final MDL test data random.shuffle(cycle_files) test_files = [] for file in range(num_test_files): current_file = cycle_files.pop() test_files.append(current_file) data_dict[cycle]["Test"] = test_files #Assign files as candidate estimation data random.shuffle(cycle_files) candidate_files = [] for file in range(num_candidate_files): current_file = cycle_files.pop() candidate_files.append(current_file) data_dict[cycle]["Candidate"] = candidate_files #Assign files as candidate estimation data random.shuffle(cycle_files) background_files = [] for file in range(num_background_files): current_file = cycle_files.pop() background_files.append(current_file) data_dict[cycle]["Background"] = background_files return data_dict #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_progress(self): progress_dict = defaultdict(dict) progress_dict["BeamSearch"] = "None" for cycle in self.data_dict.keys(): if isinstance(cycle, int): progress_dict[cycle]["State"] = "Incomplete" progress_dict[cycle]["Background"] = self.data_dict[cycle]["Background"].copy() progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] = "None" progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"] = self.data_dict[cycle]["Candidate"].copy() progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] = "None" progress_dict[cycle]["Test"] = self.data_dict[cycle]["Test"].copy() progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "None" return progress_dict
class C2xG(object): def __init__(self, data_dir, language, s3=False, s3_bucket="", nickname="", model="", zho_split=False): #Initialize in_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "IN") if nickname == "": out_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "OUT") else: out_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "OUT", nickname) self.language = language self.zho_split = zho_split self.Load = Loader(in_dir, out_dir, language=self.language, s3=s3, s3_bucket=s3_bucket) self.Encode = Encoder(Loader=self.Load, zho_split=self.zho_split) self.Association = Association(Loader=self.Load) self.Candidates = Candidates(language=self.language, Loader=self.Load) self.Parse = Parser(self.Load, self.Encode) self.in_dir = in_dir self.out_dir = out_dir self.s3 = s3 self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket #Try to load default or specified model if model == "": model = self.language + ".Grammar.v1.p" try: modelname = os.path.join(".", "data", "models", model) with open(modelname, "rb") as handle: self.model = pickle.load(handle) except: try: modelname = os.path.join("..", "c2xg", "c2xg", "data", "models", model) with open(modelname, "rb") as handle: self.model = pickle.load(handle) except: print("No model exists, loading empty model.") self.model = None self.n_features = len(self.model) #------------------------------------------------------------------ def parse_return(self, input, mode="files", workers=1): #Compatbility with idNet if mode == "idNet": mode = "lines" #Make sure grammar is loaded if self.model == None: print("Unable to parse: No grammar model provided.") sys.kill() #Accepts str of filename or list of strs of filenames if isinstance(input, str): input = [input] #Text as input if mode == "lines": lines = self.Parse.parse_idNet(input, self.model, workers) return lines #Filenames as input elif mode == "files": features = self.Parse.parse_batch(input, self.model, workers) return features #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_yield(self, input, mode="files"): #Make sure grammar is loaded if self.model == None: print("Unable to parse: No grammar model provided.") sys.kill() #Accepts str of filename or list of strs in batch/stream modes if isinstance(input, str): input = [input] #Filenames as input if mode == "files": for features in self.Parse.parse_stream(input, self.model): yield features #Texts as input elif mode == "lines": for line in input: line = self.Parse.parse_line_yield(line, self.model) yield line #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def learn(self, nickname, cycles=1, cycle_size=(1, 5, 20), freq_threshold=10, beam_freq_threshold=10, turn_limit=10, workers=1, mdl_workers=1, states=None): self.nickname = nickname #Check learning state and resume self.model_state_file = self.language + "." + self.nickname + ".State.p" try: loader_files = self.Load.list_output() except: loader_files = [] if self.model_state_file in loader_files: print("Resuming learning state.") self.progress_dict, self.data_dict = self.Load.load_file( self.model_state_file) if states != None: print("Manual state change!") for state in states: self.progress_dict[state[0]][state[1]] = state[2] else: print("Initializing learning state.") self.data_dict = self.divide_data(cycles, cycle_size) self.progress_dict = self.set_progress() self.Load.save_file((self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Learn each cycle for cycle in self.progress_dict.keys(): if isinstance(cycle, int): if self.progress_dict[cycle]["State"] == "Complete": print("\t Cycle " + str(cycle) + " already complete.") #This cycle is not yet finished else: #-----------------# #BACKGROUND STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background_State"] != "Complete": #Check if ngram extraction is finished if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background_State"] == "None": check_files = self.Load.list_output(type="ngrams") pop_list = [] for i in range( len(self.progress_dict[cycle] ["Background"])): if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"][ i] + ".ngrams.p" in check_files: pop_list.append(i) #Pop items separately in reverse order if len(pop_list) > 0: for i in sorted(pop_list, reverse=True): self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background"].pop(i) #If remaining background files, process them if len(self.progress_dict[cycle] ["Background"]) > 0: print("\tNow processing remaining files: " + str( len(self.progress_dict[cycle] ["Background"]))) self.Association.find_ngrams( self.progress_dict[cycle]["Background"], workers) #Change state self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background_State"] = "Ngrams" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Check if ngram merging is finished if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background_State"] == "Ngrams": files = [ filename + ".ngrams.p" for filename in self.data_dict[cycle]["Background"] ] print("\tNow merging ngrams for files: " + str(len(files))) ngrams = self.Association.merge_ngrams( files, freq_threshold) #Save data and state self.Load.save_file( ngrams, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Merged-Grams.p") self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background_State"] = "Merged" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Check if association_dict has been made if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background_State"] == "Merged": ngrams = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Merged-Grams.p") association_dict = self.Association.calculate_association( ngrams=ngrams, save=False) del ngrams self.Load.save_file( association_dict, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Association_Dict.p") self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Background_State"] = "Complete" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) self.association_dict = association_dict else: print("\tLoading association_dict.") self.association_dict = self.Load.load_file( nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Association_Dict.p") #-----------------# #CANDIDATE STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] != "Complete": print("Initializing Candidates module") C = Candidates(self.language, self.Load, workers, self.association_dict) #Find beam search threshold if self.progress_dict[ "BeamSearch"] == "None" or self.progress_dict[ "BeamSearch"] == {}: print("Finding Beam Search settings.") delta_threshold = delta_grid_search( candidate_file=self. data_dict["BeamCandidates"], test_file=self.data_dict["BeamTest"], workers=workers, mdl_workers=mdl_workers, association_dict=self.association_dict, freq_threshold=beam_freq_threshold, language=self.language, in_dir=self.in_dir, out_dir=self.out_dir, s3=self.s3, s3_bucket=self.s3_bucket) self.progress_dict["BeamSearch"] = delta_threshold self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] = "Threshold" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #If saved, load beam search threshold else: print("Loading Beam Search settings.") delta_threshold = self.progress_dict["BeamSearch"] self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] = "Threshold" #Check which files have been completed if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] == "Threshold": check_files = self.Load.list_output( type="candidates") pop_list = [] for i in range( len(self.progress_dict[cycle] ["Candidate"])): if self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"][ i] + ".candidates.p" in check_files: pop_list.append(i) #Pop items separately in reverse order if len(pop_list) > 0: for i in sorted(pop_list, reverse=True): self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"].pop( i) #If remaining candidate files, process them if len(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]) > 0: print("\n\tNow processing remaining files: " + str( len(self.progress_dict[cycle] ["Candidate"]))) #Multi-process# if workers > len(self.progress_dict[cycle] ["Candidate"]): candidate_workers = len( self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"]) else: candidate_workers = workers pool_instance = mp.Pool( processes=candidate_workers, maxtasksperchild=1) distribute_list = [ (delta_threshold, x) for x in self.progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"] ] partial(process_candidates, association_dict=self. association_dict.copy(), language=self.language, in_dir=self.in_dir, out_dir=self.out_dir, s3=self.s3, s3_bucket=self.s3_bucket, mode="candidates"), distribute_list, chunksize=1) pool_instance.close() pool_instance.join() self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] = "Merge" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Merge and Save candidates if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] == "Merge": output_files = [ filename + ".candidates.p" for filename in self.data_dict[cycle]["Candidate"] ] candidates = self.Candidates.merge_candidates( output_files, freq_threshold) self.Load.save_file( candidates, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidates.p") self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] = "Dict" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Make association vectors if self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] == "Dict": candidates = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidates.p") candidate_dict = self.Candidates.get_association( candidates, self.association_dict) self.Load.save_file( candidate_dict, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidate_Dict.p") self.progress_dict[cycle][ "Candidate_State"] == "Complete" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) else: print("\tLoading candidate_dict.") candidate_dict = self.Load.load_file( nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidate_Dict.p") candidates = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Candidates.p") del self.association_dict #-----------------# #MDL STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] != "Complete": #Prep test data for MDL if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] == "None": MDL = MDL_Learner(self.Load, self.Encode, self.Parse, freq_threshold=1, vectors=candidate_dict, candidates=candidates) MDL.get_mdl_data(self.progress_dict[cycle]["Test"], workers=mdl_workers) self.Load.save_file( MDL, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "EM" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Run EM-based Tabu Search if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] == "EM": try: MDL.search_em(turn_limit, mdl_workers) except: MDL = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") MDL.search_em(turn_limit, mdl_workers) self.Load.save_file( MDL, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "Direct" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) #Run direct Tabu Search if self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] == "Direct": try: MDL.search_direct(turn_limit * 3, mdl_workers) except: MDL = self.Load.load_file(nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".MDL.p") MDL.search_direct(turn_limit * 3, mdl_workers) #Get grammar to save grammar_dict = defaultdict(dict) for i in range(len(MDL.candidates)): grammar_dict[i][ "Constructions"] = MDL.candidates[i] grammar_dict[i]["Matches"] = MDL.matches[i] #Save grammar self.Load.save_file( grammar_dict, nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(cycle) + ".Final_Grammar.p") self.progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "Complete" self.progress_dict[cycle]["State"] = "Complete" self.Load.save_file( (self.progress_dict, self.data_dict), self.model_state_file) del MDL #-----------------# #MERGING STAGE #-----------------# if self.progress_dict[cycle]["State"] == "Complete": print("Starting to merge fold grammars.") grammar_files = [ nickname + ".Cycle-" + str(i) + ".Final_Grammar.p" for i in range(cycles) ] final_grammar = self.merge_grammars(grammar_files) self.Load.save_file(final_grammar, self.language + ".Grammar.p") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def merge_grammars(self, grammar_files): all_grammars = {} #Load all grammar files for file in grammar_files: current_dict = self.Load.load_file(file) #Iterate over constructions in current fold grammar for key in current_dict.keys(): current_construction = current_dict[key]["Constructions"] current_construction = current_construction.tolist() current_matches = current_dict[key]["Matches"] #Reformat new_construction = [] for unit in current_construction: new_type = unit[0] new_index = unit[1] if new_type != 0: new_construction.append(tuple((new_type, new_index))) #Make hashable new_construction = tuple(new_construction) #Add to dictionary if new_construction not in all_grammars: all_grammars[new_construction] = {} all_grammars[new_construction]["Matches"] = current_matches all_grammars[new_construction]["Selected"] = 1 else: all_grammars[new_construction][ "Matches"] += current_matches all_grammars[new_construction]["Selected"] += 1 #Done loading grammars print("Final grammar for " + self.language + " contains " + str(len(list(all_grammars.keys())))) final_grammar = list(all_grammars.keys()) final_grammar = self.Parse.format_grammar(final_grammar) return final_grammar #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def divide_data(self, cycles, cycle_size): input_files = self.Load.list_input() #Get number of files to use for each purpose num_test_files = cycle_size[0] num_candidate_files = cycle_size[1] num_background_files = cycle_size[2] num_cycle_files = cycle_size[0] + cycle_size[1] + cycle_size[2] #Get Beam Search tuning files candidate_i = random.randint(0, len(input_files)) candidate_file = input_files.pop(candidate_i) test_i = random.randint(0, len(input_files)) test_file = input_files.pop(test_i) #Get and divide input data data_dict = defaultdict(dict) data_dict["BeamCandidates"] = candidate_file data_dict["BeamTest"] = test_file #Get unique data for each cycle for cycle in range(cycles): #Randomize remaining files random.shuffle(input_files) cycle_files = [] #Gather as many files as required for segment in range(num_cycle_files): current_file = input_files.pop() cycle_files.append(current_file) #Assign files as final MDL test data random.shuffle(cycle_files) test_files = [] for file in range(num_test_files): current_file = cycle_files.pop() test_files.append(current_file) data_dict[cycle]["Test"] = test_files #Assign files as candidate estimation data random.shuffle(cycle_files) candidate_files = [] for file in range(num_candidate_files): current_file = cycle_files.pop() candidate_files.append(current_file) data_dict[cycle]["Candidate"] = candidate_files #Assign files as candidate estimation data random.shuffle(cycle_files) background_files = [] for file in range(num_background_files): current_file = cycle_files.pop() background_files.append(current_file) data_dict[cycle]["Background"] = background_files return data_dict #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_progress(self): progress_dict = defaultdict(dict) progress_dict["BeamSearch"] = "None" for cycle in self.data_dict.keys(): if isinstance(cycle, int): progress_dict[cycle]["State"] = "Incomplete" progress_dict[cycle]["Background"] = self.data_dict[cycle][ "Background"].copy() progress_dict[cycle]["Background_State"] = "None" progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate"] = self.data_dict[cycle][ "Candidate"].copy() progress_dict[cycle]["Candidate_State"] = "None" progress_dict[cycle]["Test"] = self.data_dict[cycle][ "Test"].copy() progress_dict[cycle]["MDL_State"] = "None" return progress_dict
)[x for x in Texts]) features = Vectorizer.get_feature_names() RawVectorizer = CountVectorizer(input = "content", encoding = "utf-8", decode_error = "replace", strip_accents = None, lowercase = False, stop_words = None, ngram_range = (1, 1), analyzer = preprocessor, min_df = 1, max_features = 100000, vocabulary = features ) #-- Get correct name if pos == True: pos_name = "POS" else: pos_name = "LEX" #------------------ filename = "Vectorizer.TFIDF." + language + "." + pos_name + ".100k.Legislative.p" Load.save_file(Vectorizer, filename) filename = "Vectorizer.RAW." + language + "." + pos_name + ".100k.Legislative.p" Load.save_file(RawVectorizer, filename)
import os import random if __name__ == "__main__": from modules.Encoder import Encoder from modules.Loader import Loader from modules.Parser import Parser from modules.MDL_Learner import MDL_Learner #Load association measure module in_dir = os.path.join("..", "..", "..", "..", "Test", "In") out_dir = os.path.join("..", "..", "..", "..", "Test", "Out") Load = Loader(in_dir, out_dir, language="eng") Encode = Encoder(Loader=Load) Parse = Parser(Load, Encode) #Initiate MDL MDL = MDL_Learner(Load, Encode, Parse, freq_threshold=25) #Get MDL annotated data test_files = ["eng.test.txt"] MDL.get_mdl_data(test_files, workers=10) #Delete after testing Load.save_file(MDL, "mdl.p") #MDL = Load.load_file("mdl.p"), workers=16) #Evaluate a subset of the total candidates #total_mdl = MDL.evaluate_subset(subset)