def print_room(self, name): if name in self.all_rooms: room_members = { k: v[1] for k, v in self.all_rooms.items() if k == name } return room_members return (error("Room %s does not exist!" % (name)))
def do_print_room(self, arg): """Usage: print_room <name>""" room = instance.print_room(arg['<name>']) if room == error('Room %s does not exist!' % (arg['<name>'])): print(room) else: print(room) print('``````````````````````````````````````````') for person in room: print(room[person])
def create_room(self, name, room_type): if room_type.lower() not in ['office', 'livingspace']: return (error('Only offices and livingspaces allowed!')) if not isinstance(name, str): return (error('Room names can only be strings!')) if name in self.all_rooms: return (error('Room %s exists!' % (name))) else: if room_type.lower() == 'office'.lower(): # create an office = Office(name) self.offices[name] = self.all_rooms[name] = [room_type,] return (success( 'An office called %s has been created successfully!' % (name))) elif room_type.lower() == 'livingspace'.lower(): # create a livingspace = LivingSpace(name) self.livingspaces[name] = self.all_rooms[name] = [room_type,] return (success( 'A Livingspace called %s has been created successfully!' % (name)))
print(room) print('``````````````````````````````````````````') for person in room: print(room[person]) @docopt_cmd def do_print_allocations(self, arg): """Usage: print_allocations [<filename>]""" instance.print_allocations(arg['<filename>']) @docopt_cmd def do_print_unallocations(self, arg): """Usage: print_allocations [<filename>]""" unallocations = instance.print_unallocations(arg['<filename>']) @docopt_cmd def do_quit(self, arg): """Usage: quit""" os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print('Dojo Exiting') exit() if __name__ == "__main__": try: intro() DOJO().cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear') print(error('DOJO EXITING'))
def add_person(self, firstname, surname, person_type, wants_accomodation='N'): if person_type.lower() not in ['fellow', 'staff']: return (error('Only fellow and staff allowed!')) if not isinstance(firstname, str) or not isinstance(surname, str): return (error('People names can only be strings!')) if firstname + ' ' + surname in self.all_people: return (error('%s %s exists!' % (firstname, surname))) else: if represents_int(firstname) or represents_int(surname): return error('Names can not be or contain integers!') if person_type.lower() == 'fellow': # create a fellow firstname = firstname.capitalize() surname = surname.capitalize() fellow = Fellow(firstname, surname) self.fellows.append(firstname + ' ' + surname) self.all_people.append(firstname + ' ' + surname) if self.offices: all_offices = list(self.offices.keys()) checked_offices = [] while True: office = random.choice(list(self.offices)) if len(self.offices[office]) < 6: self.offices[office].append(firstname + ' ' + surname) print( success( 'Fellow %s %s has been assigned office %s!' % (firstname, surname, office))) break if office not in checked_offices: checked_offices.append(office) if checked_offices == all_offices: print(error('All offices are full at the moment!')) break else: print(error('No office to assign!')) if wants_accomodation == 'Y': self.wants_accomodation.append(firstname + ' ' + surname) if wants_accomodation == 'Y' and self.livingspaces: all_livingspaces = list(self.livingspaces.keys()) checked_livingspaces = [] while True: room = random.choice(list(self.livingspaces)) if len(self.livingspaces[room]) < 4: self.livingspaces[room].append(firstname + ' ' + surname) print( success( 'Fellow %s %s has been assigned livingspace %s!' % (firstname, surname, room))) break if room not in checked_livingspaces: checked_livingspaces.append(room) if checked_livingspaces == all_livingspaces: print( error( 'All livingspaces are full at the moment!') ) break return (success('Fellow %s %s has been added successfully!' % (firstname, surname))) elif person_type.lower() == 'staff': # create a staff member if wants_accomodation == 'Y': print(error('Staff can not be allocated livingspace!')) staff = Staff(firstname, surname) self.staff.append(firstname + ' ' + surname) self.all_people.append(firstname + ' ' + surname) if self.offices: office = random.choice(list(self.offices)) self.offices[office].append(firstname + ' ' + surname) print( success('Staff %s %s has been assigned office %s!' % (firstname, surname, office))) else: print(error('No office to assign!')) return (success('Staff %s %s has been added successfully!' % (firstname, surname)))