コード例 #1
ファイル: modeSelector.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
# modeSelector
# Contains the important URL endpoints for mode selection. Returns via AJAX the available modes and processes
# requests via AJAX to switch the app across devices.

import cv2
from app import app
from flask import request, render_template
import json
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
import flask_login
from flask.json import jsonify
from modules.misc import list_apps
from modules.globals import default_app
from modules.kernel import switch
log = kiwi.instance("modules.modeSelector")

@app.route("/_app_change_request", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def app_mod_process():
    # TODO: Do this without restarting the device?

    app_req = request.args.get('app', 'Video Streaming', type=str)
    print("Requested to change app to ")
    return '{}'

@app.route("/_modeSelector", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
コード例 #2
ファイル: temp.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
log = kiwi.instance('modules.temp')
from app import app
import json

@app.route('/measure_temp', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def get_temp():

    command = 'cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp'
    output = Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = output.communicate()
    return str(int(int(stdout) / 1000)) + '°C'
コード例 #3
from app import app
import cv2
from app import app
from flask import request, render_template
import json
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
import flask_login
from flask.json import jsonify
from modules.misc import list_apps
from modules.globals import default_app
from modules.camera import convert_size
from random import randint

from modules.camera import buffer_file
import os
log = kiwi.instance("modules.gallery")

file_format = 'mp4'

@app.route("/_delete_all", methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def delete_img():
    img_path = 'app/static/appstatic/simplestreamer/'
    thumb_path = 'app/static/appstatic/simplestreamer/thumbnails/'
    # Deletes all images in the gallery. This is a debug feature. FIXME
    delete_thumb_list = os.listdir(thumb_path)
    delete_img_list = os.listdir(img_path)
    delete_img_list = [x for x in delete_img_list if x != 'thumbnails']  # FIXME: This is trashy
    log.add_log(f"Deleting {delete_thumb_list} {delete_img_list}")
    for i in delete_img_list:
        os.remove(img_path + i)
    for j in delete_thumb_list:
コード例 #4
ファイル: update.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
# Copyright (c) 2020 Daniel Corcoran

import os
import urllib.request, json
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
from app import app
import requests
import sys
from flask import render_template, request
import threading
log = kiwi.instance("update")

global_update_status = False # True if we are doing a system update

update_pct = 0
update_size = 0
update_done = 0
total_size = 0

def request(url):
        global global_update_status
        global total_size

        global_update_status = True
        file_path = 'sys_flash.tar.xz'
        with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
            log.add_log(f"Downloading {file_path}")
            response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
            total_size = int(response.headers.get('content-length'))
コード例 #5
ファイル: power.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
# Here we make OS calls to power off, or restart, the device.
import os
import sys
import psutil
import logging
from modules.buzzer import disable_buzzer
import threading
import os
from app import app
import time
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi

log = kiwi.instance("modules.power")
# FIXME: This is not secure. We don't want users to have sudo access.

@app.route("/localAPI/power/off", methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def power_off():
    log.add_log("Power off command received")

    def power_off_command():
        log.add_log("[* superuser *] invoking /bin/bash shutdown -h now")
        os.system('echo %s|sudo -S %s' % ('mendel', 'shutdown -h now'))

    thread = threading.Thread(target=power_off_command, args=())

@app.route("/localAPI/power/reboot", methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def reboot():
コード例 #6
recording = False
from os import listdir
import os
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
import datetime
from threading import Thread, Lock

from flask import jsonify
import time
import sys

# TODO: Make the capture and record functions actually work.
# Capture will probably be easiest.
# save captures in /database/captures

log = kiwi.instance('modules.camera')
out = None
eating_leftovers = False
camera_mutex = Lock()

fifo_queue = []
recording_start = datetime.datetime.now()
file_format = 'mp4'
import math

frame = None
buffer_file = ''  # The name of a the buffering file (if there is one)
buffer_pct = 0  # The percentage of a buffer that has been cleared

コード例 #7
from app import app
from flask import render_template
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi

log = kiwi.instance('exceptionhandler.ui')

def main():
    logs = log.get_exceptions()
    html = ''
    for l in logs:
        html += render_template('exceptionhandler/err_frame.html', src=l, details=logs[l])
    # If we reach this point, it means there was an exception.
    return render_template('exceptionhandler/import_err.html', html=html)
コード例 #8
ファイル: orient_video.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
import cv2
from app import app
from flask import request
import json
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
log = kiwi.instance("modules.orient_video")
with open('database/see.json') as f:
    os_conf = json.load(f)
    orient = os_conf["counter_clockwise_rotation_count"]

@app.route("/get_orient", methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def get_orient():
    # Return the orientation
    return json.dumps({"orient": orient, 'angle': 90*orient})

@app.route("/set_orient", methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def set_orient():
    global orient
    dir = request.form['direction']
    # Dir is positive or negative 1.
    orient += int(dir)
    if orient > 3:
        orient = orient - 4
    elif orient < 0:
        orient = orient + 4
    global os_conf
    os_conf["counter_clockwise_rotation_count"] = orient
    with open('database/see.json', 'w') as f:
        print(f"Orient value is now {orient}")
コード例 #9
ファイル: networkui.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
## Network management UI
# Provides modules for wi-fi setup
from app import app
from flask import render_template, request
import os
from modules.misc import list_apps
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from modules.update import check_update_api
import json

log = kiwi.instance('modules.networkui')

with open('database/see.json') as f:
    see_config = json.load(f)

default_app = see_config['default_app']

def get_nets():

    string = os.popen('nmcli -t -m multiline dev wifi').read()
    schema = []
    net_list = []
    for row in string.split('\n'):

        data = row.split(':')
        if data[0] not in schema and data[0] != '':
    net = {}
    for row in string.split('\n'):
コード例 #10
ファイル: frontend.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
from modules import camera
from app import app
import flask_login
from flask import render_template
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
from modules import LED
from flask import Response

log = kiwi.instance('apps.simplestreamer')
log.add_log('loaded simplestreamer dependencies')

def allowed_file(filename):
    return '.' in filename and \
           filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS

# Load default app from database

def update_helper():
    p = None
    # TODO: This needs to be fixed. IMPORTANT
    if p == "Already up to date.":
        return init_config(up_to_date=True)
コード例 #11
ファイル: LED.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
log = kiwi.instance('modules.LED')
    from periphery import GPIO
    cur_col = ''
    log.add_log("Sucessfully imported periphery.GPIO")

    b = GPIO(77, "out")  # Actually blue
    r = GPIO(73, "out")  # Actually red
    g = GPIO(138, "out")  # Actually green
    ir = GPIO(141, "out")

    def red():
        global cur_col
        if cur_col != 'red':
            log.add_log("LEDMode changed to RED")
            cur_col = 'red'


    def green():
        global cur_col
        if cur_col != 'green':
            log.add_log("LEDMode changed to GREEN")
            cur_col = 'green'
コード例 #12
import importlib
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
from modules.globals import getGlobalConfig

from program.Video_Streaming import main as video_streaming
from program.Object_Detection import main as object_detection
from program.Facial_Recognition import main as facial_recognition
from program.Motion_Detection import main as motion_detection

from threading import Lock
import time
switch_app_mutex = False

#from program.Facial_Recognition import main as facial_recognition

log = kiwi.instance('sys.modules.kernel')
see_config = getGlobalConfig()
default_app = see_config['default_app']

# TODO: This part needs to be abstracted/generalizable.
if default_app == 'Video Streaming':
elif default_app == 'Object Detection':
elif default_app == 'Motion Detection':
elif default_app == 'Facial Recognition':

コード例 #13
ファイル: boot.py プロジェクト: daniel-corcoran/seeOS
from modules import LED
from modules import buzzer
from modules import login
from modules import camera
from modules.globals import getGlobalConfig
from modules.install import install
from modules.kiwilog import kiwi
from modules.misc import list_apps
from modules.modeSelector import *
from modules import settings
from modules import systemInformationAPI
from modules import frontend
from modules import gallery
from modules.power import reboot, power_off

log = kiwi.instance('sys.boot')
log.add_log("Welcome to seeOS (COS).")

app.secret_key = 'hello'
UPLOAD_FOLDER = 'database/tmp'

sys_update_available = False

#Check if a system update is available

update = modules.update.check_update_api()
see_config = getGlobalConfig()

default_app = see_config['default_app']