コード例 #1
ファイル: r_road_routes.py プロジェクト: Lanyx/My-world
def sub_menu():
    """ Provides lines """

    ccTremb = db.connect()
    cRoad = db.road_routes(ccTremb)
    sSub_menu = """
.: Exit
01: New Road (Todo)
11: New Junction (Todo)

    # Go through the menu system.
    bExit = False
    while bExit == False:  # loop until the user exits
        sInput = input().upper()

        # Analise the user choice
        if sInput == ".":  # Exit
            bExit = True

        elif sInput == "01":  # Open new line

        elif sInput == "11":  # Open new line
コード例 #2
def sub_menu():
    """ Provides choices for the land mapped in CAD """

    ccTremb = db.connect()
    cStation = db.stations(ccTremb)
    sSub_menu = """

.:  Exit
1:  Add a housing
4:  Pretty print

""" # Closes the multi=line txt

    bExit = False
    while bExit == False:  # loop until the user exits
        sInput = input().upper()

        # User has made their choice. Now, process it.
        if sInput == ".":  # Exit
            bExit = True
        elif sInput == "1":  # New
#        elif sInput == "2":          # All the stations
#            view_all(ccTremb)
#        elif sInput == "3":         # View single
#            view_single(ccTremb)
        elif sInput == "4":  # Formats the little bit of data
            bExit = True
コード例 #3
def sub_menu():
    """ Provides choices for the land mapped in CAD """

    ccTremb = db.connect()
    cStation = db.stations(ccTremb)
    sSub_menu = """

.:  Exit
1:  Add a community service
2:  View children's demands (tabular)

""" # Closes the multi=line txt

    bExit = False
    while bExit == False:  # loop until the user exits
        sInput = input().upper()

        # User has made their choice. Now, process it.
        if sInput == ".":  # Exit
            bExit = True
        elif sInput == "1":  # New
        elif sInput == "2":  # All the stations
#        elif sInput == "3":         # View single
#            view_single(ccTremb)
#        elif sInput == "4":         # Formats the little bit of data
#            pretty_print_single(ccTremb)
            bExit = True
コード例 #4
def mm_ampersand():
    """ Manually read the database (Edit the function for results)"""
    import modules.x_misc as misc
    import modules.x_database as db

    # Work out a name of the file
    sFile_path = "Logs/db_read.txt"
    eDb_read = open(sFile_path, "w", encoding="utf-8")

    # Read all the geographic data
    if False:
        # Do the query
        xParam = {
            "aDemand_workforce.aItemised.sName": "wheat farm"
        }  # All queries
        xRestr = {"_id": 0, "geo_code": 1, "aDemand_workforce.aItemised": 1}

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb_of_choice = db.destinations(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDb_of_choice.find(xParam, xRestr)

    # Read data in chronographic order
    if False:
        # Do the query
        xParam = {}  # All queries
        xRestr = {"_id": 1, "my_id": 1, "host_geo_code": 1}

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb_of_choice = db.housing(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDb_of_choice.find(xParam, xRestr)
        dQuery = dQuery.distinct("host_geo_code")  # Pulls out single element
        dQuery.sort()  # Sort modifies in place. Returns 'none'

    # Read all the data
    if True:
        # Do the query
        xParam = {}  # All queries
        xRestr = {"_id": 0}
        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb_of_choice = db.maps_db(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDb_of_choice.find(xParam, xRestr)

    for x in dQuery:
コード例 #5
def sub_menu():
    """ Operates the simulator """
    ccTremb = db.connect()

    sSub_menu = """
.: Exit
X: Run Experiment (I don't know what I'm doing yet)
# Go through the menu system.
    bExit = False
    while bExit == False:                            # loop until the user exits
        sInput = input().upper()

