def plotMiddle(self): """Function to plot the graph on the Middle Canvas""" self.elementList = Utility.molToElemList(self.molecule) self.elementParameters = Utility.read_parameters( self.elementList, "./elementParameters.txt") if self.ui.formFactorCheck.isChecked(): # print("test fe check") self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Qbkg, self.Ibkg_Q = UtilityAnalysis.check_data_length( self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Qbkg, self.Ibkg_Q, self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.maxQ.value()) self.fe_Q, self.Ztot = MainFunctions.calc_eeff( self.elementList, self.Q, self.elementParameters), self.fe_Q, label=r"$f_e(Q)$") self.ui.factorPlot.canvas.draw() # else: # # print("test unchecked") # # self.ui.factorPlot.canvas.draw() if self.ui.SQCheck.isChecked(): S_Q = self.SQ(), S_Q, label=r"$S(Q)$") self.ui.factorPlot.canvas.draw() if self.ui.incohCheck.isChecked(): self.Iincoh_Q = MainFunctions.calc_Iincoh(self.elementList, self.Q, self.elementParameters), self.Iincoh_Q, label=r"$I_{incoh}(Q)$") self.ui.factorPlot.canvas.draw() if self.ui.QiQCheck.isChecked(): self.Sinf = MainFunctions.calc_Sinf(self.elementList, self.fe_Q, self.Q, self.Ztot, self.elementParameters) self.i_Q = MainFunctions.calc_iQ(S_Q, self.Sinf) # self.r = MainFunctions.calc_r(self.Q) Qi_Q = self.Q * self.i_Q, Qi_Q, label=r"$Qi(Q)$") self.ui.factorPlot.canvas.draw()
def test3_checkOrArgGroups(self): """ Given no argument while expecting 2 'orArg' arguments in a single group, Should return 'False' and an error message """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() myDebug = Debug.Debug() myCommandLine = CommandLine.CommandLine(description='Blah blah blah.', objDebug=myDebug, objUtility=myUtility) myCommandLine._argDict['arg1'] = { 'value': None, 'orArgGroup': 'group1' } myCommandLine._argDict['arg2'] = { 'value': None, 'orArgGroup': 'group1' } orArgsAreOk, message = myCommandLine.checkOrArgGroups() self.assertFalse(orArgsAreOk) self.assertNotEqual(message, '')
def test3_checkArgsMatchRules(self): """ Given 2 invalid arguments 'integer1' and 'integer2', Should return 'False' """ integer1Value = 12.34 integer2Value = 'a' integerRule = '(\d+)' myUtility = Utility.Utility() myDebug = Debug.Debug() myCommandLine = CommandLine.CommandLine(description='Blah blah blah.', objDebug=myDebug, objUtility=myUtility) myCommandLine._argDict['integer1'] = { 'value': integer1Value, 'rule': integerRule, } myCommandLine._argDict['integer2'] = { 'value': integer2Value, 'rule': integerRule, } self.assertEqual(myCommandLine.checkArgsMatchRules(), False)
def test1_isNumber(self): """ Given the number 42 should return True """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() self.assertEqual(myUtility.isNumber(42), True)
def test4_isNumber(self): """ Given the number '' (empty string) should return False """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() self.assertEqual(myUtility.isNumber(''), False)
def import_data(self): """Function to load and plot the data file""" # commented just for testing # if self.ui.dataFileName.toPlainText() == "": # path, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Load Data File", # r"../data/cea_files/Ar", "Data File(*chi *xy)") # else: # path = self.dirpath + "/" + self.ui.dataFileName.toPlainText() # # if self.ui.dataPathName.toPlainText() == "": # # self.dirpath = str(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Open directory", # # r"..\data\cea_files\Ar", QtWidgets.QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly)) # # else: # # self.dirpath = self.ui.dataPathName.toPlainText() # # path = self.dirpath + "/" + self.ui.dataFileName.toPlainText() path = r"../data/cea_files/Ar/HT2_034T++_rem.chi" pathDir, fileName = os.path.split(path) self.ui.dataPathName.setPlainText(pathDir) self.ui.dataFileName.setPlainText(fileName) self.Q, self.I_Q = Utility.read_file(path) self.orgQ = self.Q self.orgI_Q = self.I_Q, self.I_Q, "b", label="Data") self.ui.rawDataPlot.canvas.draw()
def test5_isNumber(self): """ Given the string '1.2.3' should return False """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() self.assertEqual(myUtility.isNumber('1.2.3'), False)
def import_bkg(self): """Function to load and plot the bkg file""" # commented just for testing # if self.ui.bkgFileName.toPlainText() == "": # path, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Load Bkg File", # r"../data/cea_files/Ar", "Data File(*chi *xy)") # else: # path = self.dirpath + "/" + self.ui.bkgFileName.toPlainText() path = r"../data/cea_files/Ar/HT2_036T++_rem.chi" pathDir, fileName = os.path.split(path) self.ui.dataPathName.setPlainText(pathDir) self.ui.bkgFileName.setPlainText(fileName) self.Qbkg, self.Ibkg_Q = Utility.read_file(path) self.orgQbkg = self.Qbkg self.orgIbkg_Q = self.Ibkg_Q path = "", self.Ibkg_Q, "g--", label="Bkg") self.ui.rawDataPlot.canvas.draw()
def test2_isNumber(self): """ Given the number -273.15 should return True """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() self.assertEqual(myUtility.isNumber(-273.15), True)
def geometry_correction(Q, I_Q, Qbkg, Ibkg_Q, variables, phi_matrix_flag): """Function to calcultate all intensity geometrical corrections. Parameters ---------- Q : numpy array momentum transfer (nm^-1) I_Q : numpy array measured scattering intensity Qbkg : numpy array background momentum transfer (nm^-1) Ibkg_Q : numpy array background scattering intensity variables : module input variables setted by the user phi_matrix_flag : string flag for the phi matrix calculation: "y": calculate phi matrix and save on file "n": read the phi matrix from file Returns ------- I_Q : numpy array corrected measured sample intensity Ibkg_Q : numpy array corrected background intensity """ two_theta = UtilityAnalysis.Qto2theta(Q) abs_corr_factor = calcAbsCorrection(variables.abs_length, \ two_theta, variables.dac_thickness, 0) num_point = 1000 phi_matrix_path = "./phi_matrix_" + variables.molecule if phi_matrix_flag.lower() == "y": ws1, ws2, r1, r2, d = Utility.read_MCC_file(variables.MCC_path, variables.MCC_type) thickness_sampling, phi_matrix = calc_phi_matrix(variables.phi_matrix_thickness, \ two_theta, ws1, ws2, r1, r2, d, num_point), phi_matrix) else: thickness_sampling = np.linspace(0, variables.phi_matrix_thickness, num=num_point) phi_matrix = np.load(phi_matrix_path + ".npy") T_MCC_sample3, T_MCC_DAC3, T_MCC_ALL3 = calc_T_MCC(0.003, thickness_sampling, \ phi_matrix, "y") T_MCC_sample4, T_MCC_DAC4, T_MCC_ALL4 = calc_T_MCC(0.004, thickness_sampling, \ phi_matrix, "y") T_MCC_corr_factor_bkg = calc_T_DAC_MCC_bkg_corr(T_MCC_DAC4, T_MCC_DAC3) I_Q = I_Q / (abs_corr_factor * T_MCC_sample4) Ibkg_Q = Ibkg_Q * T_MCC_corr_factor_bkg / (abs_corr_factor * T_MCC_sample4) return (I_Q, Ibkg_Q)
def test3_isNumber(self): """ Given the number "this is not a number, AAARGL!" should return False """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() self.assertEqual(myUtility.isNumber('this is not a number, AAARGL!'), False)
def test1_computePercentage(self): """ Given a number and a total (both are >0) should return a percentage (float) : 0 <= number <= 100 """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() number = 12 total = 42 percentage = myUtility.computePercentage(number, total) self.assertTrue((percentage >= 0) and (percentage <= 100))
def test2_computePercentage(self): """ Given any number and total == 0 should return 0 """ myUtility = Utility.Utility() number = 12 total = 0 expected = 0 self.assertEqual(myUtility.computePercentage(number, total), expected)
def test3_computeExitStatus(self): """ Given a CPU load > crit threshold should return the 'CRITICAL' Nagios plugin exit status """ self._objUtility = Utility.Utility() self._objDebug = Debug.Debug() myPlugin = CheckLocalCpu.CheckLocalCpu( name='CHECK LOCAL CPU', objDebug=self._objDebug, ) myPlugin.cpuUsagePercent = critical + 1 exitStatus = myPlugin.computeExitStatus(warningThreshold=warning, criticalThreshold=critical) self.assertEqual(exitStatus, 'CRITICAL')
def calc_IFFT_Fr(r, F_r): """Function to calculate the FFT following the IGOR procedure. I do not agree with this procedure, but I follow it to compare my results with Igor Pro's ones. Parameters ---------- r : numpy array atomic distance (nm) F_r : numpy array F(r) Returns ------- Q : numpy array momentum transfer (nm^-1) Qi_Q : numpy array Qi(Q) """ NumPoints = 2**math.ceil(math.log(len(F_r)-1)/math.log(2)) F_r = Utility.resize_zero(F_r, NumPoints) Q = np.linspace(0.0, 109, 550) DelQ = 2*np.pi/(np.mean(np.diff(r))*NumPoints) meanDeltar = np.mean(np.diff(r)) Q1 = fftpack.fftfreq(r.size, meanDeltar) Qi_Q = fftpack.fft(F_r) Qi_Q = Qi_Q[np.where(Q1>=0.0)] Qi_Q = -np.imag(Qi_Q)*meanDeltar Q1 = np.arange(0.0, 0.0+DelQ*len(Qi_Q), DelQ) idxArray = np.zeros(550, for i in range(len(Q)): idxArray[i], _ = UtilityAnalysis.find_nearest(Q1, Q[i]) Qi_Q = Qi_Q[idxArray] return (Q, Qi_Q)
def calc_FFT_QiQ(Q, Qi_Q, QmaxIntegrate): """Function to calculate the FFT following the Igor Pro procedure. I do not agree with this procedure, but I follow it to compare my results with Igor Pro's ones. Parameters ---------- Q : numpy array momentum transfer (nm^-1) Qi_Q : numpy array Q*i(Q) QmaxIntegrate : float maximum Q value for the integrations Returns ------- r : numpy array atomic distance (nm) F_r : numpy array F(r) """ pMax, elem = UtilityAnalysis.find_nearest(Q, QmaxIntegrate) NumPoints = 2*2*2**math.ceil(math.log(5*(pMax+1))/math.log(2)) DelR = 2*np.pi/(np.mean(np.diff(Q))*NumPoints) Qi_Q = Utility.resize_zero(Qi_Q[Q<=QmaxIntegrate], NumPoints) Qi_Q[pMax+1:] = 0.0 Q = np.arange(np.amin(Q), np.amin(Q)+np.mean(np.diff(Q))*NumPoints, np.mean(np.diff(Q))) r = MainFunctions.calc_r(Q) F_r = fftpack.fft(Qi_Q) F_r = F_r[np.where(r>=0.0)] F_r = -np.imag(F_r)*np.mean(np.diff(Q))*2/np.pi r = np.arange(0.0, 0.0+DelR*len(F_r), DelR) return (r, F_r)
def calc_iintra(Q, fe_Q, Ztot, QmaxIntegrate, maxQ, elementList, element, x, y, z, elementParameters): """Function to calculate the intramolecular contribution of i(Q) (eq. 41). Parameters ---------- Q : numpy array momentum transfer (nm^-1) fe_Q : numpy array effective electric form factor Ztot : int total Z number QmaxIntegrate : float maximum Q value for the intagrations maxQ : float maximum Q value elementList : dictionary("element": multiplicity) chemical elements of the sample with their multiplicity element : string chemical element multiplicity : int chemical element multiplicity element : string array array with the elements in the xyz_file x, y, z : float array atomic coordinate in the xyz_file (nm) elementParameters : dictionary("element": parameters) chemical elements of the sample with their parameters element : string chemical element parameters : list list of the parameters (Z, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, c, M, K, L) Returns ------- iintra_Q : numpy array intramolecular contribution of i(Q) """ iintra_Q = np.zeros(Q.size) sinpq = np.zeros(Q.size) for ielem in range(len(element)): for jelem in range(len(element)): if ielem != jelem: Kpi = MainFunctions.calc_Kp(fe_Q, element[ielem], Q, elementParameters) Kpj = MainFunctions.calc_Kp(fe_Q, element[jelem], Q, elementParameters) KK = Kpi * Kpj d = Utility.calc_distMol(x[ielem], y[ielem], z[ielem], x[jelem], y[jelem], z[jelem]) if d != 0.0: iintra_Q += KK * np.sin(d * Q) / (d * Q) iintra_Q[Q == 0.0] = KK iintra_Q[(Q > QmaxIntegrate) & (Q <= maxQ)] = 0.0 iintra_Q /= Ztot**2 # iintra_Q /= 3 return iintra_Q
