for ii, tag in enumerate(tags): z = float(tag[5:].replace('p','.')) print (z) df = pd.read_csv('Magnitude_limits.txt') low = np.array(df[filters])[ii] Halpha = np.concatenate(get_line_all(tag, 'HI6563', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1]) Hbeta = np.concatenate(get_line_all(tag, 'HI4861', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1]) CIII = np.concatenate(get_line_all(tag, 'CIII1907', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1] + get_line_all(tag, 'CIII1909', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1]) OII = np.concatenate(get_line_all(tag, 'OII3726', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1] + get_line_all(tag, 'OII3729', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1]) # NeIII = get_line_all(tag, 'NeIII3869', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False) + get_line_all(tag, 'NeIII3967', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False) OIII = np.concatenate(get_line_all(tag, 'OIII4959', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1] + get_line_all(tag, 'OIII5007', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False)[:,1]) if input == plt_options[1]: x_inp = get_data_all(tag, dataset = 'Mstar_30', DF=False)*1e10 for kk in range(len(x_inp)): x_inp[kk] = np.log10(x_inp[kk]) bins = np.arange(7.5, 11.5, 0.5) xlabel=r'log$_{10}$(M$_{\star}$/M$_{\odot}$)' xpos = 0.455 bottom = 0.20 elif input == plt_options[2]: x_inp = get_lum_all(tag, LF=False) for kk in range(len(x_inp)): x_inp[kk] = lum_to_M(x_inp[kk]) bins = -np.arange(17, 25, 1)[::-1] xlabel = r'$\mathrm{M}_{1500}$' xpos = 0.47 bottom = 0.21 for kk in range(5): axs[kk].set_xlim((-17,-23.9))
edgecolor='k') axs = axs.ravel() for ii, tag in enumerate(tags): df = pd.read_csv('Magnitude_limits.txt') low = np.array(df[filters])[ii] bins = -np.arange(-low, 25, 0.4)[::-1] L_FUV = get_lum_all(tag, LF=False, filter='FUV', Luminosity='DustModelI') L_NUV = get_lum_all(tag, LF=False, filter='NUV', Luminosity='DustModelI') L_FUV_int = get_lum_all(tag, LF=False, filter='FUV', Luminosity='Intrinsic') Mstar_30 = get_data_all(tag, inp='FLARES', DF=False) sfr_30 = get_data_all(tag, dataset='SFR_inst_30', inp='FLARES', DF=False) ws = np.array([]) for jj in range(len(weights)): ws = np.append(ws, np.ones(np.shape(L_FUV[jj])) * weights[jj]) L_FUV = np.concatenate(L_FUV) L_FUV_int = np.concatenate(L_FUV_int) L_NUV = np.concatenate(L_NUV) Mstar_30 = np.concatenate(Mstar_30) * 1e10 sfr_30 = np.concatenate(sfr_30) ok = np.where(lum_to_M(L_FUV) < low)[0] L_FUV, L_NUV, L_FUV_int, Mstar_30 = L_FUV[ok], L_NUV[ok], L_FUV_int[ ok], Mstar_30[ok] sfr_30 = sfr_30[ok] / Mstar_30
weights = np.array(df['weights']) sims = np.arange(len(weights)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, ncols = 3, figsize=(13, 6), sharex=False, sharey=False, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') axs = axs.ravel() for ii, tag in enumerate(tags): z = float(tag[5:].replace('p','.')) print (z) dat1 = get_line_all(tag, 'OIII4959', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False) dat2 = get_line_all(tag, 'OIII5007', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False) dat3 = get_line_all(tag, 'HI4861', inp = 'FLARES', LF = False) l_fuvs = np.concatenate(get_lum_all(tag, LF=False)) mstar = get_data_all(tag, dataset = 'Mstar_30', DF=False) ws = np.array([]) for jj in sims: ws = np.append(ws, np.ones(np.shape(mstar[jj]))*weights[jj]) mstar = np.concatenate(mstar)*1e10 OIII4959_lum = np.concatenate(dat1[:,0]) OIII4959_EW = np.concatenate(dat1[:,1]) OIII5007_lum = np.concatenate(dat2[:,0]) OIII5007_EW = np.concatenate(dat2[:,1]) Hbeta_lum = np.concatenate(dat3[:,0]) Hbeta_EW = np.concatenate(dat3[:,1])
c_m = # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m =, norm=norm) s_m.set_array([]) bins = np.arange(-1, 4, 0.4) bincen = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2. binwidth = bins[1:] - bins[:-1] for ii, tag in enumerate(tags): z = float(tag[5:].replace('p', '.')) axs[ii].text(-0.5, -5.7, r'$z = {}$'.format(z), fontsize=12) sfr_30 = get_data_all(tag, dataset='SFR/SFR_100', inp='FLARES', DF=False) L_FUV = get_lum_all(tag, LF=False, filter='FUV', Luminosity='DustModelI') L_FUV_int = get_lum_all(tag, LF=False, filter='FUV', Luminosity='Intrinsic') sfr_tot = np.zeros(len(bincen)) sfr_tot_err = np.zeros(len(bincen)) sfr_obsc = np.zeros(len(bincen)) sfr_unobsc = np.zeros(len(bincen))
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0.5, vmax=len(tags)+0.5) # choose a colormap c_m = # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m =, norm=norm) s_m.set_array([]) bins = np.arange(7.5, 12, 0.5) bincen = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2. yerr1_lo, yerr1_up, yerr2_lo, yerr2_up = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]) for ii, tag in enumerate(tags): z = float(tag[5:].replace('p','.')) mstar = get_data_all(tag, inp = 'FLARES', DF = False) ws = np.array([]) for jj in sims: ws = np.append(ws, np.ones(np.shape(mstar[jj]))*weights[jj]) mstar = np.log10(np.concatenate(mstar)*1e10) data = get_Z(tag) S_met = np.log10(np.concatenate(data[:,0])) G_met = np.log10(np.concatenate(data[:,1])) out = flares.binned_weighted_quantile(mstar, G_met,ws,bins,quantiles) xx, yy, yy84, yy16 = bincen, out[:,1], out[:,0],out[:,2] hist, edges=np.histogram(mstar, bins) ok = np.where(hist>=5)[0] ax.errorbar(xx[ok], yy[ok], ls='-', color=s_m.to_rgba(ii+0.5), alpha=.9, lw=1, fmt='s')
# choose a colormap c_m = # create a ScalarMappable and initialize a data structure s_m =, norm=norm) s_m.set_array([]) for ii, tag in enumerate(tags): axs[ii].text(7.9, -6.5, r'$z = {}$'.format(zs[ii]), fontsize=10) bins = np.arange(7.5, 12.5, 0.25) bincen = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1]) / 2. binwidth = bins[1:] - bins[:-1] out, hist, err = get_data_all(tag, bins=bins, inp='FLARES', DF=True) ok = np.where(hist > 0)[0] hist = hist[ok] Msim = out / (binwidth * vol) xerr = np.ones(len(out)) * binwidth[0] / 2. yerr = err / (vol * binwidth) ok1 = np.where(hist >= 5)[0][-1] Mref = get_data_all(tags_ref[ii], bins=bins, inp='REF', DF=True) / (binwidth * refvol) okref = np.where(Mref > 0) # Magn = get_data_all(tags_ref[ii], bins = bins, inp = 'AGNdT9', DF = True)/(binwidth*AGNdT9vol) # okagn = np.where(Magn>0) # if zs[ii]>=8: