コード例 #1
ファイル: addtodb.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def addtobdb(smimol,sminame):
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path  or not os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path)):
    	print('To add to database, you need to set a custom path. Please enter a writeable file path:')
    	new_path = input('path=')
    bpath = globs.custom_path + "/Bind/bind.dict"
    bindcores = readdict(bpath)
    bind_folder = globs.custom_path + "/Bind/"
    # check if binding species exists
    if sminame in bindcores.keys():
        emsg = 'Molecule '+sminame+' already existing in binding species database.'
        return emsg
        # convert to unicode
        smimol = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',smimol).encode('ascii','ignore')
        sminame = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',sminame).encode('ascii','ignore')
        if '~' in smimol:
            smimol = smimol.replace('~',os.expanduser('~'))
        # convert ligand from smiles/file
        bind,bsmi,emsg = bind_load(smimol,bindcores)
        if emsg:
            return emsg
        bind.convert2mol3D() # convert to mol3D
                # new entry for dictionary
                # create shortname
        if len(sminame) > 5:
            shortname = sminame[0:3]+sminame[-2:]
            shortname = sminame
        if '.mol' in smimol:
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.mol,'+shortname+','
        elif '.xyz' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol,bind_folder +sminame+'.xyz')
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.xyz,'+shortname+','
        elif bind.OBmol:
            # write smiles file in Bind species directory
            bind.OBmol.write('smi',bind_folder +sminame+'.smi')
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.smi,'+shortname+','
            # write xyz file in Bind species directory
            bind.writexyz(bind_folder +sminame+'.xyz') # write xyz file
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.xyz,'+shortname+','
        # update dictionary
        f = open(bpath,'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(bpath,'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        for s in ssort:
    return emsg
コード例 #2
ファイル: addtodb.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def addtocdb(smimol,sminame,smicat):
    emsg = False
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path  or not os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path)):
    	print('To add to database, you need to set a custom path. Please enter a writeable file path:')
    	new_path = input('path=')
    cpath = globs.custom_path + "/Cores/cores.dict"
    mcores = readdict(cpath)
    cores_folder = globs.custom_path + "/Cores/"
    # check if core exists
    if sminame in mcores.keys():
        emsg = 'Core '+sminame+' already existing in core database.'
        return emsg
        # get connection atoms
        ccats = filter(None,re.split(' |,|\t',smicat))
        cats = [int(a)-1 for a in ccats]
        if len(cats)==0:
        cs = [str(a) for a in cats]
        css = ' '.join(cs)
        # convert to unicode
        smimol = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',smimol).encode('ascii','ignore')
        if '~' in smimol:
            smimol = smimol.replace('~',os.expanduser('~'))
        # convert ligand from smiles/file
        core,emsg = core_load(smimol,mcores)
        if emsg:
            return emsg
        core.convert2mol3D() # convert to mol3D
        # write xyz file in Cores directory
        # new entry for dictionary
        if '.mol' in smimol:
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.mol,'+css+','+'1'
        elif '.xyz' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol,cores_folder + sminame+'.xyz')
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.xyz,'+css+','+'1'
            core.writexyz(cores_folder +sminame+'.xyz') # write xyz file
            # new entry for dictionary
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.xyz,'+css+','+'1'
        # update dictionary
        f = open(cpath,'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(cpath,'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        for s in ssort:
    return emsg
コード例 #3
def getslicores():
    globs = globalvars()
    if globs.custom_path:  # test if a custom path is used:
        slicores = str(
            globs.custom_path).rstrip('/') + "/Ligands/simple_ligands.dict"
        slicores = resource_filename(
    slicores = readdict(slicores)
    return slicores
コード例 #4
def checkinput(args):
    globs = globalvars()
    emsg = False
    # check core
    if not args.core:
        print 'WARNING: No core specified. Defaulting to Fe. Available cores are: '+getcores()
        args.core = ['fe']
    # check oxidation state
    if not args.oxstate:
			print 'WARNING: No oxidation state specified. Defaulting to '+globs.defaultoxstate[args.core[0].lower()]
			args.oxstate = globs.defaultoxstate[args.core[0].lower()]
			print 'WARNING: No oxidation state specified. Defaulting to II'
			args.oxstate = 'II'
    # check ligands
    if not args.lig and not args.rgen:
        if args.gui:
            from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogWarn
            qqb = mQDialogWarn('Warning','You specified no ligands.\n')
            print 'WARNING: No ligands specified. Defaulting to water.\n'
        args.lig = ['water']
    # check coordination number and geometry
    if not args.coord and not args.geometry:
        if not args.gui:
            print 'WARNING: No geometry and coordination number specified. Defaulting to octahedral (6).\n'
            args.coord = 6
            args.geometry = 'oct'
    coords,geomnames,geomshorts,geomgroups = getgeoms()
    if args.coord and (not args.geometry or (args.geometry not in geomnames and args.geometry not in geomshorts)):
        print 'WARNING: No or unknown coordination geometry specified. Defaulting to '+globs.defaultgeometry[int(args.coord)][1]
        args.geometry = globs.defaultgeometry[int(args.coord)][0]
    if args.geometry and not args.coord:
        if args.geometry not in geomnames and args.geometry not in geomshorts:
            print 'You have specified an invalid geometry. Available geometries are:'
            print 'Defaulting to octahedral (6)'
            args.geometry = 'oct'
            args.coord = 6
                args.coord = coords[geomnames.index(args.geometry)]
                args.coord = coords[geomshorts.index(args.geometry)]
            print 'WARNING: No coordination number specified. Defaulting to '+str(args.coord)
    # check number of ligands
    if args.coord and not args.ligocc:
        print('WARNING: No ligand numbers specified. Defaulting to '+str(args.coord)+' of the first ligand and 0 of all others.\n')
        args.ligocc = [args.coord]
        for lig in args.lig[1:]:
コード例 #5
def getsimilar(smi, nmols, dbselect, finger, squery, args):
    ##   smi: pybel reference smiles     ##
    ##   nmols: number of similar ones   ##
    ## dbselect: database to be searched ##
    ## get database files
    [dbsdf, dbfs] = setupdb(dbselect)
    print('database set up :' + str(dbsdf) + ' || ' + str(dbfs))
    globs = globalvars()
    print('Finding results similar, comparing to ' + smi)

    obab = 'babel'
    if dbfs and args.dbfs:
        com = obab + ' ' + dbfs + ' ' + 'simres.smi -d -xf' + finger + ' -s"' + smi + '" -al' + nmols
        mybash(obab + ' -isdf ' + dbsdf + ' -osdf -O tmp.sdf -d')
        com = obab + ' tmp.sdf simres.smi -xf' + finger + ' -s"' + smi + '"'
    ## perform search using bash commandline
    print('Performing substructure search:')
    print('running:  ' + str(com))
    res = mybash(com)
    print('res = ' + str(res))
    print('number of SMILES returned : ' +
          str(mybash('cat simres.smi | wc -l')))

    if os.path.isfile('tmp.sdf'):
    shutil.copy('simres.smi', 'initial.smi')
    if args.dbmaxsmartsmatches:
        print('Applying filters: inside get similar')
        com = obab + " -ismi simres.smi -osmi -O simres.smi -h --filter " + squery
        print('running:  ' + str(com))
        print('number of lines in simres.smi: ' +
              str(mybash('cat simres.smi | wc -l')))

#		com = obab+" -ismi simres.smi -osmi -O simres.smi -d --filter 'nsmartsmatches<="+args.dbmaxsmartsmatches+"'"
#		rint('running:  '+ str(com))

#		res = mybash(com)
#		print('number of lines in simres.smi after dxbsmartmatches: '+str(mybash('cat simres.smi | wc -l')))

#		print res
    shutil.copy('simres.smi', 'afterfilteringsmarts.smi')
    ## check output and print error if nothing was found
    if ('errors' in res):
        ss = 'No matches were found in DB. Log info:\n' + res
        print ss
        return ss, True
        return 'simres.smi', False
コード例 #6
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: santiama/molSimplify
def getmcores():
    ## this form of the functionn
    ## is used extensively in the GUI
    ## so it got it's own call. This
    ## is basically the same as getcores() but
    ## returns the full dictionary
    globs = globalvars()
    if globs.custom_path: # test if a custom path is used:
         mcores = str(globs.custom_path).rstrip('/') + "/Cores/cores.dict"
        mcores = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),"molSimplify/Cores/cores.dict")
    mcores = readdict(mcores)
    return mcores
コード例 #7
ファイル: ANN.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def simple_slope_ann(slope_excitation):
    path_to_file = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),"molSimplify/python_nn/" + "ms_slope")
    #print('path to ANN data: ',path_to_file)
    n = simple_network_builder([24,50,50],"ms_slope") ## no alpha value
    slope_excitation,sl_center,sl_shift = excitation_standardizer(slope_excitation,'slope')
    result = n.activate(slope_excitation)
   # print('result is ' + str(result))
   # print('center is ' + str(sl_center) + ' shift  '+ str(sl_shift))
    result = (result*sl_shift) + sl_center
    #print('result is ' + str(result))
    return result
コード例 #8
def getlicores():
    globs = globalvars()
    if globs.custom_path:  # test if a custom path is used:
        licores = str(globs.custom_path).rstrip('/') + "/Ligands/ligands.dict"
        licores = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
    licores = readdict(licores)

    for ligand in licores.keys():
        if len(licores[ligand][2]) == 2 and type(licores[ligand][2]) == list:
            licores[ligand + '_flipped'] = copy.deepcopy(licores[ligand])
            licores[ligand + '_flipped'][2].reverse()
    return licores
コード例 #9
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: santiama/molSimplify
def loadcoord(coord):
    globs = globalvars()
#    f = open(installdir+'Data/'+coord+'.dat')
    if globs.custom_path:
        f = globs.custom_path + "/Data/" +coord + ".dat"
        f = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),"molSimplify/Data/" +coord + ".dat")
    f = open(f)

    txt = filter(None,f.read().splitlines())
    b = []
    for line in txt:
        l = filter(None,line.split(None))
    return b
コード例 #10
def simple_slope_ann(slope_excitation):
    globs = globalvars()
    path_to_file = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
                                     "molSimplify/python_nn/" + "ms_slope")
    #print('path to ANN data: ',path_to_file)
    n = simple_network_builder([24, 50, 50], "ms_slope")  ## no alpha value
    slope_excitation, sl_center, sl_shift = excitation_standardizer(
        slope_excitation, 'slope')
    result = n.activate(slope_excitation)
    # print('result is ' + str(result))
    # print('center is ' + str(sl_center) + ' shift  '+ str(sl_shift))
    result = (result * sl_shift) + sl_center
    #print('result is ' + str(result))
    return result
コード例 #11
ファイル: ANN.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def simple_splitting_ann(excitation):
    path_to_file = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),"molSimplify/python_nn/" + "ms_split")
    #print('path to ANN data: ',path_to_file)
    n = simple_network_builder([25,50,50],"ms_split") 
    excitation,sp_center,sp_shift = excitation_standardizer(excitation,'split')
    #print('center is ' + str(sp_center))
    #print('scale is '+ str(sp_shift))
    result = n.activate(excitation)

    #print('result is ' + str(result))
    result = (result*sp_shift) + sp_center
    #print('result is ' + str(result))
    return result,excitation
コード例 #12
ファイル: dbinteract.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def getsimilar(smi, nmols, dbselect, finger, squery, args):
    ##get database files
    [dbsdf, dbfs] = setupdb(dbselect)
    print('database set up :' + str(dbsdf) + ' || ' + str(dbfs))
    globs = globalvars()
    print('Finding results similar, comparing to ' + smi)

    obab = 'babel'
    if dbfs and args.dbfs:
        com = obab + ' ' + dbfs + ' ' + 'simres.smi -d -xf' + finger + ' -s"' + smi + '" -al' + nmols
        mybash(obab + ' -isdf ' + dbsdf + ' -osdf -O tmp.sdf -d')
        com = obab + ' tmp.sdf simres.smi -xf' + finger + ' -s"' + smi + '"'
    # perform search using bash commandline
    print('Performing substructure search:')
    print('running:  ' + str(com))
    res = mybash(com)
    print ('res = ' + str(res))
    print('number of SMILES returned : ' + str(mybash('cat simres.smi | wc -l')))

    if os.path.isfile('tmp.sdf'):
    shutil.copy('simres.smi', 'initial.smi')
    if args.dbmaxsmartsmatches:
        print('Applying filters: inside get similar')
        com = obab + " -ismi simres.smi -osmi -O simres.smi -h --filter " + squery
        print('running:  ' + str(com))
        print('number of lines in simres.smi: ' + str(mybash('cat simres.smi | wc -l')))

    #		com = obab+" -ismi simres.smi -osmi -O simres.smi -d --filter 'nsmartsmatches<="+args.dbmaxsmartsmatches+"'"
    #		rint('running:  '+ str(com))

    #		res = mybash(com)
    #		print('number of lines in simres.smi after dxbsmartmatches: '+str(mybash('cat simres.smi | wc -l')))

    #		print res
    shutil.copy('simres.smi', 'afterfilteringsmarts.smi')
    ## check output and print error if nothing was found
    if ('errors' in res):
        ss = 'No matches were found in DB. Log info:\n' + res
        print ss
        return ss, True
        return 'simres.smi', False
コード例 #13
def simple_splitting_ann(excitation):
    globs = globalvars()
    path_to_file = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
                                     "molSimplify/python_nn/" + "ms_split")
    #print('path to ANN data: ',path_to_file)
    n = simple_network_builder([25, 50, 50], "ms_split")
    excitation, sp_center, sp_shift = excitation_standardizer(
        excitation, 'split')
    # print('center is ' + str(sp_center))
    # print('scale is '+ str(sp_shift))

    result = n.activate(excitation)

    #print('result is ' + str(result))
    result = (result * sp_shift) + sp_center
    #print('result is ' + str(result))
    return result
コード例 #14
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: santiama/molSimplify
def loaddata(path):
    globs = globalvars()
        # loads ML data from ML.dat file and
        # store to dictionary
    if globs.custom_path: # test if a custom path is used:
        fname = str(globs.custom_path).rstrip('/')  + path
        fname = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),"molSimplify"+path)
    d = dict()

    f = open(fname)
    txt = f.read()
    lines = filter(None,txt.splitlines())
    for line in lines[1:]:
        if '#'!=line[0]: # skip comments
            l = filter(None,line.split(None))
            d[(l[0],l[1],l[2],l[3],l[4])] = l[5] # read dictionary
    return d
コード例 #15
def copy_to_custom_path():
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path:
        print('Error, custom path not set!')
        raise ('')
    ## create folder
    if not os.path.exists(globs.custom_path):
    ### copytree cannot overwrite, need to enusre directory does not exist already
    core_dir = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
    li_dir = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
    bind_dir = (resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
    data_dir = (resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
    subs_dir = (resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
    if os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Cores"):
        print('Note: removing old molSimplify data')
        shutil.rmtree(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Cores")
    if os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Ligands"):
        print('Note: removing old molSimplify data')
        shutil.rmtree(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Ligands")
    if os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Bind"):
        print('Note: removing old molSimplify data')
        shutil.rmtree(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Bind")
    if os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Data"):
        print('Note: removing old molSimplify data')
        shutil.rmtree(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Data")
    if os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Substrates"):
        print('Note: removing old molSimplify data')
        shutil.rmtree(str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Substrates")

    shutil.copytree(core_dir, str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Cores")
    shutil.copytree(li_dir, str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Ligands")
    shutil.copytree(bind_dir, str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Bind")
    shutil.copytree(data_dir, str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Data")
                    str(globs.custom_path).rstrip("/") + "/Substrates")
コード例 #16
ファイル: dbinteract.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def setupdb(dbselect):
    globs = globalvars()
    dbdir = os.path.relpath(globs.chemdbdir) + '/'
    # get files in directory
    dbfiles = os.listdir(dbdir)
    # search for db files
    dbmatches = [dbf for dbf in dbfiles if dbselect.lower() in dbf.lower()]
    dbsdf = [dbm for dbm in dbmatches if '.sdf' in dbm]
    dbfs = [dbm for dbm in dbmatches if '.fs' in dbm]
    # print('thefile list' + str(dbfiles))
    if len(dbsdf) == 0:
        print dbselect + ' sdf database file missing from ' + dbdir + '. Please make sure file ' + dbselect + '.sdf is there..'
        dbf1 = False
        dbf1 = dbdir + dbsdf[0]
    if len(dbfs) == 0:
        print dbselect + ' fastsearch database file missing from ' + dbdir + '. Please make sure file ' + dbselect + '.fs is there, it speeds up search significantly..'
        dbf2 = False
        dbf2 = dbdir + dbfs[0]
    return [dbf1, dbf2]
コード例 #17
def setupdb(dbselect):
    globs = globalvars()
    dbdir = os.path.relpath(globs.chemdbdir) + '/'
    # get files in directory
    dbfiles = os.listdir(dbdir)
    # search for db files
    dbmatches = [dbf for dbf in dbfiles if dbselect.lower() in dbf.lower()]
    dbsdf = [dbm for dbm in dbmatches if '.sdf' in dbm]
    dbfs = [dbm for dbm in dbmatches if '.fs' in dbm]
    # print('thefile list' + str(dbfiles))
    if len(dbsdf) == 0:
        print dbselect + ' sdf database file missing from ' + dbdir + '. Please make sure file ' + dbselect + '.sdf is there..'
        dbf1 = False
        dbf1 = dbdir + dbsdf[0]
    if len(dbfs) == 0:
        print dbselect + ' fastsearch database file missing from ' + dbdir + '. Please make sure file ' + dbselect + '.fs is there, it speeds up search significantly..'
        dbf2 = False
        dbf2 = dbdir + dbfs[0]
    return [dbf1, dbf2]
コード例 #18
def parseall(parser):
    globs = globalvars()
    parser.add_argument("-i", help="input file")
    # hidden (non-user) arguments for GUI 
    parser.add_argument("-rprompt", help=argparse.SUPPRESS,action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-gui", help=argparse.SUPPRESS,action="store_true")           # gui placeholder
    parser.add_argument("-checkdirb", help="CLI only: automatically ignore warning to replace existing folder", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("-checkdirt", action="store_true") # directory removal check flag (what does this actually do?)
    return args
コード例 #19
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: xj361685640/molSimplify
def bind_load(userbind, bindcores):
    globs = globalvars()
    if '~' in userbind:
        homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
        userbind = userbind.replace('~', homedir)
    emsg = False
    bind = mol3D()  # initialize binding molecule
    bsmi = False  # flag for smiles
    ### check if binding molecule exists in dictionary
    if userbind in bindcores.keys():
        # load bind mol file (with hydrogens)
        #        fbind = installdir+'Bind/'+bindcores[userbind][0]
        if globs.custom_path:
            fbind = globs.custom_path + "/Bind/" + bindcores[userbind][0]
            fbind = resource_filename(
                "molSimplify/Bind/" + bindcores[userbind][0])
        # check if bind xyz/mol file exists
        if not glob.glob(fbind):
            emsg = "We can't find the binding species structure file %s right now! Something is amiss. Exiting..\n" % fbind
            print emsg
            return False, False, emsg
        if ('.xyz' in fbind):
            bind.OBMol = bind.getOBMol(fbind, 'xyzf')
        elif ('.mol' in fbind):
            bind.OBMol = bind.getOBMol(fbind, 'molf')
        elif ('.smi' in fbind):
            bind.OBMol = bind.getOBMol(fbind, 'smif')
        bind.charge = bind.OBMol.GetTotalCharge()
    ### load from file
    elif ('.mol' in userbind or '.xyz' in userbind or '.smi' in userbind):
        if glob.glob(userbind):
            ftype = userbind.split('.')[-1]
            # try and catch error if conversion doesn't work
                bind.OBMol = bind.getOBMol(userbind,
                                           ftype + 'f')  # convert from file
                bind.charge = bind.OBMol.GetTotalCharge()
            except IOError:
                emsg = 'Failed converting file ' + userbind + ' to molecule..Check your file.\n'
                return False, emsg
            bind.ident = userbind.rsplit('/')[-1]
            bind.ident = bind.ident.split('.' + ftype)[0]
            emsg = 'Binding species file ' + userbind + ' does not exist. Exiting..\n'
            return False, emsg
    ### if not, try converting from SMILES
        # check for transition metals
        userbind = checkTMsmiles(userbind)
        # try and catch error if conversion doesn't work
            bind.OBMol = bind.getOBMol(userbind, 'smi')  # convert from smiles
            bind.charge = bind.OBMol.GetTotalCharge()
            bsmi = True
            bind.ident = 'smi'
        except IOError:
            emsg = "We tried converting the string '%s' to a molecule but it wasn't a valid SMILES string.\n" % userbind
            emsg += "Furthermore, we couldn't find the binding species structure: '%s' in the binding species dictionary. Try again!\n" % userbind
            print emsg
            return False, False, emsg
    return bind, bsmi, emsg
コード例 #20
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: xj361685640/molSimplify
def lig_load(userligand, licores=None):

    if licores == None:
        licores = getlicores()
        #@licores.pop("x", None)
    globs = globalvars()
    ### get groups ###
    groups = []
    for entry in licores:
        groups += licores[entry][3]
    groups = sorted(list(set(groups)))
    # check if user requested group
    if userligand.lower() in groups:
        subligs = [
            key for key in licores if userligand.lower() in licores[key][3]
        # randomly select ligand
        userligand = random.choice(subligs)
    if '~' in userligand:
        homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
        userligand = userligand.replace('~', homedir)
    emsg = False
    lig = mol3D()  # initialize ligand molecule
    lig.needsconformer = False
    ### check if ligand exists in dictionary
    if userligand in licores.keys():
        print('loading ligand from dictionary: ' + str(userligand))
        dbentry = licores[userligand]
        # load lig mol file (with hydrogens)
        if globs.custom_path:
            flig = globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/" + dbentry[0]
            flig = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
                                     "molSimplify/Ligands/" + dbentry[0])
        # check if ligand xyz/mol file exists
        #print('looking for '+flig)
        if not glob.glob(flig):
            emsg = "We can't find the ligand structure file %s right now! Something is amiss. Exiting..\n" % flig
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
        if ('.xyz' in flig):
            lig.OBMol = lig.getOBMol(flig, 'xyzf')
        elif ('.mol' in flig):
            lig.OBMol = lig.getOBMol(flig, 'molf')
        elif ('.smi' in flig):
            print('SMILES conversion')
            lig.OBMol = lig.getOBMol(flig, 'smif')
            lig.needsconformer = True

        ### modified the check for length,
        ### as it parsing string length instead of
        ### list length!
        if isinstance(dbentry[2], (str, unicode)):
            lig.denticity = 1
            lig.denticity = len(dbentry[2])
        lig.ident = dbentry[1]
        lig.charge = lig.OBMol.GetTotalCharge()
        if 'pi' in dbentry[2]:
            lig.cat = [int(l) for l in dbentry[2][:-1]]
            if lig.denticity == 1:
                lig.cat = [int(dbentry[2])]
                lig.cat = [int(l) for l in dbentry[2]]
        if lig.denticity > 1:
            lig.grps = dbentry[3]
            lig.grps = []
        if len(dbentry) > 3:
            lig.ffopt = dbentry[4][0]

    ### load from file
    elif ('.mol' in userligand or '.xyz' in userligand or '.smi' in userligand
          or '.sdf' in userligand):
        #flig = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),"molSimplify/" +userligand)
        if glob.glob(userligand):
            ftype = userligand.split('.')[-1]
            # try and catch error if conversion doesn't work
                print('ligand is an ' + ftype + ' file')
                lig.OBMol = lig.getOBMol(userligand,
                                         ftype + 'f')  # convert from file
                # generate coordinates if not existing
                lig.charge = lig.OBMol.GetTotalCharge()
                print('Ligand successfully converted to OBMol')
            except IOError:
                emsg = 'Failed converting file ' + userligand + ' to molecule..Check your file.\n'
                return False, emsg
            lig.ident = userligand.rsplit('/')[-1]
            lig.ident = lig.ident.split('.' + ftype)[0]
            emsg = 'Ligand file ' + userligand + ' does not exist. Exiting..\n'
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
    ### if not, try interpreting as SMILES string
            lig.getOBMol(userligand, 'smistring', True)  # convert from smiles
            assert lig.natoms
            lig.charge = lig.OBMol.GetTotalCharge()
            print('Ligand successfully interpreted as SMILES')
            emsg = "We tried converting the string '%s' to a molecule but it wasn't a valid SMILES string.\n" % userligand
            emsg += "Furthermore, we couldn't find the ligand structure: '%s' in the ligands dictionary. Try again!\n" % userligand
            emsg += "\nAvailable ligands are: %s\n" % getligs()
            emsg += "\nAnd available groups are: %s\n" % getligroups(licores)
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
        lig.ident = 'smi'
        lig.needsconformer = True
    lig.name = userligand
    return lig, emsg
コード例 #21
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: xj361685640/molSimplify
def substr_load(usersubstrate, sub_i, subcatoms, subcores=None):
    if subcores == None:
        subcores = getsubcores()
    globs = globalvars()
    if '~' in usersubstrate:
        homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
        usersubstrate = usersubstrate.replace('~', homedir)
    emsg = False
    sub = mol3D()  # initialize core molecule
    ### check if substrate exists in dictionary
    if usersubstrate.lower() in [i.subname for i in subcores.keys()]:
        print('loading substrate from dictionary')
        # create a list for each item column in the dictionary
        var_list = []
        for var in [
                subcores[i][0:] for i in subcores.keys()
                if i.subname == usersubstrate.lower()
        var_list = sorted(var_list)
        var_list_sub_i = var_list[sub_i]
        if globs.custom_path:
            fsubst = globs.custom_path + "/Substrates/" + var_list_sub_i[0]
            fsubst = resource_filename(
                "molSimplify/Substrates/" + var_list_sub_i[0])
        # check if substrate xyz/mol file exists
        if not glob.glob(fsubst):
            emsg = "We can't find the substrate structure file %s right now! Something is amiss. Exiting..\n" % fcore
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
        if ('.xyz' in fsubst):
            sub.OBMol = sub.getOBMol(fsubst, 'xyzf')
        elif ('.mol' in fsubst):
            sub.OBMol = sub.getOBMol(fsubst, 'molf')
        elif ('.smi' in fsubst):
            sub.OBMol = sub.getOBMol(fsubst, 'smif')
        # Parsing substrate denticity
        ### modified the check for length,
        ### as it parsing string length instead of
        ### list length!
        if isinstance(var_list_sub_i[2], (str, unicode)):
            sub.denticity = 1
            sub.denticity = len(var_list_sub_i[2])
        # Parsing substrate identity
        sub.ident = var_list_sub_i[1]
        # Parsing substrate charge
        sub.charge = sub.OBMol.GetTotalCharge()
        # Parsing substrate connection atoms
        if 'pi' in var_list_sub_i[2]:
            sub.denticity = 1
            sub.cat = [int(l) for l in var_list_sub_i[2][:-1]]
            if sub.denticity == 1:
                sub.cat = [int(var_list_sub_i[2])]
                sub.cat = [int(l) for l in var_list_sub_i[2]]
        if not subcatoms:
            subcatoms = sub.cat
        # Parsing substrate group
        sub.grps = var_list_sub_i[3]
        if len(var_list_sub_i[4]) > 0:
            sub.ffopt = var_list_sub_i[4]
    ### load from file
    elif ('.mol' in usersubstrate or '.xyz' in usersubstrate
          or '.smi' in usersubstrate):
        if glob.glob(usersubstrate):
            ftype = usersubstrate.split('.')[-1]
            print('Substrate is a ' + ftype + ' file')
            # try and catch error if conversion doesn't work
                sub.OBMol = sub.getOBMol(usersubstrate,
                                         ftype + 'f')  # convert from file
                print('Substrate successfully converted to OBMol')
            except IOError:
                emsg = 'Failed converting file ' + usersubstrate + ' to molecule..Check your file.\n'
                print emsg
                return False, emsg
            sub.ident = usersubstrate.split('.')[0]
            sub.ident = sub.ident.rsplit('/')[-1]
            emsg = 'Substrate file ' + usersubstrate + ' does not exist. Exiting..\n'
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
    ### if not, try converting from SMILES
        # check for transition metals
        usersubstrate = checkTMsmiles(usersubstrate)
        # try and catch error if conversion doesn't work
            sub.OBMol = sub.getOBMol(usersubstrate, 'smistring',
                                     True)  # convert from smiles
            print('Substrate successfully interpreted as smiles')
        except IOError:
            emsg = "We tried converting the string '%s' to a molecule but it wasn't a valid SMILES string.\n" % usercore
            emsg += "Furthermore, we couldn't find the substrate structure: '%s' in the substrates dictionary. Try again!\n" % usercore
            emsg += "\nAvailable substrates are: %s\n" % getsubstrates()
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
        sub.cat = [0]
        sub.denticity = 1
        sub.ident = 'substrate'
    return sub, subcatoms, emsg
コード例 #22
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: xj361685640/molSimplify
def core_load(usercore, mcores=None):
    if mcores == None:
        mcores = getmcores()
    globs = globalvars()
    if '~' in usercore:
        homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
        usercore = usercore.replace('~', homedir)
    emsg = False
    core = mol3D()  # initialize core molecule
    ### check if core exists in dictionary
    if usercore.lower() in mcores.keys():
        #print('loading core from dictionary')
        dbentry = mcores[usercore.lower()]
        # load core mol file (with hydrogens
        if globs.custom_path:
            fcore = globs.custom_path + "/Cores/" + dbentry[0]
            fcore = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
                                      "molSimplify/Cores/" + dbentry[0])
        # check if core xyz/mol file exists
        if not glob.glob(fcore):
            emsg = "We can't find the core structure file %s right now! Something is amiss. Exiting..\n" % fcore
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
        if ('.xyz' in fcore):
            core.OBMol = core.getOBMol(fcore, 'xyzf')
        elif ('.mol' in fcore):
            core.OBMol = core.getOBMol(fcore, 'molf')
        elif ('.smi' in fcore):
            core.OBMol = core.getOBMol(fcore, 'smif')
        core.cat = [int(l) for l in filter(None, dbentry[1])]
        core.denticity = dbentry[2]
        core.ident = usercore
    ### load from file
    elif ('.mol' in usercore or '.xyz' in usercore or '.smi' in usercore):
        if glob.glob(usercore):
            ftype = usercore.split('.')[-1]
            print('Core is a ' + ftype + ' file')
            # try and catch error if conversion doesn't work
                core.OBMol = core.getOBMol(usercore,
                                           ftype + 'f')  # convert from file
                print('Core successfully converted to OBMol')
            except IOError:
                emsg = 'Failed converting file ' + usercore + ' to molecule..Check your file.\n'
                print emsg
                return False, emsg
            core.ident = usercore.split('.')[0]
            core.ident = core.ident.rsplit('/')[-1]
            emsg = 'Core file ' + usercore + ' does not exist. Exiting..\n'
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
    ### if not, try converting from SMILES
        # check for transition metals
        usercore = checkTMsmiles(usercore)
        # try and catch error if conversion doesn't work
            core.OBMol = core.getOBMol(usercore, 'smistring',
                                       True)  # convert from smiles
            print('Core successfully interpreted as smiles')
        except IOError:
            emsg = "We tried converting the string '%s' to a molecule but it wasn't a valid SMILES string.\n" % usercore
            emsg += "Furthermore, we couldn't find the core structure: '%s' in the cores dictionary. Try again!\n" % usercore
            emsg += "\nAvailable cores are: %s\n" % getcores()
            print emsg
            return False, emsg
        core.cat = [0]
        core.denticity = 1
        core.ident = 'core'
    return core, emsg
コード例 #23
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: xj361685640/molSimplify
def checkTMsmiles(smi):
    g = globalvars()
    for m in g.metals():
        if m in smi:
            smi = smi.replace(m, '[' + m + ']')
    return smi
コード例 #24
ファイル: qcgen.py プロジェクト: kjappelbaum/molSimplify
def mlpgen(args, strfiles, rootdir):
    # get global variables
    globs = globalvars()
    jobdirs = []
    coordfs = []
    # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords.
    jobparams = ['EF', 'PM7', 'XYZ', 'HESSIAN']
    spin_keywords = {
        1: 'SINGLET',
        2: 'DOUBLET',
        3: 'TRIPLET',
        4: 'QUARTET',
        5: 'QUINTET',
        6: 'SEXTET',
        7: 'SEPTET'
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    for xyzf in strfiles:
        rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
        xyzf += '.xyz'
        coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
        coordname = xyzft
        # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue.
        nametrunc = coordname
        if not os.path.exists(rdir + '/' + nametrunc) and not args.jobdir:
            os.mkdir(rdir + '/' + nametrunc)
        if args.jobdir:
            mdir = args.jobdir
            mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc
#        shutil.copy2(xyzf,mdir)
#        shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz','.molinp'),mdir.replace('.xyz','.molinp'))
# Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now.
    if args.spin:

    if args.charge:
        jobparams.append('CHARGE=' + str(args.charge))
    # Now we're ready to start building the input file and the job script
    for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
        output = open(strfiles[i] + '.mop', 'w')
        f = open(strfiles[i] + '.xyz')
        s = f.readlines()[2:]  # read coordinates
        # write rem block
        for terms in jobparams:
            output.write(' ' + terms)
        # write additional options
        if (args.remoption):
            if len(args.remoption) % 2 > 0:
                print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -remoption')
                for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.remoption))):
                    key, val = args.remoption[2 *
                                              elem], args.remoption[2 * elem +
                    output.write(key + '\t\t' + val + '\n')
        output.write('\n' + nametrunc + '\n')
        # write $molecule block
        for lines in s:
            ll = lines.split('\t')
            for i, items in enumerate(ll):
                output.write(' ' + items.strip('\n'))
                if i > 0:
                    output.write(' 1')
                if i == 3:
    return jobdirs
コード例 #25
ファイル: qcgen.py プロジェクト: kjappelbaum/molSimplify
def qgen(args, strfiles, method):
    # get global variables
    globs = globalvars()
    jobdirs = []
    coordfs = []
    # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords.
    jobparams = {
        'UNRESTRICTED': 'true',
        'BASIS': 'lanl2dz',
        'JOBTYPE': 'opt',
        'EXCHANGE': 'b3lyp',
        'CORRELATION': 'none',
        'MAX_SCF_CYCLES': '500',
        'GEOM_OPT_MAX_CYCLES': '1000',
        'SYMMETRY': 'off',
        'PRINT_ORBITALS': 'true',
        'CHARGE': '1',
        'SPIN': '1',
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    for xyzf in strfiles:
        rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
        xyzf += '.xyz'
        coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
        coordname = xyzft
        # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue.
        if len(coordname) > 10:
            nametrunc = coordname[0:6] + coordname[-4:]
            nametrunc = coordname
        if not os.path.exists(rdir + '/' + nametrunc) and not args.jobdir:
            os.mkdir(rdir + '/' + nametrunc)
        mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc
        if method:
            mmd = '/' + method
            mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc + mmd
            if not os.path.exists(mdir):

        shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir)
        shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'),
                     mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'))
            shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'),
                         mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report'))
    # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name
    if args.basis and len(args.basis) > 1:
        jobparams['BASIS'] = args.basis
    if args.correlation and len(args.correlation) > 1:
        jobparams['CORRELATION'] = args.correlation
    if method and len(method) > 1:
        jobparams['EXCHANGE'] = method
    if not args.unrestricted:
        jobparams['UNRESTRICTED'] = 'false'
    if (args.runtyp and 'en' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'SP'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'ts' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'TS'
    # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now.
    if args.spin:
        jobparams['SPIN'] = args.spin
    if args.charge:
        jobparams['CHARGE'] = args.charge
    # Now we're ready to start building the input file and the job script
    for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
        output = open(jobd + '/qch.inp', 'w')
        f = open(jobd + '/' + coordfs[i])
        s0 = f.readlines()[2:]  # read coordinates
        # if separate split to two molecules
        if args.bsep and '--' in ''.join(s0):
            idxsplit = [isdx for isdx, ss in enumerate(s0) if '--' in ss][0]
            s = '--\n' + jobparams['CHARGE'] + ' ' + jobparams['SPIN'] + '\n'
            s += ''.join(s0[:idxsplit])
            s += '--\n0 1\n'
            s += ''.join(s0[idxsplit + 3:])
            s = s0
        # write rem block
        output.write('$rem\nUNRESTRICTED\t\t' + jobparams['UNRESTRICTED'])
        output.write('\nBASIS\t\t' + jobparams['BASIS'] + '\nJOBTYPE\t\t' +
        output.write('\nEXCHANGE\t\t' + jobparams['EXCHANGE'] +
        output.write(jobparams['CORRELATION'] + '\nMAX_SCF_CYCLES\t\t')
        output.write(jobparams['MAX_SCF_CYCLES'] + '\nGEOM_OPT_MAX_CYCLES\t\t')
        output.write(jobparams['GEOM_OPT_MAX_CYCLES'] + '\nSYMMETRY\t\t' +
        output.write('\nPRINT_ORBITALS\t\t' + jobparams['PRINT_ORBITALS'] +
        # write additional options
        if (args.remoption):
            if len(args.remoption) % 2 > 0:
                print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -remoption')
                for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.remoption))):
                    key, val = args.remoption[2 *
                                              elem], args.remoption[2 * elem +
                    output.write(key + '\t\t' + val + '\n')
        # write $molecule block
        output.write('$molecule\n' + jobparams['CHARGE'] + ' ' +
                     jobparams['SPIN'] + '\n')
        output.write(''.join(s) + '$end')
    return jobdirs
コード例 #26
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def startgen(argv,flag,gui):
    emsg = False
    # check for configuration file
    homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
    #configfile = False if not glob.glob(homedir+'/.molSimplify') else True
    #if not configfile:
    #    print "It looks like the configuration file '~/.molSimplify' does not exist!Please follow the next steps to configure the file."
    #    instdir = raw_input("Please select the full path of the top installation directory for the program: ")
    #    cdbdir = raw_input("Please specify the full path of the directory containing chemical databases:")
    #    mwfn = raw_input("Specify the full path to the Multiwfn executable (for post-processing):")
    #    f = open(homedir+'/.molSimplify','w')
    #    if len(instdir) > 1:
    #        f.write("INSTALLDIR="+instdir+'\n')
    #    if len(cdbdir) > 1:
    #        f.write("CHEMDBDIR="+cdbdir+'\n')
    #    if len(mwfn) > 1 :
    #        f.write("MULTIWFN="+mwfn[0]+'\n')
    #    f.close()
    ### end set-up configuration file ###
    ############ GLOBALS DEFINITION ############
    globs = globalvars()
    #installdir = globs.installdir
    rundir = globs.rundir
    ###### END GLOBALS DEFINITION ##############
    # correct installdir
    #if installdir[-1]!='/':
    #    installdir+='/'
    # print welcome message
    ss = "\n************************************************************"
    ss += "\n******** Welcome to "+PROGRAM+"! Let's get started. ********\n"
    ss += "************************************************************\n\n"
    if not flag:
        print ss
    sys.argv = argv
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args = parseall(parser)
    # check if input file exists
    if not glob.glob(args.i):
        emsg = 'Input file '+args.i+' does not exist. Please specify a valid input file.\n'
        print emsg
        return emsg
    args.gui = gui # add gui flag
        # parse input file
    if args.i:
    if args.cdxml:
        print 'converting cdxml file into xyz'
        cdxml = args.cdxml[0]
        fname, msg = loadcdxml(cdxml)
        if 'two' in msg:
            core = fname + '_cat.xyz'
            sub = fname + '_sub.xyz'
            args.core = [core]
            args.substrate = [sub]
            args.tsgen = True
    # if not args.postp and not args.dbsearch and not args.dbfinger and not args.drawmode and not (args.slab_gen or args.place_on_slab) and not (args.chain) and not (args.correlate): # check input arguments
    if not args.postp and not args.dbsearch and not args.dbfinger and not (args.slab_gen or args.place_on_slab) and not (args.chain) and not (args.correlate): # check input arguments

        # check input arguments
        print 'Checking input...'
        if args.tsgen:
            emsg = checkinput(args,calctype="tsgen")
        elif args.ligadd:
            emsg = checkinput(args,calctype="dbadd")
            emsg = checkinput(args)
        # check before cleaning input arguments and clean only if checked
    args.gui = False # deepcopy will give error
    if emsg:
        del args
        return emsg
    # check for jobs directory
    rundir = args.rundir+'/' if (args.rundir) else rundir
    if not os.path.isdir(rundir):
    ################### START MAIN ####################
    args0 = copy.deepcopy(args) # save initial arguments
    # add gui flag
    args.gui = gui
    # postprocessing run?

    if (args.postp):
    # database search?
    elif (args.dbsearch or args.dbfinger):
        emsg = dbsearch(rundir,args,globs)
        if emsg:
            del args
            return emsg
            print 'Successful database search!\n'
    # random generation?
    elif (args.rgen): # check if random generation was requested
        if args.charge:
            args.charge = args.charge[0]
        if args.spin:
            args.spin = args.spin[0]
        for cc in corests:
            args = copy.deepcopy(args0)
            # add gui flag
            args.gui = gui
            args.core = cc
            if (args.lig or args.coord or args.lignum or args.ligocc): # constraints given?
                args, emsg = constrgen(rundir,args,globs)
                if emsg:
                    del args
                    return emsg
                emsg = 'For random generation specify at least a ligand, coordination or ligand types.\n'
                print emsg
                del args
                return emsg
    #elif args.drawmode:
    #    emsg = draw_supervisor(args,rundir)            
    # slab/place on slab?
    elif (args.slab_gen or args.place_on_slab):
        emsg = slab_module_supervisor(args,rundir)
    # chain builder
    elif (args.chain):
        print('chain on')
        emsg = chain_builder_supervisor(args,rundir)
    # correlation analysis
    elif (args.correlate):
        print('analysis is looking for correlations')
    # add ligand to list 
    elif (args.ligadd):
        print('adding ' +str(args.ligadd)  + ' to ligand database  with name ' + args.ligname + ' and connection atom(s) ' + str(args.ligcon))
        addtoldb(smimol=args.ligadd.decode('utf-8'),sminame=args.ligname.decode('utf-8'),smident = len(args.ligcon),smicat=str(args.ligcon).strip('[]').decode('utf-8'),smigrps ="custom",smictg="custom",ffopt=args.ligffopt)

    # normal structure generation or transition state building
        args = copy.deepcopy(args0)
        # add gui flag
        args.gui = gui
        # if args.tsgen: # goes through multigenruns for maximum interoperability
        #     print('building a transition state')
        if args.tsgen: # goes through multigenruns for maximum interoperability
            print('building a transition state')
            print('building an equilibrium complex')
        for cc in corests:
            args.core = cc
            emsg = multigenruns(rundir,args,globs)
            if emsg:
                print emsg
                del args
                return emsg
    ss =  "\n**************************************************************"
    ss += "\n***** Thank you for using "+PROGRAM+". Have a nice day! ******\n"
    ss += "**************************************************************"
    ss += globs.about
    if not flag:
        print ss
    del args
    return emsg
コード例 #27

# Written by the HJK Group
# Dpt of Chemical Engineering, MIT

############  Main script that coordinates  ##############
#############  all parts of the program   ################

import sys, argparse, os, platform, shutil
from Scripts.inparse import *
from Scripts.generator import *
from molSimplify.Classes.globalvars import *

globs = globalvars()
DescString_basic = 'Welcome to molSimplify. Only basic usage is described here.\n'
DescString_basic += 'For help on advanced modules, please refer to our documentation at WEBLINK or provide additional commands to -h, as below:\n'
DescString_basic += '-h advanced: advanced structure generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h slabgen: slab builder help\n'
#DescString_basic += '-h chainb: chain builder help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h autocorr: automated correlation analysis help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h db: database search help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h inputgen: quantum chemistry code input file generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h postproc: post-processing help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h random: random generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h binding: binding species (second molecule) generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h customcore: custom core functionalization help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h naming: custom filename help\n'

DescString_advanced = 'Printing advanced structure generation help.'
コード例 #28
ファイル: addtodb.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def removefromDB(sminame,ropt):
    emsg = False
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path  or not os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path)):
    	print('To database, you need to set a custom path. Please enter a writeable file path:')
    	new_path = input('path=')
    li_path =  globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/ligands.dict"
    li_folder =  globs.custom_path +  "/Ligands/"
    core_path =  globs.custom_path +  "/Cores/cores.dict"
    core_dir  =  globs.custom_path +  "/Cores/"
    bind_path =  globs.custom_path + "/Bind/bind.dict"
    bind_folder  = globs.custom_path +"/Bind/"