# pip install psutil # Installing "psutil" this way requires the (Debian) packages : # python-pip # python-dev # # KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS : # 1. # ########################################## ########################################################## from modules import CommandLine from modules import CheckLocalCpu from modules import Debug from modules import Utility myUtility = Utility.Utility() myDebug = Debug.Debug() myCommandLine = CommandLine.CommandLine( description='Check the local CPU usage.', objDebug=myDebug, objUtility=myUtility) myPlugin = CheckLocalCpu.CheckLocalCpu( name='CHECK LOCAL CPU', objDebug=myDebug, ) myCommandLine.declareArgument({ 'shortOption': 'w', 'longOption': 'warning',
def calc_iintraFZ(Q, QmaxIntegrate, maxQ, elementList, element, x, y, z, elementParameters, aff_mean_squared): """Function to calculate the intramolecular contribution of i(Q) (eq. 41). Parameters ---------- Q : numpy array momentum transfer (nm^-1) fe_Q : numpy array effective electric form factor Ztot : int total Z number QmaxIntegrate : float maximum Q value for the intagrations maxQ : float maximum Q value elementList : dictionary("element": multiplicity) chemical elements of the sample with their multiplicity element : string chemical element multiplicity : int chemical element multiplicity element : string array array with the elements in the xyz_file x, y, z : float array atomic coordinate in the xyz_file (nm) elementParameters : dictionary("element": parameters) chemical elements of the sample with their parameters element : string chemical element parameters : list list of the parameters (Z, a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, c, M, K, L) Returns ------- iintra_Q : numpy array intramolecular contribution of i(Q) """ iintra_Q = np.zeros(Q.size) sinpq = np.zeros(Q.size) for ielem in range(len(element)): for jelem in range(len(element)): if ielem != jelem: # print(ielem, jelem) # print(type(element[ielem])) # print(element[ielem], elementList[element[ielem]], element[jelem], elementList[element[jelem]]) f_Qi = MainFunctions.calc_aff(element[ielem], Q, elementParameters) f_Qj = MainFunctions.calc_aff(element[jelem], Q, elementParameters) f_i = np.mean(elementList[element[ielem]] * f_Qi / 3) f_j = np.mean(elementList[element[jelem]] * f_Qj / 3) # f_i = np.mean(f_Qi) # f_j = np.mean(f_Qj) ff = f_i * f_j d = Utility.calc_distMol(x[ielem], y[ielem], z[ielem], x[jelem], y[jelem], z[jelem]) if d != 0.0: iintra_Q += ff * np.sin(d * Q) / (d * Q) iintra_Q[Q == 0.0] = ff iintra_Q[(Q > QmaxIntegrate) & (Q <= maxQ)] = 0.0 iintra_Q /= np.mean(aff_mean_squared) # iintra_Q /= 3 return iintra_Q
def SQ(self): """Function to calculate and plot the structure factor S(Q)""" self.elementList = Utility.molToElemList(self.molecule) # self.elementList = Utility.molToElemList("Ar") self.elementParameters = Utility.read_parameters( self.elementList, "./elementParameters.txt") # print(elementList) # print(elementParameters) self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Qbkg, self.Ibkg_Q = UtilityAnalysis.check_data_length( self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Qbkg, self.Ibkg_Q, self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.maxQ.value()) two_theta = UtilityAnalysis.Qto2theta(self.Q) absCorrFactor = Geometry.calcAbsCorrection( self.ui.absLength.value(), two_theta, self.ui.dacThickness.value(), self.ui.dacAngle.value()) self.I_Q = self.I_Q / absCorrFactor self.Ibkg_Q = self.Ibkg_Q / absCorrFactor self.fe_Q, self.Ztot = MainFunctions.calc_eeff(self.elementList, self.Q, self.elementParameters) self.Iincoh_Q = MainFunctions.calc_Iincoh(self.elementList, self.Q, self.elementParameters) self.J_Q = MainFunctions.calc_JQ(self.Iincoh_Q, self.Ztot, self.fe_Q) self.Sinf = MainFunctions.calc_Sinf(self.elementList, self.fe_Q, self.Q, self.Ztot, self.elementParameters) self.dampingFunct = UtilityAnalysis.calc_dampingFunction( self.Q, self.ui.dampingFactor.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.ui.dampingFunction.currentText()) Isample_Q = MainFunctions.calc_IsampleQ( self.I_Q, self.ui.scaleFactorValue.value(), self.Ibkg_Q) alpha = MainFunctions.calc_alpha( self.J_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.Sinf, self.Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], Isample_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.fe_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.Ztot, self.ui.densityValue.value()) Icoh_Q = MainFunctions.calc_Icoh(alpha, Isample_Q, self.Iincoh_Q) S_Q = MainFunctions.calc_SQ(Icoh_Q, self.Ztot, self.fe_Q, self.Sinf, self.Q, self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.ui.maxQ.value()) Ssmooth_Q = UtilityAnalysis.calc_SQsmoothing( self.Q, S_Q, self.Sinf, self.ui.smoothingFactor.value(), self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.ui.maxQ.value()) self.SsmoothDamp_Q = UtilityAnalysis.calc_SQdamp( Ssmooth_Q, self.Sinf, self.dampingFunct) #, self.SsmoothDamp_Q, "b", label=r"$S(Q)$") # # self.ui.factorPlot.canvas.draw() return self.SsmoothDamp_Q
# from modules import Geometry from modules import IgorFunctions # from modules import KaplowMethod from modules import MainFunctions # from modules import Minimization from modules import Optimization from modules import Utility from modules import UtilityAnalysis # from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QVBoxLayout, QWidget if __name__ == "__main__": # ---------------------------Files reading--------------------------------- variables = Utility.read_inputFile("./inputFile.txt") elementList = Utility.molToelemList(variables.molecule) elementParameters = Utility.read_parameters(elementList, variables.element_params_path) path = Utility.path_xyz_file(variables.molecule) numAtoms, element, x, y, z = Utility.read_xyz_file(path) Q, I_Q = Utility.read_file(variables.data_file) Qbkg, Ibkg_Q = Utility.read_file(variables.bkg_file) # -------------------Preliminary calculation------------------------------- fe_Q, Ztot = MainFunctions.calc_eeff(elementList, Q, elementParameters) Iincoh_Q = MainFunctions.calc_Iincoh(elementList, Q, elementParameters)
def Optimization(self): """Function to optimize and plot F(r)""" #-------------------Intra-molecular components----------------------------- # numAtoms, element, x, y, z = Utility.read_xyz_file(self.XYZFilePath) numAtoms, element, x, y, z = Utility.read_xyz_file( "/Users/ciccio/work/ID27/LASDiA/xyzFiles/") iintra_Q = Optimization.calc_iintra(self.Q, self.fe_Q, self.Ztot, self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.ui.maxQ.value(), self.elementList, element, x, y, z, self.elementParameters) iintradamp_Q = UtilityAnalysis.calc_iintradamp(iintra_Q, self.dampingFunct) Qiintradamp_Q = self.Q * iintradamp_Q rintra, Fintra_r = MainFunctions.calc_Fr( self.Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], Qiintradamp_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()]) scaleFactor = self.ui.scaleFactorValue.value() density0 = self.ui.densityValue.value() # ----------------------First scale minimization--------------------------- scaleStep = 0.05 # sth = 0.008 # s0th = 0.006 sth = 0.0 s0th = 0.0 phi_matrix = 0.0 thickness_sampling = 0.0 scaleFactor = Minimization.OptimizeScale( self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Ibkg_Q, self.J_Q, self.Iincoh_Q, self.fe_Q, self.ui.maxQ.value(), self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.Ztot, density0, scaleFactor, self.Sinf, self.ui.smoothingFactor.value(), self.ui.rmin.value(), self.dampingFunct, Fintra_r, self.ui.iterations.value(), scaleStep, sth, s0th, thickness_sampling, phi_matrix, "n") # ----------------------First density minimization------------------------- densityStep = density0 / 50 densityStepEnd = density0 / 250 density = Minimization.OptimizeDensity( self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Ibkg_Q, self.J_Q, self.Iincoh_Q, self.fe_Q, self.ui.maxQ.value(), self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.Ztot, density0, scaleFactor, self.Sinf, self.ui.smoothingFactor.value(), self.ui.rmin.value(), self.dampingFunct, Fintra_r, self.ui.iterations.value(), densityStep, densityStepEnd, sth, s0th, thickness_sampling, phi_matrix, "n") # print("density0, density", density0, density) numLoopIteration = 0 while 1: if np.abs(density - density0) > density / 25: # print("First") scaleStep = 0.006 densityStep = density / 10 WSamplestep = 0.0008 WRefstep = 0.0008 elif np.abs(density - density0) > density / 75: # print("Second") scaleStep = 0.0006 densityStep = density / 100 WSamplestep = 0.0002 WRefstep = 0.0002 else: # print("Third") scaleStep = 0.00006 densityStep = density / 1000 WSamplestep = 0.0001 WRefstep = 0.0001 scaleFactor = Minimization.OptimizeScale( self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Ibkg_Q, self.J_Q, self.Iincoh_Q, self.fe_Q, self.ui.maxQ.value(), self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.Ztot, density, scaleFactor, self.Sinf, self.ui.smoothingFactor.value(), self.ui.rmin.value(), self.dampingFunct, Fintra_r, self.ui.iterations.value(), scaleStep, sth, s0th, thickness_sampling, phi_matrix, "n") density0 = density density = Minimization.OptimizeDensity( self.Q, self.I_Q, self.Ibkg_Q, self.J_Q, self.Iincoh_Q, self.fe_Q, self.ui.maxQ.value(), self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.Ztot, density0, scaleFactor, self.Sinf, self.ui.smoothingFactor.value(), self.ui.rmin.value(), self.dampingFunct, Fintra_r, self.ui.iterations.value(), densityStep, density / 250, sth, s0th, thickness_sampling, phi_matrix, "n") numLoopIteration += 1 # print("numLoopIteration", numLoopIteration, scaleFactor, density) if (np.abs(density - density0) > np.abs( density / 2500)) and (numLoopIteration <= 30): continue else: break # print("final scale", scaleFactor, "final density", density) self.ui.scaleFactorValue.setValue(scaleFactor) self.ui.densityValue.setValue(density) Isample_Q = MainFunctions.calc_IsampleQ(self.I_Q, scaleFactor, self.Ibkg_Q) alpha = MainFunctions.calc_alpha( self.J_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.Sinf, self.Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], Isample_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.fe_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.Ztot, density) Icoh_Q = MainFunctions.calc_Icoh(alpha, Isample_Q, self.Iincoh_Q) S_Q = MainFunctions.calc_SQ(Icoh_Q, self.Ztot, self.fe_Q, self.Sinf, self.Q, self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.ui.maxQ.value()) Ssmooth_Q = UtilityAnalysis.calc_SQsmoothing( self.Q, S_Q, self.Sinf, self.ui.smoothingFactor.value(), self.ui.minQ.value(), self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value(), self.ui.maxQ.value()) SsmoothDamp_Q = UtilityAnalysis.calc_SQdamp(Ssmooth_Q, self.Sinf, self.dampingFunct) i_Q = MainFunctions.calc_iQ(SsmoothDamp_Q, self.Sinf) Qi_Q = self.Q * i_Q r, F_r = MainFunctions.calc_Fr( self.Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], Qi_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()]) Fopt_r, deltaFopt_r = Optimization.calc_optimize_Fr( self.ui.iterations.value(), F_r, Fintra_r, density, i_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], self.Sinf, self.J_Q[self.Q <= self.ui.QmaxIntegrate.value()], r, self.ui.rmin.value(), "n") Scorr_Q = MainFunctions.calc_SQCorr(Fopt_r, r, self.Q, self.Sinf), Fopt_r, "g", label=r"$F_{opt}(r)$") self.ui.distfuncPlot.canvas.draw(), Scorr_Q, "g", label=r"$S_{opt}(Q)$") self.ui.factorPlot.canvas.draw()
default_dir = environ["HOME"] app = QApplication(argv) filename, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(caption="Load Input File", directory=default_dir, filter="*txt") app.exit() return filename if __name__ == "__main__": #---------------------------Files reading---------------------------------- # inputFile_path = open_file("./") inputVariables = Utility.read_inputFile("./inputFile.txt") elementList = Utility.molToElemList(inputVariables["molecule"]) elementParameters = Utility.read_parameters( elementList, inputVariables["elementParamsPath"]) elementPosition = Utility.read_xyz_file(inputVariables["xyzPath"]) Q, I_Q = Utility.read_file(inputVariables["dataFile"]) Qbkg, Ibkg_Q = Utility.read_file(inputVariables["bkgFile"]) # plt.plot(Q, I_Q) # plt.plot(Qbkg, Ibkg_Q) # #--------------------Preliminary calculation-------------------------------