def get_covalent_chains(molecular_system, chain=None, selection='all', syntaxis='MolSysMT', check=True): if check: from import is_molecular_system if not is_molecular_system(molecular_system): raise MolecularSystemNeededError() from molsysmt.topology.get_bondgraph import get_bondgraph if selection is 'all': mask = None else: mask = select(molecular_system, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) chain_atom_indices = [] for sel_in_chain in chain: atom_indices = select(molecular_system, selection=sel_in_chain, mask=mask) chain_atom_indices.append(atom_indices) atom_indices = np.sort(np.unique(np.concatenate(chain_atom_indices))) graph = get_bondgraph(molecular_system, selection=atom_indices, nodes_name='atom_index', check=False) n_slaves = len(chain_atom_indices) output = [[ii] for ii in chain_atom_indices[0]] for slave_index in range(n_slaves): chain_atom_indices[slave_index] = set(chain_atom_indices[slave_index]) for slave_index in range(1, n_slaves): slave_preindex = slave_index - 1 tmp_output = output.copy() output = [] for chain in tmp_output: for ii in graph.neighbors(chain[slave_preindex]): if ii in chain_atom_indices[slave_index]: new_chain = chain.copy() new_chain.append(ii) output.append(new_chain) del (graph) return np.array(output, dtype=int)
def get_bondgraph(molecular_system, nodes_name='atom_index', selection='all', syntaxis='MolSysMT', to_form='networkx.Graph', check=True): # tengo que incluir la forma NetworkX para convertir. # en el caso de convert, lo que obtengo es una red con el nombre de los nodos dado por la # con el indice de atomo empezando por cero (todavía no lo he decidido) # el caso de este método es que nos da un grafo con los nodos nombrados según # nodes_name en ['atom_index', 'short_string', 'long_string'] if check: from import is_molecular_system if not is_molecular_system(molecular_system): raise MolecularSystemNeededError() tmp_molecular_system = None to_form = digest_to_form(to_form) if to_form == 'networkx.Graph': G = Graph() if nodes_name is 'atom_index': atom_indices, bonded_atoms = get(molecular_system, target='atom', selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, atom_index=True, inner_bonded_atoms=True, check=False) G.add_nodes_from(atom_indices) G.add_edges_from(bonded_atoms) else: raise NotImplementedError tmp_molecular_system = G else: raise NotImplementedError return tmp_molecular_system
def get_dihedral_angles(molecular_system, dihedral_angle=None, selection='all', quartets=None, structure_indices='all', syntaxis='MolSysMT', pbc=False, check=True): if check: from import is_molecular_system if not is_molecular_system(molecular_system): raise MolecularSystemNeededError() structure_indices = digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) if quartets is None: quartets = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets( molecular_system, dihedral_angle=dihedral_angle, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis) elif type(quartets) in [list, tuple]: quartets = np.array(quartets, dtype=int) elif type(quartets) is np.ndarray: pass else: raise ValueError shape = quartets.shape if len(shape) == 1: if shape[0] == 4: quartets = quartets.reshape([1, 4]) else: raise ValueError elif len(shape) == 2: if shape[1] != 4: raise ValueError else: raise ValueError coordinates = get(molecular_system, target='system', structure_indices=structure_indices, coordinates=True) n_angles = quartets.shape[0] n_structures = coordinates.shape[0] n_atoms = coordinates.shape[1] if pbc: box, box_shape = get(molecular_system, target='system', structure_indices=structure_indices, box=True, box_shape=True) if box_shape is None: raise ValueError( "The system has no PBC box. The input argument 'pbc' can not be True." ) orthogonal = 0 if box_shape is None: orthogonal = 1 elif box_shape == 'cubic': orthogonal = 1 else: orthogonal = 1 box = np.zeros([n_structures, 3, 3]) * puw.unit('nm') box = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(box, to_unit='nm'), dtype='float64') coordinates = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(coordinates, to_unit='nm'), dtype='float64') angles = libgeometry.dihedral_angles(coordinates, box, orthogonal, int(pbc), quartets, n_angles, n_atoms, n_structures) angles = np.ascontiguousarray(angles) * puw.unit('degrees') return angles
def set_dihedral_angles(molecular_system, quartets=None, angles=None, blocks=None, structure_indices='all', pbc=True, in_place=False, engine='MolSysMT', check=True): if check: from import is_molecular_system if not is_molecular_system(molecular_system): raise MolecularSystemNeededError() from molsysmt.topology.get_covalent_blocks import get_covalent_blocks structure_indices = digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) if type(quartets) in [list, tuple]: quartets = np.array(quartets, dtype=int) elif type(quartets) is np.ndarray: pass else: raise ValueError shape = quartets.shape if len(shape) == 1: if shape[0] == 4: quartets = quartets.reshape([1, 4]) else: raise ValueError elif len(shape) == 2: if shape[1] != 4: raise ValueError else: raise ValueError n_atoms = get(molecular_system, target='system', n_atoms=True, check=False) n_quartets = quartets.shape[0] n_structures = get(molecular_system, target='system', structure_indices=structure_indices, n_structures=True, check=False) angles_units = puw.get_unit(angles) angles_value = puw.get_value(angles) if type(angles_value) in [float]: if (n_quartets == 1 and n_structures == 1): angles_value = np.array([[angles_value]], dtype=float) else: raise ValueError( "angles do not match the number of frames and quartets") elif type(angles_value) in [list, tuple]: angles_value = np.array(angles_value, dtype=float) elif type(angles_value) is np.ndarray: pass else: raise ValueError shape = angles_value.shape if len(shape) == 1: angles_value = angles_value.reshape([n_structures, n_quartets]) angles = angles_value * angles_units if engine == 'MolSysMT': if blocks is None: blocks = [] for quartet in quartets: tmp_blocks = get_covalent_blocks( molecular_system, remove_bonds=[quartet[1], quartet[2]], check=False) blocks.append(tmp_blocks) coordinates = get(molecular_system, target='system', structure_indices=structure_indices, coordinates=True, check=False) if pbc: box, box_shape = get(molecular_system, target='system', structure_indices=structure_indices, box=True, box_shape=True, check=False) if box_shape is None: raise ValueError( "The system has no PBC box. The input argument 'pbc' can not be True." ) orthogonal = 0 if box_shape is None: orthogonal = 1 elif box_shape == 'cubic': orthogonal = 1 else: orthogonal = 1 box = np.zeros([n_structures, 3, 3]) * puw.unit('nm') length_units = puw.unit(coordinates) box = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(box, to_unit=length_units), dtype='float64') coordinates = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(coordinates), dtype='float64') angles = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(angles), dtype='float64') aux_blocks = [] aux_atoms_per_block = [] for block in blocks: aux_atoms_per_block.append(len(block[1])) aux_blocks.append(list(block[1])) aux_blocks = np.ravel(aux_blocks) aux_atoms_per_block = np.array(aux_atoms_per_block, dtype=int) libgeometry.set_dihedral_angles(coordinates, box, orthogonal, int(pbc), quartets, angles, aux_blocks, aux_atoms_per_block, n_quartets, n_atoms, n_structures, aux_blocks.shape[0]) coordinates = np.ascontiguousarray(coordinates) * length_units if in_place: return set(molecular_system, target='system', coordinates=coordinates, structure_indices=structure_indices, check=False) else: tmp_molecular_system = copy(molecular_system, check=False) set(tmp_molecular_system, target='system', coordinates=coordinates, structure_indices=structure_indices, check=False) return tmp_molecular_system else: raise NotImplementedError
def get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle=None, with_blocks=False, selection='all', syntaxis='MolSysMT', check=True): if check: from import is_molecular_system if not is_molecular_system(molecular_system): raise MolecularSystemNeededError() from molsysmt.topology.get_covalent_blocks import get_covalent_blocks from molsysmt.topology.get_covalent_chains import get_covalent_chains if dihedral_angle is not None: if dihedral_angle == 'phi': chain = [ 'atom_name=="C"', 'atom_name=="N"', 'atom_name=="CA"', 'atom_name=="C"' ] elif dihedral_angle == 'psi': chain = [ 'atom_name=="N"', 'atom_name=="CA"', 'atom_name=="C"', 'atom_name=="N"' ] elif dihedral_angle == 'omega': chain = [ 'atom_name==["CA","CH3"]', 'atom_name=="C"', 'atom_name=="N"', 'atom_name==["CA","CH3"]' ] elif dihedral_angle == 'chi1': chain = [ 'atom_name=="N"', 'atom_name=="CA"', 'atom_name=="CB"', 'atom_name==["CG","CG1","OG","OG1","SG"]' ] # flexible but PRO elif dihedral_angle == 'chi2': chain = [ 'atom_name=="CA"', 'atom_name=="CB"', 'atom_name==["CG","CG1"]', 'atom_name==["CD","CD1","SD","OD1","ND1"]' ] # flexible but PRO elif dihedral_angle == 'chi3': chain = [ 'atom_name=="CB"', 'atom_name=="CG"', 'atom_name==["CD","SD"]', 'atom_name==["NE","OE1","CE"]' ] elif dihedral_angle == 'chi4': chain = [ 'atom_name=="CG"', 'atom_name=="CD"', 'atom_name==["NE","CE"]', 'atom_name==["CZ","NZ"]' ] elif dihedral_angle == 'chi5': chain = [ 'atom_name=="CD"', 'atom_name=="NE"', 'atom_name=="CZ"', 'atom_name=="NH1"' ] elif dihedral_angle == 'phi-psi': tmp_phi = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='phi', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_psi = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='psi', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) if not with_blocks: tmp_angs = [ii for ii in [tmp_phi, tmp_psi] if ii.shape[0] > 0] tmp_angs = np.vstack(tmp_angs) return tmp_angs else: tmp_angs = [ ii for ii in [tmp_phi[0], tmp_psi[0]] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_angs = np.vstack(tmp_angs) tmp_blocks = [ ii for ii in [tmp_phi[1], tmp_psi[1]] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_blocks = np.vstack(tmp_blocks) return tmp_angs, tmp_blocks elif dihedral_angle == 'phi-psi-omega': tmp_phi = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='phi', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_psi = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='psi', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_omega = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='omega', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) if not with_blocks: tmp_angs = [ ii for ii in [tmp_phi, tmp_psi, tmp_omega] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_angs = np.vstack(tmp_angs) return tmp_angs else: tmp_angs = [ ii for ii in [tmp_phi[0], tmp_psi[0], tmp_omega[0]] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_angs = np.vstack(tmp_angs) tmp_blocks = [ ii for ii in [tmp_phi[1], tmp_psi[1], tmp_omega[1]] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_blocks = np.vstack(tmp_blocks) return tmp_angs, tmp_blocks elif dihedral_angle == 'all': tmp_phi = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='phi', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_psi = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='psi', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_omega = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='omega', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_chi1 = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='chi1', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_chi2 = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='chi2', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_chi3 = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='chi3', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_chi4 = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='chi4', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) tmp_chi5 = get_covalent_dihedral_quartets(molecular_system, dihedral_angle='chi5', with_blocks=with_blocks, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) if not with_blocks: tmp_angs = [ ii for ii in [ tmp_phi, tmp_psi, tmp_omega, tmp_chi1, tmp_chi2, tmp_chi3, tmp_chi4, tmp_chi5 ] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_angs = np.vstack(tmp_angs) return tmp_angs else: tmp_angs = [ ii for ii in [ tmp_phi[0], tmp_psi[0], tmp_omega[0], tmp_chi1[0], tmp_chi2[0], tmp_chi3[0], tmp_chi4[0], tmp_chi5[0] ] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_angs = np.vstack(tmp_angs) tmp_blocks = [ ii for ii in [ tmp_phi[1], tmp_psi[1], tmp_omega[1], tmp_chi1[1], tmp_chi2[1], tmp_chi3[1], tmp_chi4[1], tmp_chi5[1] ] if ii.shape[0] > 0 ] tmp_blocks = np.vstack(tmp_blocks) return tmp_angs, tmp_blocks else: raise ValueError quartets = get_covalent_chains(molecular_system, chain=chain, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, check=False) if with_blocks: n_quartets = quartets.shape[0] blocks = [] for quartet_index in range(n_quartets): quartet = quartets[quartet_index] component_index = get(molecular_system, target='atom', indices=quartet[1], component_index=True, check=False)[0] component_atom_indices = get(molecular_system, target='component', indices=component_index, atom_index=True, check=False)[0] tmp_blocks = get_covalent_blocks( molecular_system, remove_bonds=[quartet[1], quartet[2]], output_form='sets', check=False) blocks_in_component = [] for block in tmp_blocks: if block.issubset(component_atom_indices): blocks_in_component.append(block) blocks.append(blocks_in_component) return quartets, np.array(blocks) else: return quartets