    # convert to unicode
    sminame = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',sminame).encode('ascii','ignore')

    if ropt==1:
        # update dictionary
        f = open(li_path,'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(li_path,'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        for s in ssort:
            sss = s.split(':')
            if sminame!=sss[0]:
                os.remove(li_folder + sss[1].split(',')[0])
    elif ropt==0:
        mcores = readdict(core_path)
        # update dictionary
        f = open(core_path,'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(core_path,'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        for s in ssort:
            sss = s.split(':')
            if sminame!=sss[0]:
    elif ropt==2:
        bindcores = readdict(bind_path)
        # update dictionary
        f = open(bind_path,'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(bind_path,'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        for s in ssort:
            sss = s.split(':')
            if sminame!=sss[0]:
    return emsg
コード例 #29
def removefromDB(sminame, ropt):
    emsg = False
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path or not os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path)):
            'To database, you need to set a custom path. Please enter a writeable file path:'
        new_path = eval(input('path='))
    li_path = globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/ligands.dict"
    li_folder = globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/"
    core_path = globs.custom_path + "/Cores/cores.dict"
    core_dir = globs.custom_path + "/Cores/"
    bind_path = globs.custom_path + "/Bind/bind.dict"
    bind_folder = globs.custom_path + "/Bind/"

    # convert to unicode
    sminame = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', sminame).encode('ascii',

    if ropt == 1:
        # update dictionary
        f = open(li_path, 'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(li_path, 'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        f.write(ss[0] + '\n')
        for s in ssort:
            sss = s.split(':')
            if sminame != sss[0]:
                f.write(s + '\n')
                os.remove(li_folder + sss[1].split(',')[0])
    elif ropt == 0:
        mcores = readdict(core_path)
        # update dictionary
        f = open(core_path, 'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(core_path, 'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        f.write(ss[0] + '\n')
        for s in ssort:
            sss = s.split(':')
            if sminame != sss[0]:
                f.write(s + '\n')
                os.remove(core_folder + sss[1].split(',')[0])
    elif ropt == 2:
        bindcores = readdict(bind_path)
        # update dictionary
        f = open(bind_path, 'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(bind_path, 'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        f.write(ss[0] + '\n')
        for s in ssort:
            sss = s.split(':')
            if sminame != sss[0]:
                f.write(s + '\n')
                os.remove(bind_folder + sss[1].split(',')[0])
    return emsg
コード例 #30
ファイル: qcgen.py プロジェクト: kjappelbaum/molSimplify
def molcgen(args, strfiles, method):
    # global variables
    globs = globalvars()
    jobdirs = []
    coordfs = []
    # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. TG: removed min_coordinates cartesian
    jobparams = {
        'Group': 'Nosym',
        'method': 'CASSCF',
        'spin': '1',
        'charge': '0',
        # 'nactel':'2',
        # 'frozen':'0',
        # 'ras2':'12',
        'ciroot': '1 1 ;1',
        'ITER': '1000,100',
        'multistate': '1 1',
        'imaginary': '0.1',
        'ipeashift': '0.25',
        'density': 'no',
        'grid_it': 'no',
        'gridtype': 'TOTAL',
        'NPOINTS': '100 100 100',
    # if multiple methods requested generate c directories
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    for xyzf in strfiles:
        rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
        xyzf += '.xyz'
        coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
        coordname = xyzft
        # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue.
        if len(coordname) > 10:
            nametrunc = coordname
            nametrunc = coordname
        if not os.path.exists(rdir + '/' + nametrunc) and not args.jobdir:
            os.mkdir(rdir + '/' + nametrunc)
        mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc
        if method:
            if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u':
                mmd = '/' + method[1:]
                mmd = '/' + method
            mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc + mmd
            if not os.path.exists(mdir):
        if not args.jobdir:
            shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir)
            shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'),
                         mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'))
                shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'),
                             mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report'))
        elif args.jobdir:
    # parse extra arguments
    # Method parsing, does not check if a garbage method is used here:
    if method:
        jobparams['method'] = method
        jobparams['method'] = 'CASSCF'
    print((args.method, method, jobparams['method']))
    # Check runtype
    if (args.runtyp and 'energy' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'energy'
            '''Warning! Currently MOLCAS input file generation is only supported for
                single point energy. For other types of calculation requested, the input
                file is generated for single point energy instead''')
    # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now.
    if args.spin:
        jobparams['spin'] = str(args.spin)
    if args.charge:
        if args.bcharge:
            args.charge = int(args.charge) + int(args.bcharge)
        jobparams['charge'] = str(args.charge)
    # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name
    # Automatically assign basis based on element
    if args.basis and args.basis != 'lacvps_ecp':
        jobparams['basis'] = args.basis
    elif (not args.basis) or args.basis == 'lacvps_ecp':
        temp = mol3D()
        jobparams['basis'] = molcbasis(strfiles, 'ANO-rcc')
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    if args.qoption:
        if len(args.qoption) % 2 != 0:
            print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -qoption')
            for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.qoption))):
                key, val = args.qoption[2 * elem], args.qoption[2 * elem + 1]
                jobparams[key] = val
    # Check which paramters are missing
    # Check and automatically assign number of active electrons
    if 'nactel' not in jobparams:
        oxnum = 0  # oxidation state number
        if args.oxstate in list(romans.keys()):
            oxnum = int(romans[args.oxstate])
            oxnum = int(args.oxstate)
        jobparams['nactel'] = molcnactels(strfiles, oxnum)
        nactel = int(jobparams['nactel'])
        jobparams['nactel'] = [nactel for i in range(0, len(strfiles))]
    # Check and automatically assign number of frozen orbitals for CASSCF
    if 'frozen' not in jobparams:
        jobparams['frozen'] = molcfrozens(strfiles)
        frozen = int(jobparams['frozen'])
        jobparams['frozen'] = [frozen for i in range(0, len(strfiles))]
    # Check and automatically assign number of frozen orbitals for ras2
    if 'ras2' not in jobparams:
        jobparams['ras2'] = molcras2s(strfiles)
        ras2 = int(jobparams['ras2'])
        jobparams['ras2'] = [ras2 for i in range(0, len(strfiles))]
    # Check key for grid_it. Overwrite the default in case
    # the command line input is in different case
    for key in list(jobparams.keys()):
        if 'grid_it' in key.lower() and key != 'grid_it':
            jobparams['grid_it'] = jobparams[key]

    # Now we're ready to start building the input file
    if not args.jobdir:
        for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
            output = open(jobd + '/molcas.input', 'w')
            output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM)
            molcwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i], i)
    elif args.jobdir:
        for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
            print(('jobd is ' + jobd))
            output = open(jobd + '/molcas.input', 'w')
            output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM)
            molcwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i], i)
    return jobdirs
コード例 #31
ファイル: io.py プロジェクト: xj361685640/molSimplify
def plugin_defs():
    globs = globalvars()
    plugin_path = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("molSimplify"),
    return plugin_path
コード例 #32
ファイル: dbinteract.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def dissim(outf, n):
    globs = globalvars()

    obab = 'babel'

    # clone hitlist file
    hit_list_path = "hitlist.smi"

    with open(outf) as f:
        smiles_list = f.readlines()
    with open(hit_list_path, 'w') as f:

    # generate fs of original hit list
    mybash(obab + ' -ismi ' + hit_list_path + ' -osdf tmp.sdf')
    mybash(obab + ' tmp.sdf -ofs')
    # number of hits
    numcpds = mybash('obabel tmp.sdf -onul')
    numcpds = int(numcpds.split(None)[0])
    # pick first element of list
    mybash('obabel tmp.sdf -O 1.smi -f 1  -l 1')
    del smiles_list[0]
    with open(hit_list_path, 'w') as f:
    # recompute the fs and number of hits parameters
    numcpds += -1  # decrease number of hits
    mybash(obab + ' -ismi ' + hit_list_path + ' -osdf tmp.sdf')
    mybash(obab + ' tmp.sdf -ofs')

    print 'Performing dissimilarity search:'
    mostdissim = []
    if n > 1:
        # find most dissimilar structure
        for i in range(n - 1):

            # initialize list of total similarities
            simsum = [0] * numcpds
            # compute total similarity of each dissimilar structure with hit list
            for j in range(i + 1):
                a = mybash('obabel ' + str(j + 1) + '.smi tmp.sdf -ofpt')
                a = a.splitlines()
                a = [s.split('= ') for s in a]
                a = [item for sublist in a for item in sublist]
                aa = []
                for k in a:
                a = aa
                simsum = [x + y for x, y in zip(simsum, a)]
            # pick most dissimilar structure by greedily minimizing total similarity
            mostdissim = simsum.index(min(simsum))
            mybash('obabel tmp.sdf -O ' + str(i + 2) + '.smi -f ' + str(mostdissim + 1) + ' -l' + str(mostdissim + 1))

            # remove most dissimilar from the list and re-write the smi file
            del smiles_list[mostdissim]
            with open(hit_list_path, 'w') as f:

            # recompute the fs and number of hits parameters
            numcpds += -1  # decrease number of hits
            mybash(obab + ' -ismi ' + hit_list_path + ' -osdf tmp.sdf')
            mybash(obab + ' tmp.sdf -ofs')

    # combine results into one file
    f = open('dissimres.smi', 'w')
    for i in range(n):
        ff = open(str(i + 1) + '.smi', 'r')
        s = ff.read().splitlines()
        f.write(s[0] + '\n')
        os.remove(str(i + 1) + '.smi')
    return 0
コード例 #33
ファイル: qcgen.py プロジェクト: kjappelbaum/molSimplify
def gamgen(args, strfiles, method):
    # get global variables
    globs = globalvars()
    jobdirs = []
    coordfs = []
    # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords.
    jobparams = {
        'RUNTYP': 'OPTIMIZE',
        'GBASIS': 'N21',
        'MAXIT': '500',
        'DFTTYP': 'B3LYP',
        'SCFTYP': 'UHF',
        'ICHARG': '0',
        'MULT': '1',
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    for xyzf in strfiles:
        # convert to "gamess format"
        xyzf = xyz2gxyz(xyzf + '.xyz')
        rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
        xyzf += '.gxyz'
        coordname = xyzft
        # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue.
        if len(coordname) > 10:
            nametrunc = coordname[0:6] + coordname[-4:]
            nametrunc = coordname
        if not os.path.exists(rdir + '/' + nametrunc):
            os.mkdir(rdir + '/' + nametrunc)
        mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc
        if method:
            if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u':
                mmd = '/' + method[1:]
                mmd = '/' + method
                jobparams['SCFTYP'] = 'RHF'
            mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc + mmd
            if not os.path.exists(mdir):
        shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir)
        shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.gxyz', '.molinp'),
                     mdir.replace('.gxyz', '.molinp'))
            shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'),
                         mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report'))

    if method:
        if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u':
            method = method[1:]
    # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now.
    if args.spin:
        jobparams['MULT'] = str(args.spin)
    if args.charge:
        jobparams['ICHARG'] = str(args.charge)
    # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name
    if args.gbasis:
        jobparams['GBASIS'] = args.gbasis.upper()
    if args.ngauss:
        jobparams['NGAUSS'] = args.ngauss.upper()
    if method:
        jobparams['DFTTYP'] = method.upper()
    if (args.runtyp and 'en' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'ENERGY'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'ts' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'SADPOINT'
    # Now we're ready to start building the input file and the job script
    for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
        output = open(jobd + '/gam.inp', 'w')
        f = open(coordfs[i])
        s = f.read()  # read coordinates
        jobparams['coordinates'] = s
        output.write('! File created using %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM)
        # write $BASIS block
        output.write(' $BASIS ')
        if args.ngauss:
            output.write(' GBASIS=' + jobparams['GBASIS'])
            output.write(' NGAUSS=' + jobparams['NGAUSS'])
            output.write(' GBASIS=' + jobparams['GBASIS'])
        if args.ndfunc:
            output.write(' NDFUNC=' + args.ndfunc)
        if args.npfunc:
            output.write(' NPFUNC=' + args.npfunc)
        output.write(' $END\n')
        # write $SYSTEM block
        output.write(' $SYSTEM ')
        # check if MWORDS specified by the user
        if not args.sysoption or not ('MWORDS' in args.sysoption):
            output.write(' MWORDS=16')
        # write additional options
        if (args.sysoption):
            if len(args.sysoption) % 2 > 0:
                print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -sysoption')
                for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.sysoption))):
                    key, val = args.sysoption[2 *
                                              elem], args.sysoption[2 * elem +
                    output.write(' ' + key + '=' + val + ' ')
        output.write(' $END\n')
        # write CONTRL block
        output.write(' $CONTRL SCFTYP=' + jobparams['SCFTYP'] + ' DFTTYP=')
        output.write(jobparams['DFTTYP'] + ' RUNTYP=' + jobparams['RUNTYP'])
        output.write('\n  ICHARG=' + jobparams['ICHARG'] + ' MULT=')
        # check if CC basis set specified and add spherical
        if 'CC' in jobparams['GBASIS']:
            output.write(jobparams['MULT'] + ' ISPHER=1\n')
            output.write(jobparams['MULT'] + '\n')
        # write additional options
        if (args.ctrloption):
            if len(args.ctrloption) % 2 > 0:
                print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -ctrloption')
                for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.ctrloption))):
                    key, val = args.ctrloption[2 *
                                               elem], args.ctrloption[2 * elem
                                                                      + 1]
                    output.write(' ' + key + '=' + val + ' ')
        output.write(' $END\n')
        # write $SCF block
        output.write(' $SCF ')
        # check if options specified by the user
        if not args.scfoption or not ('DIRSCF' in args.scfoption):
            output.write(' DIRSCF=.TRUE.')
        if not args.scfoption or not ('DIIS' in args.scfoption):
            output.write(' DIIS=.TRUE.')
        if not args.scfoption or not ('SHIFT' in args.scfoption):
            output.write(' SHIFT=.TRUE.')
        # write additional options
        if (args.scfoption):
            if len(args.scfoption) % 2 != 0:
                print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -scfoption')
                for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.scfoption))):
                    key, val = args.scfoption[2 *
                                              elem], args.scfoption[2 * elem +
                    output.write(' ' + key + '=' + val + ' ')
        output.write(' $END\n')
        # write $STATPT block
        output.write(' $STATPT ')
        # check if NSTEP specified by the user
        if not args.statoption or not ('NSTEP' in args.statoption):
            output.write(' NSTEP=100')
        # write additional options
        if (args.statoption):
            if len(args.statoption) % 2 > 0:
                print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -statoption')
                for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.statoption))):
                    key, val = args.statoption[2 *
                                               elem], args.statoption[2 * elem
                                                                      + 1]
                    output.write(' ' + key + '=' + val + ' ')
        output.write(' $END\n')
        # write $DATA block
        output.write(' $DATA\n')
        output.write(jobparams['coordinates'] + ' $END\n')
    return jobdirs
コード例 #34
ファイル: generator.py プロジェクト: santiama/molSimplify
def startgen(argv, flag, gui):
    emsg = False
    ### check for configuration file ##
    homedir = os.path.expanduser("~")
    #configfile = False if not glob.glob(homedir+'/.molSimplify') else True
    #if not configfile:
    #    print "It looks like the configuration file '~/.molSimplify' does not exist!Please follow the next steps to configure the file."
    #    instdir = raw_input("Please select the full path of the top installation directory for the program: ")
    #    cdbdir = raw_input("Please specify the full path of the directory containing chemical databases:")
    #    mwfn = raw_input("Specify the full path to the Multiwfn executable (for post-processing):")
    #    f = open(homedir+'/.molSimplify','w')
    #    if len(instdir) > 1:
    #        f.write("INSTALLDIR="+instdir+'\n')
    #    if len(cdbdir) > 1:
    #        f.write("CHEMDBDIR="+cdbdir+'\n')
    #    if len(mwfn) > 1 :
    #        f.write("MULTIWFN="+mwfn[0]+'\n')
    #    f.close()
    ### end set-up configuration file ###
    ############ GLOBALS DEFINITION ############
    globs = globalvars()
    #installdir = globs.installdir
    rundir = globs.rundir
    ###### END GLOBALS DEFINITION ##############
    # correct installdir
    #if installdir[-1]!='/':
    #    installdir+='/'
    # print welcome message
    ss = "\n************************************************************"
    ss += "\n******** Welcome to " + PROGRAM + "! Let's get started. ********\n"
    ss += "************************************************************\n\n"
    if not flag:
        print ss
    sys.argv = argv
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args = parseall(parser)
    # check if input file exists
    if not glob.glob(args.i):
        emsg = 'Input file ' + args.i + ' does not exist. Please specify a valid input file.\n'
        print emsg
        return emsg
    args.gui = gui  # add gui flag
    # parse input file
    if args.i:
    if not args.postp and not args.dbsearch and not args.dbfinger and not (
            args.slab_gen or args.place_on_slab) and not (args.chain) and not (
                args.correlate):  # check input arguments
        # check input arguments
        print 'Checking input...'
        emsg = checkinput(args)
        # check before cleaning input arguments and clean only if checked
    args.gui = False  # deepcopy will give error
    if emsg:
        del args
        return emsg
    # check for jobs directory
    rundir = args.rundir + '/' if (args.rundir) else rundir
    if not os.path.isdir(rundir):
    ################### START MAIN ####################
    args0 = copy.deepcopy(args)  # save initial arguments
    # add gui flag
    args.gui = gui
    # postprocessing run?

    if (args.postp):
        postproc(rundir, args, globs)
    # database search?
    elif (args.dbsearch or args.dbfinger):
        emsg = dbsearch(rundir, args, globs)
        if emsg:
            del args
            return emsg
            print 'Successful database search!\n'
    # random generation?
    elif (args.rgen):  # check if random generation was requested
        if args.charge:
            args.charge = args.charge[0]
        if args.spin:
            args.spin = args.spin[0]
        corests = args.core
        for cc in corests:
            args = copy.deepcopy(args0)
            # add gui flag
            args.gui = gui
            args.core = cc
            if (args.lig or args.coord or args.lignum
                    or args.ligocc):  # constraints given?
                args, emsg = constrgen(rundir, args, globs)
                if emsg:
                    del args
                    return emsg
                emsg = 'For random generation specify at least a ligand, coordination or ligand types.\n'
                print emsg
                del args
                return emsg
    # slab/place on slab?
    elif (args.slab_gen or args.place_on_slab):
        emsg = slab_module_supervisor(args, rundir)
    # chain builder
    elif (args.chain):
        print('chain on')
        emsg = chain_builder_supervisor(args, rundir)
    # correlation analysis
    elif (args.correlate):
        print('analysis is looking for correlations')
        analysis_supervisor(args, rundir)

    # normal structure generation
        args = copy.deepcopy(args0)
        # add gui flag
        args.gui = gui
        corests = args.core
        for cc in corests:
            args.core = cc
            emsg = multigenruns(rundir, args, globs)
            if emsg:
                print emsg
                del args
                return emsg
    ss = "\n**************************************************************"
    ss += "\n***** Thank you for using " + PROGRAM + ". Have a nice day! ******\n"
    ss += "**************************************************************"
    ss += globs.about
    if not flag:
        print ss
    del args
    return emsg
コード例 #35
ファイル: qcgen.py プロジェクト: kjappelbaum/molSimplify
def tcgen(args, strfiles, method):
    # global variables
    # print('----- args provided to tc gen --------')
    # print(args)
    globs = globalvars()
    jobdirs = []
    coordfs = []
    # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. TG: removed min_coordinates cartesian
    jobparams = {
        'run': 'minimize',
        'timings': 'yes',
        'maxit': '500',
        'scrdir': './scr',
        'method': 'b3lyp',
        'basis': 'lacvps_ecp',
        'spinmult': '1',
        'charge': '0',
        'gpus': '1',
    # if multiple methods requested generate c directories
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    for xyzf in strfiles:
        rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
        xyzf += '.xyz'
        coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
        coordname = xyzft
        # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue.
        if len(coordname) > 10:
            nametrunc = coordname
            nametrunc = coordname
        if not os.path.exists(rdir + '/' + nametrunc) and not args.jobdir:
            os.mkdir(rdir + '/' + nametrunc)
        mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc
        if method:
            if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u':
                mmd = '/' + method[1:]
                mmd = '/' + method
            mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc + mmd
            if not os.path.exists(mdir):
        if not args.jobdir:
            if not args.reportonly:
                shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir)
            shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'),
                         mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'))
                shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'),
                             mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report'))
        elif args.jobdir:
    # if report only specified, end here
    if args.reportonly:
        return jobdirs
    # parse extra arguments
    # Method parsing, does not check if a garbage method is used here:
    unrestricted = False
    if method:
        jobparams['method'] = method
        if ('u' or 'U') in method[0]:
            # Unrestricted calculation
            unrestricted = True
            # Restricted calculation
            unrestricted = False
            if args.spin and int(args.spin) > 1:
                jobparams['method'] = 'u' + method
                unrestricted = True
        if args.spin and int(args.spin) >= 1:
            jobparams['method'] = 'ub3lyp'
            unrestricted = True
            jobparams['method'] = 'b3lyp'
    if (args.runtyp and 'energy' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'energy'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'ts' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'ts'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'gradient' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'gradient'
    if (args.gpus):
        jobparams['gpus'] = args.gpus
    if (args.dispersion):
        jobparams['dispersion'] = args.dispersion
    # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now.
    if args.spin:
        jobparams['spinmult'] = args.spin
    if args.charge:
        if args.bcharge:
            args.charge = int(args.charge) + int(args.bcharge)
        jobparams['charge'] = args.charge
    # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name
    if args.basis:
        ecp = False  # Flag not currently used, for deciding gpus_ecp code or not later. Can always specify with 'extra' command
        if '*' in args.basis:
            jobparams['basis'] = args.basis.replace('*', 's')
            jobparams['basis'] = args.basis
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    if args.qoption:
        if len(args.qoption) % 2 != 0:
            print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -qoption')
            for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.qoption))):
                key, val = args.qoption[2 * elem], args.qoption[2 * elem + 1]
                jobparams[key] = val
    # Extra keywords for unrestricted.
    if unrestricted:
        # If running unrestricted, assume convergence will be more difficult for now.
        jobparams['scf'] = 'diis+a'
        if 'levelshift' not in jobparams:
            jobparams['levelshift'] = 'yes'
        elif jobparams['levelshift'] != 'yes':
                "Warning! You're doing an unrestricted calculation but have set levelshift = %s"
                % (jobparams['levelshift'])))
        if 'levelshiftvala' not in jobparams:
            jobparams['levelshiftvala'] = '0.25'
        if 'levelshiftvalb' not in jobparams:
            jobparams['levelshiftvalb'] = '0.25'
    # Now we're ready to start building the input file
    if not args.jobdir:
        for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
            output = open(jobd + '/terachem_input', 'w')
            output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM)
            jobparams['coordinates'] = coordfs[i]
            for keys in list(jobparams.keys()):
                output.write('%s %s\n' % (keys, jobparams[keys]))
            if jobparams['run'] == 'minimize':
                output.write('new_minimizer yes\n')
                #output.write('min_coordinates cartesian\n')
            if args.tc_fix_dihedral:
                temp = mol3D()
                metal_ind = temp.findMetal()
                fixed_atoms = list()
                fixed_atoms = temp.getBondedAtoms(metal_ind)
                fixed_atoms = [str(int(i) + 1)
                               for i in fixed_atoms]  # 1-based indices
                string_to_write = 'dihedral 0 ' + '_'.join(fixed_atoms)
                # print(string_to_write)
                output.write('$constraint_set \n')
                output.write(string_to_write + '\n')
    elif args.jobdir:
        for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
            print(('jobd is ' + jobd))
            if args.name:
                output = open(jobd + '/' + args.name + '.in', 'w')
                output = open(jobd + '/terachem_input', 'w')
            output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM)
            jobparams['coordinates'] = coordfs[i]
            for keys in list(jobparams.keys()):
                output.write('%s %s\n' % (keys, jobparams[keys]))
            if jobparams['run'] == 'minimize':
                output.write('new_minimizer yes\n')
                #output.write('min_coordinates cartesian\n')
            if args.tc_fix_dihedral:
                temp = mol3D()
                metal_ind = temp.findMetal()
                fixed_atoms = list()
                fixed_atoms = temp.getBondedAtoms(metal_ind)
                fixed_atoms = [str(int(i) + 1)
                               for i in fixed_atoms]  # 1-based indices
                string_to_write = 'dihedral 0 ' + '_'.join(fixed_atoms)
                # print(string_to_write)
                output.write('$constraint_set \n')
                output.write(string_to_write + '\n')
    return jobdirs
コード例 #36
ファイル: addtodb.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def addtoldb(smimol,sminame,smident,smicat,smigrps,smictg,ffopt):
    emsg = False
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path  or not os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path)):
	print('To add to database, you need to set a custom path. Please enter a writeable file path:')
	new_path = input('path=')

    lipath = globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/ligands.dict"
    licores = readdict(lipath)
    ligands_folder = globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/"
    print("ligands_folder is : " + str(ligands_folder))
    # check if ligand exists
    if sminame in licores.keys():
        emsg = 'Ligand '+sminame+' already existing in ligands database.' 
        emsg += ' To replace, delete the existing entry first.'
        return emsg
        # get connection atoms
        ccats = filter(None,re.split(' |,|\t',smicat))
        # get groups
        groups = filter(None,re.split(' |,|\t',smigrps))
        grp = 'all '+' '.join(groups)
        grp += ' '+smictg
        if smicat=='':
            cats = range(0,int(smident))
            cats = [int(a)-1 for a in ccats]
        cs = [str(a) for a in cats]
        css = ' '.join(cs)
        # convert to unicode
        smimol = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',smimol).encode('ascii','ignore')
        sminame = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',sminame).encode('ascii','ignore')
        if '~' in smimol:
            smimol = smimol.replace('~',os.expanduser('~'))
        # convert ligand from smiles/file
        lig,emsg = lig_load(smimol,licores)
        if emsg:
            return emsg
        lig.convert2mol3D() # convert to mol3D
        shortname = sminame
        print("smimol is "+str(smimol))
        print("sminame is "+str(sminame))
        # sanitize ff options:
        if not ffopt in ["A","B","BA"]:
            print('warning: incompatible ffopt choice. Options are ' + str(["A","B","BA","N"]))
        # new entry for dictionary
        if '.mol' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol,ligands_folder + sminame+'.mol')
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.mol,'+shortname+','+css+','+grp+','+ffopt
        elif '.xyz' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol,ligands_folder + sminame+'.xyz')
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.xyz,'+shortname+','+css+','+grp+','+ffopt
        elif lig.OBMol: 
            # write smiles file in Ligands directory
            obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion()
            red = obConversion.Read(lig.OBMol)
            obConversion.WriteFile(lig.OBMol,ligands_folder + sminame+'.smi')
            #lig.OBMol.write('smi',ligands_folder + sminame+'.smi')
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.smi,'+shortname+','+css+','+grp+','+ffopt
            # write xyz file in Ligands directory
            lig.writexyz(ligands_folder+sminame+'.xyz') # write xyz file
            snew = sminame+':'+sminame+'.xyz,'+shortname+','+css+','+grp+','+ffopt
        # update dictionary

        f = open(lipath,'r')

        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(lipath,'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        for s in ssort:
    return emsg
コード例 #37
ファイル: qcgen.py プロジェクト: kjappelbaum/molSimplify
def ogen(args, strfiles, method):
    # global variables
    globs = globalvars()
    jobdirs = []
    coordfs = []
    # Initialize the jobparams dictionary with mandatory/useful keywords. TG: removed min_coordinates cartesian
    jobparams = {
        'run': 'Sp',
        'basis': 'def2-TZVP',
        'MaxIter': '500',
        'method': 'B3LYP',
        'spinmult': '1',
        'charge': '0',
        'ERI': 'NORI',
        'REL': '',
        'UNO': '',
        'mdci_maxit': '200',
        'mdci_shift': '0.2',
        'HFX': False,
    # if multiple methods requested generate c directories
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    for xyzf in strfiles:
        rdir = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        xyzft = xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
        xyzf += '.xyz'
        coordfs.append(xyzf.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
        coordname = xyzft
        # Setting jobname for files + truncated name for queue.
        if len(coordname) > 10:
            nametrunc = coordname
            nametrunc = coordname
        if not os.path.exists(rdir + '/' + nametrunc) and not args.jobdir:
            os.mkdir(rdir + '/' + nametrunc)
        mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc
        if method:
            if method[0] == 'U' or method[0] == 'u':
                mmd = '/' + method[1:]
                mmd = '/' + method
            mdir = rdir + '/' + nametrunc + mmd
            if not os.path.exists(mdir):
        if not args.jobdir:
            shutil.copy2(xyzf, mdir)
            shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'),
                         mdir.replace('.xyz', '.molinp'))
                shutil.copy2(xyzf.replace('.xyz', '.report'),
                             mdir.replace('.xyz', '.report'))
        elif args.jobdir:
    # parse extra arguments
    # Method parsing, does not check if a garbage method is used here:
    unrestricted = False
    if method:
        jobparams['method'] = method
        if args.spin and int(args.spin) > 1:
            unrestricted = True
        # For ORCA, "ro" or "u" is not needed
        if ('u' or 'U') in method[0]:
            jobparams['method'] = method[1:]
            # Unrestricted calculation
        elif ('ro' or 'RO') in method[0]:
            # Restricted calculation
            unrestricted = False
            jobparams['method'] = method[2:]
        if args.spin and int(args.spin) >= 1:
            jobparams['method'] = 'B3LYP'
            unrestricted = True
            jobparams['method'] = 'B3LYP'
    print((args.method, method, jobparams['method']))
    # Check runtype and we accept both ORCA and terachem naming convention
    if (args.runtyp and 'energy' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'Sp'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'sp' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'Sp'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'opt' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'Opt'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'minimize' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'Opt'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'gradient' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'EnGrad'
    elif (args.runtyp and 'engrad' in args.runtyp.lower()):
        jobparams['run'] = 'EnGrad'
    # Special sanity check for CCSD(T)
    if jobparams['run'] == 'Opt' and 'CC' in jobparams['method']:
            '''Warning! You requested geometry optimization with Coupled-Cluster methods,
                which is NOT supported. Instead, we will geometry optimize the structure 
                with B3LYP and then conduct CCSD(T) energy calculation on the optimized structure'''
    # TODO: check ORCA dispersion
    if (args.dispersion):
        jobparams['dispersion'] = args.dispersion
    # Just carry over spin and charge keywords if they're set. Could do checks, none for now.
    if args.spin:
        jobparams['spinmult'] = args.spin
    if args.charge:
        if args.bcharge:
            args.charge = int(args.charge) + int(args.bcharge)
        jobparams['charge'] = args.charge
    # Check for existence of basis and sanitize name
    # Read in basis name from args only if it's not the default for terachem
    if args.basis and args.basis != 'lacvps_ecp':
        jobparams['basis'] = args.basis
    if 'DIISMaxEq' not in jobparams:
        jobparams['DIISMaxEq'] = 15
    # Overwrite plus add any new dictionary keys from commandline input.
    if args.qoption:
        if len(args.qoption) % 2 != 0:
            print('WARNING: wrong number of arguments in -qoption')
            for elem in range(0, int(0.5 * len(args.qoption))):
                key, val = args.qoption[2 * elem], args.qoption[2 * elem + 1]
                jobparams[key] = val
    # Extra keywords for unrestricted.
    if unrestricted:
        # If running unrestricted, assume convergence will be more difficult for now.
        jobparams['scf'] = 'SlowConv'
        jobparams['UNO'] = 'UNO'
        if 'levelshift' not in jobparams:
            jobparams['levelshift'] = 'yes'
        elif jobparams['levelshift'] != 'yes':
                "Warning! You're doing an unrestricted calculation but have set levelshift = %s"
                % (jobparams['levelshift'])))
        if 'levelshiftval' not in jobparams:
            if 'levelshiftvala' in jobparams:
                jobparams['levelshiftval'] = jobparams['levelshiftvala']
            elif 'levelshiftvalb' in jobparams:
                jobparams['levelshiftval'] = jobparams['levelshiftvalb']
                jobparams['levelshiftval'] = 0.25
        if 'ErrOff' not in jobparams:
            jobparams['ErrOff'] = 0.00001
    # Now we're ready to start building the input file
    if not args.jobdir:
        for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
            output = open(jobd + '/orca.in', 'w')
            output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM)
            if 'CC' in jobparams['method'] and jobparams['run'] == 'Opt':
                params0 = jobparams.copy()
                params0['method'] = 'B3LYP'
                ogenwrt(output, params0, coordfs[i])
                jobparams['run'] = 'Sp'
                ogenwrt(output, jobparams, '')
                ogenwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i])
    elif args.jobdir:
        for i, jobd in enumerate(jobdirs):
            print(('jobd is ' + jobd))
            output = open(jobd + '/orca.in', 'w')
            output.write('# file created with %s\n' % globs.PROGRAM)
            if 'CC' in jobparams['method'] and jobparams['run'] == 'Opt':
                params0 = jobparams.copy()
                params0['method'] = 'B3LYP'
                ogenwrt(output, params0, coordfs[i])
                jobparams['run'] = 'Sp'
                ogenwrt(output, jobparams, '')
                ogenwrt(output, jobparams, coordfs[i])
    return jobdirs
コード例 #38
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
    molSimplify is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with molSimplify. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

import sys, argparse, os, platform, shutil
from Scripts.inparse import *
from Scripts.generator import *
from molSimplify.Classes.globalvars import *

globs = globalvars()
## Basic help description string
DescString_basic = 'Welcome to molSimplify. Only basic usage is described here.\n'
DescString_basic += 'For help on advanced modules, please refer to our documentation at molsimplify.mit.edu or provide additional commands to -h, as below:\n'
DescString_basic += '-h advanced: advanced structure generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h slabgen: slab builder help\n'
#DescString_basic += '-h chainb: chain builder help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h autocorr: automated correlation analysis help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h db: database search help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h inputgen: quantum chemistry code input file generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h postproc: post-processing help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h random: random generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h binding: binding species (second molecule) generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h customcore: custom core functionalization help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h tsgen: transition state generation help\n'
DescString_basic += '-h naming: custom filename help\n'
コード例 #39
def addtobdb(smimol, sminame):
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path or not os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path)):
            'To add to database, you need to set a custom path. Please enter a writeable file path:'
        new_path = eval(input('path='))
    bpath = globs.custom_path + "/Bind/bind.dict"
    bindcores = readdict(bpath)
    bind_folder = globs.custom_path + "/Bind/"
    # check if binding species exists
    if sminame in list(bindcores.keys()):
        emsg = 'Molecule ' + sminame + ' already existing in binding species database.'
        return emsg
        # convert to unicode
        smimol = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',
        sminame = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',
        if '~' in smimol:
            smimol = smimol.replace('~', os.expanduser('~'))
        # convert ligand from smiles/file
        bind, bsmi, emsg = bind_load(smimol, bindcores)
        if emsg:
            return emsg
        bind.convert2mol3D()  # convert to mol3D
        # new entry for dictionary
        # create shortname
        if len(sminame) > 5:
            shortname = sminame[0:3] + sminame[-2:]
            shortname = sminame
        if '.mol' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol, bind_folder + sminame + '.mol')
            snew = sminame + ':' + sminame + '.mol,' + shortname + ','
        elif '.xyz' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol, bind_folder + sminame + '.xyz')
            snew = sminame + ':' + sminame + '.xyz,' + shortname + ','
        elif bind.OBmol:
            # write smiles file in Bind species directory
            bind.OBmol.write('smi', bind_folder + sminame + '.smi')
            snew = sminame + ':' + sminame + '.smi,' + shortname + ','
            # write xyz file in Bind species directory
            bind.writexyz(bind_folder + sminame + '.xyz')  # write xyz file
            snew = sminame + ':' + sminame + '.xyz,' + shortname + ','
        # update dictionary
        f = open(bpath, 'r')
        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(bpath, 'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        f.write(ss[0] + '\n')
        for s in ssort:
            f.write(s + '\n')
    return emsg
コード例 #40
ファイル: postproc.py プロジェクト: hjkgrp/molSimplify
def postproc(rundir,args,globs):
    globs = globalvars()
    if args.gui:
        from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogErr
        from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogInf
        choice = mQDialogInf('Post processing','Parsing the results will take a while..Please be patient. Start?')
    # locate output files
    pdir = args.postdir if args.postdir else globs.rundir
    cmd = "find '"+pdir+"' -name *out"
    t = mybash(cmd)
    resf = t.splitlines()
    logfile = pdir+"/post.log"
    if not os.path.isdir(pdir):
        print '\nSpecified directory '+pdir+' does not exist..\n\n'
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nSpecified directory '+pdir+' does not exist.\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
    flog = open(logfile,'a')
    flog.write('\n\n\n##### Date: '+time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')+'#####\n\n')
    # run summary report
    if args.pres:
        print '\nGetting runs summary..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGetting runs summary..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGetting runs summary..\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
    # run nbo analysis
    if args.pnbo:
        print '\nGetting NBO summary..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGetting NBO summary..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGetting NBO summary..\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
    # locate molden files
    cmd = "find "+"'"+pdir+"'"+" -name *molden"
    t = mybash(cmd)
    molf = t.splitlines()
    # parse molecular orbitals
    if args.porbinfo:
        print '\nGetting MO information..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGetting MO information..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGetting MO information..\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir+'/MO_files'):
    # calculate delocalization indices
    if args.pdeloc:
        print '\nCalculating delocalization indices..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nCalculating delocalization indices..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nCalculating delocalization indices..\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir+'/Deloc_files'):
    # calculate charges
    if args.pcharge:
        print '\nCalculating charges..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nCalculating charges..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nCalculating charges..\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir+'/Charge_files'):
    # parse wavefunction
    if args.pwfninfo:
        print '\nCalculating wavefunction properties..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nCalculating wavefunction properties..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nCalculating wavefunction properties..\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir+'/Wfn_files'):
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir+'/Cube_files'):
        if not args.pgencubes and os.path.isdir(pdir+'/Cube_files'):
    # generate cube files
    if args.pgencubes:
        print '\nGenerating cube files..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGenerating cube files..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGenerating cube files..\n\n'+args.gui.iWtxt.toPlainText())
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir+'/Cube_files'):
コード例 #41
def addtoldb(smimol, sminame, smident, smicat, smigrps, smictg, ffopt):
    emsg = False
    globs = globalvars()
    if not globs.custom_path or not os.path.exists(str(globs.custom_path)):
            'To add to database, you need to set a custom path. Please enter a writeable file path:'
        new_path = eval(input('path='))

    lipath = globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/ligands.dict"
    licores = readdict(lipath)
    ligands_folder = globs.custom_path + "/Ligands/"
    print(("ligands_folder is : " + str(ligands_folder)))
    # check if ligand exists
    if sminame in list(licores.keys()):
        emsg = 'Ligand ' + sminame + ' already existing in ligands database.'
        emsg += ' To replace, delete the existing entry first.'
        return emsg
        # get connection atoms
        ccats = [_f for _f in re.split(' |,|\t', smicat) if _f]
        # get groups
        groups = [_f for _f in re.split(' |,|\t', smigrps) if _f]
        grp = 'build ' + ' '.join(groups)
        grp += ' ' + smictg
        if smicat == '':
            cats = list(range(0, int(smident)))
            cats = [int(a) - 1 for a in ccats]
        cs = [str(a) for a in cats]
        css = ' '.join(cs)
        # convert to unicode
        smimol = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',
        sminame = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', str(sminame)).encode(
            'ascii', 'ignore').decode()
        if '~' in smimol:
            smimol = smimol.replace('~', os.expanduser('~'))
        # convert ligand from smiles/file
        lig, emsg = lig_load(smimol, licores)
        if emsg:
            return emsg
        lig.convert2mol3D()  # convert to mol3D

        shortname = sminame
        print(("smimol is " + str(smimol)))
        print(("sminame is " + str(sminame)))
        # sanitize ff options:
        if not ffopt in ["A", "B", "BA"]:
            print(('warning: incompatible ffopt choice. Options are ' +
                   str(["A", "B", "BA", "N"])))

        # new entry for dictionary
        if '.mol' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol, ligands_folder + sminame + '.mol')
            snew = str(sminame) + ':' + str(sminame) + '.mol,' + str(
                shortname) + ',' + str(css) + ',' + str(grp) + ',' + str(
                    ffopt) + ',' + str(lig.charge)
        elif '.xyz' in smimol:
            shutil.copy2(smimol, ligands_folder + sminame + '.xyz')
            snew = str(sminame) + ':' + str(sminame) + '.xyz,' + str(
                shortname) + ',' + str(css) + ',' + str(grp) + ',' + str(
                    ffopt) + ',' + str(lig.charge)
        elif lig.OBMol:
            # write smiles file in Ligands directory
            obConversion = openbabel.OBConversion()
            red = obConversion.Read(lig.OBMol)
                                   ligands_folder + sminame + '.smi')
            #lig.OBMol.write('smi',ligands_folder + sminame+'.smi')
            snew = str(sminame) + ':' + str(sminame) + '.smi,' + str(
                shortname) + ',' + str(css) + ',' + str(grp) + ',' + str(
                    ffopt) + ',' + str(lig.charge)
            # write xyz file in Ligands directory
            lig.writexyz(ligands_folder + sminame + '.xyz')  # write xyz file
            snew = str(sminame) + ':' + str(sminame) + '.xyz,' + str(
                shortname) + ',' + str(css) + ',' + str(grp) + ',' + str(
                    ffopt) + ',' + str(lig.charge)
        # update dictionary

        f = open(lipath, 'r')

        ss = f.read().splitlines()
        f = open(lipath, 'w')
        ssort = sorted(ss[1:])
        f.write(ss[0] + '\n')
        for s in ssort:
            f.write(s + '\n')
    return emsg
コード例 #42
def postproc(rundir, args, globs):
    globs = globalvars()
    if args.gui:
        from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogErr
        from Classes.mWidgets import mQDialogInf
        choice = mQDialogInf(
            'Post processing',
            'Parsing the results will take a while..Please be patient. Start?')
    # locate output files
    pdir = args.postdir if args.postdir else globs.rundir
    cmd = "find '" + pdir + "' -name *out"
    t = mybash(cmd)
    resf = t.splitlines()
    logfile = pdir + "/post.log"
    if not os.path.isdir(pdir):
        print '\nSpecified directory ' + pdir + ' does not exist..\n\n'
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nSpecified directory ' + pdir +
                                   ' does not exist.\n\n' +
    flog = open(logfile, 'a')
    flog.write('\n\n\n##### Date: ' + time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M') +
    # run summary report
    if args.pres:
        print '\nGetting runs summary..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGetting runs summary..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGetting runs summary..\n\n' +
        terapost(resf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
        gampost(resf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
    # run nbo analysis
    if args.pnbo:
        print '\nGetting NBO summary..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGetting NBO summary..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGetting NBO summary..\n\n' +
        nbopost(resf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
    # locate molden files
    cmd = "find " + "'" + pdir + "'" + " -name *molden"
    t = mybash(cmd)
    molf = t.splitlines()
    # parse molecular orbitals
    if args.porbinfo:
        print '\nGetting MO information..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGetting MO information..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGetting MO information..\n\n' +
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir + '/MO_files'):
            os.mkdir(pdir + '/MO_files')
        moldpost(molf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
    # calculate delocalization indices
    if args.pdeloc:
        print '\nCalculating delocalization indices..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nCalculating delocalization indices..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
                '\nCalculating delocalization indices..\n\n' +
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir + '/Deloc_files'):
            os.mkdir(pdir + '/Deloc_files')
        deloc(molf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
    # calculate charges
    if args.pcharge:
        print '\nCalculating charges..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nCalculating charges..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nCalculating charges..\n\n' +
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir + '/Charge_files'):
            os.mkdir(pdir + '/Charge_files')
        getcharges(molf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
    # parse wavefunction
    if args.pwfninfo:
        print '\nCalculating wavefunction properties..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nCalculating wavefunction properties..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
                '\nCalculating wavefunction properties..\n\n' +
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir + '/Wfn_files'):
            os.mkdir(pdir + '/Wfn_files')
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir + '/Cube_files'):
            os.mkdir(pdir + '/Cube_files')
        getcubes(molf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
        getwfnprops(molf, pdir, args.gui, flog)
        if not args.pgencubes and os.path.isdir(pdir + '/Cube_files'):
            shutil.rmtree(pdir + '/Cube_files')
    # generate cube files
    if args.pgencubes:
        print '\nGenerating cube files..\n\n'
        flog.write('\nGenerating cube files..\n\n')
        if args.gui:
            args.gui.iWtxt.setText('\nGenerating cube files..\n\n' +
        if not os.path.isdir(pdir + '/Cube_files'):
            os.mkdir(pdir + '/Cube_files')
        getcubes(molf, pdir, args.gui, flog)