def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, in_chns: int, cat_chns: int, out_chns: int, act: Union[str, tuple], norm: Union[str, tuple], bias: bool, dropout: Union[float, tuple] = 0.0, upsample: str = "deconv", pre_conv: Optional[Union[nn.Module, str]] = "default", interp_mode: str = "linear", align_corners: Optional[bool] = True, halves: bool = True, dim: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions. in_chns: number of input channels to be upsampled. cat_chns: number of channels from the decoder. out_chns: number of output channels. act: activation type and arguments. norm: feature normalization type and arguments. bias: whether to have a bias term in convolution blocks. dropout: dropout ratio. Defaults to no dropout. upsample: upsampling mode, available options are ``"deconv"``, ``"pixelshuffle"``, ``"nontrainable"``. pre_conv: a conv block applied before upsampling. Only used in the "nontrainable" or "pixelshuffle" mode. interp_mode: {``"nearest"``, ``"linear"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"bicubic"``, ``"trilinear"``} Only used in the "nontrainable" mode. align_corners: set the align_corners parameter for upsample. Defaults to True. Only used in the "nontrainable" mode. halves: whether to halve the number of channels during upsampling. This parameter does not work on ``nontrainable`` mode if ``pre_conv`` is `None`. .. deprecated:: 0.6.0 ``dim`` is deprecated, use ``spatial_dims`` instead. """ super().__init__() if dim is not None: spatial_dims = dim if upsample == "nontrainable" and pre_conv is None: up_chns = in_chns else: up_chns = in_chns // 2 if halves else in_chns self.upsample = UpSample( spatial_dims, in_chns, up_chns, 2, mode=upsample, pre_conv=pre_conv, interp_mode=interp_mode, align_corners=align_corners, ) self.convs = TwoConv(spatial_dims, cat_chns + up_chns, out_chns, act, norm, bias, dropout)
def __init__( self, dim: int, in_chns: int, cat_chns: int, out_chns: int, act: Union[str, tuple], norm: Union[str, tuple], dropout: Union[float, tuple] = 0.0, upsample: str = "deconv", halves: bool = True, ): """ Args: dim: number of spatial dimensions. in_chns: number of input channels to be upsampled. cat_chns: number of channels from the decoder. out_chns: number of output channels. act: activation type and arguments. norm: feature normalization type and arguments. dropout: dropout ratio. Defaults to no dropout. upsample: upsampling mode, available options are ``"deconv"``, ``"pixelshuffle"``, ``"nontrainable"``. halves: whether to halve the number of channels during upsampling. """ super().__init__() up_chns = in_chns // 2 if halves else in_chns self.upsample = UpSample(dim, in_chns, up_chns, 2, mode=upsample) self.convs = TwoConv(dim, cat_chns + up_chns, out_chns, act, norm, dropout)
def __init__(self, in_channels1, in_channels2, out_channels, bilinear=True, dropout_p=0.5, spatial_dims: int = 2): super().__init__() self.up = UpSample(spatial_dims, in_channels1, in_channels2, scale_factor=2, with_conv=not bilinear) self.conv = ConvBNActBlock(in_channels2 * 2, out_channels, dropout_p, spatial_dims=spatial_dims)
def __init__( self, dim: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: int = 3, act: Optional[Union[Tuple, str]] = None, scale_factor: float = 1.0, ): """ Segmentation head. This class refers to `segmentation_models.pytorch <>`_. Args: dim: number of spatial dimensions. in_channels: number of input channels for the block. out_channels: number of output channels for the block. kernel_size: kernel size for the conv layer. act: activation type and arguments. scale_factor: multiplier for spatial size. Has to match input size if it is a tuple. """ conv_layer = Conv[Conv.CONV, dim]( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=kernel_size // 2, ) up_layer: nn.Module = nn.Identity() if scale_factor > 1.0: up_layer = UpSample( spatial_dims=dim, scale_factor=scale_factor, mode="nontrainable", pre_conv=None, interp_mode=InterpolateMode.LINEAR, ) if act is not None: act_layer = get_act_layer(act) else: act_layer = nn.Identity() super().__init__(conv_layer, up_layer, act_layer)
def test_shape(self, input_param, input_shape, expected_shape): net = UpSample(**input_param) with eval_mode(net): result = net(torch.randn(input_shape)) self.assertEqual(result.shape, expected_shape)
def __init__( self, mode: Mode = Mode.FAST, in_channels: int = 3, out_classes: int = 0, act: Union[str, tuple] = ("relu", { "inplace": True }), norm: Union[str, tuple] = "batch", dropout_prob: float = 0.0, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.mode: int = self._mode_to_int(mode) if mode not in [self.Mode.ORIGINAL, self.Mode.FAST]: raise ValueError( "Input size should be 270 x 270 when using Mode.ORIGINAL") if out_classes > 128: raise ValueError( "Number of nuclear types classes exceeds maximum (128)") elif out_classes == 1: raise ValueError( "Number of nuclear type classes should either be None or >1") if dropout_prob > 1 or dropout_prob < 0: raise ValueError("Dropout can only be in the range 0.0 to 1.0") # number of filters in the first convolution layer. _init_features: int = 64 # number of layers in each pooling block. _block_config: Sequence[int] = (3, 4, 6, 3) if mode == self.Mode.FAST: _ksize = 3 _pad = 3 else: _ksize = 5 _pad = 0 conv_type: Type[nn.Conv2d] = Conv[Conv.CONV, 2] self.input_features = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([ ( "conv0", conv_type(in_channels, _init_features, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=_pad, bias=False), ), ("norm0", get_norm_layer(name=norm, spatial_dims=2, channels=_init_features)), ("relu0", get_act_layer(name=act)), ])) _in_channels = _init_features _out_channels = 256 _num_features = _init_features self.res_blocks = nn.Sequential() for i, num_layers in enumerate(_block_config): block = _ResidualBlock( layers=num_layers, num_features=_num_features, in_channels=_in_channels, out_channels=_out_channels, dropout_prob=dropout_prob, act=act, norm=norm, ) self.res_blocks.add_module(f"residualblock{i + 1}", block) _in_channels = _out_channels _out_channels *= 2 _num_features *= 2 # bottleneck convolution self.bottleneck = nn.Sequential() self.bottleneck.add_module( "conv_bottleneck", conv_type(_in_channels, _num_features, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=False)) self.upsample = UpSample(2, scale_factor=2, mode=UpsampleMode.NONTRAINABLE, interp_mode=InterpolateMode.BILINEAR, bias=False) # decode branches self.nucleus_prediction = _DecoderBranch(kernel_size=_ksize) self.horizontal_vertical = _DecoderBranch(kernel_size=_ksize) self.type_prediction: _DecoderBranch = None # type: ignore if out_classes > 0: self.type_prediction = _DecoderBranch(out_channels=out_classes, kernel_size=_ksize) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, conv_type): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(torch.as_tensor(m.weight)) elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d): nn.init.constant_(torch.as_tensor(m.weight), 1) nn.init.constant_(torch.as_tensor(m.bias), 0)
def __init__( self, decode_config: Sequence[int] = (8, 4), act: Union[str, tuple] = ("relu", { "inplace": True }), norm: Union[str, tuple] = "batch", dropout_prob: float = 0.0, out_channels: int = 2, kernel_size: int = 3, ) -> None: """ Args: decode_config: number of layers for each block. act: activation type and arguments. Defaults to relu. norm: feature normalization type and arguments. Defaults to batch norm. dropout_prob: dropout rate after each dense layer. num_features: number of internal features used. out_channels: number of the output channel. kernel_size: size of the kernel for >1 convolutions (dependent on mode) """ super().__init__() conv_type: Callable = Conv[Conv.CONV, 2] # decode branches _in_channels = 1024 _num_features = 128 _out_channels = 32 self.decoder_blocks = nn.Sequential() for i, num_layers in enumerate(decode_config): block = _DecoderBlock( layers=num_layers, num_features=_num_features, in_channels=_in_channels, out_channels=_out_channels, dropout_prob=dropout_prob, act=act, norm=norm, kernel_size=kernel_size, ) self.decoder_blocks.add_module(f"decoderblock{i + 1}", block) _in_channels = 512 # output layers self.output_features = nn.Sequential() _i = len(decode_config) _pad_size = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 _seq_block = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([("conva", conv_type(256, 64, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=1, bias=False, padding=_pad_size))])) self.output_features.add_module(f"decoderblock{_i + 1}", _seq_block) _seq_block = nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([ ("norm", get_norm_layer(name=norm, spatial_dims=2, channels=64)), ("relu", get_act_layer(name=act)), ("conv", conv_type(64, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1)), ])) self.output_features.add_module(f"decoderblock{_i + 2}", _seq_block) self.upsample = UpSample(2, scale_factor=2, mode=UpsampleMode.NONTRAINABLE, interp_mode=InterpolateMode.BILINEAR, bias=False)
def test_shape(self, input_param, input_data, expected_shape): net = UpSample(**input_param) net.eval() with torch.no_grad(): result = net(input_data) self.assertEqual(result.shape, expected_shape)
def __init__(self, spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, n_feat: int = 32, depth: int = 4): """ A UNet-like architecture for model parallelism. Args: spatial_dims: number of input spatial dimensions, 2 for (B, in_channels, H, W), 3 for (B, in_channels, H, W, D). in_channels: number of input channels. out_channels: number of output channels. n_feat: number of features in the first convolution. depth: number of downsampling stages. """ super(UNetPipe, self).__init__() n_enc_filter: List[int] = [n_feat] for i in range(1, depth + 1): n_enc_filter.append(min(n_enc_filter[-1] * 2, 1024)) namespaces = [Namespace() for _ in range(depth)] # construct the encoder encoder_layers: List[nn.Module] = [] init_conv = Convolution( spatial_dims, in_channels, n_enc_filter[0], strides=2, act=Act.LEAKYRELU, norm=Norm.BATCH, bias=False, ) encoder_layers.append( nn.Sequential( OrderedDict([( "Conv", init_conv, ), ("skip", Stash().isolate(namespaces[0]))]))) for i in range(1, depth + 1): down_conv = DoubleConv(spatial_dims, n_enc_filter[i - 1], n_enc_filter[i]) if i == depth: layer_dict = OrderedDict([("Down", down_conv)]) else: layer_dict = OrderedDict([("Down", down_conv), ("skip", Stash().isolate(namespaces[i]))]) encoder_layers.append(nn.Sequential(layer_dict)) encoder = nn.Sequential(*encoder_layers) # construct the decoder decoder_layers: List[nn.Module] = [] for i in reversed(range(1, depth + 1)): in_ch, out_ch = n_enc_filter[i], n_enc_filter[i - 1] layer_dict = OrderedDict([ ("Up", UpSample(spatial_dims, in_ch, out_ch, 2, True)), ("skip", PopCat().isolate(namespaces[i - 1])), ("Conv1x1x1", Conv[Conv.CONV, spatial_dims](out_ch * 2, in_ch, kernel_size=1)), ("Conv", DoubleConv(spatial_dims, in_ch, out_ch, stride=1, conv_only=True)), ]) decoder_layers.append(nn.Sequential(layer_dict)) in_ch = min(n_enc_filter[0] // 2, 32) layer_dict = OrderedDict([ ("Up", UpSample(spatial_dims, n_feat, in_ch, 2, True)), ("RELU", Act[Act.LEAKYRELU](inplace=False)), ( "out", Conv[Conv.CONV, spatial_dims](in_ch, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1), ), ]) decoder_layers.append(nn.Sequential(layer_dict)) decoder = nn.Sequential(*decoder_layers) # making a sequential model self.add_module("encoder", encoder) self.add_module("decoder", decoder) for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, Conv[Conv.CONV, spatial_dims]): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight) elif isinstance(m, Norm[Norm.BATCH, spatial_dims]): nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) elif isinstance(m, Conv[Conv.CONVTRANS, spatial_dims]): nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight)