コード例 #1
ファイル: modulo_test.py プロジェクト: practise2017/rttcp
 def testDiff(self):
     m = Modulo(self.MAX_VALUE, self.INVALID_VALUE)
     self.assertEqual(0, m.diff(0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(23, m.diff(123, 100))
     self.assertEqual(self.MAX_VALUE + 1 - 23, m.diff(100, 123))
     self.assertEqual(123456, m.diff(self.MAX_VALUE,
                                     self.MAX_VALUE - 123456))
     self.assertEqual(self.MAX_VALUE + 1 - 123456,
                      m.diff(self.MAX_VALUE - 123456, self.MAX_VALUE))
         9, m.diff(m.wrap_correction(self.MAX_VALUE + 9), self.MAX_VALUE))
         self.MAX_VALUE + 1 - 9,
         m.diff(self.MAX_VALUE, m.wrap_correction(self.MAX_VALUE + 9)))
     self.assertEqual(16234, m.diff(15000, m.wrap_correction(-1234)))
     self.assertEqual(self.HALF_MAX_VALUE, m.diff(self.HALF_MAX_VALUE, 0))
     self.assertEqual(self.MAX_VALUE + 1 - self.HALF_MAX_VALUE,
                      m.diff(0, self.HALF_MAX_VALUE))
     self.assertEqual(self.INVALID_VALUE, m.diff(self.INVALID_VALUE, 100))
     self.assertEqual(self.INVALID_VALUE, m.diff(100, self.INVALID_VALUE))
                      m.diff(self.INVALID_VALUE, self.INVALID_VALUE))
コード例 #2
ファイル: connection_info.py プロジェクト: practise2017/rttcp
class ConnectionInfo(object):
    """A class containing a summary about a 5-tuple connection."""
    def __init__(self, analysis_type, connhash, f, debug):
        self._analysis_type = analysis_type
        self._connhash = connhash
        self._f = f
        self._debug = debug
        self._ip_total_pkt = 0
        self._ip_total_bytes = 0
        self._seq = Modulo(TCP_SEQ_MAX_VALUE)

    def endpoint(self, addr, port):
        return '%s:%s' % (addr, port)

    def header(cls, analysis_type):
        if analysis_type == 'flow':
            return cls.flow_header()
        elif analysis_type == 'packet':
            return cls.packet_header()

    def process_packet(self, packet):
        """Main packet processing method."""
        self._ip_total_pkt += 1

    def common_process_packet(self, packet):
        # first packet of the connection
        if self._ip_total_pkt == 0:
            self._ip_proto = packet.ip_proto
            # sort the connection
            if endpoint_cmp(packet.ip_src, packet.sport, packet.ip_dst,
                            packet.dport) <= 0:
                self._ip_src = packet.ip_src
                self._ip_dst = packet.ip_dst
                self._sport = packet.sport
                self._dport = packet.dport
                self._ip_src = packet.ip_dst
                self._ip_dst = packet.ip_src
                self._sport = packet.dport
                self._dport = packet.sport
            self._src = self.endpoint(self._ip_src, self._sport)
            self._dst = self.endpoint(self._ip_dst, self._dport)

    def packet_header(cls):
        return '#%s %s %s %s %s %s' % ('type', 'src', 'dst', 'timestamp',
                                       'delta', 'other')

    def packet_process_packet(self, packet):
        """Process a packet for this connection (packet mode)."""
        src = self.endpoint(packet.ip_src, packet.sport)
        dst = self.endpoint(packet.ip_dst, packet.dport)
        # append new data segments
        if self._debug > 0:
            sys.stderr.write('%s %s %s %s %s %s\n' %
                             (packet.timestamp, src, dst, packet.tcp_len,
                              packet.tcp_nxtseq, packet.tcp_ack))
        self.packet_process_delta1(src, dst, packet)
        self.packet_process_delta2(src, dst, packet)
        self.packet_process_delta3(src, dst, packet)
        self.packet_process_delta4(src, dst, packet)

