def _convert_to_nn(self, svm_model, y_train, x_val): #convert to linear NN print('converting {} model to linear NN'.format( self.__class__.__name__)) W = svm_model.coef_.T B = svm_model.intercept_ if numpy.unique(y_train).size == 2: linear_layer = Linear(W.shape[0], 2) linear_layer.W = numpy.concatenate([-W, W], axis=1) linear_layer.B = numpy.concatenate([-B, B], axis=0) else: linear_layer = Linear(*(W.shape)) linear_layer.W = W linear_layer.B = B svm_model = self.model nn_model = Sequential([Flatten(), linear_layer]) if not self.use_gpu: nn_model.to_numpy() #sanity check model conversion self._sanity_check_model_conversion(svm_model, nn_model, x_val) print('model conversion sanity check passed') return nn_model
def test_Linear(self): np.random.seed(42) torch.manual_seed(42) batch_size, n_in, n_out = 2, 3, 4 for _ in range(100): # layers initialization torch_layer = torch.nn.Linear(n_in, n_out) custom_layer = Linear(n_in, n_out) custom_layer.W = custom_layer.b = layer_input = np.random.uniform( -10, 10, (batch_size, n_in)).astype(np.float32) next_layer_grad = np.random.uniform( -10, 10, (batch_size, n_out)).astype(np.float32) # 1. check layer output custom_layer_output = custom_layer.updateOutput(layer_input) layer_input_var = Variable(torch.from_numpy(layer_input), requires_grad=True) torch_layer_output_var = torch_layer(layer_input_var) self.assertTrue( np.allclose(, custom_layer_output, atol=1e-6)) # 2. check layer input grad custom_layer_grad = custom_layer.updateGradInput( layer_input, next_layer_grad) torch_layer_output_var.backward(torch.from_numpy(next_layer_grad)) torch_layer_grad_var = layer_input_var.grad self.assertTrue( np.allclose(, custom_layer_grad, atol=1e-6)) # 3. check layer parameters grad custom_layer.accGradParameters(layer_input, next_layer_grad) weight_grad = custom_layer.gradW bias_grad = custom_layer.gradb torch_weight_grad = torch_bias_grad = self.assertTrue( np.allclose(torch_weight_grad, weight_grad, atol=1e-6)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(torch_bias_grad, bias_grad, atol=1e-6))
def _read_txt_helper(path): with open(path,'rb') as f: content ='\n') modules = [] c = 0 line = content[c] while len(line) > 0: if line.startswith(Linear.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of linear layer Linear <rows_of_W> <columns_of_W> <flattened weight matrix W> <flattened bias vector> ''' _,m,n = line.split(); m = int(m); n = int(n) layer = Linear(m,n) layer.W = np.array([float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c+1].split() if len(weightstring) > 0]).reshape((m,n)) layer.B = np.array([float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c+2].split() if len(weightstring) > 0]) modules.append(layer) c+=3 # the description of a linear layer spans three lines elif line.startswith(Convolution.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of convolution layer Convolution <rows_of_W> <columns_of_W> <depth_of_W> <number_of_filters_W> <stride_axis_0> <stride_axis_1> <flattened filter block W> <flattened bias vector> ''' _,h,w,d,n,s0,s1 = line.split() h = int(h); w = int(w); d = int(d); n = int(n); s0 = int(s0); s1 = int(s1) layer = Convolution(filtersize=(h,w,d,n), stride=(s0,s1)) layer.W = np.array([float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c+1].split() if len(weightstring) > 0]).reshape((h,w,d,n)) layer.B = np.array([float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c+2].split() if len(weightstring) > 0]) modules.append(layer) c+=3 #the description of a convolution layer spans three lines elif line.startswith(SumPool.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of sum pooling layer SumPool <mask_heigth> <mask_width> <stride_axis_0> <stride_axis_1> ''' _,h,w,s0,s1 = line.split() h = int(h); w = int(w); s0 = int(s0); s1 = int(s1) layer = SumPool(pool=(h,w),stride=(s0,s1)) modules.append(layer) c+=1 # one line of parameterized layer description elif line.startswith(MaxPool.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of max pooling layer MaxPool <mask_heigth> <mask_width> <stride_axis_0> <stride_axis_1> ''' _,h,w,s0,s1 = line.split() h = int(h); w = int(w); s0 = int(s0); s1 = int(s1) layer = MaxPool(pool=(h,w),stride=(s0,s1)) modules.append(layer) c+=1 # one line of parameterized layer description elif line.startswith(Flatten.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(Flatten()) ; c+=1 #one line of parameterless layer description elif line.startswith(Rect.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(Rect()) ; c+= 1 #one line of parameterless layer description elif line.startswith(Tanh.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(Tanh()) ; c+= 1 #one line of parameterless layer description elif line.startswith(SoftMax.__name__): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(SoftMax()) ; c+= 1 #one line of parameterless layer description else: raise ValueError('Layer type identifier' + [s for s in line.split() if len(s) > 0][0] + ' not supported for reading from plain text file') #skip info of previous layers, read in next layer header line = content[c] return Sequential(modules)
def _read_txt_helper(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: content ='\n') modules = [] c = 0 line = content[c] while len(line) > 0: if line.startswith( Linear.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of linear layer Linear <rows_of_W> <columns_of_W> <flattened weight matrix W> <flattened bias vector> ''' _, m, n = line.split() m = int(m) n = int(n) layer = Linear(m, n) layer.W = np.array([ float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c + 1].split() if len(weightstring) > 0 ]).reshape((m, n)) layer.B = np.array([ float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c + 2].split() if len(weightstring) > 0 ]) modules.append(layer) c += 3 # the description of a linear layer spans three lines elif line.startswith( Convolution.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of convolution layer Convolution <rows_of_W> <columns_of_W> <depth_of_W> <number_of_filters_W> <stride_axis_0> <stride_axis_1> <flattened filter block W> <flattened bias vector> ''' _, h, w, d, n, s0, s1 = line.split() h = int(h) w = int(w) d = int(d) n = int(n) s0 = int(s0) s1 = int(s1) layer = Convolution(filtersize=(h, w, d, n), stride=(s0, s1)) layer.W = np.array([ float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c + 1].split() if len(weightstring) > 0 ]).reshape((h, w, d, n)) layer.B = np.array([ float(weightstring) for weightstring in content[c + 2].split() if len(weightstring) > 0 ]) modules.append(layer) c += 3 #the description of a convolution layer spans three lines elif line.startswith( SumPool.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of sum pooling layer SumPool <mask_heigth> <mask_width> <stride_axis_0> <stride_axis_1> ''' _, h, w, s0, s1 = line.split() h = int(h) w = int(w) s0 = int(s0) s1 = int(s1) layer = SumPool(pool=(h, w), stride=(s0, s1)) modules.append(layer) c += 1 # one line of parameterized layer description elif line.startswith( MaxPool.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users ''' Format of max pooling layer MaxPool <mask_heigth> <mask_width> <stride_axis_0> <stride_axis_1> ''' _, h, w, s0, s1 = line.split() h = int(h) w = int(w) s0 = int(s0) s1 = int(s1) layer = MaxPool(pool=(h, w), stride=(s0, s1)) modules.append(layer) c += 1 # one line of parameterized layer description elif line.startswith( Flatten.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(Flatten()) c += 1 #one line of parameterless layer description elif line.startswith( Rect.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(Rect()) c += 1 #one line of parameterless layer description elif line.startswith( Tanh.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(Tanh()) c += 1 #one line of parameterless layer description elif line.startswith( SoftMax.__name__ ): # @UndefinedVariable import error suppression for PyDev users modules.append(SoftMax()) c += 1 #one line of parameterless layer description else: raise ValueError( 'Layer type identifier' + [s for s in line.split() if len(s) > 0][0] + ' not supported for reading from plain text file') #skip info of previous layers, read in next layer header line = content[c] return Sequential(modules)