def testSimpleInitialization(self): """Test case - Simple initialization of a data category and data block """ self.lfh.write( "\nStarting %s %s\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)) try: # fn = tempname(suffix='.cif') attributeNameList = [ 'aOne', 'aTwo', 'aThree', 'aFour', 'aFive', 'aSix', 'aSeven', 'aEight', 'aNine', 'aTen' ] rowList = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]] nameCat = 'myCategory' # # curContainer = DataContainer("myblock") aCat = DataCategory(nameCat, attributeNameList, rowList) aCat.printIt() curContainer.append(aCat) curContainer.printIt() # myContainerList = [] myContainerList.append(curContainer) ofh = open(fn, "w") pdbxW = PdbxWriter(ofh) pdbxW.write(myContainerList) ofh.close() myContainerList = [] ifh = open(fn, "r") pRd = PdbxReader(ifh) ifh.close() for container in myContainerList: for objName in container.getObjNameList(): name, aList, rList = container.getObj(objName).get() self.lfh.write("Recovered data category %s\n" % name) self.lfh.write("Attribute list %r\n" % repr(aList)) self.lfh.write("Row list %r\n" % repr(rList)) except: traceback.print_exc(file=self.lfh)
def __parser(self, tokenizer, containerList): """ Parser for PDBx data files and dictionaries. Input - tokenizer() reentrant method recognizing data item names (_category.attribute) quoted strings (single, double and multi-line semi-colon delimited), and unquoted strings. containerList - list-type container for data and definition objects parsed from from the input file. Return: containerList - is appended with data and definition objects - """ # Working container - data or definition curContainer = None # # Working category container categoryIndex = {} curCategory = None # curRow = None state = None # Find the first reserved word and begin capturing data. # while True: curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next(tokenizer) if curWord is None: continue reservedWord, state = self.__getState(curWord) if reservedWord is not None: break while True: # # Set the current state - # # At this point in the processing cycle we are expecting a token containing # either a '_category.attribute' or a reserved word. # if curCatName is not None: state = "ST_KEY_VALUE_PAIR" elif curWord is not None: reservedWord, state = self.__getState(curWord) else: self.__syntaxError("Miscellaneous syntax error") return # # Process _category.attribute value assignments # if state == "ST_KEY_VALUE_PAIR": try: curCategory = categoryIndex[curCatName] except KeyError: # A new category is encountered - create a container and add a row curCategory = categoryIndex[curCatName] = DataCategory( curCatName) try: curContainer.append(curCategory) except AttributeError: self.__syntaxError( "Category cannot be added to data_ block") return curRow = [] curCategory.append(curRow) else: # Recover the existing row from the category try: curRow = curCategory[0] except IndexError: self.__syntaxError( "Internal index error accessing category data") return # Check for duplicate attributes and add attribute to table. if curAttName in curCategory.getAttributeList(): self.__syntaxError( "Duplicate attribute encountered in category") return else: curCategory.appendAttribute(curAttName) # Get the data for this attribute from the next token tCat, tAtt, curQuotedString, curWord = next(tokenizer) if tCat is not None or (curQuotedString is None and curWord is None): self.__syntaxError("Missing data for item _%s.%s" % (curCatName, curAttName)) if curWord is not None: # # Validation check token for misplaced reserved words - # reservedWord, state = self.__getState(curWord) if reservedWord is not None: self.__syntaxError("Unexpected reserved word: %s" % (reservedWord)) curRow.append(curWord) elif curQuotedString is not None: curRow.append(curQuotedString) else: self.__syntaxError("Missing value in item-value pair") curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next( tokenizer) continue # # Process a loop_ declaration and associated data - # elif state == "ST_TABLE": # The category name in the next curCatName,curAttName pair # defines the name of the category container. curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next( tokenizer) if curCatName is None or curAttName is None: self.__syntaxError("Unexpected token in loop_ declaration") return # Check for a previous category declaration. if curCatName in categoryIndex: self.__syntaxError( "Duplicate category declaration in loop_") return curCategory = DataCategory(curCatName) try: curContainer.append(curCategory) except AttributeError: self.__syntaxError( "loop_ declaration outside of data_ block or save_ frame" ) return curCategory.appendAttribute(curAttName) # Read the rest of the loop_ declaration while True: curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next( tokenizer) if curCatName is None: break if curCatName != curCategory.getName(): self.__syntaxError( "Changed category name in loop_ declaration") return curCategory.appendAttribute(curAttName) # If the next token is a 'word', check it for any reserved words - if curWord is not None: reservedWord, state = self.__getState(curWord) if reservedWord is not None: if reservedWord == "stop": return else: self.__syntaxError( "Unexpected reserved word after loop declaration: %s" % (reservedWord)) # Read the table of data for this loop_ - while True: curRow = [] curCategory.append(curRow) for _ in curCategory.getAttributeList(): if curWord is not None: curRow.append(curWord) elif curQuotedString is not None: curRow.append(curQuotedString) curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next( tokenizer) # loop_ data processing ends if - # A new _category.attribute is encountered if curCatName is not None: break # A reserved word is encountered if curWord is not None: reservedWord, state = self.__getState(curWord) if reservedWord is not None: break continue elif state == "ST_DEFINITION": # Ignore trailing unnamed saveframe delimiters e.g. 'save_' sName = self.__getContainerName(curWord) if (len(sName) > 0): curContainer = DefinitionContainer(sName) containerList.append(curContainer) categoryIndex = {} curCategory = None curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next( tokenizer) elif state == "ST_DATA_CONTAINER": # dName = self.__getContainerName(curWord) if len(dName) == 0: dName = "unidentified" curContainer = DataContainer(dName) containerList.append(curContainer) categoryIndex = {} curCategory = None curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next( tokenizer) elif state == "ST_STOP": return elif state == "ST_GLOBAL": curContainer = DataContainer("blank-global") curContainer.setGlobal() containerList.append(curContainer) categoryIndex = {} curCategory = None curCatName, curAttName, curQuotedString, curWord = next( tokenizer) elif state == "ST_UNKNOWN": self.__syntaxError("Unrecogized syntax element: " + str(curWord)) return
def testUpdateDataFile(self): """Test case - write data file""" self.lfh.write( "\nStarting %s %s\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) ) try: # Create a initial data file -- # tmpf = tempname(suffix=".cif") myDataList = [] ofh = open(tmpf, "w") curContainer = DataContainer("myblock") aCat = DataCategory("pdbx_seqtool_mapping_ref") aCat.appendAttribute("ordinal") aCat.appendAttribute("entity_id") aCat.appendAttribute("auth_mon_id") aCat.appendAttribute("auth_mon_num") aCat.appendAttribute("pdb_chain_id") aCat.appendAttribute("ref_mon_id") aCat.appendAttribute("ref_mon_num") aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) curContainer.append(aCat) myDataList.append(curContainer) pdbxW = PdbxWriter(ofh) pdbxW.write(myDataList) ofh.close() # # Read and update the data - # myDataList = [] ifh = open(tmpf, "r") pRd = PdbxReader(ifh) ifh.close() # myBlock = myDataList[0] myBlock.printIt() myCat = myBlock.getObj("pdbx_seqtool_mapping_ref") myCat.printIt() for iRow in range(0, myCat.getRowCount()): myCat.setValue("some value", "ref_mon_id", iRow) myCat.setValue(100, "ref_mon_num", iRow) ofh = open(tempname(suffix=".cif"), "w") pdbxW = PdbxWriter(ofh) pdbxW.write(myDataList) ofh.close() except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
def testWriteDataFile(self): """Test case - write data file""" self.lfh.write( "\nStarting %s %s\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) ) try: # myDataList = [] ofh = open(tempname(suffix=".cif"), "w") curContainer = DataContainer("myblock") aCat = DataCategory("pdbx_seqtool_mapping_ref") aCat.appendAttribute("ordinal") aCat.appendAttribute("entity_id") aCat.appendAttribute("auth_mon_id") aCat.appendAttribute("auth_mon_num") aCat.appendAttribute("pdb_chain_id") aCat.appendAttribute("ref_mon_id") aCat.appendAttribute("ref_mon_num") aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) aCat.append((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) curContainer.append(aCat) myDataList.append(curContainer) pdbxW = PdbxWriter(ofh) pdbxW.write(myDataList) ofh.close() except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
def testUpdateDataFile(self): """Test case - update data file """ self.lfh.write( "\nStarting %s %s\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)) try: # Create a initial data file -- # myDataList = [] curContainer = DataContainer("myblock") aCat = DataCategory("pdbx_seqtool_mapping_ref") aCat.appendAttribute("ordinal") aCat.appendAttribute("entity_id") aCat.appendAttribute("auth_mon_id") aCat.appendAttribute("auth_mon_num") aCat.appendAttribute("pdb_chain_id") aCat.appendAttribute("ref_mon_id") aCat.appendAttribute("ref_mon_num") aCat.append([9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) aCat.append([10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) aCat.append([11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) aCat.append([12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) #self.lfh.write("Assigned data category state-----------------\n") #aCat.dumpIt(fh=self.lfh) tmpf = tempname(suffix='.cif') curContainer.append(aCat) myDataList.append(curContainer) ofh = open(tmpf, "w") pdbxW = PdbxWriter(ofh) pdbxW.write(myDataList) ofh.close() # # # Read and update the data - # myDataList = [] ifh = open(tmpf, "r") pRd = PdbxReader(ifh) ifh.close() # myBlock = myDataList[0] myBlock.printIt() myCat = myBlock.getObj('pdbx_seqtool_mapping_ref') myCat.printIt() for iRow in range(0, myCat.getRowCount()): myCat.setValue('some value', 'ref_mon_id', iRow) myCat.setValue(100, 'ref_mon_num', iRow) ofh = open(tempname(suffix='.cif'), "w") pdbxW = PdbxWriter(ofh) pdbxW.write(myDataList) ofh.close() # except: traceback.print_exc(file=self.lfh)