    def packet_process_delta1(self, src, dst, packet):
        """delta1: match data segments with the first ACK that acks them."""
        if self._ip_total_pkt == 0:
            # segments with data that have not been ACKed yet
            self._tcp_unacked_segments = {
                src: [],
                dst: [],
            self._tcp_ack_highest = {
                src: None,
                dst: None,
            self._delta1_list = {
                src: [],
                dst: [],
        if packet.tcp_len > 0:
            # detect and delete duplicate data segments
            is_duplicate = any([
                (tcp_nxtseq == packet.tcp_nxtseq)
                for (_, _, tcp_nxtseq) in self._tcp_unacked_segments[src]
            if is_duplicate:
                # remove all the duplicates
                new_list = []
                for l in self._tcp_unacked_segments[src]:
                    _, _, tcp_nxtseq = l
                    if tcp_nxtseq == packet.tcp_nxtseq:
                    new_list += [l]
                self._tcp_unacked_segments[src] = new_list
                self._tcp_unacked_segments[src] += [[
                    packet.timestamp, packet.tcp_len, packet.tcp_nxtseq
        new_ack_value = False
        if packet.tcp_ack is not None:
            if self._tcp_ack_highest[src] is None:
                self._tcp_ack_highest[src] = packet.tcp_ack
                new_ack_value = True
                if self._seq.cmp(self._tcp_ack_highest[src],
                                 packet.tcp_ack) < 0:
                    new_ack_value = True
                    self._tcp_ack_highest[src] = packet.tcp_ack
        if not new_ack_value:
        # check for already-acked data
        new_list = []
        for l in self._tcp_unacked_segments[dst]:
            timestamp, _, tcp_nxtseq = l
            if self._seq.cmp(tcp_nxtseq, self._tcp_ack_highest[src]) <= 0:
                # segment has been acked
                delta1 = packet.timestamp - timestamp
                if delta1 > 1.0:
                    if self._debug > 0:
                        print 'delta1: should remove [%f, %s, %s]' % (
                            timestamp, _, tcp_nxtseq)
                if self._analysis_type == 'flow':
                    self._delta1_list[src] += [delta1]
                elif self._analysis_type == 'packet':
                    # emit delta1 line
                    # (note that we are reversing src and dst as the information
                    # we have right now refers to the ACK, which goes in the reverse
                    # direction than the segment we care about)
                    self._f.write('%s %f %s %s %f -\n' %
                                  ('delta1', timestamp, dst, src, delta1))
                new_list += [l]
        self._tcp_unacked_segments[dst] = new_list

    def packet_process_delta2(self, src, dst, packet):
        """delta2: match segments with the first TSecr that "acks" its TSval."""
        if self._ip_total_pkt == 0:
            # segments with tsval that have not been "ACKed" by a tsecr yet
            self._tcp_untsecred_segments = {
                src: [],
                dst: [],
            self._tcp_tsecr_highest = {
                src: None,
                dst: None,
        if packet.tcp_tsval is None or packet.tcp_tsecr is None:
        # we can only assume cause-effect on pure ACKs
        if packet.tcp_len > 0:
            self._tcp_untsecred_segments[src] += [[
                packet.timestamp, packet.tcp_tsval
            # TODO(chema): detect and delete duplicate data segments
        new_tsecr_value = False
        if packet.tcp_tsecr is not None:
            if self._tcp_tsecr_highest[src] is None:
                self._tcp_tsecr_highest[src] = packet.tcp_tsecr
                new_tsecr_value = True
                if self._tcp_tsecr_highest[src] < packet.tcp_tsecr:
                    new_tsecr_value = True
                    self._tcp_tsecr_highest[src] = packet.tcp_tsecr
        if not new_tsecr_value:
        # check for already-tsecr'ed segments
        new_list = []
        for l in self._tcp_untsecred_segments[dst]:
            timestamp, tcp_tsval = l
            if tcp_tsval <= self._tcp_tsecr_highest[src]:
                # tsval has been tsecr'ed
                delta2 = packet.timestamp - timestamp
                if delta2 > 1.0:
                    print 'delta2: should remove [%f, %s]' % (timestamp,
                if self._analysis_type == 'packet':
                    # emit delta2 line
                    # (note that we are reversing src and dst as the information
                    # we have right now refers to the TSecr, which goes in the reverse
                    # direction than the segment we care about)
                    self._f.write('%s %f %s %s %f -\n' %
                                  ('delta2', timestamp, dst, src, delta2))
                new_list += [l]
        self._tcp_untsecred_segments[dst] = new_list

    POPULAR_HZ_VALUES = [100., 200., 250., 1000.]

    def estimate_hz(self, packet, src):
        """Estimate the HZ of a host by comparing the ts and TSval of 2 packets."""
        ref_timestamp, ref_tcp_tsval = self._reference_tcp_tsval[src]
        estimated_hz = ((packet.tcp_tsval - ref_tcp_tsval) /
                        (packet.timestamp - ref_timestamp))
        # round the estimated HZ to a popular value
        error_l = [
            abs((estimated_hz - hz) / hz) for hz in self.POPULAR_HZ_VALUES
        pos = error_l.index(min(error_l))
        if min(error_l) > 0.05:
            # invalid HZ
            print 'error: unexpected estimated HZ (src: %s, %f = %f + %.2f%%)' % (
                src, estimated_hz, self.POPULAR_HZ_VALUES[pos],
                100 * min(error_l))
            return -1
        return self.POPULAR_HZ_VALUES[pos]

    def packet_process_delta3(self, src, dst, packet):
        """delta3: estimate the sender's delay variance from the TSval."""
        if self._ip_total_pkt == 0:
            self._reference_tcp_tsval = {
                src: None,
                dst: None,
            self._estimated_hz = {
                src: None,
                dst: None,
        if packet.tcp_tsval is None or packet.tcp_tsecr is None:
        if self._reference_tcp_tsval[src] is None:
            self._reference_tcp_tsval[src] = [
                packet.timestamp, packet.tcp_tsval
        ref_timestamp, ref_tcp_tsval = self._reference_tcp_tsval[src]
        if self._estimated_hz[src] is None:
            self._estimated_hz[src] = self.estimate_hz(packet, src)
        if self._estimated_hz[src] == -1:
        expected_timestamp = ref_timestamp + (
            (packet.tcp_tsval - ref_tcp_tsval) / self._estimated_hz[src])
        delta3 = packet.timestamp - expected_timestamp
        if self._analysis_type == 'packet':
            # emit delta3 line
            if delta3 > 1.0:
                print 'delta3: should remove [%f, %s]' % (packet.timestamp,
            self._f.write('%s %f %s %s %f -\n' %
                          ('delta3', packet.timestamp, src, dst, delta3))

    def packet_process_delta4(self, src, dst, packet):
        """delta4: match consecutive segments from the same src."""
        if self._ip_total_pkt == 0:
            self._last_timestamp_from = {
                'ack': {
                    src: None,
                    dst: None,
                'data': {
                    src: None,
                    dst: None,
        traffic = 'ack' if packet.tcp_len == 0 else 'data'
        if self._last_timestamp_from[traffic][src] is not None:
            delta4 = packet.timestamp - self._last_timestamp_from[traffic][src]
            if self._analysis_type == 'packet':
                # emit delta4 line
                    '%s %f %s %s %f %s\n' %
                    ('delta4', packet.timestamp, src, dst, delta4, traffic))
        self._last_timestamp_from[traffic][src] = packet.timestamp

    def flow_header(cls):
        return '#%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (
            'connhash', 'first_ts', 'last_ts', 'ip_proto', 'tcp_seq_syn[src]',
            'tcp_seq_syn[dst]', 'ip_total_pkt', 'ip_total_bytes', 'pps',
            'ip_bitrate', 'tcp_bytes', 'tcp_goodput_bytes',
            'tcp_goodput_bitrate', 'delta1_small_mean', 'delta1_small_median',
            'delta1_large_mean', 'delta1_large_median')

    def flow_process_packet(self, packet):
        """Process a packet for this connection (flow mode)."""
        # first packet of the connection
        src = self.endpoint(packet.ip_src, packet.sport)
        dst = self.endpoint(packet.ip_dst, packet.dport)
        if self._ip_total_pkt == 0:
            self._first_ts = packet.timestamp
            # init connection values
            self._tcp_seq_syn = {
                src: None,
                dst: None,
            self._tcp_seq_first = {
                src: None,
                dst: None,
            self._tcp_seq_last = {
                src: None,
                dst: None,
            self._tcp_total_bytes = {
                src: 0,
                dst: 0,
        # SYN packet
        if packet.tcp_flags_syn:
            self._tcp_seq_syn[src] = packet.tcp_seq
        # any packet: manage time
        self._last_ts = packet.timestamp
        # any packet: manage bytes
        self._ip_total_bytes += packet.ip_len
        self._tcp_total_bytes[src] += packet.tcp_len
        if self._tcp_seq_first[src] is None:
            self._tcp_seq_first[src] = packet.tcp_seq
        nxtseq = (packet.tcp_nxtseq
                  if packet.tcp_nxtseq is not None else packet.tcp_seq)
        if self._tcp_seq_last[src] is None:
            self._tcp_seq_last[src] = nxtseq
            self._tcp_seq_last[src] = self._seq.max(self._tcp_seq_last[src],

    def print_connection_info(self):
        """Prints information about a full connection (flow mode)."""
        if self._analysis_type == 'packet':
        pps = '-'
        ip_bitrate = '-'
        tcp_bytes = '-'
        tcp_goodput_bitrate = '-'
        tcp_goodput_bytes = '-'
        if self._first_ts != self._last_ts:
            pps = self._ip_total_pkt / (self._last_ts - self._first_ts)
            ip_bitrate = (8. * self._ip_total_bytes /
                          (self._last_ts - self._first_ts))
            tcp_bytes = (self._tcp_total_bytes[self._src] +
            tcp_goodput_bytes = 0
            tcp_goodput_bytes += self._seq.diff(self._tcp_seq_last[self._src],
            tcp_goodput_bytes += self._seq.diff(self._tcp_seq_last[self._dst],
            tcp_goodput_bitrate = (8. * tcp_goodput_bytes /
                                   (self._last_ts - self._first_ts))
            if (np.median(self._delta1_list[self._src]) < np.median(
                small_median = np.median(self._delta1_list[self._src])
                small_mean = np.mean(self._delta1_list[self._src])
                large_median = np.median(self._delta1_list[self._dst])
                large_mean = np.mean(self._delta1_list[self._dst])
                small_median = np.median(self._delta1_list[self._dst])
                small_mean = np.mean(self._delta1_list[self._dst])
                large_median = np.median(self._delta1_list[self._src])
                large_mean = np.mean(self._delta1_list[self._src])
                '%s %f %f %s %s %s %i %i %f %f %i %i %f %f %f %f %f\n' %
                (self._connhash, self._first_ts, self._last_ts, self._ip_proto,
                 self._tcp_seq_syn[self._src], self._tcp_seq_syn[self._dst],
                 self._ip_total_pkt, self._ip_total_bytes, pps, ip_bitrate,
                 tcp_bytes, tcp_goodput_bytes, tcp_goodput_bitrate, small_mean,
                 small_median, large_mean, large_median))