        # Analise the user choice
        if sInput == ".":       # Exit
            bExit = True
        elif sInput == "X":     # Open new line
コード例 #6
def mm_fwd_slash():
    """ Calculates the paper distance for a desired slope """
    import modules.x_misc as misc
    import modules.x_database as db

    ccTremb = db.connect()

    dMap = misc.get_the_map(ccTremb)
    if dMap == None:
        print("\n\aInvalid map choice. Returning")
        return None
    fScale = dMap["fScale"]

    # Ask for the desired gradient
    sTxt = "Enter the desired gradient as 1:x (rail std is 100, highway: 33)"
    fHoriz_per_Vert = misc.get_float(sTxt)
    if fHoriz_per_Vert == None: return None

    # Ask for the elevation change
    sTxt = "Enter elevation change in feet, don't worry about the sign"
    fVert_ft = misc.get_float(sTxt)
    if fVert_ft == None: return None

    # Do the calculation
    fVert_m = fVert_ft * 0.3048
    fHoriz_m = fVert_m * fHoriz_per_Vert  # h = v * h/v (v's cancel)
    fPaper_m = fHoriz_m / fScale  # 2500m @ 1:1M = 0.0025m
    fPaper_mm = round(fPaper_m * 1000, 2)

    sAll = "----------------------------\n"
    sAll += "{0}mm on the map are required\n".format(fPaper_mm)
    sAll += "----------------------------\n"
    sAll += "{0}ft(v) = {1:.1f}m(v)\n".format(fVert_ft, fVert_m)
    sTxt = "{0:.1f}m(h) = {1:.1f}m(v) * {2:.1f}m(h)/m(v)\n"
    sTxt = sTxt.format(fHoriz_m, fVert_m, fHoriz_per_Vert)
    sAll += sTxt
    sTxt = "{0}mm(p) = {1:.1f}m(h) / {2:.1f}m/m(scale)\n"
    sTxt = sTxt.format(fPaper_mm, fHoriz_m, fScale)
    sAll += sTxt
コード例 #7
ファイル: k_lines.py プロジェクト: Lanyx/My-world
def sub_menu():
    """ Provides lines """

    ccTremb = db.connect()
    cLine = db.lines(ccTremb)
    sSub_menu = """
.: Exit
1: Open New line (Record its meta-data)
3: Pretty print one line (ordered by distance)
4: Pretty print meta data to a file
5: Add to line (Sub-component as a new entry)
6: Do a gradient (elevation change) report
C: Calculate distance on map for gradient
_: Remove a sub-component from the line
    # Go through the menu system.
    bExit = False
    while bExit == False:  # loop until the user exits
        sInput = input().upper()

        # Analise the user choice
        if sInput == ".":  # Exit
            bExit = True
        elif sInput == "1":  # Open new line
        elif sInput == "3":  # Prints the line ordered by km.
        elif sInput == "4":  # Meta-data view
        elif sInput == "5":  # New component of a line
        elif sInput == "6":
        elif sInput == "C":
        elif sInput == "_":
コード例 #8
def mm_star():
    """ Tests a concept (This is a scratch pad, or a place to fix mistakes) """
    import modules.x_database as db
    # Delete a single entry
    if False:
        xParam = {"dVal.id": 115}
        xRestr = {}
        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDatabase = db.lines(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDatabase.delete_one(xParam, xRestr)
        print("Specified element deleted")

    # Delete an entire collection
    if False:
        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cRnd_man = db.rnd_suffix_surname(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cRnd_man.delete_many({})
        print(dQuery.deleted_count, " deleted items!")

    # Update an array
    if False:
        xParam = {"geo_code": "TJV"}  # Vaenesston district
        xNew_data = {
            "$set": {
                "aChildren": [
        }  # Prepare the update

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDest = db.destinations(ccTremb)
        dParent_query = cDest.update_one(xParam, xNew_data)

    # Update a bad complex value
    if False:
        dNew_data = {
            'resource': 'chicken',
            'annual_output': 15356,
            'units': 't/yr'

        xParam = {"my_id": "D00-017"}
        xNew_data = {"$set": {"aWarehouse.chicken farm 0": dNew_data}}

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb = db.destinations(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDb.update_one(xParam, xNew_data)

    # Delete all the geo-codes
    if False:
        parent_my_id = "D00-0AL"  # Edit me.

        # Data base connection and selection
        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb = db.destinations(ccTremb)

        # Get the parent so we can access the children
        xParam = {"my_id": parent_my_id}
        xRestr = {"_id": 0, "aChildren": 1}
        dQuery = cDb.find(xParam, xRestr)

        # Analyse the query
        aChildren = []
        for query in dQuery:
            aChildren = query["aChildren"]  # copy out

        # Erase each child's geo-code
        for child in aChildren:
            xParam = {"my_id": child}
            xNew_data = {"$set": {"geo_code": None}}
            dQuery = cDb.update_one(xParam, xNew_data)

    # Global change to the structure
    if False:
        dNew_data = {
            "total": {
                "rm": 0,
                "rf": 0,
                "hm": 0,
                "hf": 0,
                "mm": 0,
                "mf": 0,
                "lm": 0,
                "lf": 0,
                "pm": 0,
                "pf": 0
            "aItemised": [],

        xParam = {}
        xNew_data = {"$set": {"aSupply_workforce": dNew_data}}

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb = db.destinations(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDb.update_many(xParam, xNew_data)

    # Update a bad simple value
    if False:
        dNew_data = "Fusþton"

        xParam = {'sRegion': 'Loggers Crossing'}
        #        xNew_data = {"$set": {"aVehicles.aItemised.Blàhim" : dNew_data}}
        xNew_data = {"$set": {'sRegion': dNew_data}}

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb = db.maps_db(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDb.update_one(xParam, xNew_data)
    #    dQuery = cDb.update_many(xParam, xNew_data)

    # delete an element
    if False:
        xParam = {"geo_code": "GYG"}
        xNew_data = {"$unset": {"aDemogfx_item": 0, "aWhs_item": 0}}

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDb = db.destinations(ccTremb)
        dQuery = cDb.update_one(xParam, xNew_data)

    # Oblitorate everything except the name, children, area data.
    # Basically, erase balancing when it was not required.
    if False:
        xParam = {"geo_code": "VXA-J"}  # Vaenesston district
        xNew_data = {
            "$set": {
                #            'aMap': {
                #                'sRegion': 'Vænesston',
                #                'iYear': '2019',
                #                'fScale': 2000000.0,
                #                'x': None,'y': None,'a': None},
                "aDemand_workforce": {
                    "total": {
                        "rm": 0,
                        "rf": 0,
                        "hm": 0,
                        "hf": 0,
                        "mm": 0,
                        "mf": 0,
                        "lm": 0,
                        "lf": 0,
                        "pm": 0,
                        "pf": 0
                    "aItemised": []
                "aSupply_workforce": {
                    "total": {
                        "rm": 0,
                        "rf": 0,
                        "hm": 0,
                        "hf": 0,
                        "mm": 0,
                        "mf": 0,
                        "lm": 0,
                        "lf": 0,
                        "pm": 0,
                        "pf": 0
                    "aItemised": []
                "aDemand_hholds": {
                    "total": {
                        "r": 0,
                        "h": 0,
                        "m": 0,
                        "l": 0,
                        "p": 0
                    "aItemised": []
                "aSupply_hholds": {
                    "total": {
                        "r": 0,
                        "h": 0,
                        "m": 0,
                        "l": 0,
                        "p": 0
                    "aItemised": []
                "aDemographics": {},
                "aVehicles": {},
                "aFootprint": {},
                "aWarehouse": {}
        }  # Prepare the update

        ccTremb = db.connect()
        cDest = db.destinations(ccTremb)
        dParent_query = cDest.update_one(xParam, xNew